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[PR #8444/feb1ecbf backport][stable-8] Fix to handle Redfish Gen2 Firmware upgrade ()
Fix to handle Redfish Gen2 Firmware upgrade ()

* Fix to handle Redfish Gen2 Firmware upgrade

* Fixed sanity checks and unit test cases

* Added change log gragment

* Updated change log fragment

* Updated review comments


Co-authored-by: Adarsh Manjunath <adarsh.manjunath@wdc.com>
(cherry picked from commit feb1ecbfcd)

Co-authored-by: cmadarsh <53748644+cmadarsh@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-07-08 22:25:33 +02:00

568 lines
25 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2022 Western Digital Corporation
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import datetime
import re
import time
import tarfile
import os
from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_file
from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.redfish_utils import RedfishUtils
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
class WdcRedfishUtils(RedfishUtils):
"""Extension to RedfishUtils to support WDC enclosures."""
# Status codes returned by WDC FW Update Status
# Status messages returned by WDC FW Update Status
# Dict keys for resource bodies
# Standard keys
ACTIONS = "Actions"
OEM = "Oem"
TARGET = "target"
# Keys for specific operations
CHASSIS_LOCATE = "#Chassis.Locate"
CHASSIS_POWER_MODE = "#Chassis.PowerMode"
def __init__(self,
super(WdcRedfishUtils, self).__init__(creds=creds,
# Update the root URI if we cannot perform a Redfish GET to the first one
def _set_root_uri(self, root_uris):
"""Set the root URI from a list of options.
If the current root URI is good, just keep it. Else cycle through our options until we find a good one.
A URI is considered good if we can GET uri/redfish/v1.
for root_uri in root_uris:
uri = root_uri + "/redfish/v1"
response = self.get_request(uri)
if response['ret']:
self.root_uri = root_uri
def _find_updateservice_resource(self):
"""Find the update service resource as well as additional WDC-specific resources."""
response = super(WdcRedfishUtils, self)._find_updateservice_resource()
if not response['ret']:
return response
return self._find_updateservice_additional_uris()
def _is_enclosure_multi_tenant_and_fetch_gen(self):
"""Determine if the enclosure is multi-tenant.
The serial number of a multi-tenant enclosure will end in "-A" or "-B".
Fetching enclsoure generation.
:return: True/False if the enclosure is multi-tenant or not and return enclosure generation;
None if unable to determine.
response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + self.service_root + "Chassis/Enclosure")
if response['ret'] is False:
return None
pattern = r".*-[A,B]"
data = response['data']
if 'EnclVersion' not in data:
enc_version = 'G1'
enc_version = data['EnclVersion']
return re.match(pattern, data['SerialNumber']) is not None, enc_version
def _find_updateservice_additional_uris(self):
"""Find & set WDC-specific update service URIs"""
response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + self._update_uri())
if response['ret'] is False:
return response
data = response['data']
if 'Actions' not in data:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Service does not support SimpleUpdate'}
if '#UpdateService.SimpleUpdate' not in data['Actions']:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Service does not support SimpleUpdate'}
action = data['Actions']['#UpdateService.SimpleUpdate']
if 'target' not in action:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Service does not support SimpleUpdate'}
self.simple_update_uri = action['target']
# Simple update status URI is not provided via GET /redfish/v1/UpdateService
# So we have to hard code it.
self.simple_update_status_uri = "{0}/Status".format(self.simple_update_uri)
# FWActivate URI
if 'Oem' not in data['Actions']:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Service does not support OEM operations'}
if 'WDC' not in data['Actions']['Oem']:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Service does not support WDC operations'}
if '#UpdateService.FWActivate' not in data['Actions']['Oem']['WDC']:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Service does not support FWActivate'}
action = data['Actions']['Oem']['WDC']['#UpdateService.FWActivate']
if 'target' not in action:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Service does not support FWActivate'}
self.firmware_activate_uri = action['target']
return {'ret': True}
def _simple_update_status_uri(self):
return self.simple_update_status_uri
def _firmware_activate_uri(self):
return self.firmware_activate_uri
def _update_uri(self):
return self.update_uri
def get_simple_update_status(self):
"""Issue Redfish HTTP GET to return the simple update status"""
result = {}
response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + self._simple_update_status_uri())
if response['ret'] is False:
return response
