mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
* become mixin is no more since sudo/su keywords are removed in 2.9 .. no need to keep this code around * also don't need test for code that is removed * made preprocess_data on base noop its not used by anything anymore, but kept for backwards compat since other methods of same name are used
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# (c) 2016, Adrian Likins <alikins@redhat.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from units.compat import unittest
from ansible.errors import AnsibleParserError
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.playbook.attribute import FieldAttribute
from ansible.template import Templar
from ansible.playbook import base
from units.mock.loader import DictDataLoader
class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
ClassUnderTest = base.Base
def setUp(self):
self.assorted_vars = {'var_2_key': 'var_2_value',
'var_1_key': 'var_1_value',
'a_list': ['a_list_1', 'a_list_2'],
'a_dict': {'a_dict_key': 'a_dict_value'},
'a_set': set(['set_1', 'set_2']),
'a_int': 42,
'a_float': 37.371,
'a_bool': True,
'a_none': None,
self.b = self.ClassUnderTest()
def _base_validate(self, ds):
bsc = self.ClassUnderTest()
parent = ExampleParentBaseSubClass()
bsc._parent = parent
bsc._dep_chain = [parent]
parent._dep_chain = None
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({})
templar = Templar(loader=fake_loader)
return bsc
def test(self):
self.assertIsInstance(self.b, base.Base)
self.assertIsInstance(self.b, self.ClassUnderTest)
# dump me doesnt return anything or change anything so not much to assert
def test_dump_me_empty(self):
def test_dump_me(self):
ds = {'environment': [],
'vars': {'var_2_key': 'var_2_value',
'var_1_key': 'var_1_value'}}
b = self._base_validate(ds)
def _assert_copy(self, orig, copy):
self.assertIsInstance(copy, self.ClassUnderTest)
self.assertIsInstance(copy, base.Base)
sentinel = 'Empty DS'
self.assertEquals(getattr(orig, '_ds', sentinel),
getattr(copy, '_ds', sentinel))
def test_copy_empty(self):
copy = self.b.copy()
self._assert_copy(self.b, copy)
def test_copy_with_vars(self):
ds = {'vars': self.assorted_vars}
b = self._base_validate(ds)
copy = b.copy()
self._assert_copy(b, copy)
def test_serialize(self):
ds = {}
ds = {'environment': [],
'vars': self.assorted_vars
b = self._base_validate(ds)
ret = b.serialize()
self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict)
def test_deserialize(self):
data = {}
d = self.ClassUnderTest()
self.assertIn('run_once', d._attributes)
self.assertIn('check_mode', d._attributes)
data = {'no_log': False,
'remote_user': None,
'vars': self.assorted_vars,
'environment': [],
'run_once': False,
'connection': None,
'ignore_errors': False,
'port': 22,
'a_sentinel_with_an_unlikely_name': ['sure, a list']}
d = self.ClassUnderTest()
self.assertNotIn('a_sentinel_with_an_unlikely_name', d._attributes)
self.assertIn('run_once', d._attributes)
self.assertIn('check_mode', d._attributes)
def test_serialize_then_deserialize(self):
ds = {'environment': [],
'vars': self.assorted_vars}
b = self._base_validate(ds)
copy = b.copy()
ret = b.serialize()
c = self.ClassUnderTest()
# TODO: not a great test, but coverage...
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertDictEqual(b.serialize(), copy.serialize())
self.assertDictEqual(c.serialize(), copy.serialize())
def test_post_validate_empty(self):
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({})
templar = Templar(loader=fake_loader)
ret = self.b.post_validate(templar)
def test_get_ds_none(self):
ds = self.b.get_ds()
def test_load_data_ds_is_none(self):
self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self.b.load_data, None)
def test_load_data_invalid_attr(self):
ds = {'not_a_valid_attr': [],
'other': None}
self.assertRaises(AnsibleParserError, self.b.load_data, ds)
def test_load_data_invalid_attr_type(self):
ds = {'environment': True}
# environment is supposed to be a list. This
# seems like it shouldn't work?
ret = self.b.load_data(ds)
self.assertEquals(True, ret._attributes['environment'])
def test_post_validate(self):
ds = {'environment': [],
'port': 443}
b = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(b.port, 443)
self.assertEquals(b.environment, [])
def test_post_validate_invalid_attr_types(self):
ds = {'environment': [],
'port': 'some_port'}
b = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(b.port, 'some_port')
def test_squash(self):
data = self.b.serialize()
squashed_data = self.b.serialize()
# TODO: assert something
def test_vars(self):
