mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
* gitlab_group: refactor module * gitlab_user: refactor module * gitlab_group, gitlab_user; pylint * gitlab_project: refactor module * gitlab_group, gitlab_project, gitlab_user: Enchance modules - Add generic loop to update object - Enchance return messages - PyLint * gitlab_runner: refactor module * gitlab_hooks: refactor module * gitlab_deploy_key: refactor module * gitlab_group: enchance module and documentation - Enchange function arguments - Add check_mode break - Rewrite module documentation * gitlab_hook: enchance module and documentation - Rewrite documentation - Enchance function parameters - Rename functions * gitlab_project: enchance module and documentation - Rewrite documentation - Enchance function parameters - Add try/except on project creation * gitlab_runner: enchance module and documentation - Rewrite documentation - Fix Copyright - Enchance function arguments - Add check_mode break - Add missing function: deletion * gitlab_user: enchance module and documentation - Rewrite documentation - Enchance function parameters - Add check_mode break - Add try/except on user creation * gitlab_deploy_key, gitlab_group, gitlab_hooks, gitlab_project, gitlab_runner, gitlab_user: Fix residual bugs - Fix Copyright - Fix result messages - Add missing check_mode break * gitlab_deploy_key, gitlab_group, gitlab_hooks, gitlab_project, gitlab_runner, gitlab_user: pylint * gitlab_runner: Add substitution function for 'cmp' in python3 * unit-test: remove deprecated gitlab module tests - gitlab_deploy_key - gitlab_hooks - gitlab_project Actually, they can't be reused because of the modification of the way that the module communicate with the Gitlab instance. It doesn't make direct call to the API, now it use a python library that do the job. So using a pytest mocker to test the module won't work. * gitlab_deploy_key, gitlab_group, gitlab_hooks, gitlab_project, gitlab_runner, gitlab_user: add copyright * gitlab_deploy_key, gitlab_group, gitlab_hooks, gitlab_project, gitlab_runner, gitlab_user: Support old parameters format * module_utils Gitlab: Edit copyright * gitlab_deploy_key, gitlab_group, gitlab_hooks, gitlab_project, gitlab_runner, gitlab_user: Unifying module inputs - Rename verify_ssl into validate_certs to match standards - Remove unused alias parameters - Unify parameters type and requirement - Reorder list order * gitlab_deploy_key, gitlab_group, gitlab_hooks, gitlab_project, gitlab_runner, gitlab_user: Unifying module outputs - Use standard output parameter "msg" instead of "return" - Use snail_case for return values instead of camelCase * validate-module: remove sanity ignore * BOTMETA: remove gitlab_* test - This tests need to be completely rewriten because of the refactoring of these modules - TodoList Community Wiki was updated * gitlab_user: Fix group identifier * gitlab_project: Fix when group was empty * gitlab_deploy_key: edit return msg * module_utils gitlab: fall back to user namespace is project not found * gitlab modules: Add units tests * unit test: gitlab module fake current user * gitlab_user: fix access_level verification * gitlab unit tests: use decoration instead of with statement * unit tests: gitlab module skip python 2.6 * unit tests: gitlab module skip library import if python 2.6 * gitlab unit tests: use builtin unittest class * gitlab unit tests: use custom test class * unit test: gitlab module lint * unit tests: move gitlab utils * unit test: gitlab fix imports * gitlab_module: edit requirement python-gitlab library require python >= 2.7 * gitlab_module: add myself as author * gitlab_modules: add python encoding tag * gitlab_modules: keep consistency between variable name "validate_certs" * gitlab_modules: enchance documentation * gitlab_runner: fix syntax error in documentation * gitlab_module: use basic_auth module_utils and add deprecation warning * gitlab_module: documentation corrections * gitlab_module: python lint * gitlab_module: deprecate options and aliases for ansible 2.10 * gitlab_group: don't use 'local_action' is documentation example * gitlab_module: correct return messages * gitlab_module: use module_util 'missing_required_lib' when python library is missing * gitlab_module: fix typo in function name. * gitlab_modules: unify return msg on check_mode * gitlab_modules: don't use deprecated options in examples
