#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017, Ryan Scott Brown <ryansb@redhat.com> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: terraform short_description: Manages a Terraform deployment (and plans) description: - Provides support for deploying resources with Terraform and pulling resource information back into Ansible. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: state: choices: ['planned', 'present', 'absent'] description: - Goal state of given stage/project type: str default: present binary_path: description: - The path of a terraform binary to use, relative to the 'service_path' unless you supply an absolute path. type: path project_path: description: - The path to the root of the Terraform directory with the vars.tf/main.tf/etc to use. type: path required: true plugin_paths: description: - List of paths containing Terraform plugin executable files. - Plugin executables can be downloaded from U(https://releases.hashicorp.com/). - When set, the plugin discovery and auto-download behavior of Terraform is disabled. - The directory structure in the plugin path can be tricky. The Terraform docs U(https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/automate-terraform#pre-installed-plugins) show a simple directory of files, but actually, the directory structure has to follow the same structure you would see if Terraform auto-downloaded the plugins. See the examples below for a tree output of an example plugin directory. type: list elements: path version_added: 3.0.0 workspace: description: - The terraform workspace to work with. This sets the E(TF_WORKSPACE) environmental variable that is used to override workspace selection. For more information about workspaces have a look at U(https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/state/workspaces). type: str default: default purge_workspace: description: - Only works with state = absent - If true, the workspace will be deleted after the "terraform destroy" action. - The 'default' workspace will not be deleted. default: false type: bool plan_file: description: - The path to an existing Terraform plan file to apply. If this is not specified, Ansible will build a new TF plan and execute it. Note that this option is required if 'state' has the 'planned' value. type: path state_file: description: - The path to an existing Terraform state file to use when building plan. If this is not specified, the default C(terraform.tfstate) will be used. - This option is ignored when plan is specified. type: path variables_files: description: - The path to a variables file for Terraform to fill into the TF configurations. This can accept a list of paths to multiple variables files. type: list elements: path aliases: [ 'variables_file' ] variables: description: - A group of key-values pairs to override template variables or those in variables files. By default, only string and number values are allowed, which are passed on unquoted. - Support complex variable structures (lists, dictionaries, numbers, and booleans) to reflect terraform variable syntax when O(complex_vars=true). - Ansible integers or floats are mapped to terraform numbers. - Ansible strings are mapped to terraform strings. - Ansible dictionaries are mapped to terraform objects. - Ansible lists are mapped to terraform lists. - Ansible booleans are mapped to terraform booleans. - "B(Note) passwords passed as variables will be visible in the log output. Make sure to use C(no_log=true) in production!" type: dict complex_vars: description: - Enable/disable capability to handle complex variable structures for C(terraform). - If V(true) the O(variables) also accepts dictionaries, lists, and booleans to be passed to C(terraform). Strings that are passed are correctly quoted. - When disabled, supports only simple variables (strings, integers, and floats), and passes them on unquoted. type: bool default: false version_added: 5.7.0 targets: description: - A list of specific resources to target in this plan/application. The resources selected here will also auto-include any dependencies. type: list elements: str default: [] lock: description: - Enable statefile locking, if you use a service that accepts locks (such as S3+DynamoDB) to store your statefile. type: bool default: true lock_timeout: description: - How long to maintain the lock on the statefile, if you use a service that