# vars as a dict.
ds = {'environment': [],
'vars': {'var_2_key': 'var_2_value',
'var_1_key': 'var_1_value'}}
b = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(b.vars['var_1_key'], 'var_1_value')
def test_vars_list_of_dicts(self):
ds = {'environment': [],
'vars': [{'var_2_key': 'var_2_value'},
{'var_1_key': 'var_1_value'}]
b = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(b.vars['var_1_key'], 'var_1_value')
def test_vars_not_dict_or_list(self):
ds = {'environment': [],
'vars': 'I am a string, not a dict or a list of dicts'}
self.assertRaises(AnsibleParserError, self.b.load_data, ds)
def test_vars_not_valid_identifier(self):
ds = {'environment': [],
'vars': [{'var_2_key': 'var_2_value'},
{'1an-invalid identifer': 'var_1_value'}]
self.assertRaises(AnsibleParserError, self.b.load_data, ds)
def test_vars_is_list_but_not_of_dicts(self):
ds = {'environment': [],
'vars': ['foo', 'bar', 'this is a string not a dict']
self.assertRaises(AnsibleParserError, self.b.load_data, ds)
def test_vars_is_none(self):
# If vars is None, we should get a empty dict back
ds = {'environment': [],
'vars': None
b = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(b.vars, {})
def test_validate_empty(self):
def test_getters(self):
# not sure why these exist, but here are tests anyway
loader = self.b.get_loader()
variable_manager = self.b.get_variable_manager()
self.assertEquals(loader, self.b._loader)
self.assertEquals(variable_manager, self.b._variable_manager)
class TestExtendValue(unittest.TestCase):
# _extend_value could be a module or staticmethod but since its
# not, the test is here.
def test_extend_value_list_newlist(self):
b = base.Base()
value_list = ['first', 'second']
new_value_list = ['new_first', 'new_second']
ret = b._extend_value(value_list, new_value_list)
self.assertEquals(value_list + new_value_list, ret)
def test_extend_value_list_newlist_prepend(self):
b = base.Base()
value_list = ['first', 'second']
new_value_list = ['new_first', 'new_second']
ret_prepend = b._extend_value(value_list, new_value_list, prepend=True)
self.assertEquals(new_value_list + value_list, ret_prepend)
def test_extend_value_newlist_list(self):
b = base.Base()
value_list = ['first', 'second']
new_value_list = ['new_first', 'new_second']
ret = b._extend_value(new_value_list, value_list)
self.assertEquals(new_value_list + value_list, ret)
def test_extend_value_newlist_list_prepend(self):
b = base.Base()
value_list = ['first', 'second']
new_value_list = ['new_first', 'new_second']
ret = b._extend_value(new_value_list, value_list, prepend=True)
self.assertEquals(value_list + new_value_list, ret)
def test_extend_value_string_newlist(self):
b = base.Base()
some_string = 'some string'
new_value_list = ['new_first', 'new_second']
ret = b._extend_value(some_string, new_value_list)
self.assertEquals([some_string] + new_value_list, ret)
def test_extend_value_string_newstring(self):
b = base.Base()
some_string = 'some string'
new_value_string = 'this is the new values'
ret = b._extend_value(some_string, new_value_string)
self.assertEquals([some_string, new_value_string], ret)
def test_extend_value_list_newstring(self):
b = base.Base()
value_list = ['first', 'second']
new_value_string = 'this is the new values'
ret = b._extend_value(value_list, new_value_string)
self.assertEquals(value_list + [new_value_string], ret)
def test_extend_value_none_none(self):
b = base.Base()
ret = b._extend_value(None, None)
self.assertEquals(len(ret), 0)
def test_extend_value_none_list(self):
b = base.Base()
ret = b._extend_value(None, ['foo'])
self.assertEquals(ret, ['foo'])
class ExampleException(Exception):
