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synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
Extract vault related bits of DataLoader._get_file_contents to DataLoader._decrypt_if_vault_data When loading vault password files, detect if they are vault encrypted, and if so, try to decrypt with any already known vault secrets. This implements the 'Allow vault password files to be vault encrypted' (#31002) feature card from the 2.5.0 project at https://github.com/ansible/ansible/projects/9 Fixes #31002
463 lines
23 KiB
Executable file
463 lines
23 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euvx
MYTMPDIR=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir')
trap 'rm -rf "${MYTMPDIR}"' EXIT
# create a test file
echo "This is a test file" > "${TEST_FILE}"
echo "This is a test file for format 1.2" > "${TEST_FILE_1_2}"
echo "This is a test file for encrypted with a vault password that is itself vault encrypted" > "${TEST_FILE_ENC_PASSWORD}"
echo "This is a test file for encrypted with a vault password that is itself vault encrypted using --encrypted-vault-id default" > "${TEST_FILE_ENC_PASSWORD_DEFAULT}"
echo "This is a test file for edit" > "${TEST_FILE_EDIT}"
echo "This is a test file for edit2" > "${TEST_FILE_EDIT2}"
# view the vault encrypted password file
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password encrypted-vault-password
# encrypt with a password from a vault encrypted password file and multiple vault-ids
# should fail because we dont know which vault id to use to encrypt with
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-id vault-password --vault-id encrypted-vault-password "${TEST_FILE_ENC_PASSWORD}" && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (5 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 5 ]
# try to view the file encrypted with the vault-password we didnt specify
# to verify we didnt choose the wrong vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password encrypted-vault-password
# new format, view, using password client script
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password@test-vault-client.py format_1_1_AES256.yml
# view, using password client script, unknown vault/keyname
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id some_unknown_vault_id@test-vault-client.py format_1_1_AES256.yml && :
# Use linux setsid to test without a tty. No setsid if osx/bsd though...
if [ -x "$(command -v setsid)" ]; then
# tests related to https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/30993
CMD='ansible-playbook -vvvvv --ask-vault-pass test_vault.yml'
setsid sh -c "echo test-vault-password|${CMD}" < /dev/null > log 2>&1 && :
cat log
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (0 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 0 ]
setsid sh -c 'tty; ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass -vvvvv view test_vault.yml' < /dev/null > log 2>&1 && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
cat log
setsid sh -c 'tty; echo passbhkjhword|ansible-playbook -vvvvv --ask-vault-pass test_vault.yml' < /dev/null > log 2>&1 && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
cat log
setsid sh -c 'tty; echo test-vault-password |ansible-playbook -vvvvv --ask-vault-pass test_vault.yml' < /dev/null > log 2>&1
echo $?
cat log
setsid sh -c 'tty; echo test-vault-password|ansible-playbook -vvvvv --ask-vault-pass test_vault.yml' < /dev/null > log 2>&1
echo $?
cat log
setsid sh -c 'tty; echo test-vault-password |ansible-playbook -vvvvv --ask-vault-pass test_vault.yml' < /dev/null > log 2>&1
echo $?
cat log
setsid sh -c 'tty; echo test-vault-password|ansible-vault --ask-vault-pass -vvvvv view vaulted.inventory' < /dev/null > log 2>&1
echo $?
