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Felix Fontein daed4dcc94
Type options of lookup plugins (#8626)
Type options of lookup plugins.
2024-07-21 21:03:41 +02:00

711 lines
25 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018, Scott Buchanan <scott@buchanan.works>
# Copyright (c) 2016, Andrew Zenk <azenk@umn.edu> (lastpass.py used as starting point)
# Copyright (c) 2018, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
name: onepassword
- Scott Buchanan (@scottsb)
- Andrew Zenk (@azenk)
- Sam Doran (@samdoran)
short_description: Fetch field values from 1Password
- P(community.general.onepassword#lookup) wraps the C(op) command line utility to fetch specific field values from 1Password.
- C(op) 1Password command line utility
description: Identifier(s) (case-insensitive UUID or name) of item(s) to retrieve.
required: true
type: list
elements: string
version_added: 7.5.0
version_added: 3.2.0
description: Field to return from each matching item (case-insensitive).
default: 'password'
type: str
version_added: 7.1.0
- community.general.onepassword
- community.general.onepassword.lookup
# These examples only work when already signed in to 1Password
- name: Retrieve password for KITT when already signed in to 1Password
var: lookup('community.general.onepassword', 'KITT')
- name: Retrieve password for Wintermute when already signed in to 1Password
var: lookup('community.general.onepassword', 'Tessier-Ashpool', section='Wintermute')
- name: Retrieve username for HAL when already signed in to 1Password
var: lookup('community.general.onepassword', 'HAL 9000', field='username', vault='Discovery')
- name: Retrieve password for HAL when not signed in to 1Password
var: lookup('community.general.onepassword',
'HAL 9000',
- name: Retrieve password for HAL when never signed in to 1Password
var: lookup('community.general.onepassword',
'HAL 9000',
- name: Retrieve password from specific account
var: lookup('community.general.onepassword',
'HAL 9000',
RETURN = """
description: Field data requested.
type: list
elements: str
import abc
import os
import json
import subprocess
from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase
from ansible.errors import AnsibleLookupError, AnsibleOptionsError
from ansible.module_utils.common.process import get_bin_path
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.six import with_metaclass
from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.onepassword import OnePasswordConfig
def _lower_if_possible(value):
"""Return the lower case version value, otherwise return the value"""
return value.lower()
except AttributeError:
return value
class OnePassCLIBase(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
bin = "op"
def __init__(
self.subdomain = subdomain
self.domain = domain
self.username = username
self.master_password = master_password
self.secret_key = secret_key
self.service_account_token = service_account_token
self.account_id = account_id
self.connect_host = connect_host
self.connect_token = connect_token
self._path = None
self._version = None
def _check_required_params(self, required_params):
non_empty_attrs = dict((param, getattr(self, param, None)) for param in required_params if getattr(self, param, None))
missing = set(required_params).difference(non_empty_attrs)
if missing:
prefix = "Unable to sign in to 1Password. Missing required parameter"
plural = ""
suffix = ": {params}.".format(params=", ".join(missing))
if len(missing) > 1:
plural = "s"
msg = "{prefix}{plural}{suffix}".format(prefix=prefix, plural=plural, suffix=suffix)
raise AnsibleLookupError(msg)
def _parse_field(self, data_json, field_name, section_title):
"""Main method for parsing data returned from the op command line tool"""
def _run(self, args, expected_rc=0, command_input=None, ignore_errors=False, environment_update=None):
command = [self.path] + args
call_kwargs = {
"stdout": subprocess.PIPE,
"stderr": subprocess.PIPE,
"stdin": subprocess.PIPE,
if environment_update:
env = os.environ.copy()
call_kwargs["env"] = env
p = subprocess.Popen(command, **call_kwargs)
out, err = p.communicate(input=command_input)
rc = p.wait()
if not ignore_errors and rc != expected_rc:
raise AnsibleLookupError(to_text(err))
return rc, out, err
def assert_logged_in(self):
"""Check whether a login session exists"""
def full_signin(self):
"""Performa full login"""
def get_raw(self, item_id, vault=None, token=None):
"""Gets the specified item from the vault"""
def signin(self):
"""Sign in using the master password"""
def path(self):
if self._path is None:
self._path = get_bin_path(self.bin)
return self._path
def version(self):
if self._version is None:
self._version = self.get_current_version()
return self._version
def get_current_version(cls):
"""Standalone method to get the op CLI version. Useful when determining which class to load
based on the current version."""
