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synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
* Remove nose from unittests This PR migrates the last of our unittests from using nose to using pytest. We don't need to install nose in our testing environments anymore
62 lines
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62 lines
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# This is a standalone test for the regex inside validate-modules
# It is not suitable to add to the make tests target because the
# file under test is outside the test's sys.path AND has a hyphen
# in the name making it unimportable.
# To execute this by hand:
# 1) cd <checkoutdir>
# 2) source hacking/env-setup
# 3) PYTHONPATH=./lib pytest -v sanity/validate-modules
import re
import unittest
# TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*\stype\(.*')
# TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*(if|or)\stype\(.*')
# TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*(if|or)(\s+.*|\s+)type\(.*')
# TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*(if|or)(\s+.*|\s+)type\(.*')
# TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*(if|\sor)(\s+.*|\s+)type\(.*')
# TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*(if|\sor)(\s+.*|\s+)(?<!_)type\(.*')
TYPE_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*(if|or)(\s+.*|\s+)(?<!_)(?<!str\()type\(.*')
class TestValidateModulesRegex(unittest.TestCase):
def test_type_regex(self):
# each of these examples needs to be matched or not matched
checks = [
['if type(foo) is Bar', True],
['if Bar is type(foo)', True],
['if type(foo) is not Bar', True],
['if Bar is not type(foo)', True],
['if type(foo) == Bar', True],
['if Bar == type(foo)', True],
['if type(foo)==Bar', True],
['if Bar==type(foo)', True],
['if type(foo) != Bar', True],
['if Bar != type(foo)', True],
['if type(foo)!=Bar', True],
['if Bar!=type(foo)', True],
['if foo or type(bar) != Bar', True],
['x = type(foo)', False],
["error = err.message + ' ' + str(err) + ' - ' + str(type(err))", False],
# cloud/amazon/ec2_group.py
["module.fail_json(msg='Invalid rule parameter type [%s].' % type(rule))", False],
# files/patch.py
["p = type('Params', (), module.params)", False], # files/patch.py
# system/osx_defaults.py
["if self.current_value is not None and not isinstance(self.current_value, type(self.value)):", True],
# system/osx_defaults.py
['raise OSXDefaultsException("Type mismatch. Type in defaults: " + type(self.current_value).__name__)', False],
# network/nxos/nxos_interface.py
["if get_interface_type(interface) == 'svi':", False],
for idc, check in enumerate(checks):
cstring = check[0]
cexpected = check[1]
match = TYPE_REGEX.match(cstring)
if cexpected and not match:
assert False, "%s should have matched" % cstring
elif not cexpected and match:
assert False, "%s should not have matched" % cstring