1375 lines
43 KiB
1375 lines
43 KiB
# Data used by ansibot to identify who works on each file in the repo.
# If you have questions about this data format, please join #ansible-devel
# on irc.freenode and ping anyone who is op'ed.
# There are 3 primary sections of the data
# automerge
# During release freezes, the bot uses this key to know if
# automerging should be on or off. It is a boolean value.
# macros
# Macros are used to shorten and group some strings and lists.
# Any macro with a prefix of "team_" is a maintainer group for
# various files.
# files
# Each key represents a specific file in the repository.
# If a module is not listed, it's maintainers default to the authors
# If the file has no maintainers key, the value of the key is
# presumed to be the maintainers.
# Keys:
# maintainers - these people can shipit and automerge
# notified - these people are always subscribed to relevant issues
# ignored - these people should never be notified
# deprecated - this file is deprecated but probably not yet renamed
# keywords - used to identify this file based on the issue description
# support - used for files without internal ANSIBLE_METADATA, see
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/labels?q=support for full list
# labels - list of GitHub labels to apply. Path components of 'file' parent key
# which are valid GitHub labels are automatically added.
# supershipit - supershipiteers can turn a shipit into a supershipit
automerge: True
labels: botmeta
# Changes to BOTMETA MUST always be reviewed by Core Team
support: core
support: community
ignored: erydo seiffert simplesteph nadirollo
$modules/cloud/amazon/aws_api_gateway.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/aws_kms.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/cloudformation.py: ryansb tedder
$modules/cloud/amazon/cloudfront_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/cloudtrail.py: $team_ansible
maintainers: $team_ansible
ignored: skvidal
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_ami.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_asg.py: $team_ansible s-hertel ryansb
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_group.py: $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_group_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_instance.py: Shaps
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_instance_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_key.py: $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_lc.py: $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_lc_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_metric_alarm.py: $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_tag.py: $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vol.py: $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_endpoint.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_endpoint_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_igw.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_igw_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_net.py: $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_net_facts.py: whiter
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_peering_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ec2_vpc_subnet.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ecs_cluster.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ecs_ecr.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ecs_service.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ecs_service_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ecs_task.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ecs_taskdefinition.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/ecs_taskdefinition_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/elasticache.py: alachaum
$modules/cloud/amazon/elb_target_group_facts.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/iam.py: $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/iam_cert.py: $team_ansible
$modules/cloud/amazon/iam_group.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/iam_managed_policy.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/iam_policy.py: $team_ansible
ignored: bpennypacker