accepts locks (such as S3+DynamoDB). type: int force_init: description: - To avoid duplicating infra, if a state file can't be found this will force a C(terraform init). Generally, this should be turned off unless you intend to provision an entirely new Terraform deployment. default: false type: bool overwrite_init: description: - Run init even if C(.terraform/terraform.tfstate) already exists in O(project_path). default: true type: bool version_added: '3.2.0' backend_config: description: - A group of key-values to provide at init stage to the -backend-config parameter. type: dict backend_config_files: description: - The path to a configuration file to provide at init state to the -backend-config parameter. This can accept a list of paths to multiple configuration files. type: list elements: path version_added: '0.2.0' provider_upgrade: description: - Allows Terraform init to upgrade providers to versions specified in the project's version constraints. default: false type: bool version_added: 4.8.0 init_reconfigure: description: - Forces backend reconfiguration during init. default: false type: bool version_added: '1.3.0' check_destroy: description: - Apply only when no resources are destroyed. Note that this only prevents "destroy" actions, but not "destroy and re-create" actions. This option is ignored when O(state=absent). type: bool default: false version_added: '3.3.0' parallelism: description: - Restrict concurrent operations when Terraform applies the plan. type: int version_added: '3.8.0' notes: - To just run a C(terraform plan), use check mode. requirements: [ "terraform" ] author: "Ryan Scott Brown (@ryansb)" ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: Basic deploy of a service community.general.terraform: project_path: '{{ project_dir }}' state: present - name: Define the backend configuration at init community.general.terraform: project_path: 'project/' state: "{{ state }}" force_init: true backend_config: region: "eu-west-1" bucket: "some-bucket" key: "random.tfstate" - name: Define the backend configuration with one or more files at init community.general.terraform: project_path: 'project/' state: "{{ state }}" force_init: true backend_config_files: - /path/to/backend_config_file_1 - /path/to/backend_config_file_2 - name: Disable plugin discovery and auto-download by setting plugin_paths community.general.terraform: project_path: 'project/' state: "{{ state }}" force_init: true plugin_paths: - /path/to/plugins_dir_1 - /path/to/plugins_dir_2 - name: Complex variables example community.general.terraform: project_path: '{{ project_dir }}' state: present complex_vars: true variables: vm_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" vm_vcpus: 2 vm_mem: 2048 vm_additional_disks: - label: "Third Disk" size: 40 thin_provisioned: true unit_number: 2 - label: "Fourth Disk" size: 22 thin_provisioned: true unit_number: 3 force_init: true ### Example directory structure for plugin_paths example # $ tree /path/to/plugins_dir_1 # /path/to/plugins_dir_1/ # └── registry.terraform.io # └── hashicorp # └── vsphere # ├── 1.24.0 # │ └── linux_amd64 # │ └── terraform-provider-vsphere_v1.24.0_x4 # └── 1.26.0 # └── linux_amd64 # └── terraform-provider-vsphere_v1.26.0_x4 """ RETURN = """ outputs: type: complex description: A dictionary of all the TF outputs by their assigned name. Use RV(ignore:outputs.MyOutputName.value) to access the value. returned: on success sample: '{"bukkit_arn": {"sensitive": false, "type": "string", "value": "arn:aws:s3:::tf-test-bukkit"}' contains: sensitive: type: bool returned: always description: Whether Terraform has marked this value as sensitive type: type: str returned: always description: The type of the value (string, int, etc) value: type: str returned: always description: The value of the output as interpolated by Terraform stdout: type: str description: Full C(terraform) command stdout, in case you want to display it or examine the event log returned: always sample: '' command: type: str description: Full C(terraform) command built by this module, in case you want to re-run the command outside the module or debug a problem. returned: always sample: terraform apply ... """ import os import json import tempfile from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote from ansible.module_utils.six import integer_types from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.version