add english translation of "help us" page

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fossdd 2020-12-30 16:52:25 +01:00
parent 7846521535
commit e5f7614cd0

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Waffles are enjoyed by a great many people. But when it comes to more, things unfortunately get tight.
Fortunately, there have always been people who have helped to bake waffles or make dough.
But when it comes to taking responsibility or really organising waffles, it still looks like there is room for improvement.
Currently, the [L3D]( takes care of all these organisational tasks. Occasionally there are people who help him with this. But unfortunately no one has yet managed to take over a reliable task permanently (or even just for one event).
So if you are familiar with the chaos family and can imagine to take care of one of the tasks at an event (with help, of course), L3D would be very grateful.
**What are the tasks?**
+ Helpers coordination and planning
We are very grateful for the help we get with baking waffles. However, someone has to coordinate this.
How many helpers should be where and when?
Do the helpers know what to do?
Are all the helpers fed and do they have freshly washed hands?
+ Purchasing and logistics
At 35c3 we destroyed almost 500kg of ingredients. That requires some logistical effort.
As the C3WOC is not an official "trade", it can only partially work together with the super cool people from the LOC here.
A lot has to be done by themselves.
Like the purchase of ingredients as well as the transport of the waffle equipment!
In the past, the LOC has helped us a lot. Thank you very much for that!
+ cash desk
One of the most critical issues in the world today is the cash register.
If it is not right, civilisation collapses and war breaks out.
If it is right but someone has doubts about it, everything is usually lost or damaged for many years.
We at C3WOC actually want to have *NOTHING* to do with money.
Unfortunately we are unbelievably bad at finding sponsors who will pay for it instead.
And we are not rich enough to pay for everything ourselves.
At 35c3 there was also the question to cpunkt if the money or the surplus should not go to the CCCV GmbH.
We were told that this was a stupid idea and we decided not to do it.
Nevertheless we are looking for someone who enjoys the trust of the Chaos-Communiy and wants to take over this task!
+ Concept and planning
Like everywhere else, it needs people who think about how something should be built.
For example, how should the C3WOC be set up at the Congress?
How many chairs, tables, electricity and waffle irons do we have, do we need or are realistic at all.
How many ingredients...
These are all very tricky questions and it is stupid to decide them alone!
+ Technology
Of course it also needs technology to have a C3WOC.
Starting with a website, git repositories and mailing lists that need to be built,
to maintain, administer and expand.
Currently we urgently need help with:
+ as a real (Mailman) mailing list. (With GPG) and to register ourselves. Best set up with ansible.
+ Content on the website.
+ Good waffle pictures, photos etc.
+ social media
So you see, the fact that we have this roll-up banner with "We need you" on it and keep asking for support is not because we want to get rich off the chaos community.
It is because we want to create something **together** with everyone and need your help! Because alone you can't do anything together.
slogan: Together we can do anything. So join us!
teaser: How can you help with the C3WOC? What are the tasks? And who takes them on?
title: Help us