--- - name: "set variables for the entire playbook" set_fact: foobarrc: "{{ foobarrc }}" foobarrc_ansible: "{{ foobarrc }}.ansible" foobarrc_distrib: "{{ foobarrc }}.distrib" foobarrc_oldtext: "# foobar configuration file\n# Please refer to the documentation for details\n" foobarrc_oldsha1: "e1c54c36d2fd1b8d67d1826e49b95ac8c0f24c0a" foobarrc_newtext: "# Custom foobar configuration file\nFOO=bar\nBAR=foo" foobarrc_newsha1: "3fe6c890519fb48e27c1b0e3e37afb11357d5cac" vars: foobarrc: "/etc/foobarrc" - name: "remove foobarrc diversion" dpkg_divert: path: "{{ foobarrc }}" state: absent become: yes - name: "remove test files" file: path: "{{ dpkg_divert_item }}" state: absent loop: - "{{ foobarrc_ansible }}" - "{{ foobarrc_distrib }}" loop_control: loop_var: dpkg_divert_item become: yes - block: - name: "include tasks to perform basic tests (create, remove, update)" include_tasks: tests/01-basic.yml - name: "include tasks to perform other tests (rename)" include_tasks: tests/02-rename.yml become: yes diff: yes