--- #################################################################### # WARNING: These are designed specifically for Ansible tests # # and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles # #################################################################### - name: Include OS-specific variables include_vars: '{{ lookup("first_found", search) }}' vars: search: files: - '{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml' - '{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version }}.yml' - '{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml' - '{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml' - default.yml paths: - vars - name: Install OpenSSL become: True package: name: '{{ openssl_package_name }}' when: not ansible_os_family == 'Darwin' - when: ansible_facts.distribution ~ ansible_facts.distribution_major_version not in ['CentOS6', 'RedHat6'] block: - name: Install cryptography (Python 3) become: true package: name: '{{ cryptography_package_name_python3 }}' when: not cryptography_from_pip and ansible_python_version is version('3.0', '>=') - name: Install cryptography (Python 2) become: true package: name: '{{ cryptography_package_name }}' when: not cryptography_from_pip and ansible_python_version is version('3.0', '<') - name: Install cryptography (pip) become: true pip: name: cryptography>=3.3 extra_args: "-c {{ remote_constraints }}" when: cryptography_from_pip - name: Install pyOpenSSL (Python 3) become: True package: name: '{{ pyopenssl_package_name_python3 }}' when: pyopenssl_package_name_python3 is defined and ansible_python_version is version('3.0', '>=') - name: Install pyOpenSSL (Python 2) become: True package: name: '{{ pyopenssl_package_name }}' when: pyopenssl_package_name is defined and ansible_python_version is version('3.0', '<') - name: register openssl version shell: "openssl version | cut -d' ' -f2" register: openssl_version - name: register cryptography version command: "{{ ansible_python.executable }} -c 'import cryptography; print(cryptography.__version__)'" register: cryptography_version