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mirror of https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general.git synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
Vladimir Botka e3fb817a21
pkgng - add option use_globs (default=true) (#8633)
* pkgng - add option use_globs (default=true) #8632

* Fix lint.

* Update changelogs/fragments/8632-pkgng-add-option-use_globs.yml

Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>

* Update plugins/modules/pkgng.py

Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>

* Update plugins/modules/pkgng.py

Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>

* Update tests/integration/targets/pkgng/tasks/install_single_package.yml

Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>

* Update plugins/modules/pkgng.py

Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>


Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>
2024-07-23 17:59:25 +02:00

550 lines
19 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, bleader
# Written by bleader <bleader@ratonland.org>
# Based on pkgin module written by Shaun Zinck <shaun.zinck at gmail.com>
# that was based on pacman module written by Afterburn <https://github.com/afterburn>
# that was based on apt module written by Matthew Williams <matthew@flowroute.com>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
module: pkgng
short_description: Package manager for FreeBSD >= 9.0
- Manage binary packages for FreeBSD using 'pkgng' which is available in versions after 9.0.
- community.general.attributes
support: full
support: none
- Name or list of names of packages to install/remove.
- "With O(name=*), O(state=latest) will operate, but O(state=present) and O(state=absent) will be noops."
required: true
aliases: [pkg]
type: list
elements: str
- State of the package.
choices: [ 'present', 'latest', 'absent' ]
required: false
default: present
type: str
- Use local package base instead of fetching an updated one.
type: bool
required: false
default: false
- A list of keyvalue-pairs of the form
C(<+/-/:><key>[=<value>]). A V(+) denotes adding an annotation, a
V(-) denotes removing an annotation, and V(:) denotes modifying an
If setting or modifying annotations, a value must be provided.
required: false
type: list
elements: str
- For pkgng versions before 1.1.4, specify packagesite to use
for downloading packages. If not specified, use settings from
- For newer pkgng versions, specify a the name of a repository
configured in C(/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos).
required: false
type: str
- For pkgng versions 1.5 and later, pkg will install all packages
within the specified root directory.
- Can not be used together with O(chroot) or O(jail) options.
required: false
type: path
- Pkg will chroot in the specified environment.
- Can not be used together with O(rootdir) or O(jail) options.
required: false
type: path
- Pkg will execute in the given jail name or id.
- Can not be used together with O(chroot) or O(rootdir) options.
type: str
- Remove automatically installed packages which are no longer needed.
required: false
type: bool
default: false
- Ignore FreeBSD OS version check, useful on -STABLE and -CURRENT branches.
- Defines the E(IGNORE_OSVERSION) environment variable.
required: false
type: bool
default: false
version_added: 1.3.0
- Treat the package names as shell glob patterns.
required: false
type: bool
default: true
version_added: 9.3.0
author: "bleader (@bleader)"
- When using pkgsite, be careful that already in cache packages won't be downloaded again.
- When used with a C(loop:) each package will be processed individually,
it is much more efficient to pass the list directly to the O(name) option.
- name: Install package foo
name: foo
state: present
- name: Annotate package foo and bar
- foo
- bar
annotation: '+test1=baz,-test2,:test3=foobar'
- name: Remove packages foo and bar
- foo
- bar
state: absent
- name: Upgrade package baz
name: baz
state: latest
- name: Upgrade all installed packages (see warning for the name option first!)
name: "*"
state: latest
- name: Upgrade foo/bar
name: foo/bar
state: latest
use_globs: false
from collections import defaultdict
import re
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
def query_package(module, run_pkgng, name):
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('info', '-e', name)
return rc == 0
def query_update(module, run_pkgng, name):
# Check to see if a package upgrade is available.
# rc = 0, no updates available or package not installed
# rc = 1, updates available
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('upgrade', '-n', name)
return rc == 1
def pkgng_older_than(module, pkgng_path, compare_version):
rc, out, err = module.run_command([pkgng_path, '-v'])
version = [int(x) for x in re.split(r'[\._]', out)]
i = 0
new_pkgng = True
while compare_version[i] == version[i]:
i += 1
if i == min(len(compare_version), len(version)):
if compare_version[i] > version[i]:
new_pkgng = False
return not new_pkgng
def upgrade_packages(module, run_pkgng):
# Run a 'pkg upgrade', updating all packages.
upgraded_c = 0
pkgng_args = ['upgrade']
pkgng_args.append('-n' if module.check_mode else '-y')
rc, out, err = run_pkgng(*pkgng_args, check_rc=(not module.check_mode))
