# Pandoc Letter Template (DIN 5008) ## Description This template allows you to write simple letters in Markdown and convert them into nice looking PDFs. The template is based on Koma Script and satisfies the German DIN 5008 norm for letters. ## Example A simple letter in Markdown looks like the following: ```markdown --- author: Max Mustermann phone: +49 1234 56789 email: max.mustermann@beispiel.de date: 01.08.2016 place: Musterstadt subject: Titel vom Brief return-address: - Musterstraße - 12345 Berlin address: - Musterfirma GmbH - Max Mustermann - Musterstraße - 12345 Musterstadt opening: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, closing: Mit freundlichen Grüßen enclosed: Muster, Muster, Muster ps: | \textbf{Postskriptum \today} Noch ein Gedanke zum Schluss. ... ``` The compiled result will then look like this: ![alt Letter](https://github.com/benedu/pandoc-letter/raw/master/example/letter.png) You can also download the compiled PDF [here](https://github.com/benedu/pandoc-letter/raw/master/example/letter.pdf). ## Requirements In order to use the template you must have installed the following components: - [Pandoc](http://pandoc.org/installing.html) - [LaTeX](https://latex-project.org/ftp.html) ## Usage Before you can make use of the template you need to move the LaTeX template file into Pandocs template directory: ``` mkdir -p ~/.pandoc/templates mv your-repo-path/letter.latex ~/.pandoc/templates/ ``` After creating a letter written in Markdown you can compile it into PDF with the following line: `pandoc letter.md -s -o letter.pdf --template="letter"` ## Configuration The following yaml variables are supported: - `opening` - `closing` - `enclosed` - `ps` - `author` - `phone` - `email` - `place` - `subject` - `return-address` - `address` If you want to add some options to the `scrlttr2` document class, you can list them via the `letteroption` yaml variable.