cat log
# old format
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-ansible format_1_0_AES.yml
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-ansible format_1_1_AES.yml
# old format, wrong password
echo "The wrong password tests are expected to return 1"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong format_1_0_AES.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong format_1_1_AES.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong format_1_1_AES256.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
set -eux
# new format, view
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password format_1_1_AES256.yml
# new format, view with vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id=vault-password format_1_1_AES256.yml
# new format, view, using password script
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file password-script.py format_1_1_AES256.yml
# new format, view, using password script with vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id password-script.py format_1_1_AES256.yml
# new 1.2 format, view
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password format_1_2_AES256.yml
# new 1.2 format, view with vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id=test_vault_id@vault-password format_1_2_AES256.yml
# new 1,2 format, view, using password script
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file password-script.py format_1_2_AES256.yml
# new 1.2 format, view, using password script with vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id password-script.py format_1_2_AES256.yml
# newish 1.1 format, view, using a vault-id list from config env var
ANSIBLE_VAULT_IDENTITY_LIST='wrong-password@vault-password-wrong,default@vault-password' ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id password-script.py format_1_1_AES256.yml
# new 1.2 format, view, ENFORCE_IDENTITY_MATCH=true, should fail, no 'test_vault_id' vault_id
ANSIBLE_VAULT_ID_MATCH=1 ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password format_1_2_AES256.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# new 1.2 format, view with vault-id, ENFORCE_IDENTITY_MATCH=true, should work, 'test_vault_id' is provided
ANSIBLE_VAULT_ID_MATCH=1 ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id=test_vault_id@vault-password format_1_2_AES256.yml
# new 1,2 format, view, using password script, ENFORCE_IDENTITY_MATCH=true, should fail, no 'test_vault_id'
ANSIBLE_VAULT_ID_MATCH=1 ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file password-script.py format_1_2_AES256.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# new 1.2 format, view, using password script with vault-id, ENFORCE_IDENTITY_MATCH=true, should fail
ANSIBLE_VAULT_ID_MATCH=1 ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id password-script.py format_1_2_AES256.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# new 1.2 format, view, using password script with vault-id, ENFORCE_IDENTITY_MATCH=true, 'test_vault_id' provided should work
ANSIBLE_VAULT_ID_MATCH=1 ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id=test_vault_id@password-script.py format_1_2_AES256.yml
# test with a default vault password set via config/env, right password
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=vault-password ansible-vault view "$@" format_1_1_AES256.yml
# test with a default vault password set via config/env, wrong password
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=vault-password-wrong ansible-vault view "$@" format_1_1_AES.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# test with a default vault-id list set via config/env, right password
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=wrong@vault-password-wrong,correct@vault-password ansible-vault view "$@" format_1_1_AES.yml && :
# test with a default vault-id list set via config/env,wrong passwords
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=wrong@vault-password-wrong,alsowrong@vault-password-wrong ansible-vault view "$@" format_1_1_AES.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# encrypt it
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
# view with multiple vault-password files, including a wrong one
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong "${TEST_FILE}"
# view with multiple vault-password files, including a wrong one, using vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password --vault-id vault-password-wrong "${TEST_FILE}"
# And with the password files specified in a different order
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
# And with the password files specified in a different order, using vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password-wrong --vault-id vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
# And with the password files specified in a different order, using --vault-id and non default vault_ids
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id test_vault_id@vault-password-wrong --vault-id test_vault_id@vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
# encrypt it, using a vault_id so we write a 1.2 format file
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-id test_vault_1_2@vault-password "${TEST_FILE_1_2}"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password "${TEST_FILE_1_2}"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id test_vault_1_2@vault-password "${TEST_FILE_1_2}"
# view with multiple vault-password files, including a wrong one
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password --vault-id wrong_password@vault-password-wrong "${TEST_FILE_1_2}"
# And with the password files specified in a different order, using vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password-wrong --vault-id vault-password "${TEST_FILE_1_2}"
# And with the password files specified in a different order, using --vault-id and non default vault_ids
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id test_vault_id@vault-password-wrong --vault-id test_vault_id@vault-password "${TEST_FILE_1_2}"
ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-id test_vault_1_2@vault-password "${TEST_FILE_1_2}"
# multiple vault passwords
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong format_1_1_AES256.yml
# multiple vault passwords, --vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id test_vault_id@vault-password --vault-id test_vault_id@vault-password-wrong format_1_1_AES256.yml
# encrypt it, with password from password script
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-password-file password-script.py "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file password-script.py "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-password-file password-script.py "${TEST_FILE}"
