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synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
* feat: Allow non-returning SQL statements - The current implementation fails out when certain statements or batches do not have resultsets - this limits the usefulness of the module - Instead, it is known that statements without resultsets return then OperationalError exception with text "Statement not executed or executed statement has no resultset". We will utilize these facts to accept these statements - The implementation also assumes that users will always use best- practices for the script syntax; that is, "GO" will always be capitalized but this is not strictly required -- update to allow "GO" to be any mixed-case Signed-off-by: Lesley Kimmel <lesley.j.kimmel@gmail.com> * feat: Add changelog fragment for change - Add changelog fragment for PR 6192 Signed-off-by: Lesley Kimmel <lesley.j.kimmel@gmail.com> * feat: Improve batching - Previous batching had shortcomings like making strict assumptions about the format of the incoming script and did not handle Windows- based scripts (e.g. \r characters). It also did not handle cases where there were trailing or leading whitespace characters round the 'GO' - Added a special case for removing the Byte Order Mark (BOM) character that may come as part of a script when slurped from some hosts. Signed-off-by: Lesley Kimmel <lesley.j.kimmel@gmail.com> * feat: Use str.splitlines() - Use of this method is cleaner Signed-off-by: Lesley Kimmel <lesley.j.kimmel@gmail.com> * Update changelogs/fragments/6192-allow-empty-resultsets.yml Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de> * fix: Update transcribing errors - Replace local namespace with project namespace - Remove 'return' statement from the module.fail_json call Signed-off-by: Lesley Kimmel <lesley.j.kimmel@gmail.com> --------- Signed-off-by: Lesley Kimmel <lesley.j.kimmel@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Lesley Kimmel <lesleyk@vmware.com> Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>
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# WARNING: These are designed specifically for Ansible tests #
# and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles #
# Copyright (c) Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# TODO: Find out how to setup mssql server for tests
# For the moment you have to run the tests locally
# docker run --name mssql-test -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e 'SA_PASSWORD={{ mssql_login_password }}' -p "{ mssql_port }"0:"{ mssql_port }" -d mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest
# ansible-test integration mssql_script -v --allow-disabled
- name: Install pymssql
- pymssql
state: present
- name: Start container
name: mssql-test
image: "mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest"
SA_PASSWORD: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
MSSQL_PID: Developer
- "{{ mssql_port }}:1433"
detach: true
auto_remove: true
memory: 2200M
- name: Check default ports
host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
state: started # Port should be open
delay: 10 # Wait 10 secs before first check
timeout: 30 # Stop checking after timeout (sec)
- name: Check DB connection
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: "SELECT 1"
- name: Execute a malformed query
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: "SELCT 1"
failed_when: false
register: bad_query
- assert:
- bad_query.error.startswith('ProgrammingError')
- name: two batches with default output
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: |
SELECT 'Batch 0 - Select 0'
SELECT 'Batch 0 - Select 1'
SELECT 'Batch 1 - Select 0'
register: result_batches
# "result_batches.query_results":
# [ # batches
# [ # selects
# [ # Rows
# [ # Columns
# "Batch 1 - Select 1"
# ]
# ],
# [
# [
# "Batch 1 - Select 2"
# ]
# ]
# ],
# [
# [
# [
# "Batch 2 - Select 1"
# ]
# ]
# ]
# ]
- assert:
- result_batches.query_results | length == 2 # two batch results
- result_batches.query_results[0] | length == 2 # two selects in first batch
- result_batches.query_results[0][0] | length == 1 # one row in first select
- result_batches.query_results[0][0][0] | length == 1 # one column in first row
- result_batches.query_results[0][0][0][0] == 'Batch 0 - Select 0' # first column of first row
- name: two batches with dict output
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
output: dict