matches = re.findall('^Number of packages to be (?:upgraded|reinstalled): ([0-9]+)', out, re.MULTILINE)
for match in matches:
upgraded_c += int(match)
if upgraded_c > 0:
return (True, "updated %s package(s)" % upgraded_c, out, err)
return (False, "no packages need upgrades", out, err)
def remove_packages(module, run_pkgng, packages):
remove_c = 0
stdout = ""
stderr = ""
# Using a for loop in case of error, we can report the package that failed
for package in packages:
# Query the package first, to see if we even need to remove
if not query_package(module, run_pkgng, package):
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('delete', '-y', package)
stdout += out
stderr += err
if not module.check_mode and query_package(module, run_pkgng, package):
module.fail_json(msg="failed to remove %s: %s" % (package, out), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
remove_c += 1
if remove_c > 0:
return (True, "removed %s package(s)" % remove_c, stdout, stderr)
return (False, "package(s) already absent", stdout, stderr)
def install_packages(module, run_pkgng, packages, cached, state):
action_queue = defaultdict(list)
action_count = defaultdict(int)
stdout = ""
stderr = ""
if not module.check_mode and not cached:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('update')
stdout += out
stderr += err
if rc != 0:
module.fail_json(msg="Could not update catalogue [%d]: %s %s" % (rc, out, err), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
for package in packages:
already_installed = query_package(module, run_pkgng, package)
if already_installed and state == "present":
if (
already_installed and state == "latest"
and not query_update(module, run_pkgng, package)
if already_installed:
# install/upgrade all named packages with one pkg command
for (action, package_list) in action_queue.items():
if module.check_mode:
# Do nothing, but count up how many actions
# would be performed so that the changed/msg
# is correct.
action_count[action] += len(package_list)
pkgng_args = [action, '-U', '-y'] + package_list
rc, out, err = run_pkgng(*pkgng_args)
stdout += out
stderr += err
# individually verify packages are in requested state
for package in package_list:
verified = False
if action == 'install':
verified = query_package(module, run_pkgng, package)
elif action == 'upgrade':
verified = not query_update(module, run_pkgng, package)
if verified:
action_count[action] += 1
module.fail_json(msg="failed to %s %s" % (action, package), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
if sum(action_count.values()) > 0:
past_tense = {'install': 'installed', 'upgrade': 'upgraded'}
messages = []
for (action, count) in action_count.items():
messages.append("%s %s package%s" % (past_tense.get(action, action), count, "s" if count != 1 else ""))
return (True, '; '.join(messages), stdout, stderr)
return (False, "package(s) already %s" % (state), stdout, stderr)
def annotation_query(module, run_pkgng, package, tag):
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('info', '-A', package)
match = re.search(r'^\s*(?P<tag>%s)\s*:\s*(?P<value>\w+)' % tag, out, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if match:
return match.group('value')
return False
def annotation_add(module, run_pkgng, package, tag, value):
_value = annotation_query(module, run_pkgng, package, tag)
if not _value:
# Annotation does not exist, add it.
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('annotate', '-y', '-A', package, tag, data=value, binary_data=True)
if rc != 0:
module.fail_json(msg="could not annotate %s: %s"
% (package, out), stderr=err)
return True
elif _value != value:
# Annotation exists, but value differs
msg="failed to annotate %s, because %s is already set to %s, but should be set to %s"
% (package, tag, _value, value))
return False
# Annotation exists, nothing to do
return False
def annotation_delete(module, run_pkgng, package, tag, value):
_value = annotation_query(module, run_pkgng, package, tag)
if _value:
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('annotate', '-y', '-D', package, tag)
if rc != 0:
module.fail_json(msg="could not delete annotation to %s: %s"
% (package, out), stderr=err)
return True
return False
def annotation_modify(module, run_pkgng, package, tag, value):
_value = annotation_query(module, run_pkgng, package, tag)
if not _value:
# No such tag
module.fail_json(msg="could not change annotation to %s: tag %s does not exist"
% (package, tag))
elif _value == value:
# No change in value
return False
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('annotate', '-y', '-M', package, tag, data=value, binary_data=True)
# pkg sometimes exits with rc == 1, even though the modification succeeded
# Check the output for a success message
if (
rc != 0
and re.search(r'^%s-[^:]+: Modified annotation tagged: %s' % (package, tag), out, flags=re.MULTILINE) is None
module.fail_json(msg="failed to annotate %s, could not change annotation %s to %s: %s"
% (package, tag, value, out), stderr=err)
return True
def annotate_packages(module, run_pkgng, packages, annotations):
annotate_c = 0
if len(annotations) == 1:
# Split on commas with optional trailing whitespace,
# to support the old style of multiple annotations
# on a single line, rather than YAML list syntax
annotations = re.split(r'\s*,\s*', annotations[0])
