[![Ansible Galaxy](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roles-ansible/role_akku_warning/master/.github/galaxy.svg?sanitize=true)](https://galaxy.ansible.com/do1jlr/akku_warning) [![MIT License](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/roles-ansible/role_akku_warning/master/.github/license.svg?sanitize=true)](https://github.com/roles-ansible/role_akku_warning/blob/master/LICENSE) ansible role: akku warning ========================== # rewrite in progress!!! ``` cronjob is going to be removed! systemd timer intruduces variables may change! TODO: Verhalten bei akku losen geräten verbessern! ``` This ansible role installs a bash script (per cronjob) which is executed every 3 minutes. This bash script checks if the battery level is below 25 percent and is currently not charging. If this is the case, the program [zenity](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenity) installed by this role will generate a popup message stating that the battery is low. While the battery level is between 15 and 10 percent, it will also attempt to play a sound. But this does not (yet) work reliably. This role is tested with the [i3 - improved tiling wm](https://i3wm.org/), installed by [this role](https://github.com/chaos-bodensee/role-i3wm.git) at Archlinux, but probably will work on all window magers and the most operating systems! Installation and Usage ------------------------ ### install with galaxy: ```bash ansible-galaxy install do1jlr.akku_warning ``` You can execute the role **directly via ansible ad-hoc commands**, but it is highly recomended to create a ansible playbook ```bash # example ad-hoc command ansible -m include_role -a "name=do1jlr.akku_warning" localhost ``` ### example playbook with galaxy ```yaml --- - hosts: roles: - do1jlr.akku_warning ``` ### installation via git ```bash # download this role into your roles directory git clone https://github.com/roles-ansible/role_akku_warning.git ``` ### example playbook ```yaml --- - name: install akku_warning hosts: localhost tags: - akku_warning roles: - role_akku_warning vars: submodules_versioncheck: true ``` Variables: ----------- ```yaml --- # simple version check for this playbook # true is highly recomended submodules_versioncheck: false # which user are we currently using? akku_user: "{{ ansible_user_id }}" # which sound should we play? akku_sound_src: 'files/low_battery.m4a' akku_sound_dest: '/opt/low_battery.m4a' # should we install cronie? install_and_enable_cronie: true # play a video in the background with sound multimedia_akku_warning: true # you want to install missing packages? manage_packages_akku_warning: true ``` Contribution ------------ If you are missing some features or have an idea for improving this role, please feel free to open an issue - or even better - create a pull request.