L3D fd742c7049 redesign website (!1)
Co-authored-by: L3D <l3d@see-base.de>
Reviewed-on: https://backwesen.de/c3woc/webseite/pulls/1
2022-05-18 00:35:37 +02:00

44 lines
1.8 KiB

X-definition_ORF: "https://open-recipe-format.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/reference/orf.html"
X-json_schema: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/techhat/openrecipeformat/master/schema.json"
X-validator: "https://json-schema.org/"
- "pip3 install jsonschema"
- "install yq"
- "wget {{ json_schema }}"
- "curl rezep.yaml | yq -j > rezept.json"
- "jsonschema -i rezept.json schema.json"
X-usda_lookup: "https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html" -#}
{%- if this.recipe_name and this.recipe_name != "" -%}
{{- '\nrecipe_name: ' -}} "{{- this.recipe_name | default(this.title) -}}"
{%- else -%}
{{- '\nrecipe_name: ' -}} "{{- this.title -}}"
{%- endif -%}
{{- '\nrecipe_uuid: ' -}} "{{- this.parent._gid[:8] -}}-{{- this.parent._gid[-6:-2] -}}-{{- this._gid[-8:-4] }}-{{- this._gid[-4:] -}}-{{- this._gid[:12] -}}"
{%- include "zutaten/yields.yaml" -%}
{%- include "zutaten/ingredients.yaml" -%}
{%- include "zutaten/steps.yaml" -%}
{%- include "zutaten/oven.yaml" -%}
{%- if this.source_authors is defined and this.source_authors != "" -%}
{{- '\n\nsource_authors: ' -}} "{{ this.source_authors }}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- if this.x_license is defined and this.x_license != "" -%}
{{- '\nX-License: ' -}} "{{ this.x_license }}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- if this.render_hygiene | default(True) -%}
{{- '\nX-hygiene: ' -}} "https://c3woc.de/hygiene/"
{{- '\nX-hygiene_flyer: ' -}} "https://wiki.c3gelb.de/doku.php?id=public:flyer"
{{- '\nX-hygiene_video: ' -}} "https://youtu.be/w-4_5J0xk7A"
{{- '\nX-hygiene_eggs: ' -}} "https://www.bvl.bund.de/DE/Arbeitsbereiche/01_Lebensmittel/03_Verbraucher/03_UmgangLM/02_LMzubereiten/03_Eier/lm_zubereitung_eier_node.html"
{%- endif -%}
{{ '\nsource_url:' }} "{{ '../'|url(external=true) }}"
{#- X-ORF_source: "https://open-recipe-format.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/tutorials/walkthrough.html" -#}