{#- Oven informations -#} {%- if this.oven is defined and this.oven != "" and this.oven.blocks is defined and this.oven.blocks != "" -%} {% if this.oven.blocks is defined and this.oven.blocks != [] -%} {%- for ovn in this.oven.blocks -%} {%- if ovn.amount is defined and ovn.amount != "" -%} {%- if loop.index == 1 -%} {{- '\noven_temp:' -}} {%- endif -%} {{- '\n - amount: ' -}} '{{- ovn.amount -}}' {{- '\n unit: ' -}} {{- ovn.unit | default('C') -}} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if this.oven_type is defined and this.oven_type != "" -%} {{- '\nX-oven_type: ' -}} "{{- this.oven_type -}}" {%- endif -%} {%- if this.oven_time is defined and this.oven_time != "" -%} {{- '\noven_time: ' -}} "{{- this.oven_time -}}" {%- endif -%} {%- if this.oven_fan is defined and this.oven_fan != "" -%} {{- '\noven_fan: ' -}} "{{- this.oven_fan | default('Off') -}}" {%- endif -%}