$modules/cloud/amazon/rds_param_group.py: scottanderson42
$modules/cloud/amazon/rds_subnet_group.py: scottanderson42
ignored: bpennypacker
$modules/cloud/amazon/route53_health_check.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/sns.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/amazon/sns_topic.py: willthames
$modules/cloud/atomic/: krsacme
ignored: chouseknecht jwhitbeck
maintainers: $team_azure
ignored: ozboms
$modules/cloud/centurylink/: clc-runner
maintainers: $team_cloudscale
labels: cloud
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
$modules/cloud/digital_ocean/: &digital_ocean
keywords: [ digital ocean, droplet ]
labels: [ cloud, digital_ocean ]
maintainers: $team_digital_ocean
support: community
$modules/cloud/dimensiondata/dimensiondata_network.py: tintoy
$modules/cloud/docker/: &docker
ignored: ThomasSteinbach
labels: [ cloud, docker ]
maintainers: $team_docker
supershipit: felixfontein
<<: *docker
maintainers: $team_docker olsaki
supershipit: $team_google
maintainers: $team_google
ignored: supertom
$modules/cloud/google/gc_storage.py: supertom
$modules/cloud/linode/: $team_linode
$modules/cloud/lxd/: hnakamur
$modules/cloud/memset/: glitchcrab
ignored: vincentvdk skvidal
maintainers: joshainglis karmab machacekondra mwperina
$modules/cloud/misc/virt.py: $team_ansible
ignored: andyhky
$modules/cloud/opennebula/: ilicmilan kustodian
$modules/cloud/openstack/: $team_openstack
$modules/cloud/ovirt/: machacekondra mwperina
$modules/cloud/profitbricks/: baldwinSPC
ignored: sivel angstwad
ignored: hekonsek
$modules/cloud/smartos/: &solaris
keywords: [ beadm, dladm, illumos, ipadm, nexenta, omnios, openindiana, pfexec, smartos, solaris, sunos, zfs, zpool ]
labels: solaris
maintainers: $team_solaris
$modules/cloud/univention/: keachi
maintainers: $team_vmware
ignored: cigamit jcpowermac mtnbikenc
$modules/cloud/vmware/vmware_host.py: dagwieers
$modules/cloud/vmware/vmware_vm_shell.py: chrrrles
$modules/cloud/vmware/_vsphere_guest.py: dagwieers
maintainers: $team_vultr
labels: cloud
$modules/cloud/webfaction/: quentinsf
$modules/cloud/xenserver/xenserver_guest.py: bvitnik
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
labels: k8s
$modules/clustering/k8s/_kubernetes.py: supertom
$modules/clustering/openshift/: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87
$modules/commands/command.py: $team_ansible
$modules/commands/raw.py: $team_ansible
$modules/commands/script.py: $team_ansible
$modules/commands/shell.py: $team_ansible
$modules/crypto/: &crypto
keywords: [ letsencrypt, lets encrypt ]
labels: crypto
maintainers: $team_crypto
$modules/database/influxdb/: kamsz
$modules/database/mssql/mssql_db.py: Jmainguy kenichi-ogawa-1988
$modules/database/mysql/: &mysql
keywords: [ mariadb ]
labels: mysql
maintainers: $team_mysql
$modules/database/postgresql/: &postgresql
keywords: [ postgres, postgresql ]
labels: postgresql
maintainers: $team_postgresql
notified: jbscalia
$modules/database/proxysql/: bmildren
$modules/database/vertica/: dareko
ignored: astorije
maintainers: $team_ansible
$modules/files/assemble.py: $team_ansible
$modules/files/copy.py: $team_ansible ptux
$modules/files/fetch.py: $team_ansible
$modules/files/file.py: $team_ansible
$modules/files/find.py: $team_ansible
$modules/files/lineinfile.py: $team_ansible samdoran
ignored: bpennypacker
$modules/files/synchronize.py: $team_ansible
$modules/files/template.py: $team_ansible
ignored: dagwieers
labels: m:unarchive
maintainers: pileofrogs
$modules/files/xattr.py: $team_ansible
ignored: magnus919
labels: m:xml
maintainers: sm4rk0 cmprescott
notified: cyberark-bizdev
$modules/identity/ipa/: $team_ipa
$modules/identity/keycloak/: eikef
ignored: skvidal
maintainers: $team_ansible
$modules/inventory/group_by.py: $team_ansible
$modules/messaging/rabbitmq/: $team_rabbitmq
ignored: bpennypacker
ignored: arturaz
ignored: ivanvanderbyl
$modules/monitoring/monit.py: brian-brazil
ignored: bpennypacker
$modules/monitoring/zabbix/: eikef D3DeFi
$modules/net_tools/basics/get_url.py: ptux
$modules/net_tools/basics/slurp.py: $team_ansible
$modules/net_tools/basics/uri.py: $team_ansible
$modules/net_tools/cloudflare_dns.py: andreaso
$modules/net_tools/exoscale/: resmo
$modules/net_tools/ldap/: jtyr
