.. Copyright (c) Ansible Project GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later .. _ansible_collections.community.general.docsite.json_query_filter: Selecting JSON data: JSON queries --------------------------------- To select a single element or a data subset from a complex data structure in JSON format (for example, Ansible facts), use the :ansplugin:`community.general.json_query filter `. The :ansplugin:`community.general.json_query#filter` filter lets you query a complex JSON structure and iterate over it using a loop structure. .. note:: You must manually install the **jmespath** dependency on the Ansible controller before using this filter. This filter is built upon **jmespath**, and you can use the same syntax. For examples, see `jmespath examples `_. Consider this data structure: .. code-block:: yaml+jinja { "domain_definition": { "domain": { "cluster": [ { "name": "cluster1" }, { "name": "cluster2" } ], "server": [ { "name": "server11", "cluster": "cluster1", "port": "8080" }, { "name": "server12", "cluster": "cluster1", "port": "8090" }, { "name": "server21", "cluster": "cluster2", "port": "9080" }, { "name": "server22", "cluster": "cluster2", "port": "9090" } ], "library": [ { "name": "lib1", "target": "cluster1" }, { "name": "lib2", "target": "cluster2" } ] } } } To extract all clusters from this structure, you can use the following query: .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Display all cluster names ansible.builtin.debug: var: item loop: "{{ domain_definition | community.general.json_query('domain.cluster[*].name') }}" To extract all server names: .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Display all server names ansible.builtin.debug: var: item loop: "{{ domain_definition | community.general.json_query('domain.server[*].name') }}" To extract ports from cluster1: .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Display all ports from cluster1 ansible.builtin.debug: var: item loop: "{{ domain_definition | community.general.json_query(server_name_cluster1_query) }}" vars: server_name_cluster1_query: "domain.server[?cluster=='cluster1'].port" .. note:: You can use a variable to make the query more readable. To print out the ports from cluster1 in a comma separated string: .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Display all ports from cluster1 as a string ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ domain_definition | community.general.json_query('domain.server[?cluster==`cluster1`].port') | join(', ') }}" .. note:: In the example above, quoting literals using backticks avoids escaping quotes and maintains readability. You can use YAML `single quote escaping `_: .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Display all ports from cluster1 ansible.builtin.debug: var: item loop: "{{ domain_definition | community.general.json_query('domain.server[?cluster==''cluster1''].port') }}" .. note:: Escaping single quotes within single quotes in YAML is done by doubling the single quote. To get a hash map with all ports and names of a cluster: .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Display all server ports and names from cluster1 ansible.builtin.debug: var: item loop: "{{ domain_definition | community.general.json_query(server_name_cluster1_query) }}" vars: server_name_cluster1_query: "domain.server[?cluster=='cluster2'].{name: name, port: port}" To extract ports from all clusters with name starting with 'server1': .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Display all ports from cluster1 ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ domain_definition | to_json | from_json | community.general.json_query(server_name_query) }}" vars: server_name_query: "domain.server[?starts_with(name,'server1')].port" To extract ports from all clusters with name containing 'server1': .. code-block:: yaml+jinja - name: Display all ports from cluster1 ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ domain_definition | to_json | from_json | community.general.json_query(server_name_query) }}" vars: server_name_query: "domain.server[?contains(name,'server1')].port" .. note:: while using ``starts_with`` and ``contains``, you have to use ``to_json | from_json`` filter for correct parsing of data structure.