# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Pino Toscano (ptoscano@redhat.com) # Largely adapted from test_rhsm_repository by # Jiri Hnidek (jhnidek@redhat.com) # # Copyright (c) Pino Toscano (ptoscano@redhat.com) # Copyright (c) Jiri Hnidek (jhnidek@redhat.com) # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import copy import fnmatch import itertools import json from ansible.module_utils import basic from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules import rhsm_repository import pytest TESTED_MODULE = rhsm_repository.__name__ @pytest.fixture def patch_rhsm_repository(mocker): """ Function used for mocking some parts of rhsm_repository module """ mocker.patch('ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules.rhsm_repository.AnsibleModule.get_bin_path', return_value='/testbin/subscription-manager') mocker.patch('ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules.rhsm_repository.os.getuid', return_value=0) class Repos(object): """ Helper class to represent a list of repositories Each repository is an object with few properties. """ _SUBMAN_OUT_HEADER = """+----------------------------------------------------------+ Available Repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo +----------------------------------------------------------+ """ _SUBMAN_OUT_ENTRY = """Repo ID: %s Repo Name: %s Repo URL: %s Enabled: %s """ def __init__(self, repos): self.repos = repos def to_subman_list_output(self): """ Return a string mimicking the output of `subscription-manager repos --list` """ out = self._SUBMAN_OUT_HEADER for repo in self.repos: out += self._SUBMAN_OUT_ENTRY % ( repo["id"], repo["name"], repo["url"], "1" if repo["enabled"] else "0", ) return out def copy(self): """ Clone the object; used to do changes (enable(), disable()) without affecting the original object. """ return copy.deepcopy(self) def _set_status(self, repo_id, status): for repo in self.repos: if fnmatch.fnmatch(repo['id'], repo_id): repo['enabled'] = status def enable(self, repo_ids): """ Enable the specified IDs. 'repo_ids' can be either a string or a list of strings representing an ID (wilcard included). Returns the same object, so calls to this can be chained. """ if not isinstance(repo_ids, list): repo_ids = [repo_ids] for repo_id in repo_ids: self._set_status(repo_id, True) return self def disable(self, repo_ids): """ Disable the specified IDs. 'repo_ids' can be either a string or a list of strings representing an ID (wilcard included). Returns the same object, so calls to this can be chained. """ if not isinstance(repo_ids, list): repo_ids = [repo_ids] for repo_id in repo_ids: self._set_status(repo_id, False) return self def _filter_by_status(self, filter, status): return [ repo['id'] for repo in self.repos if repo['enabled'] == status and fnmatch.fnmatch(repo['id'], filter) ] def ids_enabled(self, filter='*'): """ Get a list with the enabled repositories. 'filter' is a wildcard expression. """ return self._filter_by_status(filter, True) def ids_disabled(self, filter='*'): """ Get a list with the disabled repositories. 'filter' is a wildcard expression. """ return self._filter_by_status(filter, False) def to_list(self): """ Get the list of repositories. """ return self.repos def flatten(iter_of_iters): return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(iter_of_iters)) # List with test repositories, directly from the Candlepin test data. REPOS_LIST = [ { "id": "never-enabled-content-801", "name": "never-enabled-content-801", "url": "https://candlepin.local/foo/path/never_enabled/801-100", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "never-enabled-content-100000000000060", "name": "never-enabled-content-100000000000060", "url": "https://candlepin.local/foo/path/never_enabled/100000000000060-100", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "awesomeos-x86_64-1000000000000023", "name": "awesomeos-x86_64-1000000000000023", "url": "https://candlepin.local/path/to/awesomeos/x86_64/1000000000000023-11124", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "awesomeos-ppc64-100000000000011", "name": "awesomeos-ppc64-100000000000011", "url": "https://candlepin.local/path/to/awesomeos/ppc64/100000000000011-11126", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "awesomeos-99000", "name": "awesomeos-99000", "url": "https://candlepin.local/path/to/generic/awesomeos/99000-11113", "enabled": True, }, { "id": "content-label-27060", "name": "content-27060", "url": "https://candlepin.local/foo/path/common/27060-1111", "enabled": True, }, { "id": "content-label-no-gpg-32060", "name": "content-nogpg-32060", "url": "https://candlepin.local/foo/path/no_gpg/32060-234", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "awesomeos-1000000000000023", "name": "awesomeos-1000000000000023", "url": "https://candlepin.local/path/to/generic/awesomeos/1000000000000023-11113", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "awesomeos-x86-100000000000020", "name": "awesomeos-x86-100000000000020", "url": "https://candlepin.local/path/to/awesomeos/x86/100000000000020-11120", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "awesomeos-x86_64-99000", "name": "awesomeos-x86_64-99000", "url": "https://candlepin.local/path/to/awesomeos/x86_64/99000-11124", "enabled": True, }, { "id": "awesomeos-s390x-99000", "name": "awesomeos-s390x-99000", "url": "https://candlepin.local/path/to/awesomeos/s390x/99000-11121", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "awesomeos-modifier-37080", "name": "awesomeos-modifier-37080", "url": "https://candlepin.local/example.com/awesomeos-modifier/37080-1112", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "awesomeos-i686-99000", "name": "awesomeos-i686-99000", "url": "https://candlepin.local/path/to/awesomeos/i686/99000-11123", "enabled": False, }, { "id": "fake-content-38072", "name": "fake-content-38072", "url": "https://candlepin.local/path/to/fake-content/38072-3902", "enabled": True, }, ] # A static object with the list of repositories, used as reference to query # the repositories, and create (by copy()) new Repos objects. REPOS = Repos(REPOS_LIST) # The mock string for the output of `subscription-manager repos --list`. REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT = REPOS.to_subman_list_output() # MUST match what's in the Rhsm class in the module. SUBMAN_KWARGS = { 'environ_update': dict(LANG='C', LC_ALL='C', LC_MESSAGES='C'), 'expand_user_and_vars': False, 'use_unsafe_shell': False, } TEST_CASES = [ # enable a disabled repository [ { 'name': 'awesomeos-1000000000000023', }, { 'id': 'test_enable_single', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--enable', 'awesomeos-1000000000000023', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().enable('awesomeos-1000000000000023'), } ], # enable an already enabled repository [ { 'name': 'fake-content-38072', }, { 'id': 'test_enable_already_enabled', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ], 'changed': False, 'repositories': REPOS.copy(), } ], # enable two disabled repositories [ { 'name': ['awesomeos-1000000000000023', 'content-label-no-gpg-32060'], }, { 'id': 'test_enable_multiple', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--enable', 'awesomeos-1000000000000023', '--enable', 'content-label-no-gpg-32060', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().enable('awesomeos-1000000000000023').enable('content-label-no-gpg-32060'), } ], # enable two repositories, one disabled and one already enabled [ { 'name': ['awesomeos-1000000000000023', 'fake-content-38072'], }, { 'id': 'test_enable_multiple_mixed', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--enable', 'awesomeos-1000000000000023', '--enable', 'fake-content-38072', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().enable('awesomeos-1000000000000023'), } ], # purge everything but never-enabled-content-801 (disabled) [ { 'name': 'never-enabled-content-801', 'purge': True, }, { 'id': 'test_purge_everything_but_one_disabled', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--enable', 'never-enabled-content-801', ] + flatten([['--disable', i] for i in REPOS.ids_enabled() if i != 'never-enabled-content-801']), SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().disable('*').enable('never-enabled-content-801'), } ], # purge everything but awesomeos-99000 (already enabled) [ { 'name': 'awesomeos-99000', 'purge': True, }, { 'id': 'test_purge_everything_but_one_enabled', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--enable', 'awesomeos-99000', '--disable', 'content-label-27060', '--disable', 'awesomeos-x86_64-99000', '--disable', 'fake-content-38072', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().disable('*').enable('awesomeos-99000'), } ], # enable everything, then purge everything but content-label-27060 [ { 'name': 'content-label-27060', 'purge': True, }, { 'id': 'test_enable_everything_purge_everything_but_one_enabled', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS.copy().enable('*').to_subman_list_output(), '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--enable', 'content-label-27060', '--disable', 'never-enabled-content-801', '--disable', 'never-enabled-content-100000000000060', '--disable', 'awesomeos-x86_64-1000000000000023', '--disable', 'awesomeos-ppc64-100000000000011', '--disable', 'awesomeos-99000', '--disable', 'content-label-no-gpg-32060', '--disable', 'awesomeos-1000000000000023', '--disable', 'awesomeos-x86-100000000000020', '--disable', 'awesomeos-x86_64-99000', '--disable', 'awesomeos-s390x-99000', '--disable', 'awesomeos-modifier-37080', '--disable', 'awesomeos-i686-99000', '--disable', 