ignored: andyhky
maintainers: $team_networking sganesh-infoblox
- networking
- infoblox
$modules/net_tools/netbox/: fragmentedpacket
$modules/network/a10/: ericchou1 mischapeters
$modules/network/aci/: $team_aci
$modules/network/aireos/: jmighion
$modules/network/aos/: dgarros jeremyschulman
$modules/network/aruba/: jmighion
$modules/network/asa/: ogenstad gdpak
$modules/network/avi/: $team_avi
$modules/network/bigswitch/: jayakody tedelhourani vuile
$modules/network/cloudengine/: QijunPan
$modules/network/cnos/: dkasberg amuraleedhar
$modules/network/cumulus/: $team_cumulus
$modules/network/dellos10/: skg-net
$modules/network/dellos6/: abirami-n skg-net
$modules/network/dellos9/: Dhivyap skg-net
$modules/network/edgeos/: samdoran
$modules/network/edgeswitch/: f-bor
$modules/network/enos/: amuraleedhar
$modules/network/eos/: trishnaguha
$modules/network/exos/: rdvencioneck
ignored: Etienne-Carriere mhite mryanlam perzizzle srvg JoeReifel $team_networking
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
$modules/network/files/: $team_networking
$modules/network/fortios/: bjolivot
$modules/network/fortimanager/: $team_fortimanager
$modules/network/illumos/: *solaris
$modules/network/interface/: $team_networking
$modules/network/ios/: rcarrillocruz
$modules/network/iosxr/: rcarrillocruz gdpak
$modules/network/ironware/: paulquack
$modules/network/junos/: Qalthos ganeshrn
$modules/network/layer2/: $team_networking
$modules/network/layer3/: $team_networking
$modules/network/meraki/: $team_meraki
$modules/network/netconf/netconf_config.py: userlerueda $team_networking
$modules/network/netconf/netconf_get.py: $team_networking
$modules/network/netconf/netconf_rpc.py: $team_networking
$modules/network/netscaler/: $team_netscaler
$modules/network/netvisor/: $team_netvisor
$modules/network/nos/: $team_extreme
$modules/network/nuage/: pdellaert
$modules/network/nxos/: $team_nxos
$modules/network/nso/: $team_nso
$modules/network/onyx/: $team_onyx
$modules/network/ordnance/: alexanderturner djh00t
ignored: stygstra
maintainers: rcarrillocruz
$modules/network/panos/: ivanbojer jtschichold shinmog
$modules/network/protocol/: $team_networking
$modules/network/routeros/: heuels
$modules/network/routing/: $team_networking
$modules/network/slxos/: $team_extreme
$modules/network/sros/: privateip
$modules/network/system/: $team_networking
$modules/network/voss/: $team_extreme
$modules/network/vyos/: Qalthos samdoran NilashishC
$modules/notification/_osx_say.py: $team_ansible
ignored: ramondelafuente
maintainers: Deepakkothandan
$modules/packaging/language/gem.py: $team_ansible
ignored: chrisisbeef
maintainers: tumbl3w33d turb
ignored: chrishoffman
maintainers: shane-walker xcambar
$modules/packaging/language/pip.py: Lujeni webknjaz
ignored: kbrebanov
maintainers: tdtrask
$modules/packaging/os/apt.py: $team_ansible
$modules/packaging/os/apt_repository.py: $team_ansible
$modules/packaging/os/openbsd_pkg.py: &bsd
ignored: bleader
keywords: [ doas, dragonfly, freebsd, iocage, jail, netbsd, openbsd, opnsense, pfsense ]
labels: bsd
maintainers: $team_bsd
$modules/packaging/os/homebrew.py: &macos
ignored: frenck
keywords: [ brew, cask, darwin, homebrew, macosx, macports, osx ]
labels: macos
maintainers: $team_macos
$modules/packaging/os/homebrew_: *macos
$modules/packaging/os/installp.py: &aix
keywords: [ aix, efix, lpar, wpar ]
labels: aix
maintainers: $team_aix
$modules/packaging/os/macports.py: *macos
$modules/packaging/os/package.py: $team_ansible
ignored: elasticdog
$modules/packaging/os/pkg5: *solaris
$modules/packaging/os/pkgin.py: *solaris
$modules/packaging/os/pkgng.py: *bsd
$modules/packaging/os/pkgutil.py: *solaris
ignored: sayap
$modules/packaging/os/portinstall.py: *bsd
$modules/packaging/os/redhat_subscription.py: alikins kahowell
$modules/packaging/os/rhn_channel.py: alikins
$modules/packaging/os/rhn_register.py: $team_rhn
$modules/packaging/os/snap.py: angristan
$modules/packaging/os/svr4pkg.py: *solaris
$modules/packaging/os/swdepot.py: &hpux
keywords: [ hp-ux ]
labels: hpux
maintainers: $team_hpux
$modules/packaging/os/swupd.py: hnanni
maintainers: $team_ansible kustodian
ignored: skvidal
ignored: dirtyharrycallahan
$modules/packaging/os/zypper_repository.py: robinro
