# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Alexei Znamensky (russoz@gmail.com) # Largely adapted from test_redhat_subscription by # Jiri Hnidek (jhnidek@redhat.com) # # Copyright (c) Alexei Znamensky (russoz@gmail.com) # Copyright (c) Jiri Hnidek (jhnidek@redhat.com) # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import json from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules import puppet import pytest TESTED_MODULE = puppet.__name__ @pytest.fixture def patch_get_bin_path(mocker): """ Function used for mocking AnsibleModule.get_bin_path """ def mockie(self, path, *args, **kwargs): return "/testbin/{0}".format(path) mocker.patch("ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.get_bin_path", mockie) TEST_CASES = [ [ {}, { "id": "puppet_agent_plain", "run_command.calls": [ ( ["/testbin/puppet", "config", "print", "agent_disabled_lockfile"], {"environ_update": {"LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"}, "check_rc": False}, (0, "blah, anything", "",), # output rc, out, err ), ( [ "/testbin/timeout", "-s", "9", "30m", "/testbin/puppet", "agent", "--onetime", "--no-daemonize", "--no-usecacheonfailure", "--no-splay", "--detailed-exitcodes", "--verbose", "--color", "0" ], {"environ_update": {"LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"}, "check_rc": False}, (0, "", "",), # output rc, out, err ), ], "changed": False, } ], [ { "certname": "potatobox" }, { "id": "puppet_agent_certname", "run_command.calls": [ ( ["/testbin/puppet", "config", "print", "agent_disabled_lockfile"], {"environ_update": {"LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"}, "check_rc": False}, (0, "blah, anything", "",), # output rc, out, err ), ( [ "/testbin/timeout", "-s", "9", "30m", "/testbin/puppet", "agent", "--onetime", "--no-daemonize", "--no-usecacheonfailure", "--no-splay", "--detailed-exitcodes", "--verbose", "--color", "0", "--certname=potatobox" ], {"environ_update": {"LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"}, "check_rc": False}, (0, "", "",), # output rc, out, err ), ], "changed": False, } ], [ { "tags": ["a", "b", "c"] }, { "id": "puppet_agent_tags_abc", "run_command.calls": [ ( ["/testbin/puppet", "config", "print", "agent_disabled_lockfile"], {"environ_update": {"LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"}, "check_rc": False}, (0, "blah, anything", "",), # output rc, out, err ), ( [ "/testbin/timeout", "-s", "9", "30m", "/testbin/puppet", "agent", "--onetime", "--no-daemonize", "--no-usecacheonfailure", "--no-splay", "--detailed-exitcodes", "--verbose", "--color", "0", "--tags", "a,b,c" ], {"environ_update": {"LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"}, "check_rc": False}, (0, "", "",), # output rc, out, err ), ], "changed": False, } ], [ { "skip_tags": ["d", "e", "f"] }, { "id": "puppet_agent_skip_tags_def", "run_command.calls": [ ( ["/testbin/puppet", "config", "print", "agent_disabled_lockfile"], {"environ_update": {"LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"}, "check_rc": False}, (0, "blah, anything", "",), # output rc, out, err ), ( [ "/testbin/timeout", "-s", "9", "30m", "/testbin/puppet", "agent", "--onetime", "--no-daemonize", "--no-usecacheonfailure", "--no-splay", "--detailed-exitcodes", "--verbose", "--color", "0", "--skip_tags", "d,e,f" ], {"environ_update": {"LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"}, "check_rc": False}, (0, "", "",), # output rc, out, err ), ], "changed": False, } ] ] TEST_CASES_IDS = [item[1]["id"] for item in TEST_CASES] @pytest.mark.parametrize("patch_ansible_module, testcase", TEST_CASES, ids=TEST_CASES_IDS, indirect=["patch_ansible_module"]) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("patch_ansible_module") def test_puppet(mocker, capfd, patch_get_bin_path, testcase): """ Run unit tests for test cases listen in TEST_CASES """ # Mock function used for running commands first call_results = [item[2] for item in testcase["run_command.calls"]] mock_run_command = mocker.patch( "ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule.run_command", side_effect=call_results) # Try to run test case with pytest.raises(SystemExit): puppet.main() out, err = capfd.readouterr() results = json.loads(out) print("results =\n%s" % results) assert mock_run_command.call_count == len(testcase["run_command.calls"]) if mock_run_command.call_count: call_args_list = [(item[0][0], item[1]) for item in mock_run_command.call_args_list] expected_call_args_list = [(item[0], item[1]) for item in testcase["run_command.calls"]] print("call args list =\n%s" % call_args_list) print("expected args list =\n%s" % expected_call_args_list) assert call_args_list == expected_call_args_list assert results.get("changed", False) == testcase["changed"] if "failed" in testcase: assert results.get("failed", False) == testcase["failed"] if "msg" in testcase: assert results.get("msg", "") == testcase["msg"]