# encrypt it, with password from password script
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-id test_vault_id@password-script.py "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id test_vault_id@password-script.py "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-id test_vault_id@password-script.py "${TEST_FILE}"
# new password file for rekeyed file
echo "newpassword" > "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}"
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault rekey "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --new-vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "${TEST_FILE}"
# view with old password file and new password file
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
# view with old password file and new password file, different order
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "${TEST_FILE}"
# view with old password file and new password file and another wrong
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
# view with old password file and new password file and another wrong, using --vault-id
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id "tmp_new_password@${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --vault-id wrong_password@vault-password-wrong --vault-id myorg@vault-password "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "${TEST_FILE}"
# reading/writing to/from stdin/stdin (See https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/23567)
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-password-file "${VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE}" --output="${TEST_FILE_OUTPUT}" < "${TEST_FILE}"
OUTPUT=$(ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-password-file "${VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE}" --output=- < "${TEST_FILE_OUTPUT}")
echo "${OUTPUT}" | grep 'This is a test file'
OUTPUT_DASH=$(ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-password-file "${VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE}" --output=- "${TEST_FILE_OUTPUT}")
echo "${OUTPUT_DASH}" | grep 'This is a test file'
OUTPUT_DASH_SPACE=$(ansible-vault decrypt "$@" --vault-password-file "${VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE}" --output - "${TEST_FILE_OUTPUT}")
echo "${OUTPUT_DASH_SPACE}" | grep 'This is a test file'
# test using an empty vault password file
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-password-file empty-password format_1_1_AES256.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id=empty@empty-password --vault-password-file empty-password format_1_1_AES256.yml && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
echo 'foo' > some_file.txt
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-password-file empty-password some_file.txt && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "a test string"
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --name "blippy" "a test string names blippy"
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-id "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" "a test string"
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-id "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --name "blippy" "a test string names blippy"
# from stdin
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" < "${TEST_FILE}"
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --stdin-name "the_var_from_stdin" < "${TEST_FILE}"
# write to file
ansible-vault encrypt_string "$@" --vault-password-file "${NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD}" --name "blippy" "a test string names blippy" --output "${MYTMPDIR}/enc_string_test_file"
# test ansible-vault edit with a faux editor
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE_EDIT}"
# edit a 1.1 format with no vault-id, should stay 1.1
EDITOR=./faux-editor.py ansible-vault edit "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE_EDIT}"
head -1 "${TEST_FILE_EDIT}" | grep "${FORMAT_1_1_HEADER}"
# edit a 1.1 format with vault-id, should stay 1.1
EDITOR=./faux-editor.py ansible-vault edit "$@" --vault-id vault_password@vault-password "${TEST_FILE_EDIT}"
head -1 "${TEST_FILE_EDIT}" | grep "${FORMAT_1_1_HEADER}"
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-id vault_password@vault-password "${TEST_FILE_EDIT2}"
# edit a 1.2 format with vault id, should keep vault id and 1.2 format
EDITOR=./faux-editor.py ansible-vault edit "$@" --vault-id vault_password@vault-password "${TEST_FILE_EDIT2}"
head -1 "${TEST_FILE_EDIT2}" | grep "${FORMAT_1_2_HEADER};vault_password"
# edit a 1.2 file with no vault-id, should keep vault id and 1.2 format
EDITOR=./faux-editor.py ansible-vault edit "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password "${TEST_FILE_EDIT2}"
head -1 "${TEST_FILE_EDIT2}" | grep "${FORMAT_1_2_HEADER};vault_password"
# encrypt with a password from a vault encrypted password file and multiple vault-ids
# should fail because we dont know which vault id to use to encrypt with
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-id vault-password --vault-id encrypted-vault-password "${TEST_FILE_ENC_PASSWORD}" && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (5 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 5 ]
# encrypt with a password from a vault encrypted password file and multiple vault-ids
# but this time specify with --encrypt-vault-id, but specifying vault-id names (instead of default)
# ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-id from_vault_password@vault-password --vault-id from_encrypted_vault_password@encrypted-vault-password --encrypt-vault-id from_encrypted_vault_password "${TEST_FILE_ENC_PASSWORD}"
# try to view the file encrypted with the vault-password we didnt specify
# to verify we didnt choose the wrong vault-id
# ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password "${TEST_FILE_ENC_PASSWORD}" && :
# echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
# [ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
ansible-vault encrypt "$@" --vault-id vault-password "${TEST_FILE_ENC_PASSWORD}"
# view the file encrypted with a password from a vault encrypted password file
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id vault-password --vault-id encrypted-vault-password "${TEST_FILE_ENC_PASSWORD}"
# try to view the file encrypted with a password from a vault encrypted password file but without the password to the password file.
