mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
is still kicking off. Should not happen except in modules that are somewhat slow to load and probably can be fixed better than the included sleep, i.e. some IPC communication that the process has launched and is ok to exit. This works pretty well for now though.
337 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable file
337 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# (c) 2012, Red Hat, Inc
# Written by Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import sys
import yum
import subprocess
import datetime
import shlex
import re
import traceback
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
def yum_base(conf_file=None, cachedir=False):
my = yum.YumBase()
if conf_file and os.path.exists(conf_file):
my.preconf.fn = conf_file
if cachedir:
if hasattr(my, 'setCacheDir'):
cachedir = yum.misc.getCacheDir()
my.conf.cache = 0
return my
def pkg_to_dict(po):
d = {
if type(po) == yum.rpmsack.RPMInstalledPackage:
d['yumstate'] = 'installed'
d['yumstate'] = 'available'
return d
def list_stuff(my, stuff):
# FIXME - there are poitential tracebacks that could occur here
# need some more catching for them so we can see what happened
if stuff == 'installed':
return [ pkg_to_dict(po) for po in my.rpmdb ]
elif stuff == 'updates':
return [ pkg_to_dict(po) for
po in my.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='updates').updates ]
elif stuff == 'available':
return [ pkg_to_dict(po) for po in my.pkgSack ]
elif stuff == 'repos':
r = []
for repo in my.repos.repos.values():
t = {}
s = 'disabled'
if repo.enabled:
s = 'enabled'
t[repo.id] = s
return r
e,m,u = my.rpmdb.matchPackageNames([stuff])
p = e + m
e,m,u = my.pkgSack.matchPackageNames([stuff])
p = p + e + m
return [ pkg_to_dict(po) for po in p ]
def run_yum(command):
cmd = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = cmd.communicate()
except (OSError, IOError), e:
rc = 1
err = str(e)
out = ''
rc = 1
err = traceback.format_exc()
out = ''
if out is None:
out = ''
if err is None:
err = ''
rc = cmd.returncode
return rc, out, err
def ensure(my, state, pkgspec):
yumconf = my.conf.config_file_path
res = {}
if state == 'installed':
# check if pkgspec is installed
if re.search('[></=]',pkgspec):
pkgs = my.returnInstalledPackagesByDep(pkgspec)
except yum.Errors.YumBaseError:
pkgs = None
e,m,u = my.rpmdb.matchPackageNames([pkgspec])
pkgs = e +m
if pkgs:
return { 'changed':False }
# if not see if it is available
if re.search('[></=]',pkgspec):
pkgs = my.returnPackagesByDep(pkgspec)
except yum.Errors.YumBaseError:
pkgs = None
e,m,u = my.pkgSack.matchPackageNames([pkgspec])
pkgs = e +m
if not pkgs:
msg = "No Package matching %s available" % pkgspec
return { 'changed':False, 'failed': True, 'msg':msg }
del my
cmd = "yum -c %s -d1 -y install '%s'" % (yumconf, pkgspec)
rc, out, err = run_yum(cmd)
# FIXME - if we did an install - go and check the rpmdb to see if it actually installed
# look for the pkg in rpmdb
# look for the pkg via obsoletes
if rc:
changed = False
failed = True
changed = True
failed = False
res['changed'] = changed
if failed:
res['failed'] = failed
res['msg'] = err
res['results'] = out
return res
if state == 'removed':
# check if pkgspec is installed
# if not return {changed: False, failed=False }
# if so try to remove it:
# if successfull {changed:True, failed=False, results=stdout, errors=stderr }
# if fail {'changed':False, failed='True', results=stdout, errors=stderr }
yumconf = my.conf.config_file_path
if re.search('[></=]',pkgspec):
pkgs = my.returnInstalledPackagesByDep(pkgspec)
except yum.Errors.YumBaseError:
pkgs = None
e,m,u = my.rpmdb.matchPackageNames([pkgspec])
pkgs = e +m
if not pkgs:
return { 'changed':False }
del my
cmd = "yum -c %s -d1 -y remove '%s'" % (yumconf, pkgspec)
rc, out, err = run_yum(cmd)
# FIXME if we ran the remove - check to make sure it actually removed :(
# look for the pkg in the rpmdb
if rc:
changed = False
failed = True
changed = True
failed = False
res['changed'] = changed
if failed:
res['failed'] = failed
res['msg'] = err
res['results'] = out
return res
if state == 'latest':
updates = my.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='updates', patterns=[pkgspec]).updates
avail = my.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='available', patterns=[pkgspec]).available
if not updates and not avail:
if not my.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='installed', patterns=[pkgspec]).installed:
msg = "No Package matching '%s' found available, installed or updated" % pkgspec
return { 'changed':False, 'failed':True, 'msg': msg }
return { 'changed':False,}
# we have something in updates or available
if not updates:
cmd = "yum -c %s -d1 -y install '%s'" % (yumconf, pkgspec)
cmd = "yum -c %s -d1 -y update '%s'" % (yumconf, pkgspec)
rc, out, err = run_yum(cmd)
# FIXME if it is - update it and check to see if it applied
# check to see if there is no longer an update available for the pkgspec
if rc:
changed = False
failed = True
changed = True
failed = False
res['changed'] = changed
if failed:
res['failed'] = failed
res['msg'] = err
res['results'] = out
return res
return {'changed': False,
'failed': True,
'errors': 'Ensure state %r unknown' % state }
def update(args):
#generic update routine
def remove_only(pkgspec):
# remove this pkg and only this pkg - fail if it will require more to remove
def main():
# state=installed pkg=pkgspec
# state=removed pkg=pkgspec
# state=latest pkg=pkgspec
# informational commands:
# list=installed
# list=updates
# list=available
# list=repos
# list=pkgspec
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
msg = "the yum module requires arguments (-a)"
return 1, msg
argfile = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.exists(argfile):
msg = "Argument file not found"
return 1, msg
args = open(argfile, 'r').read()
items = shlex.split(args)
if not len(items):
msg = "the yum module requires arguments (-a)"
return 1, msg
# if nothing else changes - it fails
results = { 'changed':False,
'msg':args }
params = {}
for x in items:
(k, v) = x.split("=", 1)
except ValueError:
msg = "invalid arguments: %s" % args
return 1, msg
params[k] = v
if 'conf_file' not in params:
params['conf_file'] = None
if 'list' in params:
my = yum_base(conf_file=params['conf_file'], cachedir=True)
results = dict(results=list_stuff(my, params['list']))
elif 'state' in params:
if 'pkg' not in params:
results['msg'] = "No pkg specified"
my = yum_base(conf_file=params['conf_file'], cachedir=True)
state = params['state']
pkgspec = params['pkg']
results = ensure(my, state, pkgspec)
print json.dumps(results)
return 0, None
if __name__ == "__main__":
rc, msg = main()
if rc != 0: # something went wrong emit the msg
print json.dumps({
"failed" : rc,
"msg" : msg