mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
Remove automatically adding # symbol to channel names (#5629)
* Add regex to match all channel ids
* Add changelog fragment
* Allow matching of channel ids with 9-11 characters
* Fix file name
* Update changelogs/fragments/5629-add-channel-prefix-regex.yml
Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>
* Remove channel auto prepend #
* Update changelog fragment
* Add prepend_hash option
* Add version_added to prepend_hash doc string
Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>
* Add description of possible values for the prepend_hash option
Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>
* Remove old channel assign statement
* Update changelogs/fragments/5629-add-prepend-hash-option-for-channel-id.yml
Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>
* Update changelog fragment tag
Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>
Co-authored-by: Felix Fontein <felix@fontein.de>
(cherry picked from commit 03039a56c0
Co-authored-by: William McBroom <william.mcbroom@draft2digital.com>
514 lines
19 KiB
514 lines
19 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020, Lee Goolsbee <lgoolsbee@atlassian.com>
# Copyright (c) 2020, Michal Middleton <mm.404@icloud.com>
# Copyright (c) 2017, Steve Pletcher <steve@steve-pletcher.com>
# Copyright (c) 2016, René Moser <mail@renemoser.net>
# Copyright (c) 2015, Stefan Berggren <nsg@nsg.cc>
# Copyright (c) 2014, Ramon de la Fuente <ramon@delafuente.nl>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
module: slack
short_description: Send Slack notifications
- The C(slack) module sends notifications to U(http://slack.com) via the Incoming WebHook integration
author: "Ramon de la Fuente (@ramondelafuente)"
type: str
- Slack (sub)domain for your environment without protocol. (i.e.
C(example.slack.com)) In 1.8 and beyond, this is deprecated and may
be ignored. See token documentation for information.
type: str
- Slack integration token. This authenticates you to the slack service.
Make sure to use the correct type of token, depending on what method you use.
- "Webhook token:
Prior to 1.8, a token looked like C(3Ffe373sfhRE6y42Fg3rvf4GlK). In
1.8 and above, ansible adapts to the new slack API where tokens look
like C(G922VJP24/D921DW937/3Ffe373sfhRE6y42Fg3rvf4GlK). If tokens
are in the new format then slack will ignore any value of domain. If
the token is in the old format the domain is required. Ansible has no
control of when slack will get rid of the old API. When slack does
that the old format will stop working. ** Please keep in mind the tokens
are not the API tokens but are the webhook tokens. In slack these are
found in the webhook URL which are obtained under the apps and integrations.
The incoming webhooks can be added in that area. In some cases this may
be locked by your Slack admin and you must request access. It is there
that the incoming webhooks can be added. The key is on the end of the
URL given to you in that section."
- "WebAPI token:
Slack WebAPI requires a personal, bot or work application token. These tokens start with C(xoxp-), C(xoxb-)
or C(xoxa-), eg. C(xoxb-1234-56789abcdefghijklmnop). WebAPI token is required if you intend to receive thread_id.
See Slack's documentation (U(https://api.slack.com/docs/token-types)) for more information."
required: true
type: str
- Message to send. Note that the module does not handle escaping characters.
Plain-text angle brackets and ampersands should be converted to HTML entities (e.g. & to &) before sending.
See Slack's documentation (U(https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting)) for more.
type: str
- Channel to send the message to. If absent, the message goes to the channel selected for the I(token).
- Optional. Timestamp of parent message to thread this message. https://api.slack.com/docs/message-threading
type: str
- Optional. Message ID to edit, instead of posting a new message.
- If supplied I(channel_id) must be in form of C(C0xxxxxxx). use C({{ slack_response.channel_id }}) to get I(channel_id) from previous task run.
- Corresponds to C(ts) in the Slack API (U(https://api.slack.com/messaging/modifying)).
type: str
version_added: 1.2.0
type: str
- This is the sender of the message.
default: "Ansible"
type: str
- Url for the message sender's icon (default C(https://www.ansible.com/favicon.ico))
default: https://www.ansible.com/favicon.ico
type: str
- Emoji for the message sender. See Slack documentation for options.
(if I(icon_emoji) is set, I(icon_url) will not be used)
type: int
- Automatically create links for channels and usernames in I(msg).
default: 1
- 1
- 0
type: str
- Setting for the message parser at Slack
- 'full'
- 'none'
- If C(false), SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used
on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates.
type: bool
default: true
type: str
- Allow text to use default colors - use the default of 'normal' to not send a custom color bar at the start of the message.
- Allowed values for color can be one of 'normal', 'good', 'warning', 'danger', any valid 3 digit or 6 digit hex color value.
- Specifying value in hex is supported since Ansible 2.8.
default: 'normal'
type: list
elements: dict
- Define a list of attachments. This list mirrors the Slack JSON API.
- For more information, see U(https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments).
- Define a list of blocks. This list mirrors the Slack JSON API.
- For more information, see U(https://api.slack.com/block-kit).
type: list
elements: dict
version_added: 1.0.0
type: str
- Setting for automatically prepending a C(#) symbol on the passed in I(channel_id).