bin_path = get_bin_path(cls.bin)
except ValueError:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Unable to locate '%s' command line tool" % cls.bin)
b_out = subprocess.check_output([bin_path, "--version"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe:
raise AnsibleLookupError("Unable to get the op version: %s" % cpe)
return to_text(b_out).strip()
class OnePassCLIv1(OnePassCLIBase):
supports_version = "1"
def _parse_field(self, data_json, field_name, section_title):
Retrieves the desired field from the `op` response payload
When the item is a `password` type, the password is a key within the `details` key:
$ op get item 'test item' | jq
"templateUuid": "005",
"details": {
"notesPlain": "",
"password": "foobar",
"passwordHistory": [],
"sections": [
"name": "linked items",
"title": "Related Items"
However, when the item is a `login` type, the password is within a fields array:
$ op get item 'test item' | jq
"details": {
"fields": [
"designation": "username",
"name": "username",
"type": "T",
"value": "foo"
"designation": "password",
"name": "password",
"type": "P",
"value": "bar"
data = json.loads(data_json)
if section_title is None:
# https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1610:
# check the details dictionary for `field_name` and return it immediately if it exists
# when the entry is a "password" instead of a "login" item, the password field is a key
# in the `details` dictionary:
if field_name in data["details"]:
return data["details"][field_name]
# when the field is not found above, iterate through the fields list in the object details
for field_data in data["details"].get("fields", []):
if field_data.get("name", "").lower() == field_name.lower():
return field_data.get("value", "")
for section_data in data["details"].get("sections", []):
if section_title is not None and section_title.lower() != section_data["title"].lower():
for field_data in section_data.get("fields", []):
if field_data.get("t", "").lower() == field_name.lower():
return field_data.get("v", "")
return ""
def assert_logged_in(self):
args = ["get", "account"]
if self.account_id:
args.extend(["--account", self.account_id])
elif self.subdomain:
account = "{subdomain}.{domain}".format(subdomain=self.subdomain, domain=self.domain)
args.extend(["--account", account])
rc, out, err = self._run(args, ignore_errors=True)
return not bool(rc)
def full_signin(self):
if self.connect_host or self.connect_token:
raise AnsibleLookupError(
"1Password Connect is not available with 1Password CLI version 1. Please use version 2 or later.")
if self.service_account_token:
raise AnsibleLookupError(
"1Password CLI version 1 does not support Service Accounts. Please use version 2 or later.")
required_params = [
args = [
"{0}.{1}".format(self.subdomain, self.domain),
return self._run(args, command_input=to_bytes(self.master_password))
def get_raw(self, item_id, vault=None, token=None):
args = ["get", "item", item_id]
if self.account_id:
args.extend(["--account", self.account_id])
if vault is not None:
args += ["--vault={0}".format(vault)]
if token is not None:
args += [to_bytes("--session=") + token]
return self._run(args)
def signin(self):
args = ["signin", "--raw"]
if self.subdomain:
return self._run(args, command_input=to_bytes(self.master_password))
class OnePassCLIv2(OnePassCLIBase):
CLIv2 Syntax Reference: https://developer.1password.com/docs/cli/upgrade#step-2-update-your-scripts
supports_version = "2"
def _parse_field(self, data_json, field_name, section_title=None):
Schema reference: https://developer.1password.com/docs/cli/item-template-json
