#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013, Daniel Jaouen # Copyright (c) 2016, Indrajit Raychaudhuri # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: homebrew_cask author: - "Indrajit Raychaudhuri (@indrajitr)" - "Daniel Jaouen (@danieljaouen)" - "Enric Lluelles (@enriclluelles)" short_description: Install and uninstall homebrew casks description: - Manages Homebrew casks. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: name: description: - Name of cask to install or remove. aliases: [ 'cask', 'package', 'pkg' ] type: list elements: str path: description: - "':' separated list of paths to search for 'brew' executable." default: '/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin' type: path state: description: - State of the cask. choices: [ 'absent', 'installed', 'latest', 'present', 'removed', 'uninstalled', 'upgraded' ] default: present type: str sudo_password: description: - The sudo password to be passed to SUDO_ASKPASS. required: false type: str update_homebrew: description: - Update homebrew itself first. - Note that C(brew cask update) is a synonym for C(brew update). type: bool default: false install_options: description: - Options flags to install a package. aliases: [ 'options' ] type: list elements: str accept_external_apps: description: - Allow external apps. type: bool default: false upgrade_all: description: - Upgrade all casks. - Mutually exclusive with C(upgraded) state. type: bool default: false aliases: [ 'upgrade' ] greedy: description: - Upgrade casks that auto update. - Passes C(--greedy) to C(brew outdated --cask) when checking if an installed cask has a newer version available, or to C(brew upgrade --cask) when upgrading all casks. type: bool default: false ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Install cask community.general.homebrew_cask: name: alfred state: present - name: Remove cask community.general.homebrew_cask: name: alfred state: absent - name: Install cask with install options community.general.homebrew_cask: name: alfred state: present install_options: 'appdir=/Applications' - name: Install cask with install options community.general.homebrew_cask: name: alfred state: present install_options: 'debug,appdir=/Applications' - name: Install cask with force option community.general.homebrew_cask: name: alfred state: present install_options: force - name: Allow external app community.general.homebrew_cask: name: alfred state: present accept_external_apps: true - name: Remove cask with force option community.general.homebrew_cask: name: alfred state: absent install_options: force - name: Upgrade all casks community.general.homebrew_cask: upgrade_all: true - name: Upgrade all casks with greedy option community.general.homebrew_cask: upgrade_all: true greedy: true - name: Upgrade given cask with force option community.general.homebrew_cask: name: alfred state: upgraded install_options: force - name: Upgrade cask with greedy option community.general.homebrew_cask: name: 1password state: upgraded greedy: true - name: Using sudo password for installing cask community.general.homebrew_cask: name: wireshark state: present sudo_password: "{{ ansible_become_pass }}" ''' import os import re import tempfile from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.version import LooseVersion from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.homebrew import HomebrewValidate from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, string_types # exceptions -------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ class HomebrewCaskException(Exception): pass # /exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------- }}} # utils ------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ def _create_regex_group_complement(s): lines = (line.strip() for line in s.split('\n') if line.strip()) chars = filter(None, (line.split('#')[0].strip() for line in lines)) group = r'[^' + r''.join(chars) + r']' return re.compile(group) # /utils ------------------------------------------------------------------ }}} class HomebrewCask(object): '''A class to manage Homebrew casks.''' # class regexes ------------------------------------------------ {{{ VALID_CASK_CHARS = r''' \w # alphanumeric characters (i.e., [a-zA-Z0-9_]) . # dots / # slash (for taps) \- # dashes @ # at symbol ''' INVALID_CASK_REGEX = _create_regex_group_complement(VALID_CASK_CHARS) # /class regexes ----------------------------------------------- }}} # class validations -------------------------------------------- {{{ @classmethod def valid_cask(cls, cask): '''A valid cask is either None or alphanumeric + backslashes.''' if cask is None: return True return ( isinstance(cask, string_types) and not cls.INVALID_CASK_REGEX.search(cask) ) @classmethod def valid_state(cls, state): ''' A valid state is one of: - installed - absent ''' if state is None: return True else: return ( isinstance(state, string_types) and state.lower() in ( 'installed', 'absent', ) ) @classmethod def valid_module(cls, module): '''A valid module is an instance of AnsibleModule.''' return isinstance(module, AnsibleModule) # /class validations ------------------------------------------- }}} # class properties --------------------------------------------- {{{ @property def module(self): return self._module @module.setter def module(self, module): if not self.valid_module(module): self._module = None self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid module: {0}.'