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Toshio Kuratomi c53b73228f Update the metadata tool ()
* Latest spreadsheet version uses different fields for support.
* Format the metadata to be a little nicer (multiple lines)
2016-12-06 06:27:10 -08:00

526 lines
18 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
import ast
import csv
import os
import sys
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from pprint import pformat, pprint
import yaml
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
from ansible.plugins import module_loader
# There's a few files that are not new-style modules. Have to blacklist them
NONMODULE_PY_FILES = frozenset(('async_wrapper.py',))
NONMODULE_MODULE_NAMES = frozenset(os.path.splitext(p)[0] for p in NONMODULE_PY_FILES)
class ParseError(Exception):
"""Thrown when parsing a file fails"""
class MissingModuleError(Exception):
"""Thrown when unable to find a plugin"""
def usage():
metadata-tester.py report [--version X]
metadata-tester.py add [--version X] [--overwrite] CSVFILE
metadata-tester.py add-default [--version X] [--overwrite]""")
def parse_args(arg_string):
if len(arg_string) < 1:
action = arg_string[0]
version = None
if '--version' in arg_string:
version_location = arg_string.index('--version')
version = arg_string.pop(version_location)
overwrite = False
if '--overwrite' in arg_string:
overwrite = True
csvfile = None
if len(arg_string) == 2:
csvfile = arg_string[1]
elif len(arg_string) > 2:
return action, {'version': version, 'overwrite': overwrite, 'csvfile': csvfile}
def seek_end_of_dict(module_data, start_line, start_col, next_node_line, next_node_col):
"""Look for the end of a dict in a set of lines
We know the starting position of the dict and we know the start of the
next code node but in between there may be multiple newlines and comments.
There may also be multiple python statements on the same line (separated
by semicolons)
ANSIBLE_METADATA = {[..]} # Optional comments with confusing junk => {}
# Optional comments {}
# Optional comments {}
if next_node_line == None:
# The dict is the last statement in the file
snippet = module_data.splitlines()[start_line:]
next_node_col = 0
# Include the last line in the file
last_line_offset = 0
# It's somewhere in the middle so we need to separate it from the rest
snippet = module_data.splitlines()[start_line:next_node_line]
# Do not include the last line because that's where the next node
# starts
last_line_offset = 1
if next_node_col == 0:
# This handles all variants where there are only comments and blank
# lines between the dict and the next code node
# Step backwards through all the lines in the snippet
for line_idx, line in tuple(reversed(tuple(enumerate(snippet))))[last_line_offset:]:
end_col = None
# Step backwards through all the characters in the line
for col_idx, char in reversed(tuple(enumerate(c for c in line))):
if char == '}' and end_col is None:
# Potentially found the end of the dict
end_col = col_idx
elif char == '#' and end_col is not None:
# The previous '}' was part of a comment. Keep trying
end_col = None
if end_col is not None:
# Found the end!
end_line = start_line + line_idx
# Harder cases involving multiple statements on one line
# Good Ansible Module style doesn't do this so we're just going to
# treat this as an error for now:
raise ParseError('Multiple statements per line confuses the module metadata parser.')
return end_line, end_col
def seek_end_of_string(module_data, start_line, start_col, next_node_line, next_node_col):
This is much trickier than finding the end of a dict. A dict has only one
ending character, "}". Strings have four potential ending characters. We
have to parse the beginning of the string to determine what the ending
character will be.
ANSIBLE_METADATA = '''[..]''' # Optional comment with confusing chars '''
# Optional comment with confusing chars '''
String marker variants:
* '[..]'
* "[..]"
* '''[..]'''
* \"\"\"[..]\"\"\"
Each of these come in u, r, and b variants:
* '[..]'
* u'[..]'
* b'[..]'
* r'[..]'
* ur'[..]'
* ru'[..]'
* br'[..]'
* b'[..]'
