#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2016, NetApp, Inc # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {"metadata_version": "1.1", "status": ["preview"], "supported_by": "community"} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: netapp_e_hostgroup short_description: NetApp E-Series manage array host groups author: - Kevin Hulquest (@hulquest) - Nathan Swartz (@ndswartz) description: Create, update or destroy host groups on a NetApp E-Series storage array. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.netapp.eseries options: state: required: true description: - Whether the specified host group should exist or not. choices: ["present", "absent"] name: required: false description: - Name of the host group to manage - This option is mutually exclusive with I(id). new_name: required: false description: - Specify this when you need to update the name of a host group id: required: false description: - Host reference identifier for the host group to manage. - This option is mutually exclusive with I(name). hosts: required: false description: - List of host names/labels to add to the group ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: Configure Hostgroup netapp_e_hostgroup: ssid: "{{ ssid }}" api_url: "{{ netapp_api_url }}" api_username: "{{ netapp_api_username }}" api_password: "{{ netapp_api_password }}" validate_certs: "{{ netapp_api_validate_certs }}" state: present """ RETURN = """ clusterRef: description: The unique identification value for this object. Other objects may use this reference value to refer to the cluster. returned: always except when state is absent type: str sample: "3233343536373839303132333100000000000000" confirmLUNMappingCreation: description: If true, indicates that creation of LUN-to-volume mappings should require careful confirmation from the end-user, since such a mapping will alter the volume access rights of other clusters, in addition to this one. returned: always type: bool sample: false hosts: description: A list of the hosts that are part of the host group after all operations. returned: always except when state is absent type: list sample: ["HostA","HostB"] id: description: The id number of the hostgroup returned: always except when state is absent type: str sample: "3233343536373839303132333100000000000000" isSAControlled: description: If true, indicates that I/O accesses from this cluster are subject to the storage array's default LUN-to-volume mappings. If false, indicates that I/O accesses from the cluster are subject to cluster-specific LUN-to-volume mappings. returned: always except when state is absent type: bool sample: false label: description: The user-assigned, descriptive label string for the cluster. returned: always type: str sample: "MyHostGroup" name: description: same as label returned: always except when state is absent type: str sample: "MyHostGroup" protectionInformationCapableAccessMethod: description: This field is true if the host has a PI capable access method. returned: always except when state is absent type: bool sample: true """ from ansible_collections.netapp.ontap.plugins.module_utils.netapp import NetAppESeriesModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native class NetAppESeriesHostGroup(NetAppESeriesModule): EXPANSION_TIMEOUT_SEC = 10 DEFAULT_DISK_POOL_MINIMUM_DISK_COUNT = 11 def __init__(self): version = "02.00.0000.0000" ansible_options = dict( state=dict(required=True, choices=["present", "absent"], type="str"), name=dict(required=False, type="str"), new_name=dict(required=False, type="str"), id=dict(required=False, type="str"), hosts=dict(required=False, type="list")) mutually_exclusive = [["name", "id"]] super(NetAppESeriesHostGroup, self).__init__(ansible_options=ansible_options, web_services_version=version, supports_check_mode=True, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive) args = self.module.params self.state = args["state"] self.name = args["name"] self.new_name = args["new_name"] self.id = args["id"] self.hosts_list = args["hosts"] self.current_host_group = None @property def hosts(self): """Retrieve a list of host reference identifiers should be associated with the host group.""" host_list = [] existing_hosts = [] if self.hosts_list: try: rc, existing_hosts = self.request("storage-systems/%s/hosts" % self.ssid) except Exception as error: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to retrieve hosts information. Array id [%s]. Error[%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(error))) for host in self.hosts_list: for existing_host in existing_hosts: if host in existing_host["id"] or host in existing_host["name"]: host_list.append(existing_host["id"]) break else: self.module.fail_json(msg="Expected host does not exist. Array id [%s]. Host [%s]." % (self.ssid, host)) return host_list @property def host_groups(self): """Retrieve a list of existing host groups.""" host_groups = [] hosts = [] try: rc, host_groups = self.request("storage-systems/%s/host-groups" % self.ssid) rc, hosts = self.request("storage-systems/%s/hosts" % self.ssid) except Exception as error: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to retrieve host group information. Array id [%s]. Error[%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(error))) host_groups = [{"id": group["clusterRef"], "name": group["name"]} for group in host_groups] for group in host_groups: hosts_ids = [] for host in hosts: if group["id"] == host["clusterRef"]: hosts_ids.append(host["hostRef"]) group.update({"hosts": hosts_ids}) return host_groups @property def current_hosts_in_host_group(self): """Retrieve the current hosts associated with the current hostgroup.""" current_hosts = [] for group in self.host_groups: if (self.name and group["name"] == self.name) or (self.id and group["id"] == self.id): current_hosts = group["hosts"] return current_hosts def unassign_hosts(self, host_list=None): """Unassign hosts from host group.""" if host_list is None: host_list = self.current_host_group["hosts"] for host_id in host_list: try: rc, resp = self.request("storage-systems/%s/hosts/%s/move" % (self.ssid, host_id), method="POST", data={"group": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}) except Exception as error: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to unassign hosts from host group. Array id [%s]. Host id [%s]." " Error[%s]." % (self.ssid, host_id, to_native(error))) def delete_host_group(self, unassign_hosts=True): """Delete host group""" if unassign_hosts: self.unassign_hosts() try: rc, resp = self.request("storage-systems/%s/host-groups/%s" % (self.ssid, self.current_host_group["id"]), method="DELETE") except Exception as error: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to delete host group. Array id [%s]. Error[%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(error))) def create_host_group(self): """Create host group.""" data = {"name": self.name, "hosts": self.hosts} response = None try: rc, response = self.request("storage-systems/%s/host-groups" % self.ssid, method="POST", data=data) except Exception as error: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to create host group. Array id [%s]. Error[%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(error))) return response def update_host_group(self): """Update host group.""" data = {"name": self.new_name if self.new_name else self.name, "hosts": self.hosts} # unassign hosts that should not be part of the hostgroup desired_host_ids = self.hosts for host in self.current_hosts_in_host_group: if host not in desired_host_ids: self.unassign_hosts([host]) update_response = None try: rc, update_response = self.request("storage-systems/%s/host-groups/%s" % (self.ssid, self.current_host_group["id"]), method="POST", data=data) except Exception as error: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to create host group. Array id [%s]. Error[%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(error))) return update_response def apply(self): """Apply desired host group state to the storage array.""" changes_required = False # Search for existing host group match for group in self.host_groups: if (self.id and group["id"] == self.id) or (self.name and group["name"] == self.name): self.current_host_group = group # Determine whether changes are required if self.state == "present": if self.current_host_group: if (self.new_name and self.new_name != self.name) or self.hosts != self.current_host_group["hosts"]: changes_required = True else: if not self.name: self.module.fail_json(msg="The option name must be supplied when creating a new host group." " Array id [%s]." % self.ssid) changes_required = True elif self.current_host_group: changes_required = True # Apply any necessary changes msg = "" if changes_required and not self.module.check_mode: msg = "No changes required." if self.state == "present": if self.current_host_group: if ((self.new_name and self.new_name != self.name) or (self.hosts != self.current_host_group["hosts"])): msg = self.update_host_group() else: msg = self.create_host_group() elif self.current_host_group: self.delete_host_group() msg = "Host group deleted. Array Id [%s]. Host Name [%s]. Host Id [%s]."\ % (self.ssid, self.current_host_group["name"], self.current_host_group["id"]) self.module.exit_json(msg=msg, changed=changes_required) def main(): hostgroup = NetAppESeriesHostGroup() hostgroup.apply() if __name__ == "__main__": main()