# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Korn <korndaniel1@gmail.com> # # This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component. # This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is BSD licensed. # Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded dynamically by Ansible # still belong to the author of the module, and may assign their own license # to the complete work. # # Simplified BSD License (see LICENSES/BSD-2-Clause.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause) # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib CLIENT_IMP_ERR = None try: from manageiq_client.api import ManageIQClient HAS_CLIENT = True except ImportError: CLIENT_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() HAS_CLIENT = False def manageiq_argument_spec(): options = dict( url=dict(default=os.environ.get('MIQ_URL', None)), username=dict(default=os.environ.get('MIQ_USERNAME', None)), password=dict(default=os.environ.get('MIQ_PASSWORD', None), no_log=True), token=dict(default=os.environ.get('MIQ_TOKEN', None), no_log=True), validate_certs=dict(default=True, type='bool', aliases=['verify_ssl']), ca_cert=dict(required=False, default=None, aliases=['ca_bundle_path']), ) return dict( manageiq_connection=dict(type='dict', apply_defaults=True, options=options), ) def check_client(module): if not HAS_CLIENT: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('manageiq-client'), exception=CLIENT_IMP_ERR) def validate_connection_params(module): params = module.params['manageiq_connection'] error_str = "missing required argument: manageiq_connection[{}]" url = params['url'] token = params['token'] username = params['username'] password = params['password'] if (url and username and password) or (url and token): return params for arg in ['url', 'username', 'password']: if params[arg] in (None, ''): module.fail_json(msg=error_str.format(arg)) def manageiq_entities(): return { 'provider': 'providers', 'host': 'hosts', 'vm': 'vms', 'category': 'categories', 'cluster': 'clusters', 'data store': 'data_stores', 'group': 'groups', 'resource pool': 'resource_pools', 'service': 'services', 'service template': 'service_templates', 'template': 'templates', 'tenant': 'tenants', 'user': 'users', 'blueprint': 'blueprints' } class ManageIQ(object): """ class encapsulating ManageIQ API client. """ def __init__(self, module): # handle import errors check_client(module) params = validate_connection_params(module) url = params['url'] username = params['username'] password = params['password'] token = params['token'] verify_ssl = params['validate_certs'] ca_bundle_path = params['ca_cert'] self._module = module self._api_url = url + '/api' self._auth = dict(user=username, password=password, token=token) try: self._client = ManageIQClient(self._api_url, self._auth, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle_path=ca_bundle_path) except Exception as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="failed to open connection (%s): %s" % (url, str(e))) @property def module(self): """ Ansible module module Returns: the ansible module """ return self._module @property def api_url(self): """ Base ManageIQ API Returns: the base ManageIQ API """ return self._api_url @property def client(self): """ ManageIQ client Returns: the ManageIQ client """ return self._client def find_collection_resource_by(self, collection_name, **params): """ Searches the collection resource by the collection name and the param passed. Returns: the resource as an object if it exists in manageiq, None otherwise. """ try: entity = self.client.collections.__getattribute__(collection_name).get(**params) except ValueError: return None except Exception as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="failed to find resource {error}".format(error=e)) return vars(entity) def find_collection_resource_or_fail(self, collection_name, **params): """ Searches the collection resource by the collection name and the param passed. Returns: the resource as an object if it exists in manageiq, Fail otherwise. """ resource = self.find_collection_resource_by(collection_name, **params) if resource: return resource else: msg = "{collection_name} where {params} does not exist in manageiq".format( collection_name=collection_name, params=str(params)) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) def policies(self, resource_id, resource_type, resource_name): manageiq = ManageIQ(self.module) # query resource id, fail if resource does not exist if resource_id is None: resource_id = manageiq.find_collection_resource_or_fail(resource_type, name=resource_name)['id'] return ManageIQPolicies(manageiq, resource_type, resource_id) def query_resource_id(self, resource_type, resource_name): """ Query the resource name in ManageIQ. Returns: the resource ID if it exists in ManageIQ, Fail otherwise. """ resource = self.find_collection_resource_by(resource_type, name=resource_name) if resource: return resource["id"] else: msg = "{resource_name} {resource_type} does not exist in manageiq".format( resource_name=resource_name, resource_type=resource_type) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) class ManageIQPolicies(object): """ Object to execute policies management operations of manageiq resources. """ def __init__(self, manageiq, resource_type, resource_id): self.manageiq = manageiq self.module = self.manageiq.module self.api_url = self.manageiq.api_url self.client = self.manageiq.client self.resource_type = resource_type self.resource_id = resource_id self.resource_url = '{api_url}/{resource_type}/{resource_id}'.format( api_url=self.api_url, resource_type=resource_type, resource_id=resource_id) def query_profile_href(self, profile): """ Add or Update the policy_profile href field Example: {name: STR, ...