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synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
Some integration test targets have dependencies on files outside the `test/integration/targets/` directory tree. Changes to these dependencies can result in unexpected test failures since they do not trigger integration tests which depend on them.
843 lines
29 KiB
843 lines
29 KiB
"""Classify changes in Ansible code."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import collections
import os
import re
import time
from lib.target import (
from lib.util import (
from lib.import_analysis import (
from lib.csharp_import_analysis import (
from lib.powershell_import_analysis import (
from lib.config import (
from lib.metadata import (
FOCUSED_TARGET = '__focused__'
def categorize_changes(args, paths, verbose_command=None):
:type args: TestConfig
:type paths: list[str]
:type verbose_command: str
:rtype: ChangeDescription
mapper = PathMapper(args)
commands = {
'sanity': set(),
'units': set(),
'integration': set(),
'windows-integration': set(),
'network-integration': set(),
focused_commands = collections.defaultdict(set)
deleted_paths = set()
original_paths = set()
additional_paths = set()
no_integration_paths = set()
for path in paths:
if not os.path.exists(path):
dependent_paths = mapper.get_dependent_paths(path)
if not dependent_paths:
display.info('Expanded "%s" to %d dependent file(s):' % (path, len(dependent_paths)), verbosity=1)
for dependent_path in dependent_paths:
display.info(dependent_path, verbosity=1)
additional_paths -= set(paths) # don't count changed paths as additional paths
if additional_paths:
display.info('Expanded %d changed file(s) into %d additional dependent file(s).' % (len(paths), len(additional_paths)))
paths = sorted(set(paths) | additional_paths)
display.info('Mapping %d changed file(s) to tests.' % len(paths))
for path in paths:
tests = mapper.classify(path)
if tests is None:
focused_target = False
display.info('%s -> all' % path, verbosity=1)
tests = all_tests(args) # not categorized, run all tests
display.warning('Path not categorized: %s' % path)
focused_target = tests.pop(FOCUSED_TARGET, False) and path in original_paths
tests = dict((key, value) for key, value in tests.items() if value)
if focused_target and not any('integration' in command for command in tests):
no_integration_paths.add(path) # path triggers no integration tests
if verbose_command:
result = '%s: %s' % (verbose_command, tests.get(verbose_command) or 'none')
# identify targeted integration tests (those which only target a single integration command)
if 'integration' in verbose_command and tests.get(verbose_command):
if not any('integration' in command for command in tests if command != verbose_command):
if focused_target:
result += ' (focused)'
result += ' (targeted)'
result = '%s' % tests
display.info('%s -> %s' % (path, result), verbosity=1)
for command, target in tests.items():
if focused_target:
for command in commands:
if any(t == 'all' for t in commands[command]):
commands[command] = set(['all'])
commands = dict((c, sorted(commands[c])) for c in commands if commands[c])
focused_commands = dict((c, sorted(focused_commands[c])) for c in focused_commands)
for command in commands:
if commands[command] == ['all']:
commands[command] = [] # changes require testing all targets, do not filter targets
changes = ChangeDescription()
changes.command = verbose_command
changes.changed_paths = sorted(original_paths)
changes.deleted_paths = sorted(deleted_paths)
changes.regular_command_targets = commands
changes.focused_command_targets = focused_commands
changes.no_integration_paths = sorted(no_integration_paths)
return changes
class PathMapper(object):
"""Map file paths to test commands and targets."""