- The C(auto) method prepends a C(#) unless I(channel_id) starts with one of C(#), C(@), C(C0), C(GF), C(G0), C(CP).
These prefixes only cover a small set of the prefixes that should not have a C(#) prepended.
Since an exact condition which I(channel_id) values must not have the C(#) prefix is not known,
the value C(auto) for this option will be deprecated in the future. It is best to explicitly set
I(prepend_hash=always) or I(prepend_hash=never) to obtain the needed behavior.
- 'always'
- 'never'
- 'auto'
default: 'auto'
version_added: 6.1.0
- name: Send notification message via Slack
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
msg: '{{ inventory_hostname }} completed'
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Send notification message via Slack all options
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
msg: '{{ inventory_hostname }} completed'
channel: '#ansible'
thread_id: '1539917263.000100'
username: 'Ansible on {{ inventory_hostname }}'
icon_url: http://www.example.com/some-image-file.png
link_names: 0
parse: 'none'
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Insert a color bar in front of the message for visibility purposes and use the default webhook icon and name configured in Slack
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
msg: '{{ inventory_hostname }} is alive!'
color: good
username: ''
icon_url: ''
- name: Insert a color bar in front of the message with valid hex color value
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
msg: 'This message uses color in hex value'
color: '#00aacc'
username: ''
icon_url: ''
- name: Use the attachments API
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
- text: Display my system load on host A and B
color: '#ff00dd'
title: System load
- title: System A
value: "load average: 0,74, 0,66, 0,63"
short: true
- title: System B
value: 'load average: 5,16, 4,64, 2,43'
short: true
- name: Use the blocks API
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
- type: section
type: mrkdwn
text: |-
*System load*
Display my system load on host A and B
- type: context
- type: mrkdwn
text: |-
*System A*
load average: 0,74, 0,66, 0,63
- type: mrkdwn
text: |-
*System B*
load average: 5,16, 4,64, 2,43
- name: Send a message with a link using Slack markup
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
msg: We sent this message using <https://www.ansible.com|Ansible>!
- name: Send a message with angle brackets and ampersands
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
msg: This message has <brackets> & ampersands in plain text.
- name: Initial Threaded Slack message
channel: '#ansible'
token: xoxb-1234-56789abcdefghijklmnop
msg: 'Starting a thread with my initial post.'
register: slack_response
- name: Add more info to thread
channel: '#ansible'
token: xoxb-1234-56789abcdefghijklmnop
thread_id: "{{ slack_response['ts'] }}"
color: good
msg: 'And this is my threaded response!'
- name: Send a message to be edited later on
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
channel: '#ansible'
msg: Deploying something...
register: slack_response
- name: Edit message
token: thetoken/generatedby/slack
# The 'channel' option does not accept the channel name. It must use the 'channel_id',
# which can be retrieved for example from 'slack_response' from the previous task.
channel: "{{ slack_response.channel }}"
msg: Deployment complete!
message_id: "{{ slack_response.ts }}"
import re
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url
OLD_SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK = 'https://%s/services/hooks/incoming-webhook?token=%s'
SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/%s'
SLACK_POSTMESSAGE_WEBAPI = 'https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage'
SLACK_UPDATEMESSAGE_WEBAPI = 'https://slack.com/api/chat.update'
SLACK_CONVERSATIONS_HISTORY_WEBAPI = 'https://slack.com/api/conversations.history'
# Escaping quotes and apostrophes to avoid ending string prematurely in ansible call.
# We do not escape other characters used as Slack metacharacters (e.g. &, <, >).
escape_table = {
'"': "\"",
"'": "\'",
def is_valid_hex_color(color_choice):
if re.match(r'^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$', color_choice):
return True
return False
def escape_quotes(text):
"""Backslash any quotes within text."""
return "".join(escape_table.get(c, c) for c in text)
def recursive_escape_quotes(obj, keys):
"""Recursively escape quotes inside supplied keys inside block kit objects"""
if isinstance(obj, dict):
escaped = {}
for k, v in obj.items():
if isinstance(v, str) and k in keys:
escaped[k] = escape_quotes(v)
escaped[k] = recursive_escape_quotes(v, keys)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
escaped = [recursive_escape_quotes(v, keys) for v in obj]
escaped = obj
return escaped
def build_payload_for_slack(text, channel, thread_id, username, icon_url, icon_emoji, link_names,
parse, color, attachments, blocks, message_id, prepend_hash):
payload = {}
if color == "normal" and text is not None:
payload = dict(text=escape_quotes(text))
elif text is not None:
# With a custom color we have to set the message as attachment, and explicitly turn markdown parsing on for it.
payload = dict(attachments=[dict(text=escape_quotes(text), color=color, mrkdwn_in=["text"])])
if channel is not None:
if prepend_hash == 'auto':
if channel.startswith(('#', '@', 'C0', 'GF', 'G0', 'CP')):
payload['channel'] = channel
payload['channel'] = '#' + channel
elif prepend_hash == 'always':
payload['channel'] = '#' + channel
elif prepend_hash == 'never':
payload['channel'] = channel
if thread_id is not None:
payload['thread_ts'] = thread_id
if username is not None:
payload['username'] = username
if icon_emoji is not None:
payload['icon_emoji'] = icon_emoji
payload['icon_url'] = icon_url
if link_names is not None:
payload['link_names'] = link_names
if parse is not None:
payload['parse'] = parse
if message_id is not None:
payload['ts'] = message_id
if attachments is not None:
if 'attachments' not in payload:
payload['attachments'] = []
if attachments is not None:
attachment_keys_to_escape = [
for attachment in attachments:
for key in attachment_keys_to_escape:
if key in attachment:
attachment[key] = escape_quotes(attachment[key])
if 'fallback' not in attachment:
attachment['fallback'] = attachment['text']
if blocks is not None:
block_keys_to_escape = [
payload['blocks'] = recursive_escape_quotes(blocks, block_keys_to_escape)
return payload
def get_slack_message(module, token, channel, ts):
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
qs = urlencode({
'channel': channel,
'ts': ts,
'limit': 1,
'inclusive': 'true',
response, info = fetch_url(module=module, url=url, headers=headers, method='GET')
if info['status'] != 200:
module.fail_json(msg="failed to get slack message")
data = module.from_json(response.read())
if len(data['messages']) < 1:
module.fail_json(msg="no messages matching ts: %s" % ts)
if len(data['messages']) > 1:
module.fail_json(msg="more than 1 message matching ts: %s" % ts)
return data['messages'][0]
def do_notify_slack(module, domain, token, payload):
use_webapi = False
if token.count('/') >= 2:
# New style webhook token
slack_uri = SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK % token
elif re.match(r'^xox[abp]-\S+$', token):
use_webapi = True
if not domain:
module.fail_json(msg="Slack has updated its webhook API. You need to specify a token of the form "
"XXXX/YYYY/ZZZZ in your playbook")
slack_uri = OLD_SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK % (domain, token)
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'Accept': 'application/json',
if use_webapi:
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
data = module.jsonify(payload)
response, info = fetch_url(module=module, url=slack_uri, headers=headers, method='POST', data=data)
if info['status'] != 200:
if use_webapi:
obscured_incoming_webhook = slack_uri
obscured_incoming_webhook = SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK % '[obscured]'
module.fail_json(msg=" failed to send %s to %s: %s" % (data, obscured_incoming_webhook, info['msg']))
# each API requires different handling
if use_webapi:
return module.from_json(response.read())
return {'webhook': 'ok'}
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
token=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True),
username=dict(type='str', default='Ansible'),
icon_url=dict(type='str', default='https://www.ansible.com/favicon.ico'),
link_names=dict(type='int', default=1, choices=[0, 1]),
parse=dict(type='str', choices=['none', 'full']),
validate_certs=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
color=dict(type='str', default='normal'),
attachments=dict(type='list', elements='dict'),
blocks=dict(type='list', elements='dict'),
prepend_hash=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['always', 'never', 'auto']),
domain = module.params['domain']
token = module.params['token']
text = module.params['msg']
channel = module.params['channel']
thread_id = module.params['thread_id']
username = module.params['username']
icon_url = module.params['icon_url']
icon_emoji = module.params['icon_emoji']
link_names = module.params['link_names']
parse = module.params['parse']
color = module.params['color']
attachments = module.params['attachments']
blocks = module.params['blocks']
message_id = module.params['message_id']
prepend_hash = module.params['prepend_hash']
color_choices = ['normal', 'good', 'warning', 'danger']
if color not in color_choices and not is_valid_hex_color(color):
module.fail_json(msg="Color value specified should be either one of %r "
"or any valid hex value with length 3 or 6." % color_choices)
changed = True
# if updating an existing message, we can check if there's anything to update
if message_id is not None:
changed = False
msg = get_slack_message(module, token, channel, message_id)
for key in ('icon_url', 'icon_emoji', 'link_names', 'color', 'attachments', 'blocks'):
if msg.get(key) != module.params.get(key):
changed = True
# if check mode is active, we shouldn't do anything regardless.
# if changed=False, we don't need to do anything, so don't do it.
if module.check_mode or not changed:
module.exit_json(changed=changed, ts=msg['ts'], channel=msg['channel'])
elif module.check_mode:
payload = build_payload_for_slack(text, channel, thread_id, username, icon_url, icon_emoji, link_names,
parse, color, attachments, blocks, message_id, prepend_hash)
slack_response = do_notify_slack(module, domain, token, payload)
if 'ok' in slack_response:
# Evaluate WebAPI response
if slack_response['ok']:
# return payload as a string for backwards compatibility
payload_json = module.jsonify(payload)
module.exit_json(changed=changed, ts=slack_response['ts'], channel=slack_response['channel'],
api=slack_response, payload=payload_json)
module.fail_json(msg="Slack API error", error=slack_response['error'])
# Exit with plain OK from WebHook, since we don't have more information
# If we get 200 from webhook, the only answer is OK
if __name__ == '__main__':