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synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
(cherry picked from commit 6e011f00f4
Co-authored-by: Alexei Znamensky <103110+russoz@users.noreply.github.com>
539 lines
18 KiB
539 lines
18 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, bleader
# Written by bleader <bleader@ratonland.org>
# Based on pkgin module written by Shaun Zinck <shaun.zinck at gmail.com>
# that was based on pacman module written by Afterburn <https://github.com/afterburn>
# that was based on apt module written by Matthew Williams <matthew@flowroute.com>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
module: pkgng
short_description: Package manager for FreeBSD >= 9.0
- Manage binary packages for FreeBSD using 'pkgng' which is available in versions after 9.0.
- Name or list of names of packages to install/remove.
- "With I(name=*), I(state=latest) will operate, but I(state=present) and I(state=absent) will be noops."
- >
Warning: In Ansible 2.9 and earlier this module had a misfeature
where I(name=*) with I(state=latest) or I(state=present) would
install every package from every package repository, filling up
the machines disk. Avoid using them unless you are certain that
your role will only be used with newer versions.
required: true
aliases: [pkg]
type: list
elements: str
- State of the package.
- 'Note: "latest" added in 2.7'
choices: [ 'present', 'latest', 'absent' ]
required: false
default: present
type: str
- Use local package base instead of fetching an updated one.
type: bool
required: false
default: false
- A list of keyvalue-pairs of the form
C(<+/-/:><key>[=<value>]). A C(+) denotes adding an annotation, a
C(-) denotes removing an annotation, and C(:) denotes modifying an
If setting or modifying annotations, a value must be provided.
required: false
type: list
elements: str
- For pkgng versions before 1.1.4, specify packagesite to use
for downloading packages. If not specified, use settings from
- For newer pkgng versions, specify a the name of a repository
configured in C(/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos).
required: false
type: str
- For pkgng versions 1.5 and later, pkg will install all packages
within the specified root directory.
- Can not be used together with I(chroot) or I(jail) options.
required: false
type: path
- Pkg will chroot in the specified environment.
- Can not be used together with I(rootdir) or I(jail) options.
required: false
type: path
- Pkg will execute in the given jail name or id.
- Can not be used together with I(chroot) or I(rootdir) options.
type: str
- Remove automatically installed packages which are no longer needed.
required: false
type: bool
default: false
- Ignore FreeBSD OS version check, useful on -STABLE and -CURRENT branches.
- Defines the C(IGNORE_OSVERSION) environment variable.
required: false
type: bool
default: false
version_added: 1.3.0
author: "bleader (@bleader)"
- When using pkgsite, be careful that already in cache packages won't be downloaded again.
- When used with a C(loop:) each package will be processed individually,
it is much more efficient to pass the list directly to the I(name) option.
- name: Install package foo
name: foo
state: present
- name: Annotate package foo and bar
- foo
- bar
annotation: '+test1=baz,-test2,:test3=foobar'
- name: Remove packages foo and bar
- foo
- bar
state: absent
# "latest" support added in 2.7
- name: Upgrade package baz
name: baz
state: latest
- name: Upgrade all installed packages (see warning for the name option first!)
name: "*"
state: latest
from collections import defaultdict
import re
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
def query_package(module, run_pkgng, name):
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('info', '-g', '-e', name)
if rc == 0:
return True
return False
def query_update(module, run_pkgng, name):
# Check to see if a package upgrade is available.
# rc = 0, no updates available or package not installed
# rc = 1, updates available
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('upgrade', '-g', '-n', name)
if rc == 1:
return True
return False
def pkgng_older_than(module, pkgng_path, compare_version):
rc, out, err = module.run_command([pkgng_path, '-v'])
version = [int(x) for x in re.split(r'[\._]', out)]
i = 0
new_pkgng = True
while compare_version[i] == version[i]:
i += 1
if i == min(len(compare_version), len(version)):
if compare_version[i] > version[i]:
new_pkgng = False
return not new_pkgng
def upgrade_packages(module, run_pkgng):