# This should fail with an
ansible-vault view "$@" --vault-id encrypted-vault-password "${TEST_FILE_ENC_PASSWORD}" && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# test playbooks using vaulted files
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --list-tasks
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --list-hosts
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --syntax-check
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --syntax-check
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password
ansible-playbook test_vaulted_inventory.yml -i vaulted.inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password
ansible-playbook test_vaulted_template.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password
# test with password from password script
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file password-script.py
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file password-script.py
# with multiple password files
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong --vault-password-file vault-password
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong --syntax-check
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong --vault-password-file vault-password
# test with a default vault password file set in config
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=vault-password ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong
# test using vault_identity_list config
ANSIBLE_VAULT_IDENTITY_LIST='wrong-password@vault-password-wrong,default@vault-password' ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@"
# test that we can have a vault encrypted yaml file that includes embedded vault vars
# that were encrypted with a different vault secret
ansible-playbook test_vault_file_encrypted_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory "$@" --vault-id encrypted_file_encrypted_var_password --vault-id vault-password
# with multiple password files, --vault-id, ordering
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-id vault-password --vault-id vault-password-wrong
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-id vault-password-wrong --vault-id vault-password
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-id vault-password --vault-id vault-password-wrong --syntax-check
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-id vault-password-wrong --vault-id vault-password
# test with multiple password files, including a script, and a wrong password
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong --vault-password-file password-script.py --vault-password-file vault-password
# test with multiple password files, including a script, and a wrong password, and a mix of --vault-id and --vault-password-file
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong --vault-id password-script.py --vault-id vault-password
# test with multiple password files, including a script, and a wrong password, and a mix of --vault-id and --vault-password-file
ansible-playbook test_vault_embedded_ids.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" \
--vault-password-file vault-password-wrong \
--vault-id password-script.py --vault-id example1@example1_password \
--vault-id example2@example2_password --vault-password-file example3_password \
--vault-id vault-password
# with wrong password
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# with multiple wrong passwords
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong --vault-password-file vault-password-wrong && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# with wrong password, --vault-id
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-id vault-password-wrong && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# with multiple wrong passwords with --vault-id
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-id vault-password-wrong --vault-id vault-password-wrong && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# with multiple wrong passwords with --vault-id
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-id wrong1@vault-password-wrong --vault-id wrong2@vault-password-wrong && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# with empty password file
ansible-playbook test_vault.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" --vault-id empty@empty-password && :
echo "rc was $WRONG_RC (1 is expected)"
[ $WRONG_RC -eq 1 ]
# test invalid format ala https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/28038
EXPECTED_ERROR='Vault format unhexlify error: Non-hexadecimal digit found'
ansible-playbook "$@" -i invalid_format/inventory --vault-id invalid_format/vault-secret invalid_format/broken-host-vars-tasks.yml 2>&1 | grep "${EXPECTED_ERROR}"
EXPECTED_ERROR='Vault format unhexlify error: Odd-length string'
ansible-playbook "$@" -i invalid_format/inventory --vault-id invalid_format/vault-secret invalid_format/broken-group-vars-tasks.yml 2>&1 | grep "${EXPECTED_ERROR}"