'fake-content-38072', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().disable('*').enable('content-label-27060'), } ], # enable all awesomeos-* [ { 'name': 'awesomeos-*', }, { 'id': 'test_enable_all_awesomeos_star', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--enable', 'awesomeos-x86_64-1000000000000023', '--enable', 'awesomeos-ppc64-100000000000011', '--enable', 'awesomeos-99000', '--enable', 'awesomeos-1000000000000023', '--enable', 'awesomeos-x86-100000000000020', '--enable', 'awesomeos-x86_64-99000', '--enable', 'awesomeos-s390x-99000', '--enable', 'awesomeos-modifier-37080', '--enable', 'awesomeos-i686-99000', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().enable('awesomeos-*'), } ], # purge everything but awesomeos-* [ { 'name': REPOS.ids_enabled('awesomeos-*'), 'purge': True, }, { 'id': 'test_purge_everything_but_awesomeos_list', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--enable', 'awesomeos-99000', '--enable', 'awesomeos-x86_64-99000', '--disable', 'content-label-27060', '--disable', 'fake-content-38072', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().disable('*').enable(REPOS.ids_enabled('awesomeos-*')), } ], # enable a repository that does not exist [ { 'name': 'repo-that-does-not-exist', }, { 'id': 'test_enable_nonexisting', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ], 'failed': True, 'msg': 'repo-that-does-not-exist is not a valid repository ID', } ], # disable an enabled repository [ { 'name': 'awesomeos-99000', 'state': 'disabled', }, { 'id': 'test_disable_single', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--disable', 'awesomeos-99000', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().disable('awesomeos-99000'), } ], # disable an enabled repository (using state=absent) [ { 'name': 'awesomeos-99000', 'state': 'absent', }, { 'id': 'test_disable_single_using_absent', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--disable', 'awesomeos-99000', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().disable('awesomeos-99000'), } ], # disable an already disabled repository [ { 'name': 'never-enabled-content-801', 'state': 'disabled', }, { 'id': 'test_disable_already_disabled', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ], 'changed': False, 'repositories': REPOS.copy(), } ], # disable an already disabled repository, and purge [ { 'name': 'never-enabled-content-801', 'state': 'disabled', 'purge': True, }, { 'id': 'test_disable_already_disabled_and_purge', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', ] + flatten([['--disable', i] for i in REPOS.ids_enabled()]), SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().disable('*'), } ], # disable an enabled repository, and purge [ { 'name': 'awesomeos-99000', 'state': 'disabled', 'purge': True, }, { 'id': 'test_disable_single_and_purge', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', ] + flatten([['--disable', i] for i in REPOS.ids_enabled()]), SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, '', '') ), ], 'changed': True, 'repositories': REPOS.copy().disable('*'), } ], # disable a repository that does not exist [ { 'name': 'repo-that-does-not-exist', 'state': 'disabled', }, { 'id': 'test_disable_nonexisting', 'run_command.calls': [ ( [ '/testbin/subscription-manager', 'repos', '--list', ], SUBMAN_KWARGS, (0, REPOS_LIST_OUTPUT, '') ), ], 'failed': True, 'msg': 'repo-that-does-not-exist is not a valid repository ID', } ], ] TEST_CASES_IDS = [item[1]['id'] for item in TEST_CASES] @pytest.mark.parametrize('patch_ansible_module, testcase', TEST_CASES, ids=TEST_CASES_IDS, indirect=['patch_ansible_module']) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('patch_ansible_module') def test_rhsm_repository(mocker, capfd, patch_rhsm_repository, testcase): """ Run unit tests for test cases listen in TEST_CASES """ # Mock function used for running commands first call_results = [item[2] for item in testcase['run_command.calls']] mock_run_command = mocker.patch.object( basic.AnsibleModule, 'run_command', side_effect=call_results) # Try to run test case with pytest.raises(SystemExit): rhsm_repository.main() out, err = capfd.readouterr() results = json.loads(out) if 'failed' in testcase: assert results['failed'] == testcase['failed'] assert results['msg'] == testcase['msg'] else: assert 'changed' in results assert results['changed'] == testcase['changed'] assert results['repositories'] == testcase['repositories'].to_list() assert basic.AnsibleModule.run_command.call_count == len(testcase['run_command.calls']) # FIXME ideally we need also to compare the actual calls with the expected # ones; the problem is that the module uses a dict to collect the repositories # to enable and disable, so the order of the --enable/--disable parameters to # `subscription-manager repos` is not stable