mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
* Start of tests for ansible.module_utils.urls * Start adding file for generic functions throughout urls * Add tests for maybe_add_ssl_handler * Remove commented out line * Improve coverage of maybe_add_ssl_handler, test basic_auth_header * Start tests for open_url * pep8 and ignore urlopen in test_url_open.py tests * Extend auth tests, add test for validate_certs=False * Finish tests for open_url * Add tests for fetch_url * Add fetch_url tests to replace-urlopen ignore * dummy instead of _ * Add BadStatusLine test * Reorganize/rename tests * Add tests for RedirectHandlerFactory * Add POST test to confirm behavior is to convert to GET * Update tests to handle recent changes to RedirectHandlerFactory * Special test, just to confirm that aliasing http_error_308 to http_error_307 does not cause issues with urllib2 type redirects
314 lines
9.5 KiB
314 lines
9.5 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2018 Matt Martz <matt@sivel.net>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import datetime
import os
from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url, urllib_request, HAS_SSLCONTEXT, cookiejar, ConnectionError, RequestWithMethod
from ansible.module_utils.urls import SSLValidationHandler, HTTPSClientAuthHandler, RedirectHandlerFactory
import pytest
import ssl
def urlopen_mock(mocker):
return mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.urls.urllib_request.urlopen')
def install_opener_mock(mocker):
return mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.urls.urllib_request.install_opener')
def test_open_url(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/')
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
assert args[1] is None # data, this is handled in the Request not urlopen
assert args[2] == 10 # timeout
req = args[0]
assert req.headers == {}
assert req.data is None
assert req.get_method() == 'GET'
opener = install_opener_mock.call_args[0][0]
handlers = opener.handlers
expected_handlers = (
RedirectHandlerFactory(), # factory, get handler
found_handlers = []
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, SSLValidationHandler) or handler.__class__.__name__ == 'RedirectHandler':
assert len(found_handlers) == 2
def test_open_url_http(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('http://ansible.com/')
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
opener = install_opener_mock.call_args[0][0]
handlers = opener.handlers
found_handlers = []
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, SSLValidationHandler):
assert len(found_handlers) == 0
def test_open_url_ftp(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock, mocker):
mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.urls.ParseResultDottedDict.as_list', side_effect=AssertionError)
# Using ftp scheme should prevent the AssertionError side effect to fire
r = open_url('ftp://foo@ansible.com/')
def test_open_url_headers(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('http://ansible.com/', headers={'Foo': 'bar'})
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert req.headers == {'Foo': 'bar'}
def test_open_url_username(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('http://ansible.com/', url_username='user')
opener = install_opener_mock.call_args[0][0]
handlers = opener.handlers
expected_handlers = (
found_handlers = []
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, expected_handlers):
assert len(found_handlers) == 2
assert found_handlers[0].passwd.passwd[None] == {(('ansible.com', '/'),): ('user', None)}
def test_open_url_username_in_url(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('http://user2@ansible.com/')
opener = install_opener_mock.call_args[0][0]
handlers = opener.handlers
expected_handlers = (
found_handlers = []
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, expected_handlers):
assert found_handlers[0].passwd.passwd[None] == {(('ansible.com', '/'),): ('user2', '')}
def test_open_url_username_force_basic(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('http://ansible.com/', url_username='user', url_password='passwd', force_basic_auth=True)
opener = install_opener_mock.call_args[0][0]
handlers = opener.handlers
expected_handlers = (
found_handlers = []
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, expected_handlers):
assert len(found_handlers) == 0
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert req.headers.get('Authorization') == b'Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd2Q='
def test_open_url_auth_in_netloc(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('http://user:passwd@ansible.com/')
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert req.get_full_url() == 'http://ansible.com/'
opener = install_opener_mock.call_args[0][0]
handlers = opener.handlers
expected_handlers = (
found_handlers = []
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, expected_handlers):
assert len(found_handlers) == 2
def test_open_url_netrc(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock, monkeypatch):
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
monkeypatch.setenv('NETRC', os.path.join(here, 'fixtures/netrc'))
r = open_url('http://ansible.com/')
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert req.headers.get('Authorization') == b'Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd2Q='
r = open_url('http://foo.ansible.com/')
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert 'Authorization' not in req.headers
monkeypatch.setenv('NETRC', os.path.join(here, 'fixtures/netrc.nonexistant'))
r = open_url('http://ansible.com/')
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert 'Authorization' not in req.headers
def test_open_url_no_proxy(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock, mocker):
build_opener_mock = mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.urls.urllib_request.build_opener')
r = open_url('http://ansible.com/', use_proxy=False)
handlers = build_opener_mock.call_args[0]
found_handlers = []
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, urllib_request.ProxyHandler):
assert len(found_handlers) == 1
@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_SSLCONTEXT, reason="requires SSLContext")
def test_open_url_no_validate_certs(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/', validate_certs=False)
opener = install_opener_mock.call_args[0][0]
handlers = opener.handlers
ssl_handler = None
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, HTTPSClientAuthHandler):
ssl_handler = handler
assert ssl_handler is not None
context = ssl_handler._context
assert context.protocol == ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23
assert context.options & ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
assert context.options & ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
assert context.verify_mode == ssl.CERT_NONE
assert context.check_hostname is False
def test_open_url_client_cert(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
client_cert = os.path.join(here, 'fixtures/client.pem')
client_key = os.path.join(here, 'fixtures/client.key')
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/', client_cert=client_cert, client_key=client_key)
opener = install_opener_mock.call_args[0][0]
handlers = opener.handlers
ssl_handler = None
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, HTTPSClientAuthHandler):
ssl_handler = handler
assert ssl_handler is not None
assert ssl_handler.client_cert == client_cert
assert ssl_handler.client_key == client_key
https_connection = ssl_handler._build_https_connection('ansible.com')
assert https_connection.key_file == client_key
assert https_connection.cert_file == client_cert
def test_open_url_cookies(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/', cookies=cookiejar.CookieJar())
opener = install_opener_mock.call_args[0][0]
handlers = opener.handlers
cookies_handler = None
for handler in handlers:
if isinstance(handler, urllib_request.HTTPCookieProcessor):
cookies_handler = handler
assert cookies_handler is not None
def test_open_url_invalid_method(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
with pytest.raises(ConnectionError):
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/', method='BOGUS')
def test_open_url_custom_method(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/', method='DELETE')
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert isinstance(req, RequestWithMethod)
def test_open_url_user_agent(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/', http_agent='ansible-tests')
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert req.headers.get('User-agent') == 'ansible-tests'
def test_open_url_force(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/', force=True, last_mod_time=datetime.datetime.now())
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert req.headers.get('Cache-control') == 'no-cache'
assert 'If-modified-since' not in req.headers
def test_open_url_last_mod(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/', last_mod_time=now)
args = urlopen_mock.call_args[0]
req = args[0]
assert req.headers.get('If-modified-since') == now.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000')
def test_open_url_headers_not_dict(urlopen_mock, install_opener_mock):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
r = open_url('https://ansible.com/', headers=['bob'])