#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2012, Franck Cuny # Copyright (c) 2021, Alexei Znamensky # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: cpanm short_description: Manages Perl library dependencies description: - Manage Perl library dependencies using cpanminus. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: none diff_mode: support: none options: name: type: str description: - The Perl library to install. Valid values change according to the O(mode), see notes for more details. - Note that for installing from a local path the parameter O(from_path) should be used. aliases: [pkg] from_path: type: path description: - The local directory or C(tar.gz) file to install from. notest: description: - Do not run unit tests. type: bool default: false locallib: description: - Specify the install base to install modules. type: path mirror: description: - Specifies the base URL for the CPAN mirror to use. type: str mirror_only: description: - Use the mirror's index file instead of the CPAN Meta DB. type: bool default: false installdeps: description: - Only install dependencies. type: bool default: false version: description: - Version specification for the perl module. When O(mode) is V(new), C(cpanm) version operators are accepted. type: str executable: description: - Override the path to the cpanm executable. type: path mode: description: - Controls the module behavior. See notes below for more details. - The default changed from V(compatibility) to V(new) in community.general 9.0.0. type: str choices: [compatibility, new] default: new version_added: 3.0.0 name_check: description: - When O(mode=new), this parameter can be used to check if there is a module O(name) installed (at O(version), when specified). type: str version_added: 3.0.0 notes: - Please note that U(http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-cpanminus/bin/cpanm, cpanm) must be installed on the remote host. - "This module now comes with a choice of execution O(mode): V(compatibility) or V(new)." - > O(mode=compatibility): When using V(compatibility) mode, the module will keep backward compatibility. This was the default mode before community.general 9.0.0. O(name) must be either a module name or a distribution file. If the perl module given by O(name) is installed (at the exact O(version) when specified), then nothing happens. Otherwise, it will be installed using the C(cpanm) executable. O(name) cannot be an URL, or a git URL. C(cpanm) version specifiers do not work in this mode. - > O(mode=new): When using V(new) mode, the module will behave differently. The O(name) parameter may refer to a module name, a distribution file, a HTTP URL or a git repository URL as described in C(cpanminus) documentation. C(cpanm) version specifiers are recognized. This is the default mode from community.general 9.0.0 onwards. author: - "Franck Cuny (@fcuny)" - "Alexei Znamensky (@russoz)" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Install Dancer perl package community.general.cpanm: name: Dancer - name: Install version 0.99_05 of the Plack perl package community.general.cpanm: name: MIYAGAWA/Plack-0.99_05.tar.gz - name: Install Dancer into the specified locallib community.general.cpanm: name: Dancer locallib: /srv/webapps/my_app/extlib - name: Install perl dependencies from local directory community.general.cpanm: from_path: /srv/webapps/my_app/src/ - name: Install Dancer perl package without running the unit tests in indicated locallib community.general.cpanm: name: Dancer notest: true locallib: /srv/webapps/my_app/extlib - name: Install Dancer perl package from a specific mirror community.general.cpanm: name: Dancer mirror: 'http://cpan.cpantesters.org/' - name: Install Dancer perl package into the system root path become: true community.general.cpanm: name: Dancer - name: Install Dancer if it is not already installed OR the installed version is older than version 1.0 community.general.cpanm: name: Dancer version: '1.0' ''' import os from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.cmd_runner import CmdRunner, cmd_runner_fmt from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.module_helper import ModuleHelper class CPANMinus(ModuleHelper): output_params = ['name', 'version'] module = dict( argument_spec=dict( name=dict(type='str', aliases=['pkg']), version=dict(type='str'), from_path=dict(type='path'), notest=dict(type='bool', default=False), locallib=dict(type='path'), mirror=dict(type='str'), mirror_only=dict(type='bool', default=False), installdeps=dict(type='bool', default=False), executable=dict(type='path'), mode=dict(type='str', default='new', choices=['compatibility', 'new']), name_check=dict(type='str') ), required_one_of=[('name', 'from_path')], ) command = 'cpanm' command_args_formats = dict( notest=cmd_runner_fmt.as_bool("--notest"), locallib=cmd_runner_fmt.as_opt_val('--local-lib'), mirror=cmd_runner_fmt.as_opt_val('--mirror'), mirror_only=cmd_runner_fmt.as_bool("--mirror-only"), installdeps=cmd_runner_fmt.as_bool("--installdeps"), pkg_spec=cmd_runner_fmt.as_list(), ) use_old_vardict = False def __init_module__(self): v = self.vars if v.mode == "compatibility": if v.name_check: self.do_raise("Parameter name_check can only be used with mode=new") else: if v.name and v.from_path: self.do_raise("Parameters 'name' and 'from_path' are mutually exclusive when 'mode=new'") self.command = v.executable if v.executable else self.command self.runner = CmdRunner(self.module, self.command, self.command_args_formats, check_rc=True) self.vars.binary = self.runner.binary def _is_package_installed(self, name, locallib, version): def process(rc, out, err): return rc == 0 if name is None or name.endswith('.tar.gz'): return False version = "" if version is None else " " + version env = {"PERL5LIB": "%s/lib/perl5" % locallib} if locallib else {} runner = CmdRunner(self.module, ["perl", "-le"], {"mod": cmd_runner_fmt.as_list()}, check_rc=False, environ_update=env) with runner("mod", output_process=process) as ctx: return ctx.run(mod='use %s%s;' % (name, version)) def sanitize_pkg_spec_version(self, pkg_spec, version): if version is None: return pkg_spec if pkg_spec.endswith('.tar.gz'): self.do_raise(msg="parameter 'version' must not be used when installing from a file") if os.path.isdir(pkg_spec): self.do_raise(msg="parameter 'version' must not be used when installing from a directory") if pkg_spec.endswith('.git'): if version.startswith('~'): self.do_raise(msg="operator '~' not allowed in version parameter when installing from git repository") version = version if version.startswith('@') else '@' + version elif version[0] not in ('@', '~'): version = '~' + version return pkg_spec + version def __run__(self): def process(rc, out, err): if self.vars.mode == "compatibility" and rc != 0: self.do_raise(msg=err, cmd=self.vars.cmd_args) return 'is up to date' not in err and 'is up to date' not in out v = self.vars pkg_param = 'from_path' if v.from_path else 'name' if v.mode == 'compatibility': if self._is_package_installed(v.name, v.locallib, v.version): return pkg_spec = v[pkg_param] else: installed = self._is_package_installed(v.name_check, v.locallib, v.version) if v.name_check else False if installed: return pkg_spec = self.sanitize_pkg_spec_version(v[pkg_param], v.version) with self.runner(['notest', 'locallib', 'mirror', 'mirror_only', 'installdeps', 'pkg_spec'], output_process=process) as ctx: self.changed = ctx.run(pkg_spec=pkg_spec) def main(): CPANMinus.execute() if __name__ == '__main__': main()