operation = {
'+': annotation_add,
'-': annotation_delete,
':': annotation_modify
for package in packages:
for annotation_string in annotations:
# Note to future maintainers: A dash (-) in a regex character class ([-+:] below)
# must appear as the first character in the class, or it will be interpreted
# as a range of characters.
annotation = \
re.match(r'(?P<operation>[-+:])(?P<tag>[^=]+)(=(?P<value>.+))?', annotation_string)
if annotation is None:
msg="failed to annotate %s, invalid annotate string: %s"
% (package, annotation_string)
annotation = annotation.groupdict()
if operation[annotation['operation']](module, run_pkgng, package, annotation['tag'], annotation['value']):
annotate_c += 1
if annotate_c > 0:
return (True, "added %s annotations." % annotate_c)
return (False, "changed no annotations")
def autoremove_packages(module, run_pkgng):
stdout = ""
stderr = ""
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('autoremove', '-n')
autoremove_c = 0
match = re.search('^Deinstallation has been requested for the following ([0-9]+) packages', out, re.MULTILINE)
if match:
autoremove_c = int(match.group(1))
if autoremove_c == 0:
return (False, "no package(s) to autoremove", stdout, stderr)
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('autoremove', '-y')
stdout += out
stderr += err
return (True, "autoremoved %d package(s)" % (autoremove_c), stdout, stderr)
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
state=dict(default="present", choices=["present", "latest", "absent"], required=False),
name=dict(aliases=["pkg"], required=True, type='list', elements='str'),
cached=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
ignore_osver=dict(default=False, required=False, type='bool'),
annotation=dict(required=False, type='list', elements='str'),
rootdir=dict(required=False, type='path'),
chroot=dict(required=False, type='path'),
jail=dict(required=False, type='str'),
autoremove=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
use_globs=dict(default=True, required=False, type='bool'),
mutually_exclusive=[["rootdir", "chroot", "jail"]])
pkgng_path = module.get_bin_path('pkg', True)
p = module.params
pkgs = p["name"]
changed = False
msgs = []
stdout = ""
stderr = ""
dir_arg = None
if p["rootdir"] is not None:
rootdir_not_supported = pkgng_older_than(module, pkgng_path, [1, 5, 0])
if rootdir_not_supported:
module.fail_json(msg="To use option 'rootdir' pkg version must be 1.5 or greater")
dir_arg = "--rootdir=%s" % (p["rootdir"])
if p["ignore_osver"]:
ignore_osver_not_supported = pkgng_older_than(module, pkgng_path, [1, 11, 0])
if ignore_osver_not_supported:
module.fail_json(msg="To use option 'ignore_osver' pkg version must be 1.11 or greater")
if p["chroot"] is not None:
dir_arg = '--chroot=%s' % (p["chroot"])
if p["jail"] is not None:
dir_arg = '--jail=%s' % (p["jail"])
# as of pkg-1.1.4, PACKAGESITE is deprecated in favor of repository definitions
# in /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
repo_flag_not_supported = pkgng_older_than(module, pkgng_path, [1, 1, 4])
def run_pkgng(action, *args, **kwargs):
cmd = [pkgng_path, dir_arg, action]
if p["use_globs"] and action in ('info', 'install', 'upgrade',):
args = ('-g',) + args
pkgng_env = {'BATCH': 'yes'}
if p["ignore_osver"]:
pkgng_env['IGNORE_OSVERSION'] = 'yes'
if p['pkgsite'] is not None and action in ('update', 'install', 'upgrade',):
if repo_flag_not_supported:
pkgng_env['PACKAGESITE'] = p['pkgsite']
cmd.append('--repository=%s' % (p['pkgsite'],))
# If environ_update is specified to be "passed through"
# to module.run_command, then merge its values into pkgng_env
pkgng_env.update(kwargs.pop('environ_update', dict()))
return module.run_command(cmd + list(args), environ_update=pkgng_env, **kwargs)
if pkgs == ['*'] and p["state"] == 'latest':
# Operate on all installed packages. Only state: latest makes sense here.
_changed, _msg, _stdout, _stderr = upgrade_packages(module, run_pkgng)
changed = changed or _changed
stdout += _stdout
stderr += _stderr
# Operate on named packages
if len(pkgs) == 1:
# The documentation used to show multiple packages specified in one line
# with comma or space delimiters. That doesn't result in a YAML list, and
# wrong actions (install vs upgrade) can be reported if those
# comma- or space-delimited strings make it to the pkg command line.
pkgs = re.split(r'[,\s]', pkgs[0])
named_packages = [pkg for pkg in pkgs if pkg != '*']
if p["state"] in ("present", "latest") and named_packages:
_changed, _msg, _out, _err = install_packages(module, run_pkgng, named_packages,
p["cached"], p["state"])
stdout += _out
stderr += _err
changed = changed or _changed
elif p["state"] == "absent" and named_packages:
_changed, _msg, _out, _err = remove_packages(module, run_pkgng, named_packages)
stdout += _out
stderr += _err
changed = changed or _changed
if p["autoremove"]:
_changed, _msg, _stdout, _stderr = autoremove_packages(module, run_pkgng)
changed = changed or _changed
stdout += _stdout
stderr += _stderr
if p["annotation"] is not None:
_changed, _msg = annotate_packages(module, run_pkgng, pkgs, p["annotation"])
changed = changed or _changed
module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=", ".join(msgs), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__':