.format(module) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) else: self._module = module return module @property def path(self): return self._path @path.setter def path(self, path): if not HomebrewValidate.valid_path(path): self._path = [] self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid path: {0}.'.format(path) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) else: if isinstance(path, string_types): self._path = path.split(':') else: self._path = path return path @property def brew_path(self): return self._brew_path @brew_path.setter def brew_path(self, brew_path): if not HomebrewValidate.valid_brew_path(brew_path): self._brew_path = None self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid brew_path: {0}.'.format(brew_path) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) else: self._brew_path = brew_path return brew_path @property def params(self): return self._params @params.setter def params(self, params): self._params = self.module.params return self._params @property def current_cask(self): return self._current_cask @current_cask.setter def current_cask(self, cask): if not self.valid_cask(cask): self._current_cask = None self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid cask: {0}.'.format(cask) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) else: self._current_cask = cask return cask @property def brew_version(self): try: return self._brew_version except AttributeError: return None @brew_version.setter def brew_version(self, brew_version): self._brew_version = brew_version # /class properties -------------------------------------------- }}} def __init__(self, module, path=path, casks=None, state=None, sudo_password=None, update_homebrew=False, install_options=None, accept_external_apps=False, upgrade_all=False, greedy=False): if not install_options: install_options = list() self._setup_status_vars() self._setup_instance_vars(module=module, path=path, casks=casks, state=state, sudo_password=sudo_password, update_homebrew=update_homebrew, install_options=install_options, accept_external_apps=accept_external_apps, upgrade_all=upgrade_all, greedy=greedy, ) self._prep() # prep --------------------------------------------------------- {{{ def _setup_status_vars(self): self.failed = False self.changed = False self.changed_count = 0 self.unchanged_count = 0 self.message = '' def _setup_instance_vars(self, **kwargs): for key, val in iteritems(kwargs): setattr(self, key, val) def _prep(self): self._prep_brew_path() def _prep_brew_path(self): if not self.module: self.brew_path = None self.failed = True self.message = 'AnsibleModule not set.' raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) self.brew_path = self.module.get_bin_path( 'brew', required=True, opt_dirs=self.path, ) if not self.brew_path: self.brew_path = None self.failed = True self.message = 'Unable to locate homebrew executable.' raise HomebrewCaskException('Unable to locate homebrew executable.') return self.brew_path def _status(self): return (self.failed, self.changed, self.message) # /prep -------------------------------------------------------- }}} def run(self): try: self._run() except HomebrewCaskException: pass if not self.failed and (self.changed_count + self.unchanged_count > 1): self.message = "Changed: %d, Unchanged: %d" % ( self.changed_count, self.unchanged_count, ) (failed, changed, message) = self._status() return (failed, changed, message) # checks ------------------------------------------------------- {{{ def _current_cask_is_outdated(self): if not self.valid_cask(self.current_cask): return False if self._brew_cask_command_is_deprecated(): base_opts = [self.brew_path, 'outdated', '--cask'] else: base_opts = [self.brew_path, 'cask', 'outdated'] cask_is_outdated_command = base_opts + (['--greedy'] if self.greedy else []) + [self.current_cask] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cask_is_outdated_command) return out != "" def _current_cask_is_installed(self): if not self.valid_cask(self.current_cask): self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid cask: {0}.'