result['ret'] = True
data = response['data']
result['entries'] = data
return result
def firmware_activate(self, update_opts):
"""Perform FWActivate using Redfish HTTP API."""
creds = update_opts.get('update_creds')
payload = {}
if creds:
if creds.get('username'):
payload["Username"] = creds.get('username')
if creds.get('password'):
payload["Password"] = creds.get('password')
# Make sure the service supports FWActivate
response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + self._update_uri())
if response['ret'] is False:
return response
data = response['data']
if 'Actions' not in data:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Service does not support FWActivate'}
response = self.post_request(self.root_uri + self._firmware_activate_uri(), payload)
if response['ret'] is False:
return response
return {'ret': True, 'changed': True,
'msg': "FWActivate requested"}
def _get_bundle_version(self,
"""Get the firmware version from a bundle file, and whether or not it is multi-tenant.
Only supports HTTP at this time. Assumes URI exists and is a tarfile.
Looks for a file oobm-[version].pkg, such as 'oobm-4.0.13.pkg`. Extracts the version number
from that filename (in the above example, the version number is "4.0.13".
To determine if the bundle is multi-tenant or not, it looks inside the .bin file within the tarfile,
and checks the appropriate byte in the file.
If not tarfile, the bundle is checked for 2048th byte to determine whether it is Gen2 bundle.
Gen2 is always single tenant at this time.
:param str bundle_uri: HTTP URI of the firmware bundle.
:return: Firmware version number contained in the bundle, whether or not the bundle is multi-tenant
and bundle generation. Either value will be None if unable to determine.
:rtype: str or None, bool or None
bundle_temp_filename = fetch_file(module=self.module,
bundle_version = None
is_multi_tenant = None
gen = None
# If not tarfile, then if the file has "MMG2" or "DPG2" at 2048th byte
# then the bundle is for MM or DP G2
if not tarfile.is_tarfile(bundle_temp_filename):
cookie1 = None
with open(bundle_temp_filename, "rb") as bundle_file:
file_size = os.path.getsize(bundle_temp_filename)
if file_size >= 2052:
cookie1 = bundle_file.read(4)
# It is anticipated that DP firmware bundle will be having the value "DPG2"
# for cookie1 in the header
if cookie1 and cookie1.decode("utf8") == "MMG2" or cookie1.decode("utf8") == "DPG2":
file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(str(bundle_uri.rsplit('/', 1)[1]))
# G2 bundle file name: Ultrastar-Data102_3000_SEP_1010-032_2.1.12
parsedFileName = file_name.split('_')
if len(parsedFileName) == 5:
bundle_version = parsedFileName[4]
# MM G2 is always single tanant
is_multi_tenant = False
gen = "G2"
return bundle_version, is_multi_tenant, gen
# Bundle is for MM or DP G1
tf = tarfile.open(bundle_temp_filename)
pattern_pkg = r"oobm-(.+)\.pkg"
pattern_bin = r"(.*\.bin)"
bundle_version = None
is_multi_tenant = None
for filename in tf.getnames():
match_pkg = re.match(pattern_pkg, filename)
if match_pkg is not None:
bundle_version = match_pkg.group(1)
match_bin = re.match(pattern_bin, filename)
if match_bin is not None:
bin_filename = match_bin.group(1)
bin_file = tf.extractfile(bin_filename)
byte_11 = bin_file.read(1)
is_multi_tenant = byte_11 == b'\x80'
gen = "G1"
return bundle_version, is_multi_tenant, gen
def uri_is_http(uri):
"""Return True if the specified URI is http or https.
:param str uri: A URI.
:return: True if the URI is http or https, else False
:rtype: bool
parsed_bundle_uri = urlparse(uri)
return parsed_bundle_uri.scheme.lower() in ['http', 'https']
def update_and_activate(self, update_opts):
"""Update and activate the firmware in a single action.
Orchestrates the firmware update so that everything can be done in a single command.
Compares the update version with the already-installed version -- skips update if they are the same.
Performs retries, handles timeouts as needed.
# Convert credentials to standard HTTP format
if update_opts.get("update_creds") is not None and "username" in update_opts["update_creds"] and "password" in update_opts["update_creds"]:
update_creds = update_opts["update_creds"]
parsed_url = urlparse(update_opts["update_image_uri"])
if update_creds:
original_netloc = parsed_url.netloc
parsed_url = parsed_url._replace(netloc="{0}:{1}@{2}".format(update_creds.get("username"),
update_opts["update_image_uri"] = urlunparse(parsed_url)
del update_opts["update_creds"]
# Make sure bundle URI is HTTP(s)
bundle_uri = update_opts["update_image_uri"]
if not self.uri_is_http(bundle_uri):
return {
'ret': False,
'msg': 'Bundle URI must be HTTP or HTTPS'
# Make sure IOM is ready for update
result = self.get_simple_update_status()
if result['ret'] is False:
return result
update_status = result['entries']
status_code = update_status['StatusCode']
status_description = update_status['Description']
if status_code not in [
return {
'ret': False,
