# This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component. # This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is BSD licensed. # Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded dynamically by Ansible # still belong to the author of the module, and may assign their own license # to the complete work. # # (c) 2018 Red Hat Inc. # # Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os from functools import partial from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text from ansible.module_utils.basic import env_fallback from ansible.module_utils.common.validation import check_type_dict try: from infoblox_client.connector import Connector from infoblox_client.exceptions import InfobloxException HAS_INFOBLOX_CLIENT = True except ImportError: HAS_INFOBLOX_CLIENT = False # defining nios constants NIOS_DNS_VIEW = 'view' NIOS_NETWORK_VIEW = 'networkview' NIOS_HOST_RECORD = 'record:host' NIOS_IPV4_NETWORK = 'network' NIOS_IPV6_NETWORK = 'ipv6network' NIOS_ZONE = 'zone_auth' NIOS_PTR_RECORD = 'record:ptr' NIOS_A_RECORD = 'record:a' NIOS_AAAA_RECORD = 'record:aaaa' NIOS_CNAME_RECORD = 'record:cname' NIOS_MX_RECORD = 'record:mx' NIOS_SRV_RECORD = 'record:srv' NIOS_NAPTR_RECORD = 'record:naptr' NIOS_TXT_RECORD = 'record:txt' NIOS_NSGROUP = 'nsgroup' NIOS_IPV4_FIXED_ADDRESS = 'fixedaddress' NIOS_IPV6_FIXED_ADDRESS = 'ipv6fixedaddress' NIOS_NEXT_AVAILABLE_IP = 'func:nextavailableip' NIOS_IPV4_NETWORK_CONTAINER = 'networkcontainer' NIOS_IPV6_NETWORK_CONTAINER = 'ipv6networkcontainer' NIOS_MEMBER = 'member' NIOS_PROVIDER_SPEC = { 'host': dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['INFOBLOX_HOST'])), 'username': dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['INFOBLOX_USERNAME'])), 'password': dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['INFOBLOX_PASSWORD']), no_log=True), 'validate_certs': dict(type='bool', default=False, fallback=(env_fallback, ['INFOBLOX_SSL_VERIFY']), aliases=['ssl_verify']), 'silent_ssl_warnings': dict(type='bool', default=True), 'http_request_timeout': dict(type='int', default=10, fallback=(env_fallback, ['INFOBLOX_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT'])), 'http_pool_connections': dict(type='int', default=10), 'http_pool_maxsize': dict(type='int', default=10), 'max_retries': dict(type='int', default=3, fallback=(env_fallback, ['INFOBLOX_MAX_RETRIES'])), 'wapi_version': dict(default='2.1', fallback=(env_fallback, ['INFOBLOX_WAP_VERSION'])), 'max_results': dict(type='int', default=1000, fallback=(env_fallback, ['INFOBLOX_MAX_RETRIES'])) } def get_connector(*args, **kwargs): ''' Returns an instance of infoblox_client.connector.Connector :params args: positional arguments are silently ignored :params kwargs: dict that is passed to Connector init :returns: Connector ''' if not HAS_INFOBLOX_CLIENT: raise Exception('infoblox-client is required but does not appear ' 'to be installed. It can be installed using the ' 'command `pip install infoblox-client`') if not set(kwargs.keys()).issubset(list(NIOS_PROVIDER_SPEC.keys()) + ['ssl_verify']): raise Exception('invalid or unsupported keyword argument for connector') for key, value in iteritems(NIOS_PROVIDER_SPEC): if key not in kwargs: # apply default values from NIOS_PROVIDER_SPEC since we cannot just # assume the provider values are coming from AnsibleModule if 'default' in value: kwargs[key] = value['default'] # override any values with env variables unless they were # explicitly set env = ('INFOBLOX_%s' % key).upper() if env in os.environ: kwargs[key] = os.environ.get(env) if 'validate_certs' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['ssl_verify'] = kwargs['validate_certs'] kwargs.pop('validate_certs', None) return Connector(kwargs) def normalize_extattrs(value): ''' Normalize extattrs field to expected format The module accepts extattrs as key/value pairs. This method will transform the key/value pairs into a structure suitable for sending across WAPI in the format of: extattrs: { key: { value: <value> } } ''' return dict([(k, {'value': v}) for k, v in iteritems(value)]) def flatten_extattrs(value): ''' Flatten the key/value struct for extattrs WAPI returns extattrs field as a dict in form of: extattrs: { key: { value: <value> } } This method will flatten the structure to: extattrs: { key: value } ''' return dict([(k, v['value']) for k, v in iteritems(value)]) def member_normalize(member_spec): ''' Transforms the member module