VOC Info Page =============== This is a lektor Projekt, more about lektor on [getlektor.com](https://getlektor.com). Because thsi project is migrated from a hugo project, currently the [esbuild](https://esbuild.github.io/) Javascript builder is not automated and has to be done manually to update scripts. lektor venv install --------------------- To install the python package lektor as venv, run these commands: ```bash python -m venv lektor source lektor/bin/activate pip install lektor ``` Run lektor: ```bash source lektor/bin/activate lektor server -f scss ``` esbuild instructions ---------------------- prepare esbuild nodejs enviroment ``` # aktivate lektor ennv source lektor/bin/activate # install nodeenv pip install nodeenv # add nodejs env to current env nodeenv -p # install esbuild npm install --save-exact --save-dev esbuild ./node_modules/.bin/esbuild --version ``` build assets ```bash source lektor/bin/activate ./node_modules/.bin/esbuild assets/js/custom/nodes/schedule.js --bundle --outfile=assets/rendered_schedule.js ```