# naming fails me...
class ExampleParentBaseSubClass(base.Base):
_test_attr_parent_string = FieldAttribute(isa='string', default='A string attr for a class that may be a parent for testing')
def __init__(self):
super(ExampleParentBaseSubClass, self).__init__()
self._dep_chain = None
def get_dep_chain(self):
return self._dep_chain
class ExampleSubClass(base.Base):
_test_attr_blip = FieldAttribute(isa='string', default='example sub class test_attr_blip',
def __init__(self):
super(ExampleSubClass, self).__init__()
def get_dep_chain(self):
if self._parent:
return self._parent.get_dep_chain()
return None
class BaseSubClass(base.Base):
_name = FieldAttribute(isa='string', default='', always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_bool = FieldAttribute(isa='bool', always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_int = FieldAttribute(isa='int', always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_float = FieldAttribute(isa='float', default=3.14159, always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_list = FieldAttribute(isa='list', listof=string_types, always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_list_no_listof = FieldAttribute(isa='list', always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_list_required = FieldAttribute(isa='list', listof=string_types, required=True,
default=list, always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_string = FieldAttribute(isa='string', default='the_test_attr_string_default_value')
_test_attr_string_required = FieldAttribute(isa='string', required=True,
_test_attr_percent = FieldAttribute(isa='percent', always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_set = FieldAttribute(isa='set', default=set, always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_dict = FieldAttribute(isa='dict', default=lambda: {'a_key': 'a_value'}, always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_class = FieldAttribute(isa='class', class_type=ExampleSubClass)
_test_attr_class_post_validate = FieldAttribute(isa='class', class_type=ExampleSubClass,
_test_attr_unknown_isa = FieldAttribute(isa='not_a_real_isa', always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_example = FieldAttribute(isa='string', default='the_default',
_test_attr_none = FieldAttribute(isa='string', always_post_validate=True)
_test_attr_preprocess = FieldAttribute(isa='string', default='the default for preprocess')
_test_attr_method = FieldAttribute(isa='string', default='some attr with a getter',
_test_attr_method_missing = FieldAttribute(isa='string', default='some attr with a missing getter',
def _get_attr_test_attr_method(self):
return 'foo bar'
def _validate_test_attr_example(self, attr, name, value):
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise ExampleException('_test_attr_example is not a string: %s type=%s' % (value, type(value)))
def _post_validate_test_attr_example(self, attr, value, templar):
after_template_value = templar.template(value)
return after_template_value
def _post_validate_test_attr_none(self, attr, value, templar):
return None
def _get_parent_attribute(self, attr, extend=False, prepend=False):
value = None
value = self._attributes[attr]
if self._parent and (value is None or extend):
parent_value = getattr(self._parent, attr, None)
if extend:
value = self._extend_value(value, parent_value, prepend)
value = parent_value
except KeyError:
return value
# terrible name, but it is a TestBase subclass for testing subclasses of Base
class TestBaseSubClass(TestBase):
ClassUnderTest = BaseSubClass
def _base_validate(self, ds):
ds['test_attr_list_required'] = []
return super(TestBaseSubClass, self)._base_validate(ds)
def test_attr_bool(self):
ds = {'test_attr_bool': True}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_bool, True)
def test_attr_int(self):
ds = {'test_attr_int': MOST_RANDOM_NUMBER}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_int, MOST_RANDOM_NUMBER)
def test_attr_int_del(self):
ds = {'test_attr_int': MOST_RANDOM_NUMBER}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
del bsc.test_attr_int
self.assertNotIn('test_attr_int', bsc._attributes)
def test_attr_float(self):
roughly_pi = 4.0
ds = {'test_attr_float': roughly_pi}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_float, roughly_pi)
def test_attr_percent(self):
percentage = '90%'
percentage_float = 90.0
ds = {'test_attr_percent': percentage}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_percent, percentage_float)
# This method works hard and gives it its all and everything it's got. It doesn't
# leave anything on the field. It deserves to pass. It has earned it.
def test_attr_percent_110_percent(self):
percentage = '110.11%'
percentage_float = 110.11
ds = {'test_attr_percent': percentage}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_percent, percentage_float)
