mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
* Adding aliases for field attributes and renaming async attribute As of Python 3.7, the use of async raises an error, whereas before the use of the reserved word was ignored. This adds an alias field for field attrs so that both async and async_val (interally) work. This allows us to be backwards-compatible with 3rd party plugins that may still reference Task.async, but for the core engine to work on Py3.7+. * Remove files fixed for 'async' usage from the python 3.7 skip list
243 lines
7.8 KiB
243 lines
7.8 KiB
(Epdb) pprint(DeepDiff(self.final_task_vars, out_task_vars), indent=2)
{ 'dic_item_added': set([u"root['ansible_python_interpreter']"]),
'dic_item_removed': set([ u"root['hostvars']['']",
'iterable_item_added': { u"root['hostvars']['el6host']['groups']['all'][1]": u'::1',
u"root['hostvars']['el6host']['groups']['ungrouped'][1]": u'::1',
u"root['vars']['hostvars']['el6host']['groups']['all'][1]": u'::1',
u"root['vars']['hostvars']['el6host']['groups']['ungrouped'][1]": u'::1'}}
import json
import os
import sys
import unittest
import yaml
from pprint import pprint
import ansible.plugins
from ansible.compat.tests.mock import patch, MagicMock
from ansible.plugins.action.synchronize import ActionModule
# Getting the incoming and outgoing task vars from the plugin's run method
import copy
safe_vars = {}
for k,v in task_vars.items():
if k not in ['vars', 'hostvars']:
safe_vars[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
sdata = str(v)
newv = eval(sdata)
safe_vars[k] = newv
import json
with open('task_vars.json', 'wb') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(safe_vars, indent=2))
class TaskMock(object):
args = {'src': u'/tmp/deleteme',
'dest': '/tmp/deleteme',
'rsync_path': 'rsync'}
async_val = None
become = None
become_user = None
become_method = None
class StdinMock(object):
shell = None
class ConnectionMock(object):
ismock = True
_play_context = None
# transport = 'ssh'
transport = None
_new_stdin = StdinMock()
class PlayContextMock(object):
shell = None
private_key_file = None
become = False
become_user = 'root'
become_method = None
check_mode = False
no_log = None
diff = None
remote_addr = None
remote_user = None
password = None
class ModuleLoaderMock(object):
def find_plugin(self, module_name, mod_type):
class SharedLoaderMock(object):
module_loader = ModuleLoaderMock()
class SynchronizeTester(object):
''' A wrapper for mocking out synchronize environments '''
task = TaskMock()
connection = ConnectionMock()
_play_context = PlayContextMock()
loader = None
templar = None
shared_loader_obj = SharedLoaderMock()
final_task_vars = None
execute_called = False
def _execute_module(self, module_name, module_args=None, task_vars=None):
self.execute_called = True
self.final_module_args = module_args
self.final_task_vars = task_vars
return {}
def runtest(self, fixturepath='fixtures/synchronize/basic'):
metapath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'meta.yaml')
with open(metapath, 'rb') as f:
fdata = f.read()
test_meta = yaml.load(fdata)
# load initial play context vars
if '_play_context' in test_meta:
if test_meta['_play_context']:
self.task.args = {}
for (k, v) in test_meta['_play_context'].items():
if v == 'None':
v = None
setattr(self._play_context, k, v)
# load initial task context vars
if '_task' in test_meta:
if test_meta['_task']:
self.task.args = {}
for (k, v) in test_meta['_task'].items():
# import epdb; epdb.st()
if v == 'None':
v = None
setattr(self.task, k, v)
# load initial task vars
if 'task_args' in test_meta:
if test_meta['task_args']:
self.task.args = {}
for (k, v) in test_meta['task_args'].items():
self.task.args[k] = v
# load initial task vars
invarspath = os.path.join(fixturepath, test_meta.get('fixtures', {}).get('taskvars_in', 'taskvars_in.json'))
with open(invarspath, 'rb') as f:
fdata = f.read()
fdata = fdata.decode("utf-8")
in_task_vars = json.loads(fdata)
# load expected final task vars
outvarspath = os.path.join(fixturepath, test_meta.get('fixtures', {}).get('taskvars_out', 'taskvars_out.json'))
with open(outvarspath, 'rb') as f:
fdata = f.read()
fdata = fdata.decode("utf-8")
out_task_vars = json.loads(fdata)
# fixup the connection
for (k, v) in test_meta['connection'].items():
setattr(self.connection, k, v)
# fixup the hostvars
if test_meta['hostvars']:
for (k, v) in test_meta['hostvars'].items():
in_task_vars['hostvars'][k] = v
# initialize and run the module
SAM = ActionModule(self.task, self.connection, self._play_context,
self.loader, self.templar, self.shared_loader_obj)
SAM._execute_module = self._execute_module
result = SAM.run(task_vars=in_task_vars)
# run assertions
for check in test_meta['asserts']:
value = eval(check)
# if not value:
# print(check, value)
# import epdb; epdb.st()
assert value, check
class FakePluginLoader(object):
mocked = True
def get(transport, play_context, new_stdin):
conn = ConnectionMock()
conn.transport = transport
conn._play_context = play_context
conn._new_stdin = new_stdin
return conn
class TestSynchronizeAction(unittest.TestCase):
fixturedir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
fixturedir = os.path.join(fixturedir, 'fixtures', 'synchronize')
# print(basedir)
@patch('ansible.plugins.action.synchronize.connection_loader', FakePluginLoader)
def test_basic(self):
x = SynchronizeTester()
x.runtest(fixturepath=os.path.join(self.fixturedir, 'basic'))
@patch('ansible.plugins.action.synchronize.connection_loader', FakePluginLoader)
def test_basic_become(self):
x = SynchronizeTester()
x.runtest(fixturepath=os.path.join(self.fixturedir, 'basic_become'))
@patch('ansible.plugins.action.synchronize.connection_loader', FakePluginLoader)
def test_basic_become_cli(self):
# --become on the cli sets _play_context.become
x = SynchronizeTester()
x.runtest(fixturepath=os.path.join(self.fixturedir, 'basic_become_cli'))
@patch('ansible.plugins.action.synchronize.connection_loader', FakePluginLoader)
def test_basic_vagrant(self):
# simple vagrant example
x = SynchronizeTester()
x.runtest(fixturepath=os.path.join(self.fixturedir, 'basic_vagrant'))
@patch('ansible.plugins.action.synchronize.connection_loader', FakePluginLoader)
def test_basic_vagrant_sudo(self):
# vagrant plus sudo
x = SynchronizeTester()
x.runtest(fixturepath=os.path.join(self.fixturedir, 'basic_vagrant_sudo'))
@patch('ansible.plugins.action.synchronize.connection_loader', FakePluginLoader)
def test_basic_vagrant_become_cli(self):
# vagrant plus sudo
x = SynchronizeTester()
x.runtest(fixturepath=os.path.join(self.fixturedir, 'basic_vagrant_become_cli'))
@patch('ansible.plugins.action.synchronize.connection_loader', FakePluginLoader)
def test_delegate_remote(self):
# delegate to other remote host
x = SynchronizeTester()
x.runtest(fixturepath=os.path.join(self.fixturedir, 'delegate_remote'))
@patch('ansible.plugins.action.synchronize.connection_loader', FakePluginLoader)
def test_delegate_remote_su(self):
# delegate to other remote host with su enabled
x = SynchronizeTester()
x.runtest(fixturepath=os.path.join(self.fixturedir, 'delegate_remote_su'))