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3.7968,-2.015625 1.875,-5.484375 h 3.3985 v 5.765625 h 7.3828 v 4.171875 h -7.3828 v 13.875 c 0,1.32813 0.332,2.30859 0.9961,2.94141 0.664,0.63281 1.5351,0.94922 2.6132,0.94922 z m 32.0157,3.98437 h -5.5313 v -15.9375 c 0,-2.00001 -0.4023,-3.492183 -1.207,-4.476563 -0.8047,-0.984379 -2.082,-1.476562 -3.832,-1.476562 -2.3126,0 -4.0118,0.691399 -5.0977,2.074219 -1.0859,1.382819 -1.6289,3.699202 -1.6289,6.949216 v 12.86719 H 1082.49 V 6.153814 h 5.5078 v 9.257812 c 0,1.484383 -0.094,3.070305 -0.2813,4.757813 h 0.3516 c 0.75,-1.250006 1.793,-2.218747 3.1289,-2.90625 1.336,-0.687503 2.8945,-1.03125 4.6758,-1.03125 6.2813,0 9.4219,3.164031 9.4219,9.492187 z m 30.6562,-13.00781 c 0,4.23439 -1.0859,7.53905 -3.2578,9.91406 -2.1719,2.37501 -5.1953,3.5625 -9.0703,3.5625 -2.4219,0 -4.5625,-0.54687 -6.4219,-1.64062 -1.8594,-1.09376 -3.289,-2.66406 -4.289,-4.71094 -1.0001,-2.04689 -1.5,-4.42186 -1.5,-7.125 0,-4.203149 1.0781,-7.484366 3.2343,-9.843753 2.1563,-2.359386 5.1953,-3.539062 9.1172,-3.539062 3.75,0 6.7188,1.207019 8.9063,3.621094 2.1875,2.414074 3.2812,5.667948 3.2812,9.761721 z m -18.8672,0 c 0,5.9844 2.2109,8.97656 6.6328,8.97656 4.3751,0 6.5625,-2.99216 6.5625,-8.97656 0,-5.921907 -2.2031,-8.882815 -6.6093,-8.882815 -2.3125,0 -3.9883,0.765617 -5.0274,2.296875 -1.039,1.531258 -1.5586,3.72655 -1.5586,6.58594 z m 48,13.00781 h -5.5312 v -15.9375 c 0,-2.00001 -0.4024,-3.492183 -1.2071,-4.476563 -0.8046,-0.984379 -2.082,-1.476562 -3.832,-1.476562 -2.3281,0 -4.0312,0.687493 -5.1094,2.0625 -1.0781,1.375007 -1.6171,3.679671 -1.6171,6.914065 v 12.91406 h -5.5079 V 16.700689 h 4.3125 l 0.7735,3.398437 h 0.2812 c 0.7813,-1.234381 1.8906,-2.187496 3.3282,-2.859375 1.4375,-0.671878 3.0312,-1.007812 4.7812,-1.007812 6.2188,0 9.3281,3.164031 9.3281,9.492187 z m -136.3828,38.69531 c 0,3.04689 -1.1015,5.43749 -3.3047,7.17188 -2.2031,1.73438 -5.2421,2.60156 -9.1172,2.60156 -3.875,0 -7.0468,-0.60156 -9.5156,-1.80469 v -5.29687 c 1.5625,0.73438 3.2227,1.31249 4.9805,1.73437 1.7578,0.42188 3.3945,0.63281 4.9101,0.63281 2.2188,0 3.8555,-0.42187 4.9102,-1.26562 1.0547,-0.84375 1.582,-1.97656 1.582,-3.39844 0,-1.28125 -0.4844,-2.36718 -1.4531,-3.25781 -0.9688,-0.89063 -2.9687,-1.94531 -6,-3.16406 -3.125,-1.26563 -5.3281,-2.71093 -6.6094,-4.33594 -1.2812,-1.62501 -1.9219,-3.57811 -1.9219,-5.85938 0,-2.85938 1.0157,-5.10936 3.0469,-6.75 2.0313,-1.64063 4.7578,-2.46093 8.1797,-2.46093 3.2813,0 6.5469,0.71874 9.7969,2.15625 l -1.7813,4.57031 c -3.0469,-1.28126 -5.7656,-1.92188 -8.1562,-1.92188 -1.8125,0 -3.1875,0.39453 -4.125,1.1836 -0.9375,0.78906 -1.4063,1.83202 -1.4063,3.1289 0,0.89063 0.1875,1.65235 0.5625,2.28516 0.375,0.63282 0.9922,1.23047 1.8516,1.79297 0.8594,0.5625 2.4062,1.30468 4.6406,2.22656 2.5157,1.04688 4.3594,2.02344 5.5313,2.92969 1.1719,0.90625 2.0312,1.92968 2.5781,3.07031 0.5469,1.14063 0.8203,2.48437 0.8203,4.03125 z m 24.3281,9.30469 -0.7734,-3.39844 h -0.2812 c -0.7657,1.20313 -1.8555,2.14844 -3.2696,2.83594 -1.414,0.6875 -3.0273,1.03125 -4.8398,1.03125 -3.1407,0 -5.4844,-0.78124 -7.0313,-2.34375 -1.5469,-1.56251 -2.3203,-3.92967 -2.3203,-7.10156 v -16.94532 h 5.5547 