# This method is just here for the paycheck.
def test_attr_percent_60_no_percent_sign(self):
percentage = '60'
percentage_float = 60.0
ds = {'test_attr_percent': percentage}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_percent, percentage_float)
def test_attr_set(self):
test_set = set(['first_string_in_set', 'second_string_in_set'])
ds = {'test_attr_set': test_set}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_set, test_set)
def test_attr_set_string(self):
test_data = ['something', 'other']
test_value = ','.join(test_data)
ds = {'test_attr_set': test_value}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_set, set(test_data))
def test_attr_set_not_string_or_list(self):
test_value = 37.1
ds = {'test_attr_set': test_value}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_set, set([test_value]))
def test_attr_dict(self):
test_dict = {'a_different_key': 'a_different_value'}
ds = {'test_attr_dict': test_dict}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_dict, test_dict)
def test_attr_dict_string(self):
test_value = 'just_some_random_string'
ds = {'test_attr_dict': test_value}
self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleParserError, 'is not a dictionary', self._base_validate, ds)
def test_attr_class(self):
esc = ExampleSubClass()
ds = {'test_attr_class': esc}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertIs(bsc.test_attr_class, esc)
def test_attr_class_wrong_type(self):
not_a_esc = ExampleSubClass
ds = {'test_attr_class': not_a_esc}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertIs(bsc.test_attr_class, not_a_esc)
def test_attr_class_post_validate(self):
esc = ExampleSubClass()
ds = {'test_attr_class_post_validate': esc}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertIs(bsc.test_attr_class_post_validate, esc)
def test_attr_class_post_validate_class_not_instance(self):
not_a_esc = ExampleSubClass
ds = {'test_attr_class_post_validate': not_a_esc}
self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleParserError, 'is not a valid.*got a.*Meta.*instead',
self._base_validate, ds)
def test_attr_class_post_validate_wrong_class(self):
not_a_esc = 37
ds = {'test_attr_class_post_validate': not_a_esc}
self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleParserError, 'is not a valid.*got a.*int.*instead',
self._base_validate, ds)
def test_attr_remote_user(self):
ds = {'remote_user': 'testuser'}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
# TODO: attemp to verify we called parent gettters etc
self.assertEquals(bsc.remote_user, 'testuser')
def test_attr_example_undefined(self):
ds = {'test_attr_example': '{{ some_var_that_shouldnt_exist_to_test_omit }}'}
exc_regex_str = 'test_attr_example.*has an invalid value, which includes an undefined variable.*some_var_that_shouldnt*'
def test_attr_name_undefined(self):
ds = {'name': '{{ some_var_that_shouldnt_exist_to_test_omit }}'}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
# the attribute 'name' is special cases in post_validate
self.assertEquals(bsc.name, '{{ some_var_that_shouldnt_exist_to_test_omit }}')
def test_subclass_validate_method(self):
ds = {'test_attr_list': ['string_list_item_1', 'string_list_item_2'],
'test_attr_example': 'the_test_attr_example_value_string'}
# Not throwing an exception here is the test
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_example, 'the_test_attr_example_value_string')
def test_subclass_validate_method_invalid(self):
ds = {'test_attr_example': [None]}
self.assertRaises(ExampleException, self._base_validate, ds)
def test_attr_none(self):
ds = {'test_attr_none': 'foo'}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_none, None)
def test_attr_string(self):
the_string_value = "the new test_attr_string_value"
ds = {'test_attr_string': the_string_value}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_string, the_string_value)
def test_attr_string_invalid_list(self):
ds = {'test_attr_string': ['The new test_attr_string', 'value, however in a list']}
self.assertRaises(AnsibleParserError, self._base_validate, ds)
def test_attr_string_required(self):
the_string_value = "the new test_attr_string_required_value"
ds = {'test_attr_string_required': the_string_value}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_string_required, the_string_value)
def test_attr_list_invalid(self):
ds = {'test_attr_list': {}}
self.assertRaises(AnsibleParserError, self._base_validate, ds)
def test_attr_list(self):
string_list = ['foo', 'bar']
ds = {'test_attr_list': string_list}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(string_list, bsc._attributes['test_attr_list'])
def test_attr_list_none(self):
ds = {'test_attr_list': None}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(None, bsc._attributes['test_attr_list'])
def test_attr_list_no_listof(self):
test_list = ['foo', 'bar', 123]
ds = {'test_attr_list_no_listof': test_list}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(test_list, bsc._attributes['test_attr_list_no_listof'])
def test_attr_list_required(self):
string_list = ['foo', 'bar']
ds = {'test_attr_list_required': string_list}
bsc = self.ClassUnderTest()
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({})
templar = Templar(loader=fake_loader)
self.assertEquals(string_list, bsc._attributes['test_attr_list_required'])
def test_attr_list_required_empty_string(self):
string_list = [""]
ds = {'test_attr_list_required': string_list}
bsc = self.ClassUnderTest()
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({})
templar = Templar(loader=fake_loader)
self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleParserError, 'cannot have empty values',
bsc.post_validate, templar)
def test_attr_unknown(self):
a_list = ['some string']
ds = {'test_attr_unknown_isa': a_list}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_unknown_isa, a_list)
def test_attr_method(self):
ds = {'test_attr_method': 'value from the ds'}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
# The value returned by the subclasses _get_attr_test_attr_method
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_method, 'foo bar')
def test_attr_method_missing(self):
a_string = 'The value set from the ds'
ds = {'test_attr_method_missing': a_string}
bsc = self._base_validate(ds)
self.assertEquals(bsc.test_attr_method_missing, a_string)