'msg': 'Target is not ready for FW update. Current status: {0} ({1})'.format(
status_code, status_description
# Check the FW version in the bundle file, and compare it to what is already on the IOMs
# Bundle version number
bundle_firmware_version, is_bundle_multi_tenant, bundle_gen = self._get_bundle_version(bundle_uri)
if bundle_firmware_version is None or is_bundle_multi_tenant is None or bundle_gen is None:
return {
'ret': False,
'msg': 'Unable to extract bundle version or multi-tenant status or generation from update image file'
is_enclosure_multi_tenant, enclosure_gen = self._is_enclosure_multi_tenant_and_fetch_gen()
# Verify that the bundle is correctly multi-tenant or not
if is_enclosure_multi_tenant != is_bundle_multi_tenant:
return {
'ret': False,
'msg': 'Enclosure multi-tenant is {0} but bundle multi-tenant is {1}'.format(
# Verify that the bundle is compliant with the target enclosure
if enclosure_gen != bundle_gen:
return {
'ret': False,
'msg': 'Enclosure generation is {0} but bundle is of {1}'.format(
# Version number installed on IOMs
firmware_inventory = self.get_firmware_inventory()
if not firmware_inventory["ret"]:
return firmware_inventory
firmware_inventory_dict = {}
for entry in firmware_inventory["entries"]:
firmware_inventory_dict[entry["Id"]] = entry
iom_a_firmware_version = firmware_inventory_dict.get("IOModuleA_OOBM", {}).get("Version")
iom_b_firmware_version = firmware_inventory_dict.get("IOModuleB_OOBM", {}).get("Version")
# If version is None, we will proceed with the update, because we cannot tell
# for sure that we have a full version match.
if is_enclosure_multi_tenant:
# For multi-tenant, only one of the IOMs will be affected by the firmware update,
# so see if that IOM already has the same firmware version as the bundle.
firmware_already_installed = bundle_firmware_version == self._get_installed_firmware_version_of_multi_tenant_system(
# For single-tenant, see if both IOMs already have the same firmware version as the bundle.
firmware_already_installed = bundle_firmware_version == iom_a_firmware_version == iom_b_firmware_version
# If this FW already installed, return changed: False, and do not update the firmware.
if firmware_already_installed:
return {
'ret': True,
'changed': False,
'msg': 'Version {0} already installed'.format(bundle_firmware_version)
# Version numbers don't match the bundle -- proceed with update (unless we are in check mode)
if self.module.check_mode:
return {
'ret': True,
'changed': True,
'msg': 'Update not performed in check mode.'
update_successful = False
retry_interval_seconds = 5
max_number_of_retries = 5
retry_number = 0
while retry_number < max_number_of_retries and not update_successful:
if retry_number != 0:
retry_number += 1
result = self.simple_update(update_opts)
if result['ret'] is not True:
# Sometimes a timeout error is returned even though the update actually was requested.
# Check the update status to see if the update is in progress.
status_result = self.get_simple_update_status()
if status_result['ret'] is False:
update_status = status_result['entries']
status_code = update_status['StatusCode']
# Update is not in progress -- retry until max number of retries
update_successful = True
update_successful = True
if not update_successful:
# Unable to get SimpleUpdate to work. Return the failure from the SimpleUpdate
return result
# Wait for "ready to activate"
max_wait_minutes = 30
polling_interval_seconds = 30
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
# For a short time, target will still say "ready for firmware update" before it transitions
# to "update in progress"
status_codes_for_update_incomplete = [
iteration = 0
while status_code in status_codes_for_update_incomplete \
and datetime.datetime.now() - start_time < datetime.timedelta(minutes=max_wait_minutes):
if iteration != 0:
iteration += 1
result = self.get_simple_update_status()
if result['ret'] is False:
continue # We may get timeouts, just keep trying until we give up
update_status = result['entries']
status_code = update_status['StatusCode']
status_description = update_status['Description']
# Once it says update in progress, "ready for update" is no longer a valid status code
status_codes_for_update_incomplete = [self.UPDATE_STATUS_CODE_FW_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS]
# Update no longer in progress -- verify that it finished
return {
'ret': False,
'msg': 'Target is not ready for FW activation after update. Current status: {0} ({1})'.format(
status_code, status_description
return {'ret': True, 'changed': True,
'msg': "Firmware updated and activation initiated."}
def _get_installed_firmware_version_of_multi_tenant_system(self,
"""Return the version for the active IOM on a multi-tenant system.
Only call this on a multi-tenant system.
Given the installed firmware versions for IOM A, B, this method will determine which IOM is active
for this tenanat, and return that IOM's firmware version.