* rb'[..]'
raise NotImplementedError('Finding end of string not yet implemented')
def extract_metadata(module_data):
"""Extract the metadata from a module
:arg module_data: Byte string containing a module's code
:returns: a tuple of metadata (a dict), line the metadata starts on,
column the metadata starts on, line the metadata ends on, column the
metadata ends on, and the names the metadata is assigned to. One of
the names the metadata is assigned to will be ANSIBLE_METADATA If no
metadata is found, the tuple will be (None, -1, -1, -1, -1, None)
metadata = None
start_line = -1
start_col = -1
end_line = -1
end_col = -1
targets = None
mod_ast_tree = ast.parse(module_data)
for root_idx, child in enumerate(mod_ast_tree.body):
if isinstance(child, ast.Assign):
for target in child.targets:
if target.id == 'ANSIBLE_METADATA':
if isinstance(child.value, ast.Dict):
metadata = ast.literal_eval(child.value)
# Determine where the next node starts
next_node = mod_ast_tree.body[root_idx+1]
next_lineno = next_node.lineno
next_col_offset = next_node.col_offset
except IndexError:
# Metadata is defined in the last node of the file
next_lineno = None
next_col_offset = None
# Determine where the current metadata ends
end_line, end_col = seek_end_of_dict(module_data,
child.lineno - 1, child.col_offset, next_lineno,
elif isinstance(child.value, ast.Str):
metadata = yaml.safe_load(child.value.s)
end_line = seek_end_of_string(module_data)
elif isinstance(child.value, ast.Bytes):
metadata = yaml.safe_load(to_text(child.value.s, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
end_line = seek_end_of_string(module_data)
# Example:
# ANSIBLE_METADATA = { [..the real metadata..] }
# Do these after the if-else so we don't pollute them in
# case this was a false positive
start_line = child.lineno - 1
start_col = child.col_offset
targets = [t.id for t in child.targets]
if metadata is not None:
# Once we've found the metadata we're done
return metadata, start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col, targets
def find_documentation(module_data):
"""Find the DOCUMENTATION metadata for a module file"""
start_line = -1
mod_ast_tree = ast.parse(module_data)
for child in mod_ast_tree.body:
if isinstance(child, ast.Assign):
for target in child.targets:
if target.id == 'DOCUMENTATION':
start_line = child.lineno - 1
return start_line
def remove_metadata(module_data, start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col):
"""Remove a section of a module file"""
lines = module_data.split('\n')
new_lines = lines[:start_line]
if start_col != 0:
next_line = lines[end_line]
if len(next_line) - 1 != end_col:
if len(lines) > end_line:
new_lines.extend(lines[end_line + 1:])
return '\n'.join(new_lines)
def insert_metadata(module_data, new_metadata, insertion_line, targets=('ANSIBLE_METADATA',)):
"""Insert a new set of metadata at a specified line"""
assignments = ' = '.join(targets)
pretty_metadata = pformat(new_metadata, width=1).split('\n')
new_lines = []
new_lines.append('{} = {}'.format(assignments, pretty_metadata[0]))
if len(pretty_metadata) > 1:
for line in pretty_metadata[1:]:
new_lines.append('{}{}'.format(' ' * (len(assignments) - 1 + len(' = {')), line))
old_lines = module_data.split('\n')
lines = old_lines[:insertion_line] + new_lines + [''] + old_lines[insertion_line:]
return '\n'.join(lines)
def parse_assigned_metadata_initial(csvfile):
:0: Module name
:1: Core (x if so)
:2: Extras (x if so)
:3: Category
:4: Supported/SLA
:5: Committer
:6: Stable
:7: Deprecated
:8: Notes
:9: Team Notes
:10: Notes 2
:11: final supported_by field
with open(csvfile, 'rb') as f:
for record in csv.reader(f):
module = record[0]
if record[12] == 'core':
supported_by = 'core'
elif record[12] == 'curated':
supported_by = 'committer'
elif record[12] == 'community':
supported_by = 'community'
print('Module %s has no supported_by field. Using community' % record[0])
supported_by = 'community'
status = []
if record[6]:
if record[7]:
if not status:
yield (module, {'version': '1.0', 'supported_by': supported_by, 'status': status})
def parse_assigned_metadata(csvfile):
:0: Module name
:1: supported_by string. One of the valid support fields
core, community, unmaintained, committer
:2: stableinterface
:3: preview
:4: deprecated
:5: removed
:6: tested
with open(csvfile, 'rb') as f:
for record in csv.reader(f):
module = record[0]
supported_by = record[1]
status = []
if record[2]:
if record[4]:
if record[5]:
if record[6]:
if not status or record[3]:
yield (module, {'version': '1.0', 'supported_by': supported_by, 'status': status})
def write_metadata(filename, new_metadata, version=None, overwrite=False):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
module_data = f.read()
current_metadata, start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col, targets = extract_metadata(module_data)
except SyntaxError:
if filename.endswith('.py'):
# Probably non-python modules. These should all have python
# documentation files where we can place the data
raise ParseError('Could not add metadata to {}'.format(filename))
if current_metadata is None:
# No curent metadata so we can just add it
start_line = find_documentation(module_data)
if start_line < 0:
if os.path.basename(filename) in NONMODULE_PY_FILES:
# These aren't new-style modules
raise Exception('Module file {} had no ANSIBLE_METADATA or DOCUMENTATION'.format(filename))
module_data = insert_metadata(module_data, new_metadata, start_line, targets=('ANSIBLE_METADATA',))
elif overwrite or (version is not None and ('version' not in current_metadata or StrictVersion(current_metadata['version']) < StrictVersion(version))):
# Current metadata that we do not want. Remove the current
# metadata and put the new version in its place
module_data = remove_metadata(module_data, start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col)
module_data = insert_metadata(module_data, new_metadata, start_line, targets=targets)
# Current metadata and we don't want to overwrite it
# Save the new version of the module
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
def metadata_summary(plugins, version=None):
"""Compile information about the metadata status for a list of modules
:arg plugins: List of plugins to look for. Each entry in the list is
a tuple of (module name, full path to module)
:kwarg version: If given, make sure the modules have this version of
metadata or highe.