def __init__(self, args):
:type args: TestConfig
self.args = args
self.integration_all_target = get_integration_all_target(self.args)
self.integration_targets = list(walk_integration_targets())
self.module_targets = list(walk_module_targets())
self.compile_targets = list(walk_compile_targets())
self.units_targets = list(walk_units_targets())
self.sanity_targets = list(walk_sanity_targets())
self.powershell_targets = [t for t in self.sanity_targets if os.path.splitext(t.path)[1] == '.ps1']
self.csharp_targets = [t for t in self.sanity_targets if os.path.splitext(t.path)[1] == '.cs']
self.units_modules = set(t.module for t in self.units_targets if t.module)
self.units_paths = set(a for t in self.units_targets for a in t.aliases)
self.sanity_paths = set(t.path for t in self.sanity_targets)
self.module_names_by_path = dict((t.path, t.module) for t in self.module_targets)
self.integration_targets_by_name = dict((t.name, t) for t in self.integration_targets)
self.integration_targets_by_alias = dict((a, t) for t in self.integration_targets for a in t.aliases)
self.posix_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
if 'posix/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
self.windows_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
if 'windows/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
self.network_integration_by_module = dict((m, t.name) for t in self.integration_targets
if 'network/' in t.aliases for m in t.modules)
self.prefixes = load_integration_prefixes()
self.integration_dependencies = analyze_integration_target_dependencies(self.integration_targets)
self.python_module_utils_imports = {} # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed
self.powershell_module_utils_imports = {} # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed
self.csharp_module_utils_imports = {} # populated on first use to reduce overhead when not needed
self.paths_to_dependent_targets = {}
for target in self.integration_targets:
for path in target.needs_file:
if path not in self.paths_to_dependent_targets:
self.paths_to_dependent_targets[path] = set()
def get_dependent_paths(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: list[str]
unprocessed_paths = set(self.get_dependent_paths_non_recursive(path))
paths = set()
while unprocessed_paths:
queued_paths = list(unprocessed_paths)
paths |= unprocessed_paths
unprocessed_paths = set()
for queued_path in queued_paths:
new_paths = self.get_dependent_paths_non_recursive(queued_path)
for new_path in new_paths:
if new_path not in paths:
return sorted(paths)
def get_dependent_paths_non_recursive(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: list[str]
paths = self.get_dependent_paths_internal(path)
paths += [t.path + '/' for t in self.paths_to_dependent_targets.get(path, set())]
paths = sorted(set(paths))
return paths
def get_dependent_paths_internal(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: list[str]
ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(path)[1])[1]
if path.startswith('lib/ansible/module_utils/'):
if ext == '.py':
return self.get_python_module_utils_usage(path)
if ext == '.psm1':
return self.get_powershell_module_utils_usage(path)
if ext == '.cs':
return self.get_csharp_module_utils_usage(path)
if path.startswith('test/integration/targets/'):
return self.get_integration_target_usage(path)
return []
def get_python_module_utils_usage(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: list[str]
if path == 'lib/ansible/module_utils/__init__.py':
return []
if not self.python_module_utils_imports:
display.info('Analyzing python module_utils imports...')
before = time.time()
self.python_module_utils_imports = get_python_module_utils_imports(self.compile_targets)
after = time.time()
display.info('Processed %d python module_utils in %d second(s).' % (len(self.python_module_utils_imports), after - before))
name = os.path.splitext(path)[0].replace('/', '.')[4:]
if name.endswith('.__init__'):
name = name[:-9]
return sorted(self.python_module_utils_imports[name])
def get_powershell_module_utils_usage(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: list[str]
if not self.powershell_module_utils_imports:
display.info('Analyzing powershell module_utils imports...')
before = time.time()
self.powershell_module_utils_imports = get_powershell_module_utils_imports(self.powershell_targets)
after = time.time()
display.info('Processed %d powershell module_utils in %d second(s).' % (len(self.powershell_module_utils_imports), after - before))
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
return sorted(self.powershell_module_utils_imports[name])
def get_csharp_module_utils_usage(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: list[str]
if not self.csharp_module_utils_imports:
display.info('Analyzing C# module_utils imports...')
before = time.time()
self.csharp_module_utils_imports = get_csharp_module_utils_imports(self.powershell_targets, self.csharp_targets)
after = time.time()
display.info('Processed %d C# module_utils in %d second(s).' % (len(self.csharp_module_utils_imports), after - before))
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
return sorted(self.csharp_module_utils_imports[name])
def get_integration_target_usage(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: list[str]
target_name = path.split('/')[3]
dependents = [os.path.join('test/integration/targets/%s/' % target) for target in sorted(self.integration_dependencies.get(target_name, set()))]
return dependents
def classify(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: dict[str, str] | None
result = self._classify(path)
# run all tests when no result given
if result is None:
return None
# run sanity on path unless result specified otherwise
if path in self.sanity_paths and 'sanity' not in result:
