--- #################################################################### # WARNING: These are designed specifically for Ansible tests # # and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles # #################################################################### # Copyright (c) Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later - name: Run tests include_role: name: callback vars: tests: - name: Not using diy callback options environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "ok: [testhost] => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg\"", "}", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set playbook_on_start_msg callback using environment variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_DIY_PLAYBOOK_ON_START_MSG: "Sample output Sample playbook message" playbook: | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg expected_output: [ "Sample output Sample playbook message", "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "ok: [testhost] => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg\"", "}", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set playbook_on_play_start_msg callback using play variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - name: Sample play name hosts: testhost gather_facts: false vars: ansible_callback_diy_playbook_on_play_start_msg: Sample output {{ ansible_callback_diy.play.name }} tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg expected_output: [ "Sample output Sample play name", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "ok: [testhost] => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg\"", "}", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set playbook_on_task_start_msg callback using play variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false vars: ansible_callback_diy_playbook_on_task_start_msg: Sample output {{ ansible_callback_diy.task.name }} tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "Sample output Sample task name", "ok: [testhost] => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg\"", "}", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set playbook_on_task_start_msg callback using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg vars: ansible_callback_diy_playbook_on_task_start_msg: Sample output {{ ansible_callback_diy.task.name }} expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "Sample output Sample task name", "ok: [testhost] => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg\"", "}", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set runner_on_ok_msg callback using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg vars: ansible_callback_diy_runner_on_ok_msg: Sample output {{ ansible_callback_diy.result.output.msg }} expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "Sample output sample debug msg", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set runner_on_failed_msg callback using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg failed_when: true ignore_errors: true vars: ansible_callback_diy_runner_on_failed_msg: Sample output Sample failure message expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "Sample output Sample failure message", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=1 " ] - name: Set runner_on_skipped_msg callback using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg when: false vars: ansible_callback_diy_runner_on_skipped_msg: Sample output Skipped {{ ansible_callback_diy.task.name }} expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "Sample output Skipped Sample task name", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set runner_item_on_ok_msg callback using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg {{ item }} loop: - sample item 1 - sample item 2 - sample item 3 vars: ansible_callback_diy_runner_item_on_ok_msg: Sample output Looping {{ ansible_callback_diy.result.output.msg }} expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "Sample output Looping sample debug msg sample item 1", "Sample output Looping sample debug msg sample item 2", "Sample output Looping sample debug msg sample item 3", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set runner_item_on_failed_msg callback using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg {{ item }} loop: - sample item 1 - sample item 2 - sample item 3 failed_when: item == 'sample item 2' ignore_errors: true vars: ansible_callback_diy_runner_item_on_failed_msg: Sample output Looping sample failure message expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "ok: [testhost] => (item=sample item 1) => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg sample item 1\"", "}", "Sample output Looping sample failure message", "ok: [testhost] => (item=sample item 3) => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg sample item 3\"", "}", [ # Apparently a bug was fixed in Ansible, as before it ran through with "All items completed" "fatal: [testhost]: FAILED! => {\"msg\": \"All items completed\"}", "fatal: [testhost]: FAILED! => {\"msg\": \"One or more items failed\"}", ], "...ignoring", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=1 " ] - name: Set runner_item_on_skipped_msg callback using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg {{ item }} loop: - sample item 1 - sample item 2 - sample item 3 when: item != 'sample item 2' vars: ansible_callback_diy_runner_item_on_skipped_msg: Sample output Looping Skipped {{ ansible_callback_diy.result.output.item }} expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "ok: [testhost] => (item=sample item 1) => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg sample item 1\"", "}", "Sample output Looping Skipped sample item 2", "ok: [testhost] => (item=sample item 3) => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg sample item 3\"", "}", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set playbook_on_stats_msg callback using play variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false vars: ansible_callback_diy_playbook_on_stats_msg: |+2 Sample output stats =============================== {% for key in ansible_callback_diy.stats | sort %} {% set color_one = "" %} {% set color_two = "" %} {% if ansible_callback_diy.stats[key] %} {% if key == 'ok' %} {% set prefix = ' ' %} {% set suffix = ' ' %} {% elif key == 'changed' %} {% set prefix = ' ' %} {% set suffix = ' ' %} {% elif key == 'processed' %} {% set prefix = ' ' %} {% set suffix = ' ' %} {% elif key == 'skipped' %} {% set prefix = ' ' %} {% set suffix = ' ' %} {% else %} {% set prefix = "" %} {% set suffix = "" %} {% endif %} {{ color_one }}{{ "%s%s%s" | format(prefix,key,suffix) }}{{ color_two }}: {{ ansible_callback_diy.stats[key] | to_nice_yaml }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "ok: [testhost] => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg\"", "}", " Sample output stats", "===============================", " ok : testhost: 1", "", " processed : testhost: 1" ] - name: Suppress output on playbook_on_task_start_msg callback using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg vars: ansible_callback_diy_playbook_on_task_start_msg: '' expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "ok: [testhost] => {", " \"msg\": \"sample debug msg\"", "}", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Suppress output on runner_on_ok_msg callback using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg vars: ansible_callback_diy_runner_on_ok_msg: '' expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ] - name: Set runner_on_ok_msg_color using task variable environment: ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR: 'true' ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: 'false' ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK: community.general.diy playbook: !unsafe | - hosts: testhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Sample task name debug: msg: sample debug msg vars: ansible_callback_diy_runner_on_ok_msg: Sample output {{ ansible_callback_diy.result.output.msg }} ansible_callback_diy_runner_on_ok_msg_color: blue expected_output: [ "", "PLAY [testhost] ****************************************************************", "", "TASK [Sample task name] ********************************************************", "Sample output sample debug msg", "", "PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************", "testhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 " ]