import LooseVersion module = None def get_version(bin_path): extract_version = module.run_command([bin_path, 'version', '-json']) terraform_version = (json.loads(extract_version[1]))['terraform_version'] return terraform_version def preflight_validation(bin_path, project_path, version, variables_args=None, plan_file=None): if project_path is None or '/' not in project_path: module.fail_json(msg="Path for Terraform project can not be None or ''.") if not os.path.exists(bin_path): module.fail_json(msg="Path for Terraform binary '{0}' doesn't exist on this host - check the path and try again please.".format(bin_path)) if not os.path.isdir(project_path): module.fail_json(msg="Path for Terraform project '{0}' doesn't exist on this host - check the path and try again please.".format(project_path)) if LooseVersion(version) < LooseVersion('0.15.0'): module.run_command([bin_path, 'validate', '-no-color'] + variables_args, check_rc=True, cwd=project_path) else: module.run_command([bin_path, 'validate', '-no-color'], check_rc=True, cwd=project_path) def _state_args(state_file): if not state_file: return [] if not os.path.exists(state_file): module.warn('Could not find state_file "{0}", the process will not destroy any resources, please check your state file path.'.format(state_file)) return ['-state', state_file] def init_plugins(bin_path, project_path, backend_config, backend_config_files, init_reconfigure, provider_upgrade, plugin_paths, workspace): command = [bin_path, 'init', '-input=false', '-no-color'] if backend_config: for key, val in backend_config.items(): command.extend([ '-backend-config', '{0}={1}'.format(key, val) ]) if backend_config_files: for f in backend_config_files: command.extend(['-backend-config', f]) if init_reconfigure: command.extend(['-reconfigure']) if provider_upgrade: command.extend(['-upgrade']) if plugin_paths: for plugin_path in plugin_paths: command.extend(['-plugin-dir', plugin_path]) rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, check_rc=True, cwd=project_path, environ_update={"TF_WORKSPACE": workspace}) def get_workspace_context(bin_path, project_path): workspace_ctx = {"current": "default", "all": []} command = [bin_path, 'workspace', 'list', '-no-color'] rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, cwd=project_path) if rc != 0: module.warn("Failed to list Terraform workspaces:\n{0}".format(err)) for item in out.split('\n'): stripped_item = item.strip() if not stripped_item: continue elif stripped_item.startswith('* '): workspace_ctx["current"] = stripped_item.replace('* ', '') workspace_ctx["all"].append(stripped_item.replace('* ', '')) else: workspace_ctx["all"].append(stripped_item) return workspace_ctx def _workspace_cmd(bin_path, project_path, action, workspace): command = [bin_path, 'workspace', action, workspace, '-no-color'] rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, check_rc=True, cwd=project_path) return rc, out, err def create_workspace(bin_path, project_path, workspace): _workspace_cmd(bin_path, project_path, 'new', workspace) def select_workspace(bin_path, project_path, workspace): _workspace_cmd(bin_path, project_path, 'select', workspace) def remove_workspace(bin_path, project_path, workspace): _workspace_cmd(bin_path, project_path, 'delete', workspace) def build_plan(command, project_path, variables_args, state_file, targets, state, apply_args, plan_path=None): if plan_path is None: f, plan_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tfplan') local_command = command[:] plan_command = [command[0], 'plan'] if state == "planned": for c in local_command[1:]: plan_command.append(c) if state == "present": for a in apply_args: local_command.remove(a) for c in local_command[1:]: plan_command.append(c) plan_command.extend(['-input=false', '-no-color', '-detailed-exitcode', '-out', plan_path]) for t in targets: plan_command.extend(['-target', t]) plan_command.extend(_state_args(state_file)) rc, out, err = module.run_command(plan_command + variables_args, cwd=project_path) if rc == 0: # no changes return plan_path, False, out, err, plan_command if state == 'planned' else command elif rc == 1: # failure to plan module.fail_json( msg='Terraform plan could not be created\nSTDOUT: {out}\nSTDERR: {err}\nCOMMAND: {cmd} {args}'.format( out=out, err=err, cmd=' '.join(plan_command), args=' '.join([shlex_quote(arg) for arg in variables_args]) ) ) elif rc == 2: # changes, but successful return plan_path, True, out, err, plan_command if state == 'planned' else command module.fail_json(msg='Terraform plan failed with unexpected exit code {rc}.