.format(self.current_cask) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) if self._brew_cask_command_is_deprecated(): base_opts = [self.brew_path, "list", "--cask"] else: base_opts = [self.brew_path, "cask", "list"] cmd = base_opts + [self.current_cask] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: return True else: return False def _get_brew_version(self): if self.brew_version: return self.brew_version cmd = [self.brew_path, '--version'] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd, check_rc=True) # get version string from first line of "brew --version" output version = out.split('\n')[0].split(' ')[1] self.brew_version = version return self.brew_version def _brew_cask_command_is_deprecated(self): # The `brew cask` replacements were fully available in 2.6.0 (https://brew.sh/2020/12/01/homebrew-2.6.0/) return LooseVersion(self._get_brew_version()) >= LooseVersion('2.6.0') # /checks ------------------------------------------------------ }}} # commands ----------------------------------------------------- {{{ def _run(self): if self.upgrade_all: return self._upgrade_all() if self.casks: if self.state == 'installed': return self._install_casks() elif self.state == 'upgraded': return self._upgrade_casks() elif self.state == 'absent': return self._uninstall_casks() self.failed = True self.message = "You must select a cask to install." raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) # sudo_password fix ---------------------- {{{ def _run_command_with_sudo_password(self, cmd): rc, out, err = '', '', '' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as sudo_askpass_file: sudo_askpass_file.write(b"#!/bin/sh\n\necho '%s'\n" % to_bytes(self.sudo_password)) os.chmod(sudo_askpass_file.name, 0o700) sudo_askpass_file.file.close() rc, out, err = self.module.run_command( cmd, environ_update={'SUDO_ASKPASS': sudo_askpass_file.name} ) self.module.add_cleanup_file(sudo_askpass_file.name) return (rc, out, err) # /sudo_password fix --------------------- }}} # updated -------------------------------- {{{ def _update_homebrew(self): rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([ self.brew_path, 'update', ]) if rc == 0: if out and isinstance(out, string_types): already_updated = any( re.search(r'Already up-to-date.', s.strip(), re.IGNORECASE) for s in out.split('\n') if s ) if not already_updated: self.changed = True self.message = 'Homebrew updated successfully.' else: self.message = 'Homebrew already up-to-date.' return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) # /updated ------------------------------- }}} # _upgrade_all --------------------------- {{{ def _upgrade_all(self): if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Casks would be upgraded.' raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) if self._brew_cask_command_is_deprecated(): cmd = [self.brew_path, 'upgrade', '--cask'] else: cmd = [self.brew_path, 'cask', 'upgrade'] if self.greedy: cmd = cmd + ['--greedy'] rc, out, err = '', '', '' if self.sudo_password: rc, out, err = self._run_command_with_sudo_password(cmd) else: rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: # 'brew upgrade --cask' does not output anything if no casks are upgraded if not out.strip(): self.message = 'Homebrew casks already upgraded.' # handle legacy 'brew cask upgrade' elif re.search(r'==> No Casks to upgrade', out.strip(), re.IGNORECASE): self.message = 'Homebrew casks already upgraded.' else: self.changed = True self.message = 'Homebrew casks upgraded.' return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) # /_upgrade_all -------------------------- }}} # installed ------------------------------ {{{ def _install_current_cask(self): if not self.valid_cask(self.current_cask): self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid cask: {0}.'.format(self.current_cask) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) if '--force' not in self.install_options and self._current_cask_is_installed(): self.unchanged_count += 1 self.message = 'Cask already installed: {0}'.format( self.current_cask, ) return True if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Cask would be installed: {0}'.format( self.current_cask ) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) if self._brew_cask_command_is_deprecated(): base_opts = [self.brew_path, 'install', '--cask'] else: base_opts = [self.brew_path, 'cask', 'install'] opts = base_opts + [self.current_cask] + self.install_options cmd = [opt for opt in opts if opt] rc, out, err = '', '', '' if self.sudo_password: rc, out, err = self._run_command_with_sudo_password(cmd) else: rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if self._current_cask_is_installed(): self.changed_count += 1 self.changed = True self.message = 'Cask installed: {0}'.format(self.current_cask) return True elif self.accept_external_apps and re.search(r"Error: It seems there is already an App at", err): self.unchanged_count += 1 self.message = 'Cask already installed: {0}'.format( self.current_cask, ) return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) def _install_casks(self): for cask in self.casks: self.current_cask = cask self._install_current_cask() return True # /installed ----------------------------- }}} # upgraded ------------------------------- {{{ def _upgrade_current_cask(self): command = 'upgrade' if not self.valid_cask(self.current_cask): self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid cask: {0}.'