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synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
* Adding module win_domain_computer This module is a wrapper of powershell *-ADComputer commands. The main use case is to add non-windows computers to Active Directory through a bridge windows computer. * Replace `Set-Attr` * Fix case insensitive comparisons * Add omitted parameters in cmdlets * Enhance module documentation * Simplify `state` as case insensitive. * Simplify try catch * Fix indentation * Make message errors more descriptive. * Specify type in boolean parameters * Keep parameter ingestion together * Delete superfluous resultobj * Workaround failing Erroraction * Add target info in error * Cosmetic changes * Fix up Fail-Json to use correct message param
186 lines
6 KiB
186 lines
6 KiB
# Copyright: (c) 2017, AMTEGA - Xunta de Galicia
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Preparing result
$result = @{}
$result.changed = $false
# Parameter ingestion
$params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false
$diff_support = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_diff" -type "bool" -default $false
$name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "name" -failifempty $true -resultobj $result
$sam_account_name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "sam_account_name" -default "$name$"
If (-not $sam_account_name.EndsWith("$")) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "sam_account_name must end in $"
$enabled = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "enabled" -type "bool" -default $true
$description = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "description" -default ""
$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -ValidateSet "present","absent" -default "present"
If ($state -eq "present") {
$dns_hostname = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "dns_hostname" -failifempty $true -resultobj $result
$ou = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "ou" -failifempty $true -resultobj $result
$distinguished_name = "CN=$name,$ou"
$desired_state = @{
name = $name
sam_account_name = $sam_account_name
dns_hostname = $dns_hostname
ou = $ou
distinguished_name = $distinguished_name
description = $description
enabled = $enabled
state = $state
} Else {
$desired_state = @{
name = $name
state = $state
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Get-InitialState($desired_state) {
# Test computer exists
$computer = Try {
Get-ADComputer `
-Identity $desired_state.name `
-Properties DistinguishedName,DNSHostName,Enabled,Name,SamAccountName,Description,ObjectClass
} Catch { $null }
If ($computer) {
$initial_state = @{
name = $computer.Name
sam_account_name = $computer.SamAccountName
dns_hostname = $computer.DNSHostName
# Get OU from regexp that removes all characters to the first ","
ou = $computer.DistinguishedName -creplace "^[^,]*,",""
distinguished_name = $computer.DistinguishedName
description = $computer.Description
enabled = $computer.Enabled
state = "present"
} Else {
$initial_state = @{
name = $desired_state.name
state = "absent"
return $initial_state
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Set-ConstructedState($initial_state, $desired_state) {
Try {
Set-ADComputer `
-Identity $desired_state.name `
-SamAccountName $desired_state.name `
-DNSHostName $desired_state.dns_hostname `
-Enabled $desired_state.enabled `
-Description $desired_state.description `
} Catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to set the AD object $($desired_state.name): $($_.Exception.Message)"
If ($initial_state.distinguished_name -cne $desired_state.distinguished_name) {
# Move computer to OU
Try {
Get-ADComputer -Identity $desired_state.name |
Move-ADObject `
-TargetPath $desired_state.ou `
-Confirm:$False `
} Catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to move the AD object $($desired_state.name) to $($desired_state.ou) OU: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$result.changed = $true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Add-ConstructedState($desired_state) {
Try {
New-ADComputer `
-Name $desired_state.name `
-SamAccountName $desired_state.sam_account_name `
-DNSHostName $desired_state.dns_hostname `
-Path $desired_state.ou `
-Enabled $desired_state.enabled `
-Description $desired_state.description `
} Catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to create the AD object $($desired_state.name): $($_.Exception.Message)"
$result.changed = $true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Remove-ConstructedState($initial_state) {
Try {
Remove-ADComputer `
-Identity $initial_state.name `
-Confirm:$False `
} Catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to remove the AD object $($desired_state.name): $($_.Exception.Message)"
$result.changed = $true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function are_hashtables_equal($x, $y) {
# Compare not nested HashTables
Foreach ($key in $x.Keys) {
If (($y.Keys -notcontains $key) -or ($x[$key] -cne $y[$key])) {
Return $false
foreach ($key in $y.Keys) {
if (($x.Keys -notcontains $key) -or ($x[$key] -cne $y[$key])) {
Return $false
Return $true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$initial_state = Get-InitialState($desired_state)
If ($desired_state.state -eq "present") {
If ($initial_state.state -eq "present") {
$in_desired_state = are_hashtables_equal $initial_state $desired_state
If (-not $in_desired_state) {
Set-ConstructedState $initial_state $desired_state
} Else { # $desired_state.state = "Present" & $initial_state.state = "Absent"
} Else { # $desired_state.state = "Absent"
If ($initial_state.state -eq "present") {
If ($diff_support) {
$diff = @{
before = $initial_state
after = $desired_state
$result.diff = $diff
Exit-Json -obj $result