# it is possible to have top level playbook files import other playbook
# files.  For example, a playbook called could include three
# different playbooks, such as webservers, workers, dbservers, etc.
# Running the site playbook would run all playbooks, while individual
# playbooks could still be run directly.  This is somewhat like
# the tag feature and can be used in conjunction for very fine grained
# control over what you want to target when running ansible.

- name: this is a play at the top level of a file
  hosts: all
  user: root
  - name: say hi
    tags: foo
    action: shell echo "hi..."

# and this is how we include another playbook, be careful and
# don't recurse infinitely or anything.  Note you can't use
# any variables in the include path here.

- include: intro_example.yml

# and if we wanted, we can continue with more includes here,
# or more plays inline in this file