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Ansible Collection l3d.users

Ansible collection for managing users, groups, SSH keys and more.

There are several ansible roles in this collection. Together they can set up a Unix system with proper users, groups and, if needed, superpowers. The user can be given SSH keys or a password. It is also possible to restrict login via SSH to the defined users. And it is also possible to delete users.

Ansible Roles:

Please note, it is pretty useless to add an ssh key to an non-existing user directory. So please add users first before running other roles

Using this Collection

You can install the collection using ansible-galaxy by running:

ansible-galaxy collection install l3d.users:1.1.3

Remember you can to Upgrade to the latest version of the l3d.git collection using the --upgrade parameter:

ansible-galaxy collection install l3d.users --upgrade

Or you could clone this collection in your local ansible project for example to collections/ansible_collections/l3d/users/.

# Clone git Repo to specified path
git clone https://github.com/roles-ansible/ansible_collection_users.git collections/ansible_collections/l3d/users/

# change directory
cd collections/ansible_collections/l3d/users/

# optionally install all requirements
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml --upgrade

You can also list a collection in requirements.yml:

  - name: l3d.users
    version: ">=1.1.3"

Global Variables:

User Management

  • The dictionary-variable for your group_vars to set your general users and admins is l3d_users__default_users.
  • The dictionary-variable for your host_vars to set your host-specific users and admins is: l3d_users__local_users. The Option of these directory-variables are the following.
option values required description
name string required The user you want to create
comment Full Name - Optionally add Full Name
state present - Create or delete user
shell /bin/bash - The Shell of the User
create_home true - create a user home (needed to store ssh keys)
home string - Optionally set the user's home directory
admin false - enable it to give the user superpowers
admin_commands string or list - Commands that are allows to be run as admin, eg. 'ALL' or specific script
admin_nopassword false - Need no Password for sudo
admin_ansible_login true - if admin: true and l3d_users__create_ansible: true your ssh keys will be added to ansible user
admin_root_login true - if admin: true and l3d_users__set_root_ssh_keys: true your ssh keys will be added to root
pubkeys string or lookup - see examples
exclusive_pubkeys true - delete all undefined ssh keys
password password hash - See official FAQ
bashrc list - adding additional content to l3d.users.dotfiles to .bashrc
groups list - Additional groups for your user
remove false - completly remove user if state: absent

There is also the l3d_users__ssh_login variable which only supports name and state. It can be used to whitelist users to the sshd config.

Other variables

name default value description
l3d_users__create_ansible true Create User ansible
l3d_users__ansible_user_state present Create or delete user ansible
l3d_users__set_ansible_ssh_keys false Set SSH Keys for User ansible
l3d_users__ansible_ssh_keys see roles/user/defaults/main.yml SSH public Keys for ansible user. One per line or as lookup
l3d_users__set_root_ssh_keys false Set SSH Keys for root User
l3d_users__root_ssh_keys Additional SSH Keys for root User
l3d_users__ansible_user_password Set optional Password for Ansible User, see official FAQ
l3d_users__ansible_user_command ALL Commans with superpower for ansible user
l3d_users__ansible_user_nopassword true Allow superpowers without password for ansible user
l3d_users__limit_login true Only allow SSH login for specified users
l3d_users__sshd_port 22 Port for SSH
l3d_users__sshd_password_authentication false Allow login with Password
l3d_users__sshd_permitrootlogin false Allow login as root
l3d_users__sshd_manage_server_key_types true Manage Server SSH Key types
l3d_users__sshd_server_key_types ['ed25519'] List of supported SSH Key Types
l3d_users__sshd_manage_key_algorithmus true Manage SSH Key Algorythmins
l3d_users__sshd_key_algorithmus ['ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com', 'ssh-ed25519', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521-cert-v01@openssh.com', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384-cert-v01@openssh.com', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com'] Used SSH Key Algorithms
l3d_users__sshd_manage_kex_algorithmus true Manage SSH Kex Algorythms
l3d_users__sshd_kex_algorithmus ['curve25519-sha256@libssh.org', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1'] Used Kex Algorythms
l3d_users__sshd_manage_ciphers true Manage SSH Ciphers
l3d_users__sshd_ciphers ['chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com', 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com', 'aes256-ctr'] Used SSH Ciphers
l3d_users__sshd_manage_macs true Manage Used MACs
l3d_users__sshd_macs ['hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com', 'hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com', 'hmac-sha2-512'] Used MACs
l3d_users__sshd_xforwarding true Enable X-Forwarding
l3d_users__bashrc true Configure bashrc
l3d_users__root_bashrc true Set bashrc for root
l3d_users__dotfiles__bash_completion_enabled true Enable bash completion
l3d_users__dotfiles__aliases see roles/dotfiles/defaults/main.yml A predefined list of usefull aliases for your bash config
l3d_users__dotfiles__variables see defaults/main.yml A predefined list of usefull variables for your bash config
l3d_users__dotfiles__additional_user_bashrc_lines [] variable for additional bashrc lines
l3d_users__bashrc_path $HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:$HOME/.cargo/env:$PATH bashrc $PATH
l3d_users__dotfiles__user_prompt see roles/dotfiles/defaults/main.yml PS1 prompt for users
l3d_users__dotfiles__root_prompt see roles/dotfiles/defaults/main.yml PS1 prompt for root
l3d_users__dotfiles__history_control ignoreboth bashrc history control
l3d_users__dotfiles__history_size -1 bashrc history size
l3d_users__dotfiles__history_file_size -1 bashrc history filesize
l3d_users__vimrc true Create vim config
l3d_users__vim_colorscheme elflord Configure vim colorscheme
l3d_users__tmuxcfg true Create Tmux Config
submodules_versioncheck false Optionaly enable simple versionscheck of this role
submodules_versioncheck false Optionaly enable simple versionscheck of this role


  • See requirements.yml
  • Installation:
ansible-galaxy collection install --requirements-file requirements.yml --upgrade