#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright Tristan Le Guern # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: proxmox_user_info short_description: Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE users version_added: 1.3.0 description: - Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE users attributes: action_group: version_added: 9.0.0 options: domain: description: - Restrict results to a specific authentication realm. aliases: ['realm'] type: str user: description: - Restrict results to a specific user. aliases: ['name'] type: str userid: description: - Restrict results to a specific user ID, which is a concatenation of a user and domain parts. type: str author: Tristan Le Guern (@tleguern) extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.proxmox.actiongroup_proxmox - community.general.proxmox.documentation - community.general.attributes - community.general.attributes.info_module ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: List existing users community.general.proxmox_user_info: api_host: helldorado api_user: root@pam api_password: "{{ password | default(omit) }}" api_token_id: "{{ token_id | default(omit) }}" api_token_secret: "{{ token_secret | default(omit) }}" register: proxmox_users - name: List existing users in the pve authentication realm community.general.proxmox_user_info: api_host: helldorado api_user: root@pam api_password: "{{ password | default(omit) }}" api_token_id: "{{ token_id | default(omit) }}" api_token_secret: "{{ token_secret | default(omit) }}" domain: pve register: proxmox_users_pve - name: Retrieve information about admin@pve community.general.proxmox_user_info: api_host: helldorado api_user: root@pam api_password: "{{ password | default(omit) }}" api_token_id: "{{ token_id | default(omit) }}" api_token_secret: "{{ token_secret | default(omit) }}" userid: admin@pve register: proxmox_user_admin - name: Alternative way to retrieve information about admin@pve community.general.proxmox_user_info: api_host: helldorado api_user: root@pam api_password: "{{ password | default(omit) }}" api_token_id: "{{ token_id | default(omit) }}" api_token_secret: "{{ token_secret | default(omit) }}" user: admin domain: pve register: proxmox_user_admin ''' RETURN = ''' proxmox_users: description: List of users. returned: always, but can be empty type: list elements: dict contains: comment: description: Short description of the user. returned: on success type: str domain: description: User's authentication realm, also the right part of the user ID. returned: on success type: str email: description: User's email address. returned: on success type: str enabled: description: User's account state. returned: on success type: bool expire: description: Expiration date in seconds since EPOCH. Zero means no expiration. returned: on success type: int firstname: description: User's first name. returned: on success type: str groups: description: List of groups which the user is a member of. returned: on success type: list elements: str keys: description: User's two factor authentication keys. returned: on success type: str lastname: description: User's last name. returned: on success type: str tokens: description: List of API tokens associated to the user. returned: on success type: list elements: dict contains: comment: description: Short description of the token. returned: on success type: str expire: description: Expiration date in seconds since EPOCH. Zero means no expiration. returned: on success type: int privsep: description: Describe if the API token is further restricted with ACLs or is fully privileged. returned: on success type: bool tokenid: description: Token name. returned: on success type: str user: description: User's login name, also the left part of the user ID. returned: on success type: str userid: description: Proxmox user ID, represented as user@realm. returned: on success type: str ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.proxmox import ( proxmox_auth_argument_spec, ProxmoxAnsible, proxmox_to_ansible_bool) class ProxmoxUserInfoAnsible(ProxmoxAnsible): def get_user(self, userid): try: user = self.proxmox_api.access.users.get(userid) except Exception: self.module.fail_json(msg="User '%s' does not exist" % userid) user['userid'] = userid return ProxmoxUser(user) def get_users(self, domain=None): users = self.proxmox_api.access.users.get(full=1) users = [ProxmoxUser(user) for user in users] if domain: return [user for user in users if user.user['domain'] == domain] return users class ProxmoxUser: def __init__(self, user): self.user = dict() # Data representation is not the same depending on API calls for k, v in user.items(): if k == 'enable': self.user['enabled'] = proxmox_to_ansible_bool(user['enable']) elif k == 'userid': self.user['user'] = user['userid'].split('@')[0] self.user['domain'] = user['userid'].split('@')[1] self.user[k] = v elif k in ['groups', 'tokens'] and (v == '' or v is None): self.user[k] = [] elif k == 'groups' and isinstance(v, str): self.user['groups'] = v.split(',') elif k == 'tokens' and isinstance(v, list): for token in v: if 'privsep' in token: token['privsep'] = proxmox_to_ansible_bool(token['privsep']) self.user['tokens'] = v elif k == 'tokens' and isinstance(v, dict): self.user['tokens'] = list() for tokenid, tokenvalues in v.items(): t = tokenvalues t['tokenid'] = tokenid if 'privsep' in tokenvalues: t['privsep'] = proxmox_to_ansible_bool(tokenvalues['privsep']) self.user['tokens'].append(t) else: self.user[k] = v def proxmox_user_info_argument_spec(): return dict( domain=dict(type='str', aliases=['realm']), user=dict(type='str', aliases=['name']), userid=dict(type='str'), ) def main(): module_args = proxmox_auth_argument_spec() user_info_args = proxmox_user_info_argument_spec() module_args.update(user_info_args) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=module_args, required_one_of=[('api_password', 'api_token_id')], required_together=[('api_token_id', 'api_token_secret')], mutually_exclusive=[('user', 'userid'), ('domain', 'userid')], supports_check_mode=True ) result = dict( changed=False ) proxmox = ProxmoxUserInfoAnsible(module) domain = module.params['domain'] user = module.params['user'] if user and domain: userid = user + '@' + domain else: userid = module.params['userid'] if userid: users = [proxmox.get_user(userid=userid)] else: users = proxmox.get_users(domain=domain) result['proxmox_users'] = [user.user for user in users] module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()