:returns: A tuple consisting of a list of modules with no metadata at the
required version and a list of files that have metadata at the
required version.
no_metadata = {}
has_metadata = {}
for name, filename in plugins:
if name not in no_metadata and name not in has_metadata:
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
module_data = f.read()
metadata = extract_metadata(module_data)[0]
if metadata is None:
no_metadata[name] = filename
elif version is not None and ('version' not in metadata or StrictVersion(metadata['version']) < StrictVersion(version)):
no_metadata[name] = filename
has_metadata[name] = filename
return list(no_metadata.values()), list(has_metadata.values())
# Subcommands
def add_from_csv(csv_file, version=None, overwrite=False):
"""Implement the subcommand to add metadata from a csv file
# Add metadata for everything from the CSV file
diagnostic_messages = []
for module_name, new_metadata in parse_assigned_metadata_initial(csv_file):
filename = module_loader.find_plugin(module_name, mod_type='.py')
if filename is None:
diagnostic_messages.append('Unable to find the module file for {}'.format(module_name))
write_metadata(filename, new_metadata, version, overwrite)
except ParseError as e:
if diagnostic_messages:
return 0
def add_default(version=None, overwrite=False):
"""Implement the subcommand to add default metadata to modules
Add the default metadata to any plugin which lacks it.
:kwarg version: If given, the metadata must be at least this version.
Otherwise, treat the module as not having existing metadata.
:kwarg overwrite: If True, overwrite any existing metadata. Otherwise,
do not modify files which have metadata at an appropriate version
# List of all plugins
plugins = module_loader.all(path_only=True)
plugins = ((os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(p)))[0], p) for p in plugins)
plugins = (p for p in plugins if p[0] not in NONMODULE_MODULE_NAMES)
# Default metadata
new_metadata = {'version': '1.0', 'status': 'preview', 'supported_by':'community'}
# Iterate through each plugin
processed = set()
diagnostic_messages = []
for name, filename in (info for info in plugins if info[0] not in processed):
write_metadata(filename, new_metadata, version, overwrite)
except ParseError as e:
if diagnostic_messages:
return 0
def report(version=None):
"""Implement the report subcommand
Print out all the modules that have metadata and all the ones that do not.
:kwarg version: If given, the metadata must be at least this version.
Otherwise return it as not having metadata
# List of all plugins
plugins = module_loader.all(path_only=True)
plugins = ((os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(p)))[0], p) for p in plugins)
plugins = (p for p in plugins if p[0] != NONMODULE_MODULE_NAMES)
no_metadata, has_metadata = metadata_summary(plugins, version=version)
print('== Has metadata ==')
print('== Has no metadata ==')
print('No Metadata: {0} Has Metadata: {1}'.format(len(no_metadata), len(has_metadata)))
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
action, args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
### TODO: Implement upgrade metadata and upgrade metadata from csvfile
if action == 'report':
rc = report(version=args['version'])
elif action == 'add':
rc = add_from_csv(args['csvfile'], version=args['version'], overwrite=args['overwrite'])
elif action == 'add-default':
rc = add_default(version=args['version'], overwrite=args['overwrite'])