\nSTDOUT: {out}\nSTDERR: {err}\nCOMMAND: {cmd} {args}'.format( rc=rc, out=out, err=err, cmd=' '.join(plan_command), args=' '.join([shlex_quote(arg) for arg in variables_args]) )) def main(): global module module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( project_path=dict(required=True, type='path'), binary_path=dict(type='path'), plugin_paths=dict(type='list', elements='path'), workspace=dict(type='str', default='default'), purge_workspace=dict(type='bool', default=False), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'planned']), variables=dict(type='dict'), complex_vars=dict(type='bool', default=False), variables_files=dict(aliases=['variables_file'], type='list', elements='path'), plan_file=dict(type='path'), state_file=dict(type='path'), targets=dict(type='list', elements='str', default=[]), lock=dict(type='bool', default=True), lock_timeout=dict(type='int',), force_init=dict(type='bool', default=False), backend_config=dict(type='dict'), backend_config_files=dict(type='list', elements='path'), init_reconfigure=dict(type='bool', default=False), overwrite_init=dict(type='bool', default=True), check_destroy=dict(type='bool', default=False), parallelism=dict(type='int'), provider_upgrade=dict(type='bool', default=False), ), required_if=[('state', 'planned', ['plan_file'])], supports_check_mode=True, ) project_path = module.params.get('project_path') bin_path = module.params.get('binary_path') plugin_paths = module.params.get('plugin_paths') workspace = module.params.get('workspace') purge_workspace = module.params.get('purge_workspace') state = module.params.get('state') variables = module.params.get('variables') or {} complex_vars = module.params.get('complex_vars') variables_files = module.params.get('variables_files') plan_file = module.params.get('plan_file') state_file = module.params.get('state_file') force_init = module.params.get('force_init') backend_config = module.params.get('backend_config') backend_config_files = module.params.get('backend_config_files') init_reconfigure = module.params.get('init_reconfigure') overwrite_init = module.params.get('overwrite_init') check_destroy = module.params.get('check_destroy') provider_upgrade = module.params.get('provider_upgrade') if bin_path is not None: command = [bin_path] else: command = [module.get_bin_path('terraform', required=True)] checked_version = get_version(command[0]) if LooseVersion(checked_version) < LooseVersion('0.15.0'): DESTROY_ARGS = ('destroy', '-no-color', '-force') APPLY_ARGS = ('apply', '-no-color', '-input=false', '-auto-approve=true') else: DESTROY_ARGS = ('destroy', '-no-color', '-auto-approve') APPLY_ARGS = ('apply', '-no-color', '-input=false', '-auto-approve') if force_init: if overwrite_init or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(project_path, ".terraform", "terraform.tfstate")): init_plugins(command[0], project_path, backend_config, backend_config_files, init_reconfigure, provider_upgrade, plugin_paths, workspace) workspace_ctx = get_workspace_context(command[0], project_path) if workspace_ctx["current"] != workspace: if workspace not in workspace_ctx["all"]: create_workspace(command[0], project_path, workspace) else: select_workspace(command[0], project_path, workspace) if state == 'present': command.extend(APPLY_ARGS) elif state == 'absent': command.extend(DESTROY_ARGS) if state == 'present' and module.params.get('parallelism') is not None: command.append('-parallelism=%d' % module.params.get('parallelism')) def format_args(vars): if isinstance(vars, str): return '"{string}"'.format(string=vars.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')).replace('\n', '\\n') elif isinstance(vars, bool): if vars: return 'true' else: return 'false' return str(vars) def process_complex_args(vars): ret_out = [] if isinstance(vars, dict): for k, v in vars.