arguments into a valid WAPI struct This function will transform the arguments into a structure that is a valid WAPI structure in the format of: { key: <value>, } It will remove any arguments that are set to None since WAPI will error on that condition. The remainder of the value validation is performed by WAPI Some parameters in ib_spec are passed as a list in order to pass the validation for elements. In this function, they are converted to dictionary. ''' member_elements = ['vip_setting', 'ipv6_setting', 'lan2_port_setting', 'mgmt_port_setting', 'pre_provisioning', 'network_setting', 'v6_network_setting', 'ha_port_setting', 'lan_port_setting', 'lan2_physical_setting', 'lan_ha_port_setting', 'mgmt_network_setting', 'v6_mgmt_network_setting'] for key in list(member_spec.keys()): if key in member_elements and member_spec[key] is not None: member_spec[key] = member_spec[key][0] if isinstance(member_spec[key], dict): member_spec[key] = member_normalize(member_spec[key]) elif isinstance(member_spec[key], list): for x in member_spec[key]: if isinstance(x, dict): x = member_normalize(x) elif member_spec[key] is None: del member_spec[key] return member_spec def normalize_ib_spec(ib_spec): result = {} for arg in ib_spec: result[arg] = dict([(k, v) for k, v in iteritems(ib_spec[arg]) if k not in ('ib_req', 'transform', 'update')]) return result class WapiBase(object): ''' Base class for implementing Infoblox WAPI API ''' provider_spec = {'provider': dict(type='dict', options=NIOS_PROVIDER_SPEC)} def __init__(self, provider): self.connector = get_connector(**provider) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.__dict__[name] except KeyError: if name.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) return partial(self._invoke_method, name) def _invoke_method(self, name, *args, **kwargs): try: method = getattr(self.connector, name) return method(*args, **kwargs) except InfobloxException as exc: if hasattr(self, 'handle_exception'): self.handle_exception(name, exc) else: raise class WapiLookup(WapiBase): ''' Implements WapiBase for lookup plugins ''' def handle_exception(self, method_name, exc): if ('text' in exc.response): raise Exception(exc.response['text']) else: raise Exception(exc) class WapiInventory(WapiBase): ''' Implements WapiBase for dynamic inventory script ''' pass class WapiModule(WapiBase): ''' Implements WapiBase for executing a NIOS module ''' def __init__(self, module): self.module = module provider = module.params['provider'] try: super(WapiModule, self).__init__(provider) except Exception as exc: self.module.fail_json(msg=to_text(exc)) def handle_exception(self, method_name, exc): ''' Handles any exceptions raised This method will be called if an InfobloxException is raised for any call to the instance of Connector and also, in case of generic exception. This method will then gracefully fail the module. :args exc: instance of InfobloxException ''' if ('text' in exc.response): self.module.fail_json( msg=exc.response['text'], type=exc.response['Error'].split(':')[0], code=exc.response.get('code'), operation=method_name ) else: self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc)) def run(self, ib_obj_type, ib_spec): ''' Runs the module and performans configuration tasks :args ib_obj_type: the WAPI object type to operate against :args ib_spec: the specification for the WAPI object as a dict :returns: a results dict ''' update = new_name = None state = self.module.params['state'] if state not in ('present', 'absent'): self.module.fail_json(msg='state must be one of `present`, `absent`, got `%s`' % state) result = {'changed': False} obj_filter = dict([(k, self.module.params[k]) for k, v in iteritems(ib_spec) if v.get('ib_req')]) # get object reference ib_obj_ref, update, new_name = self.get_object_ref(self.module, ib_obj_type, obj_filter, ib_spec) proposed_object = {} for key, value in iteritems(ib_spec): if self.module.params[key] is not None: if 'transform' in value: proposed_object[key] = value['transform'](self.module) else: proposed_object[key] = self.module.params[key] # If configure_by_dns is set to False and view is 'default', then delete the default dns if not proposed_object.get('configure_for_dns') and proposed_object.get('view') == 'default'\ and ib_obj_type == NIOS_HOST_RECORD: del proposed_object['view'] if ib_obj_ref: if len(ib_obj_ref) > 1: for each in ib_obj_ref: # To check for existing A_record with same name with