mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
* Log dependencies at verbosity level 4. This makes it easier to debug target dependency issues. * Scan symlinks for target dependencies. Some test targets use symlinks to files in other test targets. These dependencies were previously undetected. This could result in changes made to dependencies without triggering the dependent tests. * Track missing target deps with `needs/target/*`. Some existing test targets have untracked dependencies on other test targets. This can result in changes to those dependencies not triggering their dependent tests, resulting in test failures after a PR is merged. This PR adds the appropriate `needs/target/*` aliases to track those dependencies, along with appropriate processing in ansible-test to handle the new aliases. * Scan meta dependencies in script targets. Script targets are often former role targets which were converted to allow custom invocations of ansible-playbook. These targets still have their meta dependencies, but they were not being detected. This could result in changes to dependencies not triggering the targets which depend on them.
669 lines
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669 lines
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"""Test target identification, iteration and inclusion/exclusion."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import collections
import os
import re
import errno
import itertools
import abc
import sys
from lib.util import (
MODULE_EXTENSIONS = '.py', '.ps1'
def find_target_completion(target_func, prefix):
:type target_func: () -> collections.Iterable[CompletionTarget]
:type prefix: unicode
:rtype: list[str]
targets = target_func()
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
prefix = prefix.encode()
short = os.environ.get('COMP_TYPE') == '63' # double tab completion from bash
matches = walk_completion_targets(targets, prefix, short)
return matches
except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except
return [u'%s' % ex]
def walk_completion_targets(targets, prefix, short=False):
:type targets: collections.Iterable[CompletionTarget]
:type prefix: str
:type short: bool
:rtype: tuple[str]
aliases = set(alias for target in targets for alias in target.aliases)
if prefix.endswith('/') and prefix in aliases:
matches = [alias for alias in aliases if alias.startswith(prefix) and '/' not in alias[len(prefix):-1]]
if short:
offset = len(os.path.dirname(prefix))
if offset:
offset += 1
relative_matches = [match[offset:] for match in matches if len(match) > offset]
if len(relative_matches) > 1:
matches = relative_matches
return tuple(sorted(matches))
def walk_internal_targets(targets, includes=None, excludes=None, requires=None):
:type targets: collections.Iterable[T <= CompletionTarget]
:type includes: list[str]
:type excludes: list[str]
:type requires: list[str]
:rtype: tuple[T <= CompletionTarget]
targets = tuple(targets)
include_targets = sorted(filter_targets(targets, includes, errors=True, directories=False), key=lambda t: t.name)
if requires:
require_targets = set(filter_targets(targets, requires, errors=True, directories=False))
include_targets = [target for target in include_targets if target in require_targets]
if excludes:
list(filter_targets(targets, excludes, errors=True, include=False, directories=False))
internal_targets = set(filter_targets(include_targets, excludes, errors=False, include=False, directories=False))
return tuple(sorted(internal_targets, key=lambda t: t.name))
def walk_external_targets(targets, includes=None, excludes=None, requires=None):
:type targets: collections.Iterable[CompletionTarget]
:type includes: list[str]
:type excludes: list[str]
:type requires: list[str]
:rtype: tuple[CompletionTarget], tuple[CompletionTarget]
targets = tuple(targets)
if requires:
include_targets = list(filter_targets(targets, includes, errors=True, directories=False))
require_targets = set(filter_targets(targets, requires, errors=True, directories=False))
includes = [target.name for target in include_targets if target in require_targets]
if includes:
include_targets = sorted(filter_targets(targets, includes, errors=True), key=lambda t: t.name)
include_targets = []
include_targets = sorted(filter_targets(targets, includes, errors=True), key=lambda t: t.name)
if excludes:
exclude_targets = sorted(filter_targets(targets, excludes, errors=True), key=lambda t: t.name)
exclude_targets = []
previous = None
include = []
for target in include_targets:
if isinstance(previous, DirectoryTarget) and isinstance(target, DirectoryTarget) \
and previous.name == target.name:
previous.modules = tuple(set(previous.modules) | set(target.modules))
previous = target
previous = None
exclude = []
for target in exclude_targets:
if isinstance(previous, DirectoryTarget) and isinstance(target, DirectoryTarget) \
and previous.name == target.name:
previous.modules = tuple(set(previous.modules) | set(target.modules))
previous = target
return tuple(include), tuple(exclude)
def filter_targets(targets, patterns, include=True, directories=True, errors=True):
:type targets: collections.Iterable[CompletionTarget]
:type patterns: list[str]
:type include: bool
:type directories: bool
:type errors: bool
:rtype: collections.Iterable[CompletionTarget]
unmatched = set(patterns or ())
compiled_patterns = dict((p, re.compile('^%s$' % p)) for p in patterns) if patterns else None
for target in targets:
matched_directories = set()
match = False
if patterns:
for alias in target.aliases:
for pattern in patterns:
if compiled_patterns[pattern].match(alias):
match = True
except KeyError:
if alias.endswith('/'):
if target.base_path and len(target.base_path) > len(alias):
elif include:
match = True
if not target.base_path:
for alias in target.aliases:
if alias.endswith('/'):
if target.base_path and len(target.base_path) > len(alias):
if match != include:
if directories and matched_directories:
yield DirectoryTarget(sorted(matched_directories, key=len)[0], target.modules)
yield target
if errors:
if unmatched:
raise TargetPatternsNotMatched(unmatched)
def walk_module_targets():
:rtype: collections.Iterable[TestTarget]
path = 'lib/ansible/modules'
for target in walk_test_targets(path, path + '/', extensions=MODULE_EXTENSIONS):
if not target.module:
yield target
def walk_units_targets():
:rtype: collections.Iterable[TestTarget]
return walk_test_targets(path='test/units', module_path='test/units/modules/', extensions=('.py',), prefix='test_')
def walk_compile_targets():
:rtype: collections.Iterable[TestTarget]
return walk_test_targets(module_path='lib/ansible/modules/', extensions=('.py',), extra_dirs=('bin',))
def walk_sanity_targets():
:rtype: collections.Iterable[TestTarget]
return walk_test_targets(module_path='lib/ansible/modules/')
def walk_posix_integration_targets(include_hidden=False):
:type include_hidden: bool
:rtype: collections.Iterable[IntegrationTarget]
for target in walk_integration_targets():
if 'posix/' in target.aliases or (include_hidden and 'hidden/posix/' in target.aliases):
yield target
def walk_network_integration_targets(include_hidden=False):
:type include_hidden: bool
:rtype: collections.Iterable[IntegrationTarget]
for target in walk_integration_targets():
if 'network/' in target.aliases or (include_hidden and 'hidden/network/' in target.aliases):
yield target
def walk_windows_integration_targets(include_hidden=False):
:type include_hidden: bool
:rtype: collections.Iterable[IntegrationTarget]
for target in walk_integration_targets():
if 'windows/' in target.aliases or (include_hidden and 'hidden/windows/' in target.aliases):
yield target
def walk_integration_targets():
:rtype: collections.Iterable[IntegrationTarget]
path = 'test/integration/targets'
modules = frozenset(t.module for t in walk_module_targets())
paths = sorted(os.path.join(path, p) for p in os.listdir(path))
prefixes = load_integration_prefixes()
for path in paths:
if os.path.isdir(path):
yield IntegrationTarget(path, modules, prefixes)
def load_integration_prefixes():
:rtype: dict[str, str]
path = 'test/integration'
names = sorted(f for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.splitext(f)[0] == 'target-prefixes')
prefixes = {}
for name in names:
prefix = os.path.splitext(name)[1][1:]
with open(os.path.join(path, name), 'r') as prefix_fd:
prefixes.update(dict((k, prefix) for k in prefix_fd.read().splitlines()))
return prefixes
def walk_test_targets(path=None, module_path=None, extensions=None, prefix=None, extra_dirs=None):
:type path: str | None
:type module_path: str | None
:type extensions: tuple[str] | None
:type prefix: str | None
:type extra_dirs: tuple[str] | None