.format(self.current_cask) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) if not self._current_cask_is_installed(): command = 'install' if self._current_cask_is_installed() and not self._current_cask_is_outdated(): self.message = 'Cask is already upgraded: {0}'.format( self.current_cask, ) self.unchanged_count += 1 return True if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Cask would be upgraded: {0}'.format( self.current_cask ) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) if self._brew_cask_command_is_deprecated(): base_opts = [self.brew_path, command, '--cask'] else: base_opts = [self.brew_path, 'cask', command] opts = base_opts + self.install_options + [self.current_cask] cmd = [opt for opt in opts if opt] rc, out, err = '', '', '' if self.sudo_password: rc, out, err = self._run_command_with_sudo_password(cmd) else: rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if self._current_cask_is_installed() and not self._current_cask_is_outdated(): self.changed_count += 1 self.changed = True self.message = 'Cask upgraded: {0}'.format(self.current_cask) return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) def _upgrade_casks(self): for cask in self.casks: self.current_cask = cask self._upgrade_current_cask() return True # /upgraded ------------------------------ }}} # uninstalled ---------------------------- {{{ def _uninstall_current_cask(self): if not self.valid_cask(self.current_cask): self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid cask: {0}.'.format(self.current_cask) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) if not self._current_cask_is_installed(): self.unchanged_count += 1 self.message = 'Cask already uninstalled: {0}'.format( self.current_cask, ) return True if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Cask would be uninstalled: {0}'.format( self.current_cask ) raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) if self._brew_cask_command_is_deprecated(): base_opts = [self.brew_path, 'uninstall', '--cask'] else: base_opts = [self.brew_path, 'cask', 'uninstall'] opts = base_opts + [self.current_cask] + self.install_options cmd = [opt for opt in opts if opt] rc, out, err = '', '', '' if self.sudo_password: rc, out, err = self._run_command_with_sudo_password(cmd) else: rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if not self._current_cask_is_installed(): self.changed_count += 1 self.changed = True self.message = 'Cask uninstalled: {0}'.format(self.current_cask) return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewCaskException(self.message) def _uninstall_casks(self): for cask in self.casks: self.current_cask = cask self._uninstall_current_cask() return True # /uninstalled --------------------------- }}} # /commands ---------------------------------------------------- }}} def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( name=dict( aliases=["pkg", "package", "cask"], required=False, type='list', elements='str', ), path=dict( default="/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin", required=False, type='path', ), state=dict( default="present", choices=[ "present", "installed", "latest", "upgraded", "absent", "removed", "uninstalled", ], ), sudo_password=dict( type="str", required=False, no_log=True, ), update_homebrew=dict( default=False, type='bool', ), install_options=dict( default=None, aliases=['options'], type='list', elements='str', ), accept_external_apps=dict( default=False, type='bool', ), upgrade_all=dict( default=False, aliases=["upgrade"], type='bool', ), greedy=dict( default=False, type='bool', ), ), supports_check_mode=True, ) module.run_command_environ_update = dict(LANG='C', LC_ALL='C', LC_MESSAGES='C', LC_CTYPE='C') p = module.params if p['name']: casks = p['name'] else: casks = None path = p['path'] if path: path = path.split(':') state = p['state'] if state in ('present', 'installed'): state = 'installed' if state in ('latest', 'upgraded'): state = 'upgraded' if state in ('absent', 'removed', 'uninstalled'): state = 'absent' sudo_password = p['sudo_password'] update_homebrew = p['update_homebrew'] upgrade_all = p['upgrade_all'] greedy = p['greedy'] p['install_options'] = p['install_options'] or [] install_options = ['--{0}'.format(install_option) for install_option in p['install_options']] accept_external_apps = p['accept_external_apps'] brew_cask = HomebrewCask(module=module, path=path, casks=casks, state=state, sudo_password=sudo_password, update_homebrew=update_homebrew, install_options=install_options, accept_external_apps=accept_external_apps, upgrade_all=upgrade_all, greedy=greedy, ) (failed, changed, message) = brew_cask.run() if failed: module.fail_json(msg=message) else: module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=message) if __name__ == '__main__': main()