input A_record by IP if each.get('ipv4addr') and each.get('ipv4addr') == proposed_object.get('ipv4addr'): current_object = each # To check for existing Host_record with same name with input Host_record by IP elif each.get('ipv4addrs')[0].get('ipv4addr') and each.get('ipv4addrs')[0].get('ipv4addr')\ == proposed_object.get('ipv4addrs')[0].get('ipv4addr'): current_object = each # Else set the current_object with input value else: current_object = obj_filter ref = None else: current_object = ib_obj_ref[0] if 'extattrs' in current_object: current_object['extattrs'] = flatten_extattrs(current_object['extattrs']) if current_object.get('_ref'): ref = current_object.pop('_ref') else: current_object = obj_filter ref = None # checks if the object type is member to normalize the attributes being passed if (ib_obj_type == NIOS_MEMBER): proposed_object = member_normalize(proposed_object) # checks if the name's field has been updated if update and new_name: proposed_object['name'] = new_name check_remove = [] if (ib_obj_type == NIOS_HOST_RECORD): # this check is for idempotency, as if the same ip address shall be passed # add param will be removed, and same exists true for remove case as well. if 'ipv4addrs' in [current_object and proposed_object]: for each in current_object['ipv4addrs']: if each['ipv4addr'] == proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['ipv4addr']: if 'add' in proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]: del proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['add'] break check_remove += each.values() if proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['ipv4addr'] not in check_remove: if 'remove' in proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]: del proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['remove'] res = None modified = not self.compare_objects(current_object, proposed_object) if 'extattrs' in proposed_object: proposed_object['extattrs'] = normalize_extattrs(proposed_object['extattrs']) # Checks if nios_next_ip param is passed in ipv4addrs/ipv4addr args proposed_object = self.check_if_nios_next_ip_exists(proposed_object) if state == 'present': if ref is None: if not self.module.check_mode: self.create_object(ib_obj_type, proposed_object) result['changed'] = True # Check if NIOS_MEMBER and the flag to call function create_token is set elif (ib_obj_type == NIOS_MEMBER) and (proposed_object['create_token']): proposed_object = None # the function creates a token that can be used by a pre-provisioned member to join the grid result['api_results'] = self.call_func('create_token', ref, proposed_object) result['changed'] = True elif modified: if 'ipv4addrs' in proposed_object: if ('add' not in proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]) and ('remove' not in proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]): self.check_if_recordname_exists(obj_filter, ib_obj_ref, ib_obj_type, current_object, proposed_object) if (ib_obj_type in (NIOS_HOST_RECORD, NIOS_NETWORK_VIEW, NIOS_DNS_VIEW)): run_update = True proposed_object = self.on_update(proposed_object, ib_spec) if 'ipv4addrs' in proposed_object: if ('add' or 'remove') in proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]: run_update, proposed_object = self.check_if_add_remove_ip_arg_exists(proposed_object) if run_update: res = self.update_object(ref, proposed_object) result['changed'] = True else: res = ref if (ib_obj_type in (NIOS_A_RECORD, NIOS_AAAA_RECORD, NIOS_PTR_RECORD, NIOS_SRV_RECORD)): # popping 'view' key as update of 'view' is not supported with respect to a:record/aaaa:record/srv:record/ptr:record proposed_object = self.on_update(proposed_object, ib_spec) del proposed_object['view'] if not self.module.check_mode: res = self.update_object(ref, proposed_object) result['changed'] = True elif 'network_view' in proposed_object: proposed_object.pop('network_view') result['changed'] = True if not self.module.check_mode and res is None: proposed_object = self.on_update(proposed_object, ib_spec) self.update_object(ref, proposed_object) result['changed'] = True elif state == 'absent': if ref is not None: if 'ipv4addrs' in proposed_object: if 'remove' in proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]: self.check_if_add_remove_ip_arg_exists(proposed_object) self.update_object(ref, proposed_object) result['changed'] = True elif not self.module.check_mode: self.delete_object(ref) result['changed'] = True return result