# To determine which IOM we are on, try to GET each IOM resource
# The one we are on will return valid data.
# The other will return an error with message "IOM Module A/B cannot be read"
which_iom_is_this = None
for iom_letter in ['A', 'B']:
iom_uri = "Chassis/IOModule{0}FRU".format(iom_letter)
response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + self.service_root + iom_uri)
if response['ret'] is False:
data = response['data']
if "Id" in data: # Assume if there is an "Id", it is valid
which_iom_is_this = iom_letter
if which_iom_is_this == 'A':
return iom_a_firmware_version
elif which_iom_is_this == 'B':
return iom_b_firmware_version
return None
def _get_led_locate_uri(data):
"""Get the LED locate URI given a resource body."""
if WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS not in data:
return None
if WdcRedfishUtils.OEM not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS]:
return None
if WdcRedfishUtils.WDC not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS][WdcRedfishUtils.OEM]:
return None
if WdcRedfishUtils.CHASSIS_LOCATE not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS][WdcRedfishUtils.OEM][WdcRedfishUtils.WDC]:
return None
if WdcRedfishUtils.TARGET not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS][WdcRedfishUtils.OEM][WdcRedfishUtils.WDC][WdcRedfishUtils.CHASSIS_LOCATE]:
return None
return data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS][WdcRedfishUtils.OEM][WdcRedfishUtils.WDC][WdcRedfishUtils.CHASSIS_LOCATE][WdcRedfishUtils.TARGET]
def _get_power_mode_uri(data):
"""Get the Power Mode URI given a resource body."""
if WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS not in data:
return None
if WdcRedfishUtils.OEM not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS]:
return None
if WdcRedfishUtils.WDC not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS][WdcRedfishUtils.OEM]:
return None
if WdcRedfishUtils.CHASSIS_POWER_MODE not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS][WdcRedfishUtils.OEM][WdcRedfishUtils.WDC]:
return None
if WdcRedfishUtils.TARGET not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS][WdcRedfishUtils.OEM][WdcRedfishUtils.WDC][WdcRedfishUtils.CHASSIS_POWER_MODE]:
return None
return data[WdcRedfishUtils.ACTIONS][WdcRedfishUtils.OEM][WdcRedfishUtils.WDC][WdcRedfishUtils.CHASSIS_POWER_MODE][WdcRedfishUtils.TARGET]
def manage_indicator_led(self, command, resource_uri):
key = 'IndicatorLED'
payloads = {'IndicatorLedOn': 'On', 'IndicatorLedOff': 'Off'}
current_led_status_map = {'IndicatorLedOn': 'Blinking', 'IndicatorLedOff': 'Off'}
result = {}
response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + resource_uri)
if response['ret'] is False:
return response
result['ret'] = True
data = response['data']
if key not in data:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': "Key %s not found" % key}
current_led_status = data[key]
if current_led_status == current_led_status_map[command]:
return {'ret': True, 'changed': False}
led_locate_uri = self._get_led_locate_uri(data)
if led_locate_uri is None:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'LED locate URI not found.'}
if command in payloads.keys():
payload = {'LocateState': payloads[command]}
response = self.post_request(self.root_uri + led_locate_uri, payload)
if response['ret'] is False:
return response
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Invalid command'}
return result
def manage_chassis_power_mode(self, command):
return self.manage_power_mode(command, self.chassis_uri)
def manage_power_mode(self, command, resource_uri=None):
if resource_uri is None:
resource_uri = self.chassis_uri
payloads = {'PowerModeNormal': 'Normal', 'PowerModeLow': 'Low'}
requested_power_mode = payloads[command]
result = {}
response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + resource_uri)
if response['ret'] is False:
return response
result['ret'] = True
data = response['data']
# Make sure the response includes Oem.WDC.PowerMode, and get current power mode
power_mode = 'PowerMode'
if WdcRedfishUtils.OEM not in data or WdcRedfishUtils.WDC not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.OEM] or\
power_mode not in data[WdcRedfishUtils.OEM][WdcRedfishUtils.WDC]:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Resource does not support Oem.WDC.PowerMode'}
current_power_mode = data[WdcRedfishUtils.OEM][WdcRedfishUtils.WDC][power_mode]
if current_power_mode == requested_power_mode:
return {'ret': True, 'changed': False}
power_mode_uri = self._get_power_mode_uri(data)
if power_mode_uri is None:
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Power Mode URI not found.'}
if command in payloads.keys():
payload = {'PowerMode': payloads[command]}
response = self.post_request(self.root_uri + power_mode_uri, payload)
if response['ret'] is False:
return response
return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Invalid command'}
return result