mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
The ohai and facter modules use /usr/bin/logger to log the fact that they have been invoked. I added 'import os' to the ping module so that it could have the same syslog statements as the other modules. I separated the condensed: shlex.split(open(argfile, 'r').read()) into two separate statements similar to the other modules.
453 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
453 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
Virt management features
Copyright 2007, 2012 Red Hat, Inc
Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com>
Seth Vidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>
This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
general public license.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
# other modules
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import syslog
import libvirt
except ImportError:
print json.dumps({
"failed" : True,
"msg" : "libvirt python module unavailable",
import shlex
0 : "running",
1 : "running",
2 : "running",
3 : "paused",
4 : "shutdown",
5 : "shutdown",
6 : "crashed"
class LibvirtConnection(object):
def __init__(self):
cmd = subprocess.Popen("uname -r", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
output = cmd.communicate()[0]
if output.find("xen") != -1:
conn = libvirt.open(None)
conn = libvirt.open("qemu:///system")
if not conn:
raise Exception("hypervisor connection failure")
self.conn = conn
def find_vm(self, vmid):
Extra bonus feature: vmid = -1 returns a list of everything
conn = self.conn
vms = []
# this block of code borrowed from virt-manager:
# get working domain's name
ids = conn.listDomainsID()
for id in ids:
vm = conn.lookupByID(id)
# get defined domain
names = conn.listDefinedDomains()
for name in names:
vm = conn.lookupByName(name)
if vmid == -1:
return vms
for vm in vms:
if vm.name() == vmid:
return vm
raise Exception("virtual machine %s not found" % vmid)
def shutdown(self, vmid):
return self.find_vm(vmid).shutdown()
def pause(self, vmid):
return self.suspend(self.conn,vmid)
def unpause(self, vmid):
return self.resume(self.conn,vmid)
def suspend(self, vmid):
return self.find_vm(vmid).suspend()
def resume(self, vmid):
return self.find_vm(vmid).resume()
def create(self, vmid):
return self.find_vm(vmid).create()
def destroy(self, vmid):
return self.find_vm(vmid).destroy()
def undefine(self, vmid):
return self.find_vm(vmid).undefine()
def get_status2(self, vm):
state = vm.info()[0]
# print "DEBUG: state: %s" % state
return VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(state,"unknown")
def get_status(self, vmid):
state = self.find_vm(vmid).info()[0]
return VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(state,"unknown")
def nodeinfo(self):
return self.conn.getInfo()
def get_type(self):
return self.conn.getType()
def get_maxVcpus(self, vmid):
vm = self.conn.lookupByName(vmid)
return vm.maxVcpus()
def get_maxMemory(self, vmid):
vm = self.conn.lookupByName(vmid)
return vm.maxMemory()
def getFreeMemory(self):
return self.conn.getFreeMemory()
def get_autostart(self, vmid):
vm = self.conn.lookupByName(vmid)
return vm.autostart()
def set_autostart(self, vmid, val):
vm = self.conn.lookupByName(vmid)
return vm.setAutostart(val)
class Virt(object):
def __get_conn(self):
self.conn = LibvirtConnection()
return self.conn
def get_vm(self, vmid):
return self.conn.find_vm(vmid)
def state(self):
vms = self.list_vms()
state = []
for vm in vms:
state_blurb = self.conn.get_status(vm)
state.append("%s %s" % (vm,state_blurb))
return state
def info(self):
vms = self.list_vms()
info = dict()
for vm in vms:
data = self.conn.find_vm(vm).info()
# libvirt returns maxMem, memory, and cpuTime as long()'s, which
# xmlrpclib tries to convert to regular int's during serialization.
# This throws exceptions, so convert them to strings here and
# assume the other end of the xmlrpc connection can figure things
# out or doesn't care.
info[vm] = {
"state" : VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(data[0],"unknown"),
"maxMem" : str(data[1]),
"memory" : str(data[2]),
"nrVirtCpu" : data[3],
"cpuTime" : str(data[4]),
info[vm]["autostart"] = self.conn.get_autostart(vm)
return info
def nodeinfo(self):
info = dict()
data = self.conn.nodeinfo()
info = {
"cpumodel" : str(data[0]),
"phymemory" : str(data[1]),
"cpus" : str(data[2]),
"cpumhz" : str(data[3]),
"numanodes" : str(data[4]),
"sockets" : str(data[5]),
"cpucores" : str(data[6]),
"cputhreads" : str(data[7])
return info
def list_vms(self):
self.conn = self.__get_conn()
vms = self.conn.find_vm(-1)
results = []
for x in vms:
return results
def virttype(self):
return self.__get_conn().get_type()
def autostart(self, vmid):
self.conn = self.__get_conn()
return self.conn.set_autostart(vmid, True)
def freemem(self):
self.conn = self.__get_conn()
return self.conn.getFreeMemory()
def shutdown(self, vmid):
Make the machine with the given vmid stop running.
