{%- from "macros/translator.j2" import translator -%} <!DOCTYPE html> <html {%- if alt %} lang="{{ alt }}" {%- endif %}> <head> <title> {%- block title -%} Startseite {%- endblock -%} </title> {%- block expand_description %} <meta name="description" content="{{- translator('description', 'translate', this.alt) }}" /> {%- endblock %} {%- block expand_header %} {%- endblock %} {% include "partials/head.html" -%} </head> <body class=" {%- if this._path == '/' -%} landing {%- endif %} is-preload"> <div id="page-wrapper"> <!-- Header --> <header id="header"> <h1 id="logo"> {% include "partials/spacestate.html" -%} </h1> {#- # Navigation Bar #} <nav id="nav"> <ul> <li{% if this._path == '/' %} class="active"{% endif %}> <a href="{{ '/'|url }}"> {{- translator('home', 'navigation', this.alt) -}} </a> </li> {%- for title, href in bag('nav-bar', "NavBar").items() %} <li{% if this.is_child_of(href) %} class="active"{% endif %}> <a href="{{ href|url }}"> {{- translator(title, 'navigation', this.alt) -}} </a> <ul> {%- if bag('nav-bar', 'list', title) %} {%- set root = site.get( bag('nav-bar', 'list', title), alt=this.alt) %} {%- for child in root.children recursive %} {%- if loop.index <= 7 %} <li{% if this._path == child._path %} class="active"{% endif %}> <a href="{{ child|url }}">{{ child.shorttitle if child.shorttitle else child.title }}</a> </li> {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- if bag('nav-bar', title) %} {%- for nav_title, nav_url in bag('nav-bar', title).items() %} <li> <a href={{ nav_url if 'http' in nav_url else nav_url|url }} {%- if bag('nav-bar', 'button', nav_title) %} class="button nav" {%- endif -%} > {{- translator(nav_title, 'navigation', this.alt) -}} </a> </li> {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} </ul> </li> {%- endfor %} {#- # the language selection is currently not included into the template above, because we did not find a proper solution to integrate them yet #} <li class="last"> <a href="{{ '.'|url(alt=translator('default_path', 'navigation', this.alt, 'en')) }}"> {{- translator('sprache', 'navigation', this.alt) -}} </a> <ul class="last"> <li> <a href="{{ '.'|url(alt='') }}"> {{- translator('German', 'navigation', this.alt) -}} </a> </li> <li> <a href="{{ '.'|url(alt='sxu') }}"> {{- translator('Saechsisch', 'navigation', this.alt) }} <i>( {{- translator('falls', 'navigation', this.alt) -}} )</i> </a> </li> <li> <a href="{{ '.'|url(alt='en') }}"> {{- translator('Englisch', 'navigation', this.alt) }} <i>( {{- translator('falls', 'navigation', this.alt) -}} )</i> </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </nav> </header> <!-- Main --> {%- block body %} {%- endblock %} <!-- Footer --> <footer id="footer"> <ul class="icons">{% for label, icon, href in [ ['Mastodon', 'fab fa-mastodon', "https://chaos.social/@c3woc"], ['Twitter', 'fab fa-twitter', "https://twitter.com/c3woc"], ['Webseite', 'fab fa-github', "https://github.com/c3woc/c3woc-website"], ['Gitea', 'fab fa-gitlab', "https://gitea.see-base.de/c3woc/"], ['Mail', 'fas fa-envelope', "mailto:waffeln@c3woc.de"], ['IRC Chat', 'fas fa-hashtag', "ircs://irc.hackint.org/#waffel"], ['Webirc Chat', 'fab fa-slack', "https://webirc.hackint.org/#irc://irc.hackint.org/#waffel"], ['Rezept-Feed', 'fas fa-receipt', "https://c3woc.de/feed_rezepte.xml"], ['News', 'fas fa-rss', "https://c3woc.de/feed_blog.xml"], ['Tourdaten', 'far fa-calendar-plus', "https://c3woc.de/waffeln.ics"], ['Tourdaten', 'fas fa-user-plus', "https://c3woc.de/mitmachen"] ] %} <li><a href="{{ href }}" title="{{ label }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="icon {{ icon }}"></a></li>{% endfor %} </ul> <ul class="copyright"> <li>© Copyright by C3 Waffel Operation Center.</li> <li>© <a href="https://github.com/c3woc/c3woc-website/blob/master/LICENCE">MIT License</a></li> <li><a href="{{ '/impressum/'|url }}">{% if bag('navigation', this.alt, 'Impressum') %}{{ bag('navigation', this.alt, 'Impressum') }}{% else %}Impressum{% endif %}</a></li> <li><a href="{{ '/datenschutz/'|url }}">{% if bag('navigation', this.alt, 'Datenschutz') %}{{ bag('navigation', this.alt, 'Datenschutz') }}{% else %}Datenschutzerklärung{% endif %}</a></li> <li>Design inspired by <a href="http://html5up.net">HTML5 UP</a> </li> <!-- CMS: Lektor | Angepasst durch L3D --> <!-- advertising: Grab your waffle from C3WOC! C3WOC ->Great waffles for everypony. https://c3woc.de/ --> </ul> </footer> </div> <!-- Scripts --> <script src="{{ '/js/jquery.scrolly.min.js'|asseturl }}"></script> <script src="{{ '/js/jquery.scrollex.min.js'|asseturl }}"></script> <script src="{{ '/js/skel.min.js'|asseturl }}"></script> <script src="{{ '/js/util.js'|asseturl }}"></script> <script src="{{ '/js/main.js'|asseturl }}"></script> </body> </html>