result['sanity'] = path
return result
def _classify(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: dict[str, str] | None
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
filename = os.path.basename(path)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
minimal = {}
if path.startswith('.github/'):
return minimal
if path.startswith('bin/'):
return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests
if path.startswith('contrib/'):
return {
'units': 'test/units/contrib/'
if path.startswith('changelogs/'):
return minimal
if path.startswith('docs/'):
return minimal
if path.startswith('examples/'):
if path == 'examples/scripts/ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1':
return {
'windows-integration': 'connection_winrm',
return minimal
if path.startswith('hacking/'):
return minimal
if path.startswith('lib/ansible/executor/powershell/'):
units_path = 'test/units/executor/powershell/'
if units_path not in self.units_paths:
units_path = None
return {
'windows-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'units': units_path,
if path.startswith('lib/ansible/modules/'):
module_name = self.module_names_by_path.get(path)
if module_name:
return {
'units': module_name if module_name in self.units_modules else None,
'integration': self.posix_integration_by_module.get(module_name) if ext == '.py' else None,
'windows-integration': self.windows_integration_by_module.get(module_name) if ext in ['.cs', '.ps1'] else None,
'network-integration': self.network_integration_by_module.get(module_name),
return minimal
if path.startswith('lib/ansible/module_utils/'):
if ext == '.cs':
return minimal # already expanded using get_dependent_paths
if ext == '.psm1':
return minimal # already expanded using get_dependent_paths
if ext == '.py':
return minimal # already expanded using get_dependent_paths
if path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/action/'):
if ext == '.py':
if name.startswith('net_'):
network_target = 'network/.*_%s' % name[4:]
if any(re.search(r'^%s$' % network_target, alias) for alias in self.integration_targets_by_alias):
return {
'network-integration': network_target,
'units': 'all',
return {
'network-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'units': 'all',
if self.prefixes.get(name) == 'network':
network_platform = name
elif name.endswith('_config') and self.prefixes.get(name[:-7]) == 'network':
network_platform = name[:-7]
elif name.endswith('_template') and self.prefixes.get(name[:-9]) == 'network':
network_platform = name[:-9]
network_platform = None
if network_platform:
network_target = 'network/%s/' % network_platform
if network_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias:
return {
'network-integration': network_target,
'units': 'all',
display.warning('Integration tests for "%s" not found.' % network_target, unique=True)
return {
'units': 'all',
if path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/connection/'):
if name == '__init__':
return {
'integration': self.integration_all_target,
'windows-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'network-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'units': 'test/units/plugins/connection/',
units_path = 'test/units/plugins/connection/test_%s.py' % name
if units_path not in self.units_paths:
units_path = None
integration_name = 'connection_%s' % name
if integration_name not in self.integration_targets_by_name:
integration_name = None
# entire integration test commands depend on these connection plugins
if name in ['winrm', 'psrp']:
return {
'windows-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'units': units_path,
if name == 'local':
return {
'integration': self.integration_all_target,
'network-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'units': units_path,
if name == 'network_cli':
return {
'network-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'units': units_path,
# other connection plugins have isolated integration and unit tests
return {
'integration': integration_name,
'units': units_path,
if path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/inventory/'):
if name == '__init__':
return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests
# These inventory plugins are enabled by default (see INVENTORY_ENABLED).
# Without dedicated integration tests for these we must rely on the incidental coverage from other tests.
test_all = [
if name in test_all:
posix_integration_fallback = get_integration_all_target(self.args)
posix_integration_fallback = None
target = self.integration_targets_by_name.get('inventory_%s' % name)
units_path = 'test/units/plugins/inventory/test_%s.py' % name
if units_path not in self.units_paths:
units_path = None
return {
'integration': target.name if target and 'posix/' in target.aliases else posix_integration_fallback,
'windows-integration': target.name if target and 'windows/' in target.aliases else None,
'network-integration': target.name if target and 'network/' in target.aliases else None,
'units': units_path,
FOCUSED_TARGET: target is not None,
if (path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/terminal/') or
path.startswith('lib/ansible/plugins/cliconf/') or
if ext == '.py':
if name in self.prefixes and self.prefixes[name] == 'network':
network_target = 'network/%s/' % name
if network_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias:
return {
'network-integration': network_target,
'units': 'all',
display.warning('Integration tests for "%s" not found.' % network_target, unique=True)
return {
'units': 'all',
return {
'network-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'units': 'all',
if path.startswith('lib/ansible/utils/module_docs_fragments/'):
return {
'sanity': 'all',
if path.startswith('lib/ansible/'):