v 15.98438 c 0,1.98438 0.4062,3.47265 1.2188,4.46484 0.8125,0.9922 2.0859,1.48828 3.8203,1.48828 2.3125,0 4.0117,-0.69139 5.0976,-2.07421 1.086,-1.38282 1.6289,-3.69921 1.6289,-6.94922 v -12.91407 h 5.5313 v 25.92188 z m 34.0313,0 h -5.5313 v -15.98438 c 0,-1.98438 -0.375,-3.46483 -1.125,-4.4414 -0.75,-0.97657 -1.9218,-1.46485 -3.5156,-1.46485 -2.125,0 -3.6836,0.6914 -4.6758,2.07422 -0.9922,1.38282 -1.4882,3.68358 -1.4882,6.90235 v 12.91406 h -5.5079 v -25.92188 h 4.3125 l 0.7735,3.39844 h 0.2812 c 0.7188,-1.23438 1.7617,-2.18749 3.1289,-2.85937 1.3672,-0.67188 2.8711,-1.00782 4.5118,-1.00782 3.9843,0 6.6249,1.35937 7.9218,4.07813 h 0.375 c 0.7657,-1.28126 1.8438,-2.28125 3.2344,-3 1.3906,-0.71875 2.9844,-1.07813 4.7813,-1.07813 3.0937,0 5.3476,0.78125 6.7617,2.34375 1.414,1.56251 2.1211,3.9453 2.1211,7.14844 v 16.89844 h -5.5078 v -15.98438 c 0,-1.98438 -0.3789,-3.46483 -1.1368,-4.4414 -0.7578,-0.97657 -1.9336,-1.46485 -3.5273,-1.46485 -2.1406,0 -3.707,0.66797 -4.6992,2.00391 -0.9922,1.33595 -1.4883,3.38671 -1.4883,6.15234 z m 45.8906,0 h -5.5312 v -15.98438 c 0,-1.98438 -0.375,-3.46483 -1.125,-4.4414 -0.75,-0.97657 -1.9219,-1.46485 -3.5157,-1.46485 -2.125,0 -3.6835,0.6914 -4.6757,2.07422 -0.9922,1.38282 -1.4883,3.68358 -1.4883,6.90235 v 12.91406 h -5.5078 v -25.92188 h 4.3125 l 0.7734,3.39844 h 0.2813 c 0.7187,-1.23438 1.7617,-2.18749 3.1289,-2.85937 1.3672,-0.67188 2.871,-1.00782 4.5117,-1.00782 3.9844,0 6.625,1.35937 7.9219,4.07813 h 0.375 c 0.7656,-1.28126 1.8437,-2.28125 3.2343,-3 1.3907,-0.71875 2.9844,-1.07813 4.7813,-1.07813 3.0937,0 5.3476,0.78125 6.7617,2.34375 1.4141,1.56251 2.1211,3.9453 2.1211,7.14844 v 16.89844 h -5.5078 v -15.98438 c 0,-1.98438 -0.3789,-3.46483 -1.1367,-4.4414 -0.7579,-0.97657 -1.9336,-1.46485 -3.5274,-1.46485 -2.1406,0 -3.707,0.66797 -4.6992,2.00391 -0.9922,1.33595 -1.4883,3.38671 -1.4883,6.15234 z m 29.5547,0 h -5.5078 v -25.92188 h 5.5078 z m -5.8359,-32.78906 c 0,-0.98438 0.2695,-1.74219 0.8086,-2.27344 0.539,-0.53125 1.3085,-0.79688 2.3086,-0.79688 0.9687,0 1.7226,0.26563 2.2617,0.79688 0.539,0.53125 0.8086,1.28906 0.8086,2.27344 0,0.9375 -0.2696,1.67578 -0.8086,2.21484 -0.5391,0.53907 -1.293,0.80859 -2.2617,0.80859 -1.0001,0 -1.7696,-0.26952 -2.3086,-0.80859 -0.5391,-0.53906 -0.8086,-1.27734 -0.8086,-2.21484 z m 23.3672,28.80468 c 1.3437,0 2.6874,-0.21093 4.0312,-0.63281 v 4.14844 c -0.6094,0.26563 -1.3945,0.48828 -2.3555,0.66797 -0.9609,0.17969 -1.957,0.26953 -2.9882,0.26953 -5.2188,0 -7.8282,-2.74997 -7.8282,-8.25 v -13.96875 h -3.539 v -2.4375 l 3.7968,-2.01563 1.875,-5.48437 h 3.3985 v 5.76562 h 7.3828 v 4.17188 h -7.3828 v 13.875 c 0,1.32813 0.332,2.30859 0.9961,2.94141 0.664,0.63281 1.5351,0.94921 2.6133,0.94921 z" + id="path40-9" + style="fill-rule:evenodd" /> ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25268">ratio: 1.777 ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25270">ratio: 1.777 ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25272">ratio: 1.777 ratio: 1.218 + id="tspan25274">ratio: 1.218 scale to 568 * 320 + id="tspan25276">scale to 568 * 320 crop ~32% (178px) + id="tspan25278">crop ~32% (178px) OBS: + id="tspan25280">OBS: ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25282">ratio: 1.777 scale to 1280 * 720 + id="tspan25284">scale to 1280 * 720 crop ~32% (400px) + id="tspan25286">crop ~32% (400px) OBS: + id="tspan25288">OBS: ratio: 1.222 + id="tspan25290">ratio: 1.222 scale to 1280 * 720 + id="tspan25292">scale to 1280 * 720 crop ~32% (400px) + id="tspan25294">crop ~32% (400px) OBS: + id="tspan25296">OBS: ratio: 1.222 + id="tspan25298">ratio: 1.222 ratio: 1.872 + id="tspan25300">ratio: 1.872 ratio: 1.872 + id="tspan25302">ratio: 1.872 ratio: 1.872 + id="tspan25304">ratio: 1.872 ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25306">ratio: 1.777 ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25308">ratio: 1.777 ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25310">ratio: 1.777 ratio: 1.208 + id="tspan25312">ratio: 1.208 ratio: 1.208 + id="tspan25314">ratio: 1.208 ratio: 1.208 + id="tspan25316">ratio: 1.208 scale to 853 * 480 + id="tspan25318">scale to 853 * 480 crop ~32% (273px) + id="tspan25320">crop ~32% (273px) OBS: + id="tspan25322">OBS: scale to 853 * 480 + id="tspan25324">scale to 853 * 480 crop ~32% (273px) + id="tspan25326">crop ~32% (273px) OBS: + id="tspan25328">OBS: scale to 853 * 480 + id="tspan25330">scale to 853 * 480 crop ~32% (273px) + id="tspan25332">crop ~32% (273px) OBS: + id="tspan25334">OBS: ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25336">ratio: 1.777 ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25338">ratio: 1.777 ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25340">ratio: 1.777 ratio: 1.777 + id="tspan25342">ratio: 1.777 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2022 + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + 2022 + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + 2022 + id="g7684-7-1-0" + transform="matrix(0.49232751,0,0,0.49232751,-522.80786,85.928799)" + style="display:inline"> + - - - - - - - - - - - - - + id="g7676-56-9-0"> + fill="url(#a)" + d="M 934.4615,-20.726107 V 0.726217 c 0,16.631697 -14.10047,30.630087 -30.17965,30.630087 H 856.0282 c -13.21749,0 -24.15498,11.31238 -24.15498,24.54912 v 46.001426 c 0,13.09227 11.38464,20.793 24.15498,24.54912 15.29222,4.49651 29.95665,5.30915 48.25365,0 12.16223,-3.52136 24.15498,-10.60812 24.15498,-24.54912 V 83.495024 h -48.25365 v -6.13728 h 48.25365 24.15498 c 14.04022,0 19.27219,-9.79335 24.15496,-24.49281 5.04375,-15.13286 4.82914,-29.685557 0,-49.09823 -3.46981,-13.977125 -10.09688,-24.492811 -24.15496,-24.492811 z M 907.32234,95.769584 c 5.00798,0 9.06515,4.10338 9.06515,9.177756 0,5.09243 -4.05718,9.23407 -9.06515,9.23407 -4.9901,0 -9.06516,-4.14164 -9.06516,-9.23407 0,-5.074376 4.07506,-9.177756 9.06516,-9.177756 z" + id="path24-6-93-3-9" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient5996);fill-rule:evenodd" /> + + + - 2022 - - - - - - - - - - - - - + id="g7684-7-1-6" + transform="matrix(0.49232751,0,0,0.49232751,-334.75565,85.928799)" + style="display:inline"> + fill="url(#b)" + d="m 880.37468,-72.97578 c -8.25869,0.03838 -16.14555,0.742722 -23.08518,1.970686 -20.44327,3.611655 -24.15498,11.171158 -24.15498,25.112169 v 18.411837 h 48.30996 v 6.137279 h -48.30996 -18.13031 c -14.04022,0 -26.33423,8.438981 -30.17965,24.49281 -4.43563,18.401416 -4.63237,29.884203 0,49.098233 3.43405,14.30218 11.63501,24.49281 25.67523,24.49281 h 16.61006 v -22.07168 c 0,-15.94549 13.79642,-30.01073 30.17965,-30.010734 h 48.25365 c 13.43211,0 24.15499,-11.059559 24.15498,-24.549115 v -46.00144 c 0,-13.092271 -11.04481,-22.927122 -24.15498,-25.112169 -8.29893,-1.381462 -16.90978,-2.00906 -25.16847,-1.970686 z m -26.12567,14.808297 c 4.99009,0 9.06516,4.141632 9.06516,9.234071 -10e-6,5.07439 -4.07507,9.177766 -9.06516,9.177766 -5.00797,-2e-6 -9.06515,-4.103378 -9.06515,-9.177766 0,-5.092438 4.05718,-9.234071 9.06515,-9.234071 z" + id="path26-0-6-2-4" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient7747);fill-rule:evenodd" /> + + + + + + + + id="g7684-7-1-8-40" + transform="matrix(1.1053839,0,0,1.1053839,658.22685,750.66808)" + style="display:inline;stroke-width:0.961538"> + + id="g7676-56-9-9-4"> - - - + d="M 934.4615,-20.726107 V 0.726217 c 0,16.631697 -14.10047,30.630087 -30.17965,30.630087 H 856.0282 c -13.21749,0 -24.15498,11.31238 -24.15498,24.54912 v 46.001426 c 0,13.09227 11.38464,20.793 24.15498,24.54912 15.29222,4.49651 29.95665,5.30915 48.25365,0 12.16223,-3.52136 24.15498,-10.60812 24.15498,-24.54912 V 83.495024 h -48.25365 v -6.13728 h 48.25365 24.15498 c 14.04022,0 19.27219,-9.79335 24.15496,-24.49281 5.04375,-15.13286 4.82914,-29.685557 0,-49.09823 -3.46981,-13.977125 -10.09688,-24.492811 -24.15496,-24.492811 z M 907.32234,95.769584 c 5.00798,0 9.06515,4.10338 9.06515,9.177756 0,5.09243 -4.05718,9.23407 -9.06515,9.23407 -4.9901,0 -9.06516,-4.14164 -9.06516,-9.23407 0,-5.074376 4.07506,-9.177756 9.06516,-9.177756 z" + id="path24-6-93-3-60-7" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient12990);fill-rule:evenodd" /> + d="m 831.87275,64.614994 21.86278,-33.144665 0.8626,-2.965985 53.46921,-0.195331 18.21933,-10.028516 5.07224,-16.182501 3.04491,0.461562 40.74099,54.88104 37.97159,82.415062 -190.26906,3.42571 z" + id="path30-6-7-9-4-4" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient12992);fill-rule:evenodd" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7482-3-9-83-4)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccc" /> - - + d="m 827.10939,58.697454 -31.34963,-45.179556 -13.54887,25.283428 -0.71274,45.358386 48.43522,3.102802 z m 31.11992,-34.03983 43.55784,-66.03506 27.91051,37.597464 1.58647,10.0306651 -6.41248,12.9666369 -13.34632,9.034805 -54.25911,-0.125471 z" + id="path32-1-4-0-1-8" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient12994);fill-rule:evenodd" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7470-0-9-0-2)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccccccc" /> + d="m 882.38659,31.3563 -26.21656,95.1414 -0.1423,-0.0417 -8.49265,8.10394 -25.20863,-21.75246 9.5463,-22.935336 32.2485,-58.515844 z m 1.12139,-4.698676 16.14394,-58.587291 -32.28787,58.587291 z m -98.07572,34.014999 8.86827,-36.337592 -11.89386,24.518031 z" + id="path36-7-5-8-0-5" + style="fill:#fffcea;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#fffcea" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7505-2-65-73-9)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccccccccc" /> + id="g7684-7-1-8-3" + transform="matrix(1.0048944,0,0,1.0048944,828.75176,743.33462)" + style="display:inline;stroke-width:0.961538"> + + id="g7676-56-9-9-8"> - - - + d="M 