L3D ddc6a404fb Start translation
Former-commit-id: 87431b49175ed097312ac29954d7b04c1f465577 [formerly 8e851d3cc303728620f598d9e5c2c30c2163aff7] [formerly e301c764b82e17d758c8ecba229fa050c32646e3 [formerly 5b0c379691c5160c8f3a6c2ec53dcc898cfe6002]]
Former-commit-id: d6100de9ef508555b5bbb8762722a8455348bdd9 [formerly 0ac718e627ff57598e6c3c39fb812848f9cb4d9f]
Former-commit-id: 0da45284c5712a82ec351b71a6cd2a6d12d6314d
2018-10-13 00:02:29 +02:00

144 lines
6.8 KiB

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['/equipment', 'Equipment'],
['/rezept', 'Waffelteig'],
['/hygiene', 'Hygiene'],
['/mitmachen', 'Mitmachen'],
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['/datenschutz', 'Datenschmutz']
] %}
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<p>C3 Waffel Operation Center <span class="icon fa-heart"></span> {% if this.alt == 'en'
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<h2 class="major">{% if this.alt == 'en' %}We{% else %}Wir{% endif %} <span class="icon fa-heart"></span> {% if this.alt == 'en' %}Waffles, you too?{% else %}Waffeln, du auch?{% endif %}</h2>
{% if this.alt == 'en' %}<p>The c3woc consists of hackers from the environment of the chaos computer club. Please contact us and let us do some waffles together!</p>{%
else %}<p>Das C3WOC besteht aus Hackern aus dem Chaosumfeld. Nimm doch mal mit uns Kontakt auf und lass uns zusammen Waffeln machen!</p>{% endif %}
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['fa-hashtag', 'ircs://irc.hackint.org/#waffel', 'irc.hackint.org/#waffel'],
['fa-hashtag', 'https://webirc.hackint.org/#irc://irc.hackint.org/#waffel', 'webirc.hackint.org'],
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] %}
<li class="{{ icon }}"><a href="{{ link }}">{{ name }}</a></li>{%
endfor %}{% else %}
{% for icon, link, name in [
['fa-envelope', 'mailto:waffel@c3woc.de', 'waffel@c3woc.de'],
['fa-hashtag', 'ircs://irc.hackint.org/#waffel', 'irc.hackint.org/#waffel'],
['fa-hashtag', 'https://webirc.hackint.org/#irc://irc.hackint.org/#waffel', 'webirc.hackint.org'],
['fa-twitter', 'https://twitter.com/@c3WOC', '@c3WOC'],
['fa-comments', 'https://chaos.social/@c3WOC', 'c3WOC@chaos.social'],
['fa-user-plus', 'https://c3woc.de/mitmachen', 'Mach bei uns mit']
] %}
<li class="{{ icon }}"><a href="{{ link }}">{{ name }}</a></li>{%
endfor %}{% endif %}
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