$modules/remote_management/foreman/: ehelms
$modules/remote_management/hpilo/: dagwieers haad
$modules/remote_management/imc/: dagwieers
$modules/remote_management/ipmi/: cloudnull
$modules/remote_management/manageiq/: $team_manageiq
$modules/remote_management/redfish/: $team_redfish
$modules/remote_management/stacki/stacki_host.py: bbyhuy bsanders
$modules/remote_management/ucs/: $team_ucs
$modules/remote_management/dellemc/: rajeevarakkal
$modules/source_control/git.py: $team_ansible
ignored: erydo
$modules/source_control/gitlab_: &gitlab
keywords: [ gitlab ]
labels: gitlab
maintainers: $team_gitlab
notified: jlozadad
$modules/storage/infinidat/: GR360RY vmalloc
$modules/storage/netapp/: $team_netapp
maintainers: $team_purestorage
labels: pure_storage
$modules/storage/glusterfs/: devyanikota
$modules/storage/ibm/: tzurE
$modules/storage/zfs/: *solaris
$modules/system/aix: *aix
ignored: DavidWittman
$modules/system/at.py: $team_ansible
$modules/system/authorized_key.py: $team_ansible
$modules/system/beadm.py: *solaris
$modules/system/facter.py: $team_ansible
$modules/system/filesystem.py: pilou-
$modules/system/gconftool2.py: Akasurde
$modules/system/group.py: $team_ansible
$modules/system/interfaces_file.py: obourdon
$modules/system/mksysb.py: *aix
ignored: stygstra
maintainers: $team_ansible jtyr
ignored: skvidal
$modules/system/ohai.py: $team_ansible
$modules/system/osx_defaults.py: *macos
ignored: usawa
maintainers: giovannisciortino
$modules/system/ping.py: $team_ansible
$modules/system/puppet.py: nibalizer
$modules/system/seboolean.py: $team_ansible
$modules/system/selinux.py: samdoran
$modules/system/service.py: $team_ansible
ignored: david_obrien
maintainers: $team_ansible
$modules/system/solaris: *solaris
$modules/system/sysctl.py: Akasurde
$modules/system/systemd.py: $team_ansible
$modules/system/user.py: $team_ansible samdoran
$modules/utilities/helper/meta.py: $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/assert.py: $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/async_status.py: $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/async_wrapper.py: $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/include.py: $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/include_role.py: $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/include_vars.py: $team_ansible
$modules/utilities/logic/pause.py: samdoran
$modules/utilities/logic/wait_for.py: gregswift
$modules/web_infrastructure/ansible_tower/: $team_tower
maintainers: $team_e_spirit
- utm
- sophos
$modules/web_infrastructure/django_manage.py: scottanderson42
$modules/web_infrastructure/htpasswd.py: $team_ansible
$modules/web_infrastructure/jboss: $team_jboss
$modules/web_infrastructure/jira.py: Slezhuk
$modules/windows/: &windows
ignored: angstwad georgefrank h0nIg
keywords: [ powershell, psrp, winrm ]
maintainers: $team_windows
labels: windows
<<: *windows
maintainers: defionscode
- persistent connection
labels: networking
support: community
- dynamic inventory script
- dynamic inventory
- inventory script
labels: c:inventory/contrib_script
support: community
contrib/inventory/digital_ocean.py: *digital_ocean
contrib/inventory/docker: *docker
- linode dynamic inventory script
maintainers: $team_linode
- cloud
- linode
- openstack dynamic inventory script
maintainers: $team_openstack
- cloud
maintainers: machacekondra
- ovirt
- cloud
- infoblox dynamic inventory script
- ipam
- nios
- networking
maintainers: $team_networking
- azure inventory
- azure rm inventory
- azure azure_rm dynamic inventory script
- cloud
- azure
maintainers: $team_azure
- aws dynamic inventory
- aws inventory
- ec2 inventory
- ec2 dynamic inventory
- ec2.py dynamic inventory script
- ec2.py inventory script
- ec2.py inventory
- cloud
- aws
notified: ryansb s-hertel willthames
- vmware inventory
- vmware dynamic inventory script
- cloud
maintainers: $team_vmware
- vmware inventory
- vmware dynamic inventory script
- cloud
- vmware
maintainers: $team_vmware
- core inventory
- inventory
- inventory parsing
support: community
maintainers: resmo felixfontein
support: community
maintainers: $team_tower
maintainers: $team_azure
- azure
- cloud
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