def check_if_recordname_exists(self, obj_filter, ib_obj_ref, ib_obj_type, current_object, proposed_object): ''' Send POST request if host record input name and retrieved ref name is same, but input IP and retrieved IP is different''' if 'name' in (obj_filter and ib_obj_ref[0]) and ib_obj_type == NIOS_HOST_RECORD: obj_host_name = obj_filter['name'] ref_host_name = ib_obj_ref[0]['name'] if 'ipv4addrs' in (current_object and proposed_object): current_ip_addr = current_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['ipv4addr'] proposed_ip_addr = proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['ipv4addr'] elif 'ipv6addrs' in (current_object and proposed_object): current_ip_addr = current_object['ipv6addrs'][0]['ipv6addr'] proposed_ip_addr = proposed_object['ipv6addrs'][0]['ipv6addr'] if obj_host_name == ref_host_name and current_ip_addr != proposed_ip_addr: self.create_object(ib_obj_type, proposed_object) def check_if_nios_next_ip_exists(self, proposed_object): ''' Check if nios_next_ip argument is passed in ipaddr while creating host record, if yes then format proposed object ipv4addrs and pass func:nextavailableip and ipaddr range to create hostrecord with next available ip in one call to avoid any race condition ''' if 'ipv4addrs' in proposed_object: if 'nios_next_ip' in proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['ipv4addr']: ip_range = check_type_dict(proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['ipv4addr'])['nios_next_ip'] proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['ipv4addr'] = NIOS_NEXT_AVAILABLE_IP + ':' + ip_range elif 'ipv4addr' in proposed_object: if 'nios_next_ip' in proposed_object['ipv4addr']: ip_range = check_type_dict(proposed_object['ipv4addr'])['nios_next_ip'] proposed_object['ipv4addr'] = NIOS_NEXT_AVAILABLE_IP + ':' + ip_range return proposed_object def check_if_add_remove_ip_arg_exists(self, proposed_object): ''' This function shall check if add/remove param is set to true and is passed in the args, then we will update the proposed dictionary to add/remove IP to existing host_record, if the user passes false param with the argument nothing shall be done. :returns: True if param is changed based on add/remove, and also the changed proposed_object. ''' update = False if 'add' in proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]: if proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['add']: proposed_object['ipv4addrs+'] = proposed_object['ipv4addrs'] del proposed_object['ipv4addrs'] del proposed_object['ipv4addrs+'][0]['add'] update = True else: del proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['add'] elif 'remove' in proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]: if proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['remove']: proposed_object['ipv4addrs-'] = proposed_object['ipv4addrs'] del proposed_object['ipv4addrs'] del proposed_object['ipv4addrs-'][0]['remove'] update = True else: del proposed_object['ipv4addrs'][0]['remove'] return update, proposed_object def issubset(self, item, objects): ''' Checks if item is a subset of objects :args item: the subset item to validate :args objects: superset list of objects to validate against :returns: True if item is a subset of one entry in objects otherwise this method will return None ''' for obj in objects: if isinstance(item, dict): if all(entry in obj.items() for entry in item.items()): return True else: if item in obj: return True def compare_objects(self, current_object, proposed_object): for key, proposed_item in iteritems(proposed_object): current_item = current_object.get(key) # if proposed has a key that current doesn't then the objects are # not equal and False will be immediately returned if current_item is None: return False elif isinstance(proposed_item, list): if key == 'aliases': if set(current_item) != set(proposed_item): return False for subitem in proposed_item: if not self.issubset(subitem, current_item): return False elif isinstance(proposed_item, dict): return self.compare_objects(current_item, proposed_item) else: if current_item != proposed_item: return False return True def get_object_ref(self, module, ib_obj_type, obj_filter, ib_spec): ''' this function gets the reference object of pre-existing nios objects ''' update = False old_name = new_name = None if ('name' in obj_filter): # gets and returns the current object based on name/old_name passed try: name_obj = check_type_dict(obj_filter['name']) old_name = name_obj['old_name'] new_name = name_obj['new_name'] except TypeError: name = obj_filter['name'] if old_name and new_name: if (ib_obj_type == NIOS_HOST_RECORD): test_obj_filter = dict([('name', old_name), ('view', obj_filter['view'])]) elif (ib_obj_type in (NIOS_AAAA_RECORD, NIOS_A_RECORD)): test_obj_filter = obj_filter else: test_obj_filter = dict([('name', old_name)]) # get the object reference ib_obj = self.get_object(ib_obj_type, test_obj_filter, return_fields=list(ib_spec.keys())) if ib_obj: obj_filter['name'] = new_name else: test_obj_filter['name'] = new_name ib_obj = self.get_object(ib_obj_type, test_obj_filter, return_fields=list(ib_spec.keys())) update = True return ib_obj, update, new_name if (ib_obj_type == NIOS_HOST_RECORD): # to check only by name if dns bypassing is set if not obj_filter['configure_for_dns']: test_obj_filter = dict([('name', name)]) else: test_obj_filter = dict([('name', name), ('view', obj_filter['view'])]) elif (ib_obj_type == NIOS_IPV4_FIXED_ADDRESS or ib_obj_type == NIOS_IPV6_FIXED_ADDRESS and 'mac' in obj_filter): test_obj_filter = dict([['mac', obj_filter['mac']]]) elif (ib_obj_type == NIOS_A_RECORD): # resolves issue where a_record with uppercase name was returning null and was failing test_obj_filter = obj_filter test_obj_filter['name'] = test_obj_filter['name'].lower() # resolves issue where multiple a_records with same name and different IP address try: ipaddr_obj = check_type_dict(obj_filter['ipv4addr']) ipaddr = ipaddr_obj['old_ipv4addr'] except TypeError: ipaddr = obj_filter['ipv4addr'] test_obj_filter['ipv4addr'] = ipaddr elif (ib_obj_type == NIOS_TXT_RECORD): # resolves issue where multiple txt_records with same name and different text test_obj_filter = obj_filter try: text_obj = check_type_dict(obj_filter['text']) txt = text_obj['old_text'] except TypeError: txt = obj_filter['text'] test_obj_filter['text'] = txt # check if test_obj_filter is empty copy passed obj_filter else: test_obj_filter = obj_filter ib_obj = self.get_object(ib_obj_type, test_obj_filter.copy(), return_fields=list(ib_spec.keys())) elif (ib_obj_type == NIOS_A_RECORD): # resolves issue where multiple a_records with same name and different IP address test_obj_filter = obj_filter try: ipaddr_obj = check_type_dict(obj_filter['ipv4addr']) ipaddr = ipaddr_obj['old_ipv4addr'] except TypeError: ipaddr = obj_filter['ipv4addr'] test_obj_filter['ipv4addr'] = ipaddr ib_obj = self.get_object(ib_obj_type, test_obj_filter.copy(), return_fields=list(ib_spec.keys())) elif (ib_obj_type == NIOS_TXT_RECORD): # resolves issue where multiple txt_records with same name and different text test_obj_filter = obj_filter try: text_obj = check_type_dict(obj_filter['text']) txt = text_obj['old_text'] except TypeError: txt = obj_filter['text'] test_obj_filter['text'] = txt ib_obj = self.get_object(ib_obj_type, test_obj_filter.copy(), return_fields=list(ib_spec.keys())) elif (ib_obj_type == NIOS_ZONE): # del key 'restart_if_needed' as nios_zone get_object fails with the key present temp = ib_spec['restart_if_needed'] del ib_spec['restart_if_needed'] ib_obj = self.get_object(ib_obj_type, obj_filter.copy(), return_fields=list(ib_spec.keys())) # reinstate restart_if_needed if ib_obj is none, meaning there's no existing nios_zone ref if not ib_obj: ib_spec['restart_if_needed'] = temp elif (ib_obj_type == NIOS_MEMBER): # del key 'create_token' as nios_member get_object fails with the key present temp = ib_spec['create_token'] del ib_spec['create_token'] ib_obj = self.get_object(ib_obj_type, obj_filter.copy(), return_fields=list(ib_spec.keys())) if temp: # reinstate 'create_token' key ib_spec['create_token'] = temp else: ib_obj = self.get_object(ib_obj_type, obj_filter.copy(), return_fields=list(ib_spec.keys())) return ib_obj, update, new_name def on_update(self, proposed_object, ib_spec): ''' Event called before the update is sent to the API endpoing This method will allow the final proposed object to be changed and/or keys filtered before it is sent to the API endpoint to be processed. :args proposed_object: A dict item that will be encoded and sent the API endpoint with the updated data structure :returns: updated object to be sent to API endpoint ''' keys = set() for key, value in iteritems(proposed_object): update = ib_spec[key].get('update', True) if not update: keys.add(key) return dict([(k, v) for k, v in iteritems(proposed_object) if k not in keys])