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James Cammarata 81aa12eb1b Rework how the Conditional class deals with undefined vars
Previously, the Conditional class did a simple check when an
AnsibleUndefinedVariable error was raised to see if certain strings were
present. This patch tries to be smarter by evaluating the variable contained
in the error string and compared to the defined/not defined conditionals in
the conditional string.

This also modifies the UndefinedError message from HostVars slightly to
match the format returned jinja2 in general, making it easier to match the
error message in the Conditional code.

Fixes #18514
2016-11-22 08:29:58 -06:00

167 lines
6.8 KiB

# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import re
from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError
from ansible.compat.six import text_type
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable
from ansible.playbook.attribute import FieldAttribute
from ansible.template import Templar
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
DEFINED_REGEX = re.compile(r'(hostvars\[.+\]|[\w_]+)\s+(not\s+is|is|is\s+not)\s+(defined|undefined)')
class Conditional:
This is a mix-in class, to be used with Base to allow the object
to be run conditionally when a condition is met or skipped.
_when = FieldAttribute(isa='list', default=[])
def __init__(self, loader=None):
# when used directly, this class needs a loader, but we want to
# make sure we don't trample on the existing one if this class
# is used as a mix-in with a playbook base class
if not hasattr(self, '_loader'):
if loader is None:
raise AnsibleError("a loader must be specified when using Conditional() directly")
self._loader = loader
super(Conditional, self).__init__()
def _validate_when(self, attr, name, value):
if not isinstance(value, list):
setattr(self, name, [ value ])
def _get_attr_when(self):
Override for the 'tags' getattr fetcher, used from Base.
when = self._attributes['when']
if when is None:
when = []
if hasattr(self, '_get_parent_attribute'):
when = self._get_parent_attribute('when', extend=True, prepend=True)
return when
def extract_defined_undefined(self, conditional):
results = []
cond = conditional
m = DEFINED_REGEX.search(cond)
while m:
cond = cond[m.end():]
m = DEFINED_REGEX.search(cond)
return results
def evaluate_conditional(self, templar, all_vars):
Loops through the conditionals set on this object, returning
False if any of them evaluate as such.
# since this is a mix-in, it may not have an underlying datastructure
# associated with it, so we pull it out now in case we need it for
# error reporting below
ds = None
if hasattr(self, '_ds'):
ds = getattr(self, '_ds')
# this allows for direct boolean assignments to conditionals "when: False"
if isinstance(self.when, bool):
return self.when
for conditional in self.when:
if not self._check_conditional(conditional, templar, all_vars):
return False
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("The conditional check '%s' failed. The error was: %s" % (to_native(conditional), to_native(e)), obj=ds)
return True
def _check_conditional(self, conditional, templar, all_vars):
This method does the low-level evaluation of each conditional
set on this object, using jinja2 to wrap the conditionals for
original = conditional
if conditional is None or conditional == '':
return True
if conditional in all_vars and '-' not in text_type(all_vars[conditional]):
conditional = all_vars[conditional]
# make sure the templar is using the variables specified with this method
conditional = templar.template(conditional)
if not isinstance(conditional, text_type) or conditional == "":
return conditional
# a Jinja2 evaluation that results in something Python can eval!
presented = "{%% if %s %%} True {%% else %%} False {%% endif %%}" % conditional
conditional = templar.template(presented)
val = conditional.strip()
if val == "True":
return True
elif val == "False":
return False
raise AnsibleError("unable to evaluate conditional: %s" % original)
except (AnsibleUndefinedVariable, UndefinedError) as e:
# the templating failed, meaning most likely a variable was undefined. If we happened to be
# looking for an undefined variable, return True, otherwise fail
# first we extract the variable name from the error message
var_name = re.compile(r"'(hostvars\[.+\]|[\w_]+)' is undefined").search(str(e)).groups()[0]
# next we extract all defined/undefined tests from the conditional string
def_undef = self.extract_defined_undefined(conditional)
# then we loop through these, comparing the error variable name against
# each def/undef test we found above. If there is a match, we determine
# whether the logic/state mean the variable should exist or not and return
# the corresponding True/False
for (du_var, logic, state) in def_undef:
# when we compare the var names, normalize quotes because something
# like hostvars['foo'] may be tested against hostvars["foo"]
if var_name.replace("'", '"') == du_var.replace("'", '"'):
# the should exist is a xor test between a negation in the logic portion
# against the state (defined or undefined)
should_exist = ('not' in logic) != (state == 'defined')
if should_exist:
return False
return True
# as nothing above matched the failed var name, re-raise here to
# trigger the AnsibleUndefinedVariable exception again below
except Exception as new_e:
raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable("error while evaluating conditional (%s): %s" % (original, e))