{#- License: MIT (C)2020 by L3D Source: https://github.com/c3woc/c3woc-podcast.git -#} {%- set search = "podcast" -%} {%- set podcasttitle = "Waffel Podcast" -%} {%- set podcastdescribtion = "Der Podcast des C3WOC" -%} {%- set podcastsubtitle = "Der Podcast des C3WOC" -%} {%- set podcastsummary = "Der Podcast des C3WOC" -%} {%- set podcastauthor = "L3D" -%} {%- set podcastemail = "waffel@c3woc.de" -%} {%- set podcastxml = "/podcast.xml" -%} {%- set podcastkeywords = "Waffeln, CCC, C3WOC" -%} {%- set podcastkategory = "Technology" -%} {%- set podcastlanguage = "de-DE" -%} {%- set podcastlogassetimagepath = "/images/waffel.jpg" -%} {#- Make sure you set the the correct property for mp3 and ogg feed! For MP3 Feed set the path for the xml file to the mp3feed variable. Same procedure for ogg and the oggfeed variable -#} {%- set mp3feed = '/podcast.xml' -%} {%- set oggfeed = '/podcast-ogg.xml' -%} {#- custom CSS fuer das XML... -#} {% if '/css/xml.css'|asseturl is defined -%} {%- endif %} {{ podcasttitle }} {{ '/'|url(external=true) }}{{ search }}/ {{ podcastdescribtion }} {%- if this.path == oggfeed -%} Dieser Podcast wird als OGG Feed bereit gestellt. {% else %} Dieser Podcast wird als MP3 Feed bereit gestellt. {% endif %} {{ podcastlogassetimagepath|url(external=true) }}{{ podcasttitle }}{{ '/'|url(external=true) }}{{ search }}/ {{ podcastauthor }} Von Hand als Jinja2 Template von L3D geschrieben {{ podcastauthor }} serial {{ podcastsummary }} {{ podcastauthor }} {{ podcastemail }} {{ podcastsubtitle }} no Sun, 12 Apr 2020 11:42:23 +0000 {{ podcastlanguage }} © 2020 {{ podcastauthor }} {{ podcastxml|url(external=true) }} {{ podcastkeywords }} {{ podcastxml|url(external=true) }} {{ podcastkategory }} {%- set pages = site.query( '/podcast' ).include_undiscoverable(true).all() -%} {%- set firstrun = true %} {%- for page in pages -%} {%- if not page._hidden %} {{ page.title }} {{ '/'|url(external=true) }}{{ search }}/{{ page._id }}/ {% if page.authors %}{% for author in page.authors.split(",") %}{% if author == page.authors.split(",")[0] %}{% elif author == page.authors.split(",")[-1] %} und {% else %}, {% endif %}{{ author }}{% endfor %}{% else %}{{ podcastauthor }}{% endif %} {% if page.authors %}{% for author in page.authors.split(",") %}{% if author == page.authors.split(",")[0] %}{% elif author == page.authors.split(",")[-1] %} und {% else %}, {% endif %}{{ author }}{% endfor %}{% else %}{{ podcastauthor }}{% endif %} {{ page.pub_date|datetimeformat('ccc, dd MMM YYYY hh:mm:ss Z', 'UTC', locale='en_US') }} {{ page.duration }} WAFFEL+{{ page._id }}-{{ page.pub_date|datetimeformat('YYYYMMddhhmmss') }}-L3D {{ page.podcast_teaser }} {{ page.title }} {{ page.season }} {{ page.episode }} full no

Vielen Dank für das anhören dieser {% if this.path == oggfeed %}OGG{% else %}MP3{% endif %} Podcastfolge. Wenn ihr Fragen oder Anmerkungen habt freuen wir uns sehr darüber diese auf {{ podcastemail }} empfangen zu dürfen!

{#- *KAPITEL DERZEIT (noch) nicht implementiert...* Sie sollten aber in etwa so aussehen... -#} {%- if page.authors %}{% for author in page.authors.split(",") %}{{ author }}{% endfor %}{%- else %}{{ podcastauthor }}{%- endif %}
{%- endif %} {%- endfor %}