:rtype: collections.Iterable[TestTarget]
for root, _, file_names in os.walk(path or '.', topdown=False):
if root.endswith('/__pycache__'):
if '/.tox/' in root:
if path is None:
root = root[2:]
if root.startswith('.') and root != '.github':
for file_name in file_names:
name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))
if name.startswith('.'):
if extensions and ext not in extensions:
if prefix and not name.startswith(prefix):
file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
if os.path.islink(file_path):
# special case to allow a symlink of ansible_release.py -> ../release.py
if file_path != 'lib/ansible/module_utils/ansible_release.py':
yield TestTarget(file_path, module_path, prefix, path)
if extra_dirs:
for extra_dir in extra_dirs:
file_names = os.listdir(extra_dir)
for file_name in file_names:
file_path = os.path.join(extra_dir, file_name)
if os.path.isfile(file_path) and not os.path.islink(file_path):
yield TestTarget(file_path, module_path, prefix, path)
def analyze_integration_target_dependencies(integration_targets):
:type integration_targets: list[IntegrationTarget]
:rtype: dict[str,set[str]]
real_target_root = os.path.realpath('test/integration/targets') + '/'
role_targets = [t for t in integration_targets if t.type == 'role']
hidden_role_target_names = set(t.name for t in role_targets if 'hidden/' in t.aliases)
dependencies = collections.defaultdict(set)
# handle setup dependencies
for target in integration_targets:
for setup_target_name in target.setup_always + target.setup_once:
# handle target dependencies
for target in integration_targets:
for need_target in target.needs_target:
# handle symlink dependencies between targets
# this use case is supported, but discouraged
for target in integration_targets:
for root, _dummy, file_names in os.walk(target.path):
for name in file_names:
path = os.path.join(root, name)
if not os.path.islink(path):
real_link_path = os.path.realpath(path)
if not real_link_path.startswith(real_target_root):
link_target = real_link_path[len(real_target_root):].split('/')[0]
if link_target == target.name:
# intentionally primitive analysis of role meta to avoid a dependency on pyyaml
# script based targets are scanned as they may execute a playbook with role dependencies
for target in integration_targets:
meta_dir = os.path.join(target.path, 'meta')
if not os.path.isdir(meta_dir):
meta_paths = sorted([os.path.join(meta_dir, name) for name in os.listdir(meta_dir)])
for meta_path in meta_paths:
if os.path.exists(meta_path):
with open(meta_path, 'r') as meta_fd:
meta_lines = meta_fd.read().splitlines()
for meta_line in meta_lines:
if re.search(r'^ *#.*$', meta_line):
if not meta_line.strip():
for hidden_target_name in hidden_role_target_names:
if hidden_target_name in meta_line:
while True:
changes = 0
for dummy, dependent_target_names in dependencies.items():
for dependent_target_name in list(dependent_target_names):
new_target_names = dependencies.get(dependent_target_name)
if new_target_names:
for new_target_name in new_target_names:
if new_target_name not in dependent_target_names:
changes += 1
if not changes:
for target_name in sorted(dependencies):
consumers = dependencies[target_name]
if not consumers:
display.info('%s:' % target_name, verbosity=4)
for consumer in sorted(consumers):
display.info(' %s' % consumer, verbosity=4)
return dependencies
class CompletionTarget(object):
"""Command-line argument completion target base class."""
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.path = None
self.base_path = None
self.modules = tuple()
self.aliases = tuple()
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, CompletionTarget):
return self.__repr__() == other.__repr__()
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.name.__lt__(other.name)
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.name.__gt__(other.name)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__repr__())
def __repr__(self):
if self.modules:
return '%s (%s)' % (self.name, ', '.join(self.modules))
return self.name
class DirectoryTarget(CompletionTarget):
"""Directory target."""
def __init__(self, path, modules):
:type path: str
:type modules: tuple[str]
super(DirectoryTarget, self).__init__()
self.name = path
self.path = path
self.modules = modules
class TestTarget(CompletionTarget):
"""Generic test target."""