maintainers: $team_cloudscale
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
$module_utils/crypto.py: *crypto
$module_utils/csharp: &windows_core
labels: windows
maintainers: $team_windows_core
support: core
$module_utils/docker_common.py: *docker
$module_utils/docker_swarm.py: *docker
support: core
- aws
- cloud
support: core
$module_utils/facts/hardware/aix.py: *aix
$module_utils/facts/hardware/darwin.py: *macos
$module_utils/facts/hardware/dragonfly.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/hardware/freebsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/hardware/hpux.py: *hpux
$module_utils/facts/hardware/netbsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/hardware/openbsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/hardware/sunos.py: *solaris
$module_utils/facts/network/aix.py: *aix
$module_utils/facts/network/darwin.py: *macos
$module_utils/facts/network/dragonfly.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/freebsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/generic_bsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/hpux.py: *hpux
$module_utils/facts/network/netbsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/openbsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/network/sunos.py: *solaris
$module_utils/facts/virtual/dragonfly.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/virtual/freebsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/virtual/hpux.py: *hpux
$module_utils/facts/virtual/netbsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/virtual/openbsd.py: *bsd
$module_utils/facts/virtual/sunos.py: *solaris
maintainers: $team_google
supershipit: $team_google
$module_utils/gitlab.py: *gitlab
maintainers: $team_ipa
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
- clustering
- k8s
maintainers: eikef
maintainers: $team_manageiq
maintainers: glitchcrab
labels: cloud
$module_utils/mysql.py: *mysql
support: core
- networking
- infoblox
maintainers: $team_networking sganesh-infoblox
maintainers: $team_netapp
labels: networking
maintainers: ericchou1 mischapeters
$module_utils/network/aci: &aci
maintainers: $team_aci
- aci
- networking
maintainers: jmighion
maintainers: dgarros jeremyschulman
maintainers: jmighion
maintainers: ogenstad gdpak
maintainers: $team_avi
maintainers: jayakody tedelhourani vuile
maintainers: QijunPan
maintainers: dkasberg amuraleedhar
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: skg-net
maintainers: skg-net
maintainers: skg-net
maintainers: f-bor
maintainers: amuraleedhar
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: rdvencioneck
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
- f5
maintainers: bjolivot
maintainers: $team_fortimanager
- fortimanager
- networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: paulquack
support: network
$module_utils/network/meraki: &meraki
maintainers: $team_meraki
- meraki
- networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_netscaler
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_nso
support: network
maintainers: $team_nxos
maintainers: $team_onyx
maintainers: alexanderturner djh00t
maintainers: ivanbojer jtschichold shinmog
maintainers: heuels
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_extreme
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_openstack
- cloud
maintainers: joshainglis karmab machacekondra
- cloud
$module_utils/postgres.py: *postgresql
$module_utils/powershell: *windows_core
maintainers: $team_purestorage
labels: pure_storage
maintainers: $team_redfish
maintainers: $team_ucs
labels: ucs
maintainers: rajeevarakkal
$module_utils/scaleway.py: &scaleway
maintainers: $team_scaleway
- cloud
maintainers: $team_e_spirit
maintainers: $team_vmware
$module_utils/vultr.py: &vultr
maintainers: $team_vultr
- cloud
maintainers: bvitnik
# playbook
- handlers
- roles path
- roles_path
- role
- role path
- include role
- include_role
- role include
- role dependencies
- role dep
- role dependency
# plugins
support: community
support: core
support: core
# action
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: network
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: core
$plugins/action/win: *windows_core