Example Data:
# Password item
"id": "ywvdbojsguzgrgnokmcxtydgdv",
"title": "Authy Backup",
"version": 1,
"vault": {
"id": "bcqxysvcnejjrwzoqrwzcqjqxc",
"name": "Personal"
"category": "PASSWORD",
"last_edited_by": "7FUPZ8ZNE02KSHMAIMKHIVUE17",
"created_at": "2015-01-18T13:13:38Z",
"updated_at": "2016-02-20T16:23:54Z",
"additional_information": "Jan 18, 2015, 08:13:38",
"fields": [
"id": "password",
"type": "CONCEALED",
"purpose": "PASSWORD",
"label": "password",
"value": "OctoberPoppyNuttyDraperySabbath",
"reference": "op://Personal/Authy Backup/password",
"password_details": {
"strength": "FANTASTIC"
"id": "notesPlain",
"type": "STRING",
"purpose": "NOTES",
"label": "notesPlain",
"value": "Backup password to restore Authy",
"reference": "op://Personal/Authy Backup/notesPlain"
# Login item
"id": "awk4s2u44fhnrgppszcsvc663i",
"title": "Dummy Login",
"version": 2,
"vault": {
"id": "stpebbaccrq72xulgouxsk4p7y",
"name": "Personal"
"category": "LOGIN",
"last_edited_by": "LSGPJERUYBH7BFPHMZ2KKGL6AU",
"created_at": "2018-04-25T21:55:19Z",
"updated_at": "2018-04-25T21:56:06Z",
"additional_information": "agent.smith",
"urls": [
"primary": true,
"href": "https://acme.com"
"sections": [
"id": "linked items",
"label": "Related Items"
"fields": [
"id": "username",
"type": "STRING",
"purpose": "USERNAME",
"label": "username",
"value": "agent.smith",
"reference": "op://Personal/Dummy Login/username"
"id": "password",
"type": "CONCEALED",
"purpose": "PASSWORD",
"label": "password",
"value": "Q7vFwTJcqwxKmTU]Dzx7NW*wrNPXmj",
"entropy": 159.6083697084228,
"reference": "op://Personal/Dummy Login/password",
"password_details": {
"entropy": 159,
"generated": true,
"strength": "FANTASTIC"
"id": "notesPlain",
"type": "STRING",
"purpose": "NOTES",
"label": "notesPlain",
"reference": "op://Personal/Dummy Login/notesPlain"
data = json.loads(data_json)
field_name = _lower_if_possible(field_name)
for field in data.get("fields", []):
if section_title is None:
# If the field name exists in the section, return that value
if field.get(field_name):
return field.get(field_name)
# If the field name doesn't exist in the section, match on the value of "label"
# then "id" and return "value"
if field.get("label", "").lower() == field_name:
return field.get("value", "")
if field.get("id", "").lower() == field_name:
return field.get("value", "")
# Look at the section data and get an identifier. The value of 'id' is either a unique ID
# or a human-readable string. If a 'label' field exists, prefer that since
# it is the value visible in the 1Password UI when both 'id' and 'label' exist.
section = field.get("section", {})
section_title = _lower_if_possible(section_title)
current_section_title = section.get("label", section.get("id", "")).lower()
if section_title == current_section_title:
# In the correct section. Check "label" then "id" for the desired field_name
if field.get("label", "").lower() == field_name:
return field.get("value", "")
if field.get("id", "").lower() == field_name:
return field.get("value", "")
return ""
def assert_logged_in(self):
if self.connect_host and self.connect_token:
return True
if self.service_account_token:
args = ["whoami"]
environment_update = {"OP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN": self.service_account_token}
rc, out, err = self._run(args, environment_update=environment_update)
return not bool(rc)
args = ["account", "list"]
if self.subdomain:
account = "{subdomain}.{domain}".format(subdomain=self.subdomain, domain=self.domain)
args.extend(["--account", account])
rc, out, err = self._run(args)
if out:
# Running 'op account get' if there are no accounts configured on the system drops into
# an interactive prompt. Only run 'op account get' after first listing accounts to see
# if there are any previously configured accounts.
args = ["account", "get"]
if self.account_id:
args.extend(["--account", self.account_id])
elif self.subdomain:
account = "{subdomain}.{domain}".format(subdomain=self.subdomain, domain=self.domain)
args.extend(["--account", account])
rc, out, err = self._run(args, ignore_errors=True)
return not bool(rc)
return False
def full_signin(self):
required_params = [
args = [
"account", "add", "--raw",
"--address", "{0}.{1}".format(self.subdomain, self.domain),
"--email", to_bytes(self.username),
environment_update = {"OP_SECRET_KEY": self.secret_key}
return self._run(args, command_input=to_bytes(self.master_password), environment_update=environment_update)
def get_raw(self, item_id, vault=None, token=None):
args = ["item", "get", item_id, "--format", "json"]
if self.account_id:
args.extend(["--account", self.account_id])
if vault is not None:
args += ["--vault={0}".format(vault)]
if self.connect_host and self.connect_token:
if vault is None:
raise AnsibleLookupError("'vault' is required with 1Password Connect")
environment_update = {
"OP_CONNECT_HOST": self.connect_host,
"OP_CONNECT_TOKEN": self.connect_token,
return self._run(args, environment_update=environment_update)
if self.service_account_token:
if vault is None:
raise AnsibleLookupError("'vault' is required with 'service_account_token'")
environment_update = {"OP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN": self.service_account_token}
return self._run(args, environment_update=environment_update)
if token is not None:
args += [to_bytes("--session=") + token]
return self._run(args)
def signin(self):
args = ["signin", "--raw"]
if self.subdomain:
args.extend(["--account", self.subdomain])
return self._run(args, command_input=to_bytes(self.master_password))
class OnePass(object):
def __init__(self, subdomain=None, domain="1password.com", username=None, secret_key=None, master_password=None,
service_account_token=None, account_id=None, connect_host=None, connect_token=None, cli_class=None):
self.subdomain = subdomain
self.domain = domain
self.username = username
self.secret_key = secret_key
self.master_password = master_password
self.service_account_token = service_account_token
self.account_id = account_id
self.connect_host = connect_host
self.connect_token = connect_token
self.logged_in = False
self.token = None
self._config = OnePasswordConfig()
self._cli = self._get_cli_class(cli_class)
if (self.connect_host or self.connect_token) and None in (self.connect_host, self.connect_token):
raise AnsibleOptionsError("connect_host and connect_token are required together")
def _get_cli_class(self, cli_class=None):
if cli_class is not None:
return cli_class(self.subdomain, self.domain, self.username, self.secret_key, self.master_password, self.service_account_token)
version = OnePassCLIBase.get_current_version()
for cls in OnePassCLIBase.__subclasses__():
if cls.supports_version == version.split(".")[0]:
return cls(self.subdomain, self.domain, self.username, self.secret_key, self.master_password, self.service_account_token,
self.account_id, self.connect_host, self.connect_token)
except TypeError as e:
raise AnsibleLookupError(e)
raise AnsibleLookupError("op version %s is unsupported" % version)
def set_token(self):
if self._config.config_file_path and os.path.isfile(self._config.config_file_path):
# If the config file exists, assume an initial sign in has taken place and try basic sign in
rc, out, err = self._cli.signin()
except AnsibleLookupError as exc:
test_strings = (
"missing required parameters",
if any(string in exc.message.lower() for string in test_strings):
# A required parameter is missing, or a bad master password was supplied
# so don't bother attempting a full signin
rc, out, err = self._cli.full_signin()
self.token = out.strip()
# Attempt a full signin since there appears to be no existing signin
rc, out, err = self._cli.full_signin()
self.token = out.strip()
def assert_logged_in(self):
logged_in = self._cli.assert_logged_in()
if logged_in:
self.logged_in = logged_in
def get_raw(self, item_id, vault=None):
rc, out, err = self._cli.get_raw(item_id, vault, self.token)
return out
def get_field(self, item_id, field, section=None, vault=None):
output = self.get_raw(item_id, vault)
if output:
return self._cli._parse_field(output, field, section)
return ""
class LookupModule(LookupBase):
def run(self, terms, variables=None, **kwargs):
self.set_options(var_options=variables, direct=kwargs)
field = self.get_option("field")
section = self.get_option("section")
vault = self.get_option("vault")
subdomain = self.get_option("subdomain")
domain = self.get_option("domain")
username = self.get_option("username")
secret_key = self.get_option("secret_key")
master_password = self.get_option("master_password")
service_account_token = self.get_option("service_account_token")
account_id = self.get_option("account_id")
connect_host = self.get_option("connect_host")
connect_token = self.get_option("connect_token")
op = OnePass(
values = []
for term in terms:
values.append(op.get_field(term, field, section, vault))
return values