934.4615,-20.726107 V 0.726217 c 0,16.631697 -14.10047,30.630087 -30.17965,30.630087 H 856.0282 c -13.21749,0 -24.15498,11.31238 -24.15498,24.54912 v 46.001426 c 0,13.09227 11.38464,20.793 24.15498,24.54912 15.29222,4.49651 29.95665,5.30915 48.25365,0 12.16223,-3.52136 24.15498,-10.60812 24.15498,-24.54912 V 83.495024 h -48.25365 v -6.13728 h 48.25365 24.15498 c 14.04022,0 19.27219,-9.79335 24.15496,-24.49281 5.04375,-15.13286 4.82914,-29.685557 0,-49.09823 -3.46981,-13.977125 -10.09688,-24.492811 -24.15496,-24.492811 z M 907.32234,95.769584 c 5.00798,0 9.06515,4.10338 9.06515,9.177756 0,5.09243 -4.05718,9.23407 -9.06515,9.23407 -4.9901,0 -9.06516,-4.14164 -9.06516,-9.23407 0,-5.074376 4.07506,-9.177756 9.06516,-9.177756 z" + id="path24-6-93-3-60-8" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient14020);fill-rule:evenodd" /> + d="m 831.87275,64.614994 21.86278,-33.144665 0.8626,-2.965985 53.46921,-0.195331 18.21933,-10.028516 5.07224,-16.182501 3.04491,0.461562 40.74099,54.88104 37.97159,82.415062 -190.26906,3.42571 z" + id="path30-6-7-9-4-6" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient14022);fill-rule:evenodd" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7482-3-9-83-8)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccc" /> - - + d="m 827.10939,58.697454 -31.34963,-45.179556 -13.54887,25.283428 -0.71274,45.358386 48.43522,3.102802 z m 31.11992,-34.03983 43.55784,-66.03506 27.91051,37.597464 1.58647,10.0306651 -6.41248,12.9666369 -13.34632,9.034805 -54.25911,-0.125471 z" + id="path32-1-4-0-1-0" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient14024);fill-rule:evenodd" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7470-0-9-0-26)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccccccc" /> + d="m 882.38659,31.3563 -26.21656,95.1414 -0.1423,-0.0417 -8.49265,8.10394 -25.20863,-21.75246 9.5463,-22.935336 32.2485,-58.515844 z m 1.12139,-4.698676 16.14394,-58.587291 -32.28787,58.587291 z m -98.07572,34.014999 8.86827,-36.337592 -11.89386,24.518031 z" + id="path36-7-5-8-0-4" + style="fill:#fffcea;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#fffcea" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7505-2-65-73-90)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccccccccc" /> @@ -3397,51 +4488,41 @@ id="g11314" /> + id="g7684-7-1-8-8" + transform="matrix(1.1053839,0,0,1.1053839,658.2269,770.66808)" + style="display:inline;stroke-width:0.961538"> + + id="g7676-56-9-9-97"> - - - + d="M 934.4615,-20.726107 V 0.726217 c 0,16.631697 -14.10047,30.630087 -30.17965,30.630087 H 856.0282 c -13.21749,0 -24.15498,11.31238 -24.15498,24.54912 v 46.001426 c 0,13.09227 11.38464,20.793 24.15498,24.54912 15.29222,4.49651 29.95665,5.30915 48.25365,0 12.16223,-3.52136 24.15498,-10.60812 24.15498,-24.54912 V 83.495024 h -48.25365 v -6.13728 h 48.25365 24.15498 c 14.04022,0 19.27219,-9.79335 24.15496,-24.49281 5.04375,-15.13286 4.82914,-29.685557 0,-49.09823 -3.46981,-13.977125 -10.09688,-24.492811 -24.15496,-24.492811 z M 907.32234,95.769584 c 5.00798,0 9.06515,4.10338 9.06515,9.177756 0,5.09243 -4.05718,9.23407 -9.06515,9.23407 -4.9901,0 -9.06516,-4.14164 -9.06516,-9.23407 0,-5.074376 4.07506,-9.177756 9.06516,-9.177756 z" + id="path24-6-93-3-60-9" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient15066);fill-rule:evenodd" /> + d="m 831.87275,64.614994 21.86278,-33.144665 0.8626,-2.965985 53.46921,-0.195331 18.21933,-10.028516 5.07224,-16.182501 3.04491,0.461562 40.74099,54.88104 37.97159,82.415062 -190.26906,3.42571 z" + id="path30-6-7-9-4-9" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient15068);fill-rule:evenodd" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7482-3-9-83-85)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccc" /> - - + d="m 827.10939,58.697454 -31.34963,-45.179556 -13.54887,25.283428 -0.71274,45.358386 48.43522,3.102802 z m 31.11992,-34.03983 43.55784,-66.03506 27.91051,37.597464 1.58647,10.0306651 -6.41248,12.9666369 -13.34632,9.034805 -54.25911,-0.125471 z" + id="path32-1-4-0-1-3" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient15070);fill-rule:evenodd" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7470-0-9-0-4)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccccccc" /> + d="m 882.38659,31.3563 -26.21656,95.1414 -0.1423,-0.0417 -8.49265,8.10394 -25.20863,-21.75246 9.5463,-22.935336 32.2485,-58.515844 z m 1.12139,-4.698676 16.14394,-58.587291 -32.28787,58.587291 z m -98.07572,34.014999 8.86827,-36.337592 -11.89386,24.518031 z" + id="path36-7-5-8-0-2" + style="fill:#fffcea;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#fffcea" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7505-2-65-73-8)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccccccccc" /> + id="g7684-7-1-8-80" + transform="matrix(1.1053839,0,0,1.1053839,710.22688,770.66808)" + style="display:inline;stroke-width:0.961538"> + + id="g7676-56-9-9-1"> - - - + d="M 934.4615,-20.726107 V 0.726217 c 0,16.631697 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style="fill:url(#linearGradient16131);fill-rule:evenodd" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7482-3-9-83-7)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccc" /> - - + d="m 827.10939,58.697454 -31.34963,-45.179556 -13.54887,25.283428 -0.71274,45.358386 48.43522,3.102802 z m 31.11992,-34.03983 43.55784,-66.03506 27.91051,37.597464 1.58647,10.0306651 -6.41248,12.9666369 -13.34632,9.034805 -54.25911,-0.125471 z" + id="path32-1-4-0-1-2" + style="fill:url(#linearGradient16133);fill-rule:evenodd" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7470-0-9-0-7)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccccccc" /> + d="m 882.38659,31.3563 -26.21656,95.1414 -0.1423,-0.0417 -8.49265,8.10394 -25.20863,-21.75246 9.5463,-22.935336 32.2485,-58.515844 z m 1.12139,-4.698676 16.14394,-58.587291 -32.28787,58.587291 z m -98.07572,34.014999 8.86827,-36.337592 -11.89386,24.518031 z" + id="path36-7-5-8-0-9" + style="fill:#fffcea;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#fffcea" + clip-path="url(#clipPath7505-2-65-73-6)" + sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccccccccc" />