support: core
maintainers: ogenstad gdpak
labels: networking
maintainers: jmighion
labels: networking
maintainers: jmighion
labels: networking
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
labels: networking
maintainers: caphrim007 wojtek0806
labels: networking
maintainers: skg-net
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: paulquack
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
- networking
- nxos
maintainers: $team_onyx
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
# plugins/cache
support: core
support: core
# plugins/callbacks
support: core
support: core
support: core
maintainers: rrey
support: community
support: core
support: core
support: core
$plugins/callback/osx_say.py: *macos
support: core
maintainers: ysn2233
support: community
maintainers: ryancurrah
support: community
support: core
maintainers: akatch
support: community
# plugins/cliconf
labels: networking
maintainers: f-bor
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: rdvencioneck
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: paulquack
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_extreme
support: network
maintainers: $team_nxos
labels: nxos
maintainers: $team_onyx
maintainers: heuels
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_extreme
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
# plugins/connection
support: core
<<: *docker
support: community
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: mattclay
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: community
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
$plugins/connection/psrp.py: *windows_core
support: community
$plugins/connection/winrm.py: *windows_core
# plugins/doc_fragments
support: community
support: core
$plugins/doc_fragments/aci.py: *aci
maintainers: resmo felixfontein
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
<<: *docker
support: community
$plugins/doc_fragments/mso.py: *aci
$plugins/doc_fragments/mysql.py: *mysql
$plugins/doc_fragments/postgres.py: *postgresql
maintainers: $team_vultr
labels: cloud
maintainers: bvitnik
# plugins/filter
support: community
support: core
support: core
support: core
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: core
# plugins/httpapi
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
support: community
maintainers: annikulin $team_networking
# plugins/inventory
support: core
maintainers: $team_google
supershipit: $team_google
support: core
support: community
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
labels: k8s
- linode dynamic inventory script
maintainers: $team_linode
- cloud
- linode
support: community
maintainers: $team_netbox
support: community
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
maintainers: $team_openstack
- openstack
- inventory
- cloud
$plugins/inventory/scaleway.py: *scaleway
support: core
$plugins/inventory/vultr.py: *vultr
support: core
# plugins/lookup
support: core
maintainers: $team_cyberark_conjur
notified: cyberark-bizdev
maintainers: jpmens
labels: community
notified: cyberark-bizdev
support: community
maintainers: chouseknecht maxamillion fabianvf flaper87 willthames
labels: k8s
support: core
maintainers: $team_networking sganesh-infoblox
- networking
- infoblox
maintainers: samdoran
ignored: azenk
# plugins/netconf
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: Im0
support: community
maintainers: wisotzky $team_networking
labels: networking
# plugins/shell
support: core
$plugins/shell/powershell.py: *windows_core
# plugins/strategy
support: core
# plugins/terminal
labels: networking
support: network
maintainers: ogenstad gdpak
maintainers: skg-net
maintainers: samdoran
maintainers: f-bor
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: rdvencioneck
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: paulquack
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_extreme
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_onyx
maintainers: heuels
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_extreme
support: network
maintainers: $team_networking samdoran
# plugins/test
support: core
# plugins/vars
support: core
notified: mattclay nitzmahone
# other lib
lib/ansible/executor/powershell: *windows_core