return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests
if path.startswith('packaging/'):
if path.startswith('packaging/requirements/'):
if name.startswith('requirements-') and ext == '.txt':
component = name.split('-', 1)[1]
candidates = (
'cloud/%s/' % component,
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate in self.integration_targets_by_alias:
return {
'integration': candidate,
return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests
return minimal
if path.startswith('test/cache/'):
return minimal
if path.startswith('test/results/'):
return minimal
if path.startswith('test/legacy/'):
return minimal
if path.startswith('test/env/'):
return minimal
if path.startswith('test/integration/roles/'):
return minimal
if path.startswith('test/integration/targets/'):
if not os.path.exists(path):
return minimal
target = self.integration_targets_by_name[path.split('/')[3]]
if 'hidden/' in target.aliases:
if target.type == 'role':
return minimal # already expanded using get_dependent_paths
return {
'integration': self.integration_all_target,
'windows-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'network-integration': self.integration_all_target,
return {
'integration': target.name if 'posix/' in target.aliases else None,
'windows-integration': target.name if 'windows/' in target.aliases else None,
'network-integration': target.name if 'network/' in target.aliases else None,
if path.startswith('test/integration/'):
if dirname == 'test/integration':
if self.prefixes.get(name) == 'network' and ext == '.yaml':
return minimal # network integration test playbooks are not used by ansible-test
if filename == 'network-all.yaml':
return minimal # network integration test playbook not used by ansible-test
if filename == 'platform_agnostic.yaml':
return minimal # network integration test playbook not used by ansible-test
for command in (
if name == command and ext == '.cfg':
return {
command: self.integration_all_target,
if name.startswith('cloud-config-'):
cloud_target = 'cloud/%s/' % name.split('-')[2].split('.')[0]
if cloud_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias:
return {
'integration': cloud_target,
return {
'integration': self.integration_all_target,
'windows-integration': self.integration_all_target,
'network-integration': self.integration_all_target,
if path.startswith('test/sanity/'):
return {
'sanity': 'all', # test infrastructure, run all sanity checks
if path.startswith('test/units/'):
if path in self.units_paths:
return {
'units': path,
if path.startswith('test/units/compat/'):
return {
'units': 'test/units/',
# changes to files which are not unit tests should trigger tests from the nearest parent directory
test_path = os.path.dirname(path)
while test_path:
if test_path + '/' in self.units_paths:
return {
'units': test_path + '/',
test_path = os.path.dirname(test_path)
if path.startswith('test/runner/completion/'):
if path == 'test/runner/completion/docker.txt':
return all_tests(self.args, force=True) # force all tests due to risk of breaking changes in new test environment
if path.startswith('test/runner/lib/cloud/'):
cloud_target = 'cloud/%s/' % name
if cloud_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias:
return {
'integration': cloud_target,
return all_tests(self.args) # test infrastructure, run all tests
if path.startswith('test/runner/lib/sanity/'):
return {
'sanity': 'all', # test infrastructure, run all sanity checks
if path.startswith('test/runner/requirements/'):
if name in (
return {
name: self.integration_all_target,
if name in (
return {
name: 'all',
if name.startswith('integration.cloud.'):
cloud_target = 'cloud/%s/' % name.split('.')[2]
if cloud_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias:
return {
'integration': cloud_target,
if path.startswith('test/runner/'):
return all_tests(self.args) # test infrastructure, run all tests
if path.startswith('test/utils/shippable/tools/'):
return minimal # not used by tests
if path.startswith('test/utils/shippable/'):
if dirname == 'test/utils/shippable':
test_map = {
'cloud.sh': 'integration:cloud/',
'freebsd.sh': 'integration:all',
'linux.sh': 'integration:all',
'network.sh': 'network-integration:all',
'osx.sh': 'integration:all',
'rhel.sh': 'integration:all',
'sanity.sh': 'sanity:all',
'units.sh': 'units:all',
'windows.sh': 'windows-integration:all',
test_match = test_map.get(filename)
if test_match:
test_command, test_target = test_match.split(':')
return {
test_command: test_target,
cloud_target = 'cloud/%s/' % name
if cloud_target in self.integration_targets_by_alias:
return {
'integration': cloud_target,
return all_tests(self.args) # test infrastructure, run all tests
if path.startswith('test/utils/'):
return minimal
if path == 'test/README.md':
return minimal
if path.startswith('ticket_stubs/'):
return minimal
if '/' not in path:
if path in (
'tox.ini', # obsolete
return minimal
if path in (
return all_tests(self.args) # test infrastructure, run all tests
if path == 'setup.py':
return all_tests(self.args) # broad impact, run all tests
if path == '.yamllint':
return {
'sanity': 'all',
if ext in ('.md', '.rst', '.txt', '.xml', '.in'):
return minimal
return None # unknown, will result in fall-back to run all tests
def all_tests(args, force=False):
:type args: TestConfig
:type force: bool
:rtype: dict[str, str]
if force:
integration_all_target = 'all'
integration_all_target = get_integration_all_target(args)
return {
'sanity': 'all',
'units': 'all',
'integration': integration_all_target,
'windows-integration': integration_all_target,
'network-integration': integration_all_target,
def get_integration_all_target(args):
:type args: TestConfig
:rtype: str
if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig):
return args.changed_all_target
return 'all'