} => {name: STR, href: STR} """ resource = self.manageiq.find_collection_resource_or_fail( "policy_profiles", **profile) return dict(name=profile['name'], href=resource['href']) def query_resource_profiles(self): """ Returns a set of the profile objects objects assigned to the resource """ url = '{resource_url}/policy_profiles?expand=resources' try: response = self.client.get(url.format(resource_url=self.resource_url)) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to query {resource_type} policies: {error}".format( resource_type=self.resource_type, error=e) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) resources = response.get('resources', []) # clean the returned rest api profile object to look like: # {profile_name: STR, profile_description: STR, policies: ARR<POLICIES>} profiles = [self.clean_profile_object(profile) for profile in resources] return profiles def query_profile_policies(self, profile_id): """ Returns a set of the policy objects assigned to the resource """ url = '{api_url}/policy_profiles/{profile_id}?expand=policies' try: response = self.client.get(url.format(api_url=self.api_url, profile_id=profile_id)) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to query {resource_type} policies: {error}".format( resource_type=self.resource_type, error=e) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) resources = response.get('policies', []) # clean the returned rest api policy object to look like: # {name: STR, description: STR, active: BOOL} policies = [self.clean_policy_object(policy) for policy in resources] return policies def clean_policy_object(self, policy): """ Clean a policy object to have human readable form of: { name: STR, description: STR, active: BOOL } """ name = policy.get('name') description = policy.get('description') active = policy.get('active') return dict( name=name, description=description, active=active) def clean_profile_object(self, profile): """ Clean a profile object to have human readable form of: { profile_name: STR, profile_description: STR, policies: ARR<POLICIES> } """ profile_id = profile['id'] name = profile.get('name') description = profile.get('description') policies = self.query_profile_policies(profile_id) return dict( profile_name=name, profile_description=description, policies=policies) def profiles_to_update(self, profiles, action): """ Create a list of policies we need to update in ManageIQ. Returns: Whether or not a change took place and a message describing the operation executed. """ profiles_to_post = [] assigned_profiles = self.query_resource_profiles() # make a list of assigned full profile names strings # e.g. ['openscap profile', ...] assigned_profiles_set = set([profile['profile_name'] for profile in assigned_profiles]) for profile in profiles: assigned = profile.get('name') in assigned_profiles_set if (action == 'unassign' and assigned) or (action == 'assign' and not assigned): # add/update the policy profile href field # {name: STR, ...} => {name: STR, href: STR} profile = self.query_profile_href(profile) profiles_to_post.append(profile) return profiles_to_post def assign_or_unassign_profiles(self, profiles, action): """ Perform assign/unassign action """ # get a list of profiles needed to be changed profiles_to_post = self.profiles_to_update(profiles, action) if not profiles_to_post: return dict( changed=False, msg="Profiles {profiles} already {action}ed, nothing to do".format( action=action, profiles=profiles)) # try to assign or unassign profiles to resource url = '{resource_url}/policy_profiles'.format(resource_url=self.resource_url) try: response = self.client.post(url, action=action, resources=profiles_to_post) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to {action} profile: {error}".format( action=action, error=e) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) # check all entities in result to be successful for result in response['results']: if not result['success']: msg = "Failed to {action}: {message}".format( action=action, message=result['message']) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) # successfully changed all needed profiles return dict( changed=True, msg="Successfully {action}ed profiles: {profiles}".format( action=action, profiles=profiles)) class ManageIQTags(object): """ Object to execute tags management operations of manageiq resources. """ def __init__(self, manageiq, resource_type, resource_id): self.manageiq = manageiq self.module = self.manageiq.module self.api_url = self.manageiq.api_url self.client = self.manageiq.client self.resource_type = resource_type self.resource_id = resource_id self.resource_url = '{api_url}/{resource_type}/{resource_id}'.format( api_url=self.api_url, resource_type=resource_type, resource_id=resource_id) def full_tag_name(self, tag): """ Returns the full tag name in manageiq """ return '/managed/{tag_category}/{tag_name}'.format( tag_category=tag['category'], tag_name=tag['name']) def clean_tag_object(self, tag): """ Clean a tag object to have human readable form of: { full_name: STR, name: STR, display_name: STR, category: STR } """ full_name = tag.get('name') categorization = tag.get('categorization', {}) return dict( full_name=full_name, name=categorization.get('name'), display_name=categorization.get('display_name'), category=categorization.get('category', {}).get('name')) def query_resource_tags(self): """ Returns a set of the tag objects assigned to the resource """ url = '{resource_url}/tags?expand=resources&attributes=categorization' try: response = self.client.get(url.format(resource_url=self.resource_url)) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to query {resource_type} tags: {error}".format( resource_type=self.resource_type, error=e) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) resources = response.get('resources', []) # clean the returned rest api tag object to look like: # {full_name: STR, name: STR, display_name: STR, category: STR} tags = [self.clean_tag_object(tag) for tag in resources] return tags def tags_to_update(self, tags, action): """ Create a list of tags we need to update in ManageIQ. Returns: Whether or not a change took place and a message describing the operation executed. """ tags_to_post = [] assigned_tags = self.query_resource_tags() # make a list of assigned full tag names strings # e.g. ['/managed/environment/prod', ...] assigned_tags_set = set([tag['full_name'] for tag in assigned_tags]) for tag in tags: assigned = self.full_tag_name(tag) in assigned_tags_set if assigned and action == 'unassign': tags_to_post.append(tag) elif (not assigned) and action == 'assign': tags_to_post.append(tag) return tags_to_post def assign_or_unassign_tags(self, tags, action): """ Perform assign/unassign action """ # get a list of tags needed to be changed tags_to_post = self.tags_to_update(tags, action) if not tags_to_post: return dict( changed=False, msg="Tags already {action}ed, nothing to do".format(action=action)) # try to assign or unassign tags to resource url = '{resource_url}/tags'.format(resource_url=self.resource_url) try: response = self.client.post(url, action=action, resources=tags) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to {action} tag: {error}".format( action=action, error=e) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) # check all entities in result to be successful for result in response['results']: if not result['success']: msg = "Failed to {action}: {message}".format( action=action, message=result['message']) self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) # successfully changed all needed tags return dict( changed=True, msg="Successfully {action}ed tags".format(action=action))