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): ret_out.append('{0}={{{1}}}'.format(k, process_complex_args(v))) elif isinstance(v, list): ret_out.append("{0}={1}".format(k, process_complex_args(v))) elif isinstance(v, (integer_types, float, str, bool)): ret_out.append('{0}={1}'.format(k, format_args(v))) else: # only to handle anything unforeseen module.fail_json(msg="Supported types are, dictionaries, lists, strings, integer_types, boolean and float.") if isinstance(vars, list): l_out = [] for item in vars: if isinstance(item, dict): l_out.append("{{{0}}}".format(process_complex_args(item))) elif isinstance(item, list): l_out.append("{0}".format(process_complex_args(item))) elif isinstance(item, (str, integer_types, float, bool)): l_out.append(format_args(item)) else: # only to handle anything unforeseen module.fail_json(msg="Supported types are, dictionaries, lists, strings, integer_types, boolean and float.") ret_out.append("[{0}]".format(",".join(l_out))) return ",".join(ret_out) variables_args = [] if complex_vars: for k, v in variables.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): variables_args.extend([ '-var', '{0}={{{1}}}'.format(k, process_complex_args(v)) ]) elif isinstance(v, list): variables_args.extend([ '-var', '{0}={1}'.format(k, process_complex_args(v)) ]) # on the top-level we need to pass just the python string with necessary # terraform string escape sequences elif isinstance(v, str): variables_args.extend([ '-var', "{0}={1}".format(k, v) ]) else: variables_args.extend([ '-var', '{0}={1}'.format(k, format_args(v)) ]) else: for k, v in variables.items(): variables_args.extend([ '-var', '{0}={1}'.format(k, v) ]) if variables_files: for f in variables_files: variables_args.extend(['-var-file', f]) preflight_validation(command[0], project_path, checked_version, variables_args) if module.params.get('lock') is not None: if module.params.get('lock'): command.append('-lock=true') else: command.append('-lock=false') if module.params.get('lock_timeout') is not None: command.append('-lock-timeout=%ds' % module.params.get('lock_timeout')) for t in (module.params.get('targets') or []): command.extend(['-target', t]) # we aren't sure if this plan will result in changes, so assume yes needs_application, changed = True, False out, err = '', '' if state == 'absent': command.extend(variables_args) elif state == 'present' and plan_file: if any([os.path.isfile(project_path + "/" + plan_file), os.path.isfile(plan_file)]): command.append(plan_file) else: module.fail_json(msg='Could not find plan_file "{0}", check the path and try again.'.format(plan_file)) else: plan_file, needs_application, out, err, command = build_plan(command, project_path, variables_args, state_file, module.params.get('targets'), state, APPLY_ARGS, plan_file) if state == 'present' and check_destroy and '- destroy' in out: module.fail_json(msg="Aborting command because it would destroy some resources. " "Consider switching the 'check_destroy' to false to suppress this error") command.append(plan_file) if needs_application and not module.check_mode and state != 'planned': rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, check_rc=False, cwd=project_path) if rc != 0: if workspace_ctx["current"] != workspace: select_workspace(command[0], project_path, workspace_ctx["current"]) module.fail_json(msg=err.rstrip(), rc=rc, stdout=out, stdout_lines=out.splitlines(), stderr=err, stderr_lines=err.splitlines(), cmd=' '.join(command)) # checks out to decide if changes were made during execution if ' 0 added, 0 changed' not in out and not state == "absent" or ' 0 destroyed' not in out: changed = True outputs_command = [command[0], 'output', '-no-color', '-json'] + _state_args(state_file) rc, outputs_text, outputs_err = module.run_command(outputs_command, cwd=project_path) outputs = {} if rc == 1: module.warn("Could not get Terraform outputs. This usually means none have been defined.\nstdout: {0}\nstderr: {1}".format(outputs_text, outputs_err)) elif rc != 0: module.fail_json( msg="Failure when getting Terraform outputs. " "Exited {0}.\nstdout: {1}\nstderr: {2}".format(rc, outputs_text, outputs_err), command=' '.join(outputs_command)) else: outputs = json.loads(outputs_text) # Restore the Terraform workspace found when running the module if workspace_ctx["current"] != workspace: select_workspace(command[0], project_path, workspace_ctx["current"]) if state == 'absent' and workspace != 'default' and purge_workspace is True: remove_workspace(command[0], project_path, workspace) module.exit_json(changed=changed, state=state, workspace=workspace, outputs=outputs, stdout=out, stderr=err, command=' '.join(command)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()