def __init__(self, path, module_path, module_prefix, base_path):
:type path: str
:type module_path: str | None
:type module_prefix: str | None
:type base_path: str
super(TestTarget, self).__init__()
self.name = path
self.path = path
self.base_path = base_path + '/' if base_path else None
name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.path))
if module_path and path.startswith(module_path) and name != '__init__' and ext in MODULE_EXTENSIONS:
self.module = name[len(module_prefix or ''):].lstrip('_')
self.modules = (self.module,)
self.module = None
self.modules = tuple()
aliases = [self.path, self.module]
parts = self.path.split('/')
for i in range(1, len(parts)):
alias = '%s/' % '/'.join(parts[:i])
aliases = [a for a in aliases if a]
self.aliases = tuple(sorted(aliases))
class IntegrationTarget(CompletionTarget):
"""Integration test target."""
non_posix = frozenset((
categories = frozenset(non_posix | frozenset((
def __init__(self, path, modules, prefixes):
:type path: str
:type modules: frozenset[str]
:type prefixes: dict[str, str]
super(IntegrationTarget, self).__init__()
self.name = os.path.basename(path)
self.path = path
# script_path and type
contents = sorted(os.listdir(path))
runme_files = tuple(c for c in contents if os.path.splitext(c)[0] == 'runme')
test_files = tuple(c for c in contents if os.path.splitext(c)[0] == 'test')
self.script_path = None
if runme_files:
self.type = 'script'
self.script_path = os.path.join(path, runme_files[0])
elif test_files:
self.type = 'special'
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, 'tasks')) or os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, 'defaults')):
self.type = 'role'
self.type = 'unknown'
# static_aliases
aliases_path = os.path.join(path, 'aliases')
static_aliases = tuple(read_lines_without_comments(aliases_path, remove_blank_lines=True))
except IOError as ex:
if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT:
static_aliases = tuple()
# modules
if self.name in modules:
module_name = self.name
elif self.name.startswith('win_') and self.name[4:] in modules:
module_name = self.name[4:]
module_name = None
self.modules = tuple(sorted(a for a in static_aliases + tuple([module_name]) if a in modules))
# groups
groups = [self.type]
groups += [a for a in static_aliases if a not in modules]
groups += ['module/%s' % m for m in self.modules]
if not self.modules:
if 'destructive' not in groups:
if '_' in self.name:
prefix = self.name[:self.name.find('_')]
prefix = None
if prefix in prefixes:
group = prefixes[prefix]
if group != prefix:
group = '%s/%s' % (group, prefix)
if self.name.startswith('win_'):
if self.name.startswith('connection_'):
if self.name.startswith('setup_') or self.name.startswith('prepare_'):
if self.type not in ('script', 'role'):
for group in itertools.islice(groups, 0, len(groups)):
if '/' in group:
parts = group.split('/')
for i in range(1, len(parts)):
if not any(g in self.non_posix for g in groups):
# aliases
aliases = [self.name] + \
['%s/' % g for g in groups] + \
['%s/%s' % (g, self.name) for g in groups if g not in self.categories]
if 'hidden/' in aliases:
aliases = ['hidden/'] + ['hidden/%s' % a for a in aliases if not a.startswith('hidden/')]
self.aliases = tuple(sorted(set(aliases)))
# configuration
self.setup_once = tuple(sorted(set(g.split('/')[2] for g in groups if g.startswith('setup/once/'))))
self.setup_always = tuple(sorted(set(g.split('/')[2] for g in groups if g.startswith('setup/always/'))))
self.needs_target = tuple(sorted(set(g.split('/')[2] for g in groups if g.startswith('needs/target/'))))
class TargetPatternsNotMatched(ApplicationError):
"""One or more targets were not matched when a match was required."""
def __init__(self, patterns):
:type patterns: set[str]
self.patterns = sorted(patterns)
if len(patterns) > 1:
message = 'Target patterns not matched:\n%s' % '\n'.join(self.patterns)
message = 'Target pattern not matched: %s' % self.patterns[0]
super(TargetPatternsNotMatched, self).__init__(message)