# Run a 'pkg upgrade', updating all packages.
upgraded_c = 0
pkgng_args = ['upgrade']
pkgng_args.append('-n' if module.check_mode else '-y')
rc, out, err = run_pkgng(*pkgng_args)
matches = re.findall('^Number of packages to be (?:upgraded|reinstalled): ([0-9]+)', out, re.MULTILINE)
for match in matches:
upgraded_c += int(match)
if upgraded_c > 0:
return (True, "updated %s package(s)" % upgraded_c, out, err)
return (False, "no packages need upgrades", out, err)
def remove_packages(module, run_pkgng, packages):
remove_c = 0
stdout = ""
stderr = ""
# Using a for loop in case of error, we can report the package that failed
for package in packages:
# Query the package first, to see if we even need to remove
if not query_package(module, run_pkgng, package):
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('delete', '-y', package)
stdout += out
stderr += err
if not module.check_mode and query_package(module, run_pkgng, package):
module.fail_json(msg="failed to remove %s: %s" % (package, out), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
remove_c += 1
if remove_c > 0:
return (True, "removed %s package(s)" % remove_c, stdout, stderr)
return (False, "package(s) already absent", stdout, stderr)
def install_packages(module, run_pkgng, packages, cached, state):
action_queue = defaultdict(list)
action_count = defaultdict(int)
stdout = ""
stderr = ""
if not module.check_mode and not cached:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('update')
stdout += out
stderr += err
if rc != 0:
module.fail_json(msg="Could not update catalogue [%d]: %s %s" % (rc, out, err), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
for package in packages:
already_installed = query_package(module, run_pkgng, package)
if already_installed and state == "present":
if (
already_installed and state == "latest"
and not query_update(module, run_pkgng, package)
if already_installed:
# install/upgrade all named packages with one pkg command
for (action, package_list) in action_queue.items():
if module.check_mode:
# Do nothing, but count up how many actions
# would be performed so that the changed/msg
# is correct.
action_count[action] += len(package_list)
pkgng_args = [action, '-g', '-U', '-y'] + package_list
rc, out, err = run_pkgng(*pkgng_args)
stdout += out
stderr += err
# individually verify packages are in requested state
for package in package_list:
verified = False
if action == 'install':
verified = query_package(module, run_pkgng, package)
elif action == 'upgrade':
verified = not query_update(module, run_pkgng, package)
if verified:
action_count[action] += 1
module.fail_json(msg="failed to %s %s" % (action, package), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
if sum(action_count.values()) > 0:
past_tense = {'install': 'installed', 'upgrade': 'upgraded'}
messages = []
for (action, count) in action_count.items():
messages.append("%s %s package%s" % (past_tense.get(action, action), count, "s" if count != 1 else ""))
return (True, '; '.join(messages), stdout, stderr)
return (False, "package(s) already %s" % (state), stdout, stderr)
def annotation_query(module, run_pkgng, package, tag):
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('info', '-g', '-A', package)
match = re.search(r'^\s*(?P<tag>%s)\s*:\s*(?P<value>\w+)' % tag, out, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if match:
return match.group('value')
return False
def annotation_add(module, run_pkgng, package, tag, value):
_value = annotation_query(module, run_pkgng, package, tag)
if not _value:
# Annotation does not exist, add it.
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('annotate', '-y', '-A', package, tag, data=value, binary_data=True)
if rc != 0:
module.fail_json(msg="could not annotate %s: %s"
% (package, out), stderr=err)
return True
elif _value != value:
# Annotation exists, but value differs
msg="failed to annotate %s, because %s is already set to %s, but should be set to %s"
% (package, tag, _value, value))
return False
# Annotation exists, nothing to do
return False
def annotation_delete(module, run_pkgng, package, tag, value):
_value = annotation_query(module, run_pkgng, package, tag)
if _value:
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('annotate', '-y', '-D', package, tag)
if rc != 0:
module.fail_json(msg="could not delete annotation to %s: %s"
% (package, out), stderr=err)
return True
return False
def annotation_modify(module, run_pkgng, package, tag, value):
_value = annotation_query(module, run_pkgng, package, tag)
if not _value:
# No such tag
module.fail_json(msg="could not change annotation to %s: tag %s does not exist"
% (package, tag))
elif _value == value:
# No change in value
return False
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('annotate', '-y', '-M', package, tag, data=value, binary_data=True)
# pkg sometimes exits with rc == 1, even though the modification succeeded
# Check the output for a success message
if (
rc != 0
and re.search(r'^%s-[^:]+: Modified annotation tagged: %s' % (package, tag), out, flags=re.MULTILINE) is None
module.fail_json(msg="failed to annotate %s, could not change annotation %s to %s: %s"
% (package, tag, value, out), stderr=err)
return True
def annotate_packages(module, run_pkgng, packages, annotations):
annotate_c = 0
if len(annotations) == 1:
# Split on commas with optional trailing whitespace,
# to support the old style of multiple annotations
# on a single line, rather than YAML list syntax
annotations = re.split(r'\s*,\s*', annotations[0])
operation = {
'+': annotation_add,
'-': annotation_delete,
':': annotation_modify
for package in packages:
for annotation_string in annotations:
# Note to future maintainers: A dash (-) in a regex character class ([-+:] below)
# must appear as the first character in the class, or it will be interpreted
# as a range of characters.
annotation = \
re.match(r'(?P<operation>[-+:])(?P<tag>[^=]+)(=(?P<value>.+))?', annotation_string)
if annotation is None:
msg="failed to annotate %s, invalid annotate string: %s"
% (package, annotation_string)
annotation = annotation.groupdict()
if operation[annotation['operation']](module, run_pkgng, package, annotation['tag'], annotation['value']):
annotate_c += 1
if annotate_c > 0:
return (True, "added %s annotations." % annotate_c)
return (False, "changed no annotations")
def autoremove_packages(module, run_pkgng):
stdout = ""
stderr = ""
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('autoremove', '-n')
autoremove_c = 0
match = re.search('^Deinstallation has been requested for the following ([0-9]+) packages', out, re.MULTILINE)
if match:
autoremove_c = int(match.group(1))
if autoremove_c == 0:
return (False, "no package(s) to autoremove", stdout, stderr)
if not module.check_mode:
rc, out, err = run_pkgng('autoremove', '-y')
stdout += out
stderr += err
return (True, "autoremoved %d package(s)" % (autoremove_c), stdout, stderr)
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
state=dict(default="present", choices=["present", "latest", "absent"], required=False),
name=dict(aliases=["pkg"], required=True, type='list', elements='str'),
cached=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
ignore_osver=dict(default=False, required=False, type='bool'),
annotation=dict(required=False, type='list', elements='str'),
rootdir=dict(required=False, type='path'),
chroot=dict(required=False, type='path'),
jail=dict(required=False, type='str'),
autoremove=dict(default=False, type='bool')),
mutually_exclusive=[["rootdir", "chroot", "jail"]])
pkgng_path = module.get_bin_path('pkg', True)
p = module.params
pkgs = p["name"]
changed = False
msgs = []
stdout = ""
stderr = ""
dir_arg = None
if p["rootdir"] is not None:
rootdir_not_supported = pkgng_older_than(module, pkgng_path, [1, 5, 0])
if rootdir_not_supported:
module.fail_json(msg="To use option 'rootdir' pkg version must be 1.5 or greater")
dir_arg = "--rootdir=%s" % (p["rootdir"])
if p["ignore_osver"]:
ignore_osver_not_supported = pkgng_older_than(module, pkgng_path, [1, 11, 0])
if ignore_osver_not_supported:
module.fail_json(msg="To use option 'ignore_osver' pkg version must be 1.11 or greater")
if p["chroot"] is not None:
dir_arg = '--chroot=%s' % (p["chroot"])
if p["jail"] is not None:
dir_arg = '--jail=%s' % (p["jail"])
# as of pkg-1.1.4, PACKAGESITE is deprecated in favor of repository definitions
# in /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
repo_flag_not_supported = pkgng_older_than(module, pkgng_path, [1, 1, 4])
def run_pkgng(action, *args, **kwargs):
cmd = [pkgng_path, dir_arg, action]
pkgng_env = {'BATCH': 'yes'}
if p["ignore_osver"]:
pkgng_env['IGNORE_OSVERSION'] = 'yes'
if p['pkgsite'] is not None and action in ('update', 'install', 'upgrade',):
if repo_flag_not_supported:
pkgng_env['PACKAGESITE'] = p['pkgsite']
cmd.append('--repository=%s' % (p['pkgsite'],))
# If environ_update is specified to be "passed through"
# to module.run_command, then merge its values into pkgng_env
pkgng_env.update(kwargs.pop('environ_update', dict()))
return module.run_command(cmd + list(args), environ_update=pkgng_env, **kwargs)
if pkgs == ['*'] and p["state"] == 'latest':
# Operate on all installed packages. Only state: latest makes sense here.
_changed, _msg, _stdout, _stderr = upgrade_packages(module, run_pkgng)
changed = changed or _changed
stdout += _stdout
stderr += _stderr
# Operate on named packages
if len(pkgs) == 1:
# The documentation used to show multiple packages specified in one line
# with comma or space delimiters. That doesn't result in a YAML list, and
# wrong actions (install vs upgrade) can be reported if those
# comma- or space-delimited strings make it to the pkg command line.
pkgs = re.split(r'[,\s]', pkgs[0])
named_packages = [pkg for pkg in pkgs if pkg != '*']
if p["state"] in ("present", "latest") and named_packages:
_changed, _msg, _out, _err = install_packages(module, run_pkgng, named_packages,
p["cached"], p["state"])
stdout += _out
stderr += _err
changed = changed or _changed
elif p["state"] == "absent" and named_packages:
_changed, _msg, _out, _err = remove_packages(module, run_pkgng, named_packages)
stdout += _out
stderr += _err
changed = changed or _changed
if p["autoremove"]:
_changed, _msg, _stdout, _stderr = autoremove_packages(module, run_pkgng)
changed = changed or _changed
stdout += _stdout
stderr += _stderr
if p["annotation"] is not None:
_changed, _msg = annotate_packages(module, run_pkgng, pkgs, p["annotation"])
changed = changed or _changed
module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=", ".join(msgs), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__':