- jinja
- jinja2
- mattclay
- validate-modules
- gundalow
- sivel
- gundalow
- sivel
- acozine
docs/docsite/rst/dev_guide/developing_modules_general_aci.rst: *aci
labels: networking
- samccann
docs/docsite/rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst: *aci
docs/docsite/rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst: *docker
docs/docsite/rst/user_guide/intro_bsd.rst: *bsd
# 'test' is a component path, then 'test' label will be automatically added
notified: mattclay
notified: mattclay
notified: mattclay
test/integration/targets/aci: *aci
test/integration/targets/aix: *aix
maintainers: $team_cloudscale
labels: cloud
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
test/integration/targets/docker: *docker
maintainers: $team_google
supershipit: $team_google
test/integration/targets/meraki: *meraki
test/integration/targets/mso: *aci
test/integration/targets/mysql: *mysql
maintainers: $team_nxos
- networking
test/integration/targets/postgresql: *postgresql
maintainers: resmo felixfontein
test/integration/targets/setup_mysql_db: *mysql
maintainers: eikef D3DeFi
maintainers: $team_ucs
- remote_management
maintainers: $team_vultr
labels: cloud
notified: mattclay
<<: *scaleway
support: community
test/units/module_utils/facts/network/test_generic_bsd.py: *bsd
test/units/modules/cloud/docker: *docker
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_nxos
- networking
notified: mattclay
notified: mattclay
notified: mattclay
notified: mattclay
module_utils: lib/ansible/module_utils
modules: lib/ansible/modules
plugins: lib/ansible/plugins
team_aci: brunocalogero dagwieers jmcgill298 schunduri
team_aix: bcoca dagwieers flynn1973 gforster kairoaraujo marvin-sinister mator molekuul MorrisA ramooncamacho wtcross
team_ansible: []
team_avi: ericsysmin grastogi23 khaltore
team_azure: haroldwongms nitzmahone trstringer yuwzho xscript zikalino
team_bsd: AMDmi3 bcoca dagwieers jasperla JoergFiedler mekanix opoplawski overhacked tuxillo
team_cloudscale: gaudenz resmo
team_cloudstack: resmo dpassante rhtyd
team_crypto: felixfontein resmo spredzy
team_cumulus: isharacomix jrrivers
team_cyberark_conjur: jvanderhoof ryanprior
team_digital_ocean: aluvenko, BondAnthony, mgregson
team_docker: akshay196 danihodovic dariko DBendit felixfontein jwitko kassiansun tbouvet WojciechowskiPiotr
team_e_spirit: MatrixCrawler getjack
team_extreme: bigmstone LindsayHill
team_fortimanager: Ghilli3 lweighall p4r4n0y1ng Ftntcorecse
team_gitlab: dagwieers dj-wasabi Lunik marwatk Shaps waheedi
team_google: rambleraptor erjohnso
team_hpux: bcoca dagwieers davx8342
team_ipa: Nosmoht Akasurde fxfitz
team_jboss: jairojunior wbrefvem Wolfant
team_linode: InTheCloudDan lwm displague rmcintosh
team_macos: dagwieers kyleabenson
team_manageiq: gtanzillo abellotti zgalor yaacov cben
team_meraki: dagwieers kbreit
team_mysql: []
team_netapp: hulquest lmprice ndswartz amit0701 schmots1 carchi8py lonico
team_netbox: sieben anthony25 fragmentedpacket nikkytub pilou-
team_netscaler: chiradeep giorgos-nikolopoulos
team_netvisor: Qalthos amitsi pdam preetiparasar csharpe-pn
team_networking: Qalthos ganeshrn rcarrillocruz trishnaguha gdpak justjais NilashishC
team_nso: cmoberg cnasten tbjurman
team_nxos: mikewiebe rahushen rcarrillocruz trishnaguha chrisvanheuveln
team_onyx: anasbadaha samerd
team_openstack: emonty juliakreger rcarrillocruz Shrews dagnello mnaser odyssey4me evrardjp cloudnull
team_openswitch: Qalthos gdpak
team_postgresql: amenonsen Andersson007 andytom dagwieers kostiantyn-nemchenko matburt nerzhul
team_purestorage: sdodsley sile16 lionmax genegr raekins bannaych
team_rabbitmq: chrishoffman manuel-sousa hyperized
team_redfish: jose-delarosa mraineri tomasg2012 billdodd
team_rhn: alikins barnabycourt FlossWare vritant
team_scaleway: sieben Spredzy abarbare Anthony25 pilou-
team_solaris: bcoca dagwieers fishman jpdasma jasperla mator scathatheworm troy2914 xen0l
team_tower: ghjm jlaska matburt wwitzel3 simfarm ryanpetrello rooftopcellist AlanCoding
team_ucs: dsoper2 johnamcdonough SDBrett vallard vvb dagwieers
team_vmware: Akasurde dav1x warthog9 ckotte
team_vultr: resmo Spredzy
team_windows: dagwieers jborean93 jhawkesworth nitzmahone
team_windows_core: nitzmahone jborean93