LEKTOR_SERVER_FLAGS=-h # minify javascript assets, compile scss assets LEKTOR_PLUGIN_FLAGS=-f scss -f pretifyhtml LEKTOR_DEPLOY_FLAGS= .PHONY: all install venv build server deploy pull push all: build install: if hash apt-get 2>/dev/null; then \ apt-get update -qq >/dev/null && apt-get install -qq apt-utils imagemagick python3-pip python3-setuptools gcc git-lfs python3-venv rsync dos2unix; \ elif hash pacman 2>/dev/null; then \ pacman -Syu imagemagick python-pip glibc lib32-glibc gcc git-lfs python3-venv rsync dos2unix --noconfirm; \ elif hash dnf 2>/dev/null; then \ dnf install -y ImageMagick python3-pip gcc git-lfs rsync dos2unix; \ else \ echo -e "Please install Imagemagick, python3-pip git-lfs, python3-venv, rsync, gcc and dos2unix"; \ fi venv: if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]; then \ printf "Run '\033[0;33mpython3 -m venv lektor\033[0;37m' to create venv.\nRun '\033[0;33msource lektor/bin/activate\033[0;37m' to activate venv.\n"; \ printf "Run '\033[0;33mpip3 install wheel --upgrade\033[0;37m' next.\nRun '\033[0;33mpip3 install lektor --upgrade\033[0;37m' to install lektor\n"; \ fi build: if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]; then \ printf "Run 'source lektor/bin/activate' to enable venv. Or 'make install' to create venv"; \ else \ if python3 -m lektor --version 2>/dev/null; then \ python3 -m lektor build $(LEKTOR_PLUGIN_FLAGS); \ else \ lektor build $(LEKTOR_PLUGIN_FLAGS); \ fi; \ fi server: if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]; then \ printf "Run 'source lektor/bin/activate' to enable venv. Or 'make install' to create venv"; \ else \ if python3 -m lektor --version 2>/dev/null; then \ python3 -m lektor server $(LEKTOR_SERVER_FLAGS) $(LEKTOR_PLUGIN_FLAGS); \ else \ lektor server $(LEKTOR_SERVER_FLAGS) $(LEKTOR_PLUGIN_FLAGS); \ fi; \ fi deploy: if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]; then \ printf "Run 'source lektor/bin/activate' to enable venv. Or 'make install' to create venv"; \ else \ lektor plugin flush-cache; \ lektor clean --yes; \ if python3 -m lektor --version 2>/dev/null; then \ python3 -m lektor build $(LEKTOR_PLUGIN_FLAGS) $(LEKTOR_DEPLOY_FLAGS); \ unix2dos temp/builds/c3woc.de/waffeln.ics; \ python3 -m lektor deploy $(LEKTOR_PLUGIN_FLAGS) $(LEKTOR_DEPLOY_FLAGS); \ else \ lektor build $(LEKTOR_PLUGIN_FLAGS) $(LEKTOR_DEPLOY_FLAGS); \ unix2dos temp/builds/c3woc.de/waffeln.ics; \ lektor deploy $(LEKTOR_PLUGIN_FLAGS) $(LEKTOR_DEPLOY_FLAGS); \ fi; \ fi pull: if git config remote.github.url > /dev/null; then \ git pull github main; \ else \ git remote add github https://github.com/c3woc/c3woc-website.git; \ git pull github main; \ fi; \ if git config remote.l3d.url > /dev/null; then \ git pull l3d main; \ else \ git remote add l3d https://git.l3d.ch/c3woc/webseite.git; \ git pull l3d main; \ fi; \ git pull origin main push: if git config remote.github.url > /dev/null; then \ git push github main; \ else \ git remote add github https://github.com/c3woc/c3woc-website.git; \ git push github main; \ fi; \ if git config remote.l3d.url > /dev/null; then \ git push l3d main; \ else \ git remote add l3d https://git.l3d.ch/l3d/webseite.git; \ git push l3d main; \ fi