[model] name = Zutaten label = {{ this.title }} hidden = yes [fields.title] label = Rezept Title description = Für welches Rezept sind die Zutaten size = large type = string size = large [fields.x_ignore_1] label = Instructions: First step description = Reneame this fresh created directory in the content folder to 'rezept.yaml/' to store the new recipt in the required rezept.yaml format type = boolean width = 1/2 [fields.x_ignore_2] label = Instructions: Secound Step description = Please fill in the option '_template: zutaten.yaml' manually in the 'rezept.yaml/contents.lr' Lektor File, so it will rendered correctly type = string addon_label = (this entry is only for information) default = zutaten.yaml width = 1/2 ;--------------------------- [fields.recipe_name] size = large label = recipe name description = what kind of pastry will be created? type = string width = 1/3 [fields.servings] label = servings description = Hier werden alle Portionsgrößen definiert, für die dieses Rezept sein soll. (mindestens eine Mengenangabe ist sinvoll). Achtung, bei mehr wie eine Größenangabe muss die Reinfolge überall gleich sein! type = flow flow_blocks = flow_servings width = 2/3 ;------------------------------------------ [fields.ingredients] label = ingredients description = Hier werden die Zutaten und Menge definiert type = flow flow_blocks = flow_ingredients ;----------------------- [fields.steps] label = Steps type = flow flow_blocks = flow_steps [fields.oven_type] label = oven type type = string width = 1/2 description = Example: conventional, microwave, waffle iron, wood oven... [fields.oven] label = Oven temperature description = Starting oven temperature, if the oven is used. type = flow width = 1/2 flow_blocks = flow_oven [fields.oven_time] label = oven time type = string width = 2/3 [fields.oven_fan] label = oven fan type = select choices = Off, On width = 1/3 [fields.source_authors] label = Author type = string width = 1/2 [fields.x_license] label = License type = string width = 1/2 [fields.render_hygiene] label = Render Hygiene Hinweise type = boolean