Whatever that takes.
return 0
def pause(self, vmid):
Pause the machine with the given vmid.
return self.conn.suspend(vmid)
def unpause(self, vmid):
Unpause the machine with the given vmid.
return self.conn.resume(vmid)
def create(self, vmid):
Start the machine via the given mac address.
return self.conn.create(vmid)
def start(self, vmid):
Start the machine via the given id/name
return self.conn.create(vmid)
def destroy(self, vmid):
Pull the virtual power from the virtual domain, giving it virtually no
time to virtually shut down.
return self.conn.destroy(vmid)
def undefine(self, vmid):
Stop a domain, and then wipe it from the face of the earth.
by deleting the disk image and its configuration file.
return self.conn.undefine(vmid)
def status(self, vmid):
Return a state suitable for server consumption. Aka, codes.py values, not XM output.
return self.conn.get_status(vmid)
def get_xml(self, vmid):
Receive a Vm id as input
Return an xml describing vm config returned by a libvirt call
conn = libvirt.openReadOnly(None)
if conn == None:
return (-1,'Failed to open connection to the hypervisor')
domV = conn.lookupByName(vmid)
return (-1,'Failed to find the main domain')
return domV.XMLDesc(0)
def get_maxVcpus(self, vmid):
Gets the max number of VCPUs on a guest
return self.conn.get_maxVcpus(vmid)
def get_max_memory(self, vmid):
Gets the max memory on a guest
return self.conn.get_MaxMemory(vmid)
def main():
vm_commands = ['create','status', 'start', 'stop', 'pause', 'unpause',
'shutdown', 'undefine', 'destroy', 'get_xml', 'autostart']
host_commands = ['freemem', 'list_vms', 'info', 'nodeinfo', 'virttype']
msg = """
virtmodule arguments:
state=[running|shutdown] guest=guestname
command=some_virt_command [guest=guestname]
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
return VIRT_FAILED, msg
argfile = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.exists(argfile):
msg = "Argument file not found"
return VIRT_FAILED, msg
args = open(argfile, 'r').read()
items = shlex.split(args)
syslog.openlog('ansible-%s' % os.path.basename(__file__))
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, 'Invoked with %s' % args)
if not len(items):
return VIRT_FAILED, msg
# guest=name state=[running|shutdown|destroyed|undefined]
# command=[some command] [guest=name]
params = {}
if '=' not in args:
msg = "No proper arguments provided to virt module: %s" % args
return VIRT_FAILED, msg
for x in items:
(k, v) = x.split("=")
params[k] = v
state = params.get('state', None)
guest = params.get('guest', None)
command = params.get('command', None)
options = params.get('options', [])
v = Virt()
res = {}
if state:
if not guest:
msg = "state change requires a guest specified"
return VIRT_FAILED, msg
res['changed'] = False
if state == 'running':
if v.status(guest) is not 'running':
res['changed'] = True
res['msg'] = v.start(guest)
elif state == 'shutdown':
if v.status(guest) is not 'shutdown':
res['changed'] = True
res['msg'] = v.shutdown(guest)
return VIRT_SUCCESS, res
if command:
if command in vm_commands:
if not guest:
msg = "%s requires 1 argument: guest" % command
return VIRT_FAILED, msg
res = getattr(v, command)(guest)
if type(res) != dict:
res = { command: res }
return rc, res
elif hasattr(v, command):
res = getattr(v, command)()
if type(res) != dict:
res = { command: res }
return rc, res
msg = "Command %s not recognized" % basecmd
return rc, msg
if __name__ == "__main__":
rc, result = main()
except Exception, e:
rc = 1
result = str(e)
if rc != 0: # something went wrong emit the msg
print json.dumps({
"failed" : rc,
"msg" : result,
"rc": rc,
print json.dumps(result)