script: |
SELECT 'Batch 0 - Select 0' as b0s0
SELECT 'Batch 0 - Select 1' as b0s1
SELECT 'Batch 1 - Select 0' as b1s0
register: result_batches_dict
# "result_batches_dict.query_results":
# [ # batches
# [ # selects
# [ # Rows
# { # dict columns
# "b0s0": "Batch 0 - Select 0"
# }
# ],
# [
# {
# "b0s1": "Batch 0 - Select 1"
# }
# ]
# ],
# [
# [
# {
# "b1s0": "Batch 1 - Select 0"
# }
# ]
# ]
# ]
- assert:
- result_batches_dict.query_results_dict | length == 2 # two batch results
- result_batches_dict.query_results_dict[0] | length == 2 # two selects in first batch
- result_batches_dict.query_results_dict[0][0] | length == 1 # one row in first select
- result_batches_dict.query_results_dict[0][0][0]['b0s0'] == 'Batch 0 - Select 0' # column 'b0s0' of first row
- name: Multiple batches with no resultsets and mixed-case GO
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: |
CREATE TABLE #integration56yH2 (c1 VARCHAR(10), c2 VARCHAR(10))
INSERT INTO #integration56yH2 VALUES ('C1_VALUE1', 'C2_VALUE1')
UPDATE #integration56yH2 SET c2 = 'C2_VALUE2' WHERE c1 = 'C1_VALUE1'
SELECT * from #integration56yH2
DROP TABLE #integration56yH2
register: empty_batches
- assert:
- empty_batches.query_results | length == 5 # five batch results
- empty_batches.query_results[3][0] | length == 1 # one row in select
- empty_batches.query_results[3][0][0] | length == 2 # two columns in row
- empty_batches.query_results[3][0][0][1] == 'C2_VALUE2' # value has been updated
- name: Stored procedure may return multiple result sets
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: sp_spaceused
output: dict
register: result_spaceused
- assert:
- result_spaceused.query_results_dict | length == 1 # one batch
- result_spaceused.query_results_dict[0] | length == 2 # stored procedure returns two result sets
- result_spaceused.query_results_dict[0][0][0]['database_name'] == 'master' # output dict
- name: Ensure that passed 'db' is used
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: exec sp_spaceused
output: dict
db: msdb
register: result_db
- assert:
- result_db.query_results_dict[0][0][0]['database_name'] == 'msdb'
- name: pass params to query
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: |
SELECT name, state_desc FROM sys.databases WHERE name = %(dbname)s
dbname: msdb
register: result_params
- assert:
- result_params.query_results[0][0][0][0] == 'msdb'
- result_params.query_results[0][0][0][1] == 'ONLINE'
- name: check_mode connects but does not run the query
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: SELECT Invalid_Column FROM Does_Not_Exist WITH Invalid Syntax
check_mode: true
register: check_mode
- assert:
that: check_mode.query_results is undefined
- name: "Test: Value of unknown type: <class 'uuid.UUID'>"
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: |
SELECT service_broker_guid, * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'master'
register: result_databases
- debug:
var: result_databases
- name: check types
- result_databases.query_results[0][0][0][0] == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' # guid
- result_databases.query_results[0][0][0][1] == 'master' # string
- result_databases.query_results[0][0][0][3] == None # byte string representation
- result_databases.query_results[0][0][0][4] == "b'\\x01'" # byte string representation
- result_databases.query_results[0][0][0][6] == 150 # int
- result_databases.query_results[0][0][0][10] == false # bool
- name: "Test: Value of unknown type: <class 'uuid.UUID'>-dict"
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
output: dict
script: |
SELECT service_broker_guid, * FROM sys.databases
# Known issue: empty result set breaks return values
- name: empty result set
login_user: "{{ mssql_login_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mssql_login_password }}"
login_host: "{{ mssql_host }}"
login_port: "{{ mssql_port }}"
script: |
SELECT name, state_desc FROM sys.databases WHERE name = %(dbname)s
SELECT name, state_desc FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'DoesNotexist'
SELECT name, state_desc FROM sys.databases WHERE name = %(dbname)s
dbname: msdb
register: empty_result
- assert:
- empty_result.query_results[0] | length == 3 # == 1 ; issue: only first result is returned
- empty_result.query_results[0][0][0][0] == 'msdb'
- empty_result.query_results[0][1] | length == 0
- empty_result.query_results[0][2][0][0] == 'msdb'
failed_when: false # known issue