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synced 2024-08-16 16:09:49 +02:00
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Get it directly from Ansible Galaxy
$ ansible-galaxy install do1jlr.dotfiles
Function of this role
Ansible role to deploy some dotfiles which may be useful
Affected files:
(and optionally some more, if enabled)
our variables:
# enable basic version check for this role
# set it to true to use it (recomended)
submodules_versioncheck: false
# for some ansible features we need the python selinux package at fedora
# disable it, if you don't want it
dotfiles__install_python_selinux: true
# modify bashrc
dotfiles__modify_bashrc: true
# list of aliases used in bashrc
- { alias: "ls", command: "ls ", color: True }
- { alias: "grep", command: "grep", color: True }
- { alias: "ll", command: "ls -alF", color: False }
- { alias: "la", command: "ls -A", color: False }
- { alias: "l", command: "ls -CF", color: False }
- { alias: "lz", command: "ls -Z", color: False }
- { alias: "EDITOR", command: "/usr/bin/vim", color: False }
- { alias: "VISUAL", command: "/usr/bin/gedit", color: False }
- { alias: "gitsubpull", command: "git submodule foreach '(git checkout \\$(git symbolic-ref --short refs/remotes/origin/HEAD | sed 's@^origin/@@'); git pull)'", color: False }
- { alias: "pwgen", command: "/usr/bin/pwgen --num-passwords=3000 --numerals --capitalize --secure --no-vowels --ambiguous --symbols 95 1", color: false }
# enable bash completion
dotfiles__bash_completion_enabled: true
# fancy promt
dotfiles__user_prompt: '\[\033[01;33m\] $(printf "\xE2\x9D\xA4") \[\033[01;32m\]\u\[\033[01;36m\]@\[\033[01;32m\]\H\[\033[01;34m\] <\A> \[\033[01;35m\] \j \[\033[01;36m\] \w \[\033[01;33m\]\n\[\033[01;33m\] $(git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -n "s/* \(.*\)/\1 /p")$\[\033[01;00m\] '
dotfiles__root_prompt: '\[\033[01;31m\] $(printf "\xE2\x9D\xA4") \[\033[01;32m\]\u\[\033[01;36m\]@\[\033[01;32m\]\H\[\033[01;34m\] <\A> \[\033[01;35m\] \j \[\033[01;36m\] \w \[\033[01;33m\]\n\[\033[01;33m\] $(git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -n "s/* \(.*\)/\1 /p")$\[\033[01;00m\] '
# modify bash history
dotfiles__history_control: 'ignoreboth'
dotfiles__history_size: '-1'
dotfiles__history_file_size: '-1'
# optional additional entries to /etc/bash.bashrc
dotfiles__additional_bashrc_lines: []
# - eval `foo`
# - tmux new-session
# optional additional entries to ~/.bashrc
dotfiles__additional_user_bashrc_lines: []
# - eval $(keychain --eval --quiet id_ed25519)
# optionally allow custom bashrc for root
dotfiles__allow_own_root_bashrc: false
# otional custom commands
Please have a look into defaults/main.yml
for more configuration options!
This role is tested with these github-action tests for different versions of differen linux systems. Linting is tested via travis-ci and the ansible-lint action. If you want to find out more about our tests, please have a look at the github marketplace.