#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013, Darryl Stoflet # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: monit short_description: Manage the state of a program monitored via Monit description: - Manage the state of a program monitored via Monit. extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: name: description: - The name of the C(monit) program/process to manage. required: true type: str state: description: - The state of service. required: true choices: [ "present", "started", "stopped", "restarted", "monitored", "unmonitored", "reloaded" ] type: str timeout: description: - If there are pending actions for the service monitored by monit, then Ansible will check for up to this many seconds to verify the requested action has been performed. Ansible will sleep for five seconds between each check. default: 300 type: int author: - Darryl Stoflet (@dstoflet) - Simon Kelly (@snopoke) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Manage the state of program httpd to be in started state community.general.monit: name: httpd state: started ''' import time import re from collections import namedtuple from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six import python_2_unicode_compatible STATE_COMMAND_MAP = { 'stopped': 'stop', 'started': 'start', 'monitored': 'monitor', 'unmonitored': 'unmonitor', 'restarted': 'restart' } MONIT_SERVICES = ['Process', 'File', 'Fifo', 'Filesystem', 'Directory', 'Remote host', 'System', 'Program', 'Network'] @python_2_unicode_compatible class StatusValue(namedtuple("Status", "value, is_pending")): MISSING = 'missing' OK = 'ok' NOT_MONITORED = 'not_monitored' INITIALIZING = 'initializing' DOES_NOT_EXIST = 'does_not_exist' EXECUTION_FAILED = 'execution_failed' ALL_STATUS = [ MISSING, OK, NOT_MONITORED, INITIALIZING, DOES_NOT_EXIST, EXECUTION_FAILED ] def __new__(cls, value, is_pending=False): return super(StatusValue, cls).__new__(cls, value, is_pending) def pending(self): return StatusValue(self.value, True) def __getattr__(self, item): if item in ('is_%s' % status for status in self.ALL_STATUS): return self.value == getattr(self, item[3:].upper()) raise AttributeError(item) def __str__(self): return "%s%s" % (self.value, " (pending)" if self.is_pending else "") class Status(object): MISSING = StatusValue(StatusValue.MISSING) OK = StatusValue(StatusValue.OK) RUNNING = StatusValue(StatusValue.OK) NOT_MONITORED = StatusValue(StatusValue.NOT_MONITORED) INITIALIZING = StatusValue(StatusValue.INITIALIZING) DOES_NOT_EXIST = StatusValue(StatusValue.DOES_NOT_EXIST) EXECUTION_FAILED = StatusValue(StatusValue.EXECUTION_FAILED) class Monit(object): def __init__(self, module, monit_bin_path, service_name, timeout): self.module = module self.monit_bin_path = monit_bin_path self.process_name = service_name self.timeout = timeout self._monit_version = None self._raw_version = None self._status_change_retry_count = 6 def monit_version(self): if self._monit_version is None: self._raw_version, version = self._get_monit_version() # Use only major and minor even if there are more these should be enough self._monit_version = version[0], version[1] return self._monit_version def _get_monit_version(self): rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([self.monit_bin_path, '-V'], check_rc=True) version_line = out.split('\n')[0] raw_version = re.search(r"([0-9]+\.){1,2}([0-9]+)?", version_line).group() return raw_version, tuple(map(int, raw_version.split('.'))) def exit_fail(self, msg, status=None, **kwargs): kwargs.update({ 'msg': msg, 'monit_version': self._raw_version, 'process_status': str(status) if status else None, }) self.module.fail_json(**kwargs) def exit_success(self, state): self.module.exit_json(changed=True, name=self.process_name, state=state) @property def command_args(self): return ["-B"] if self.monit_version() > (5, 18) else [] def get_status(self, validate=False): """Return the status of the process in monit. :@param validate: Force monit to re-check the status of the process """ monit_command = "validate" if validate else "status" check_rc = False if validate else True # 'validate' always has rc = 1 command = [self.monit_bin_path, monit_command] + self.command_args + [self.process_name] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(command, check_rc=check_rc) return self._parse_status(out, err) def _parse_status(self, output, err): escaped_monit_services = '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in MONIT_SERVICES]) pattern = "(%s) '%s'" % (escaped_monit_services, re.escape(self.process_name)) if not re.search(pattern, output, re.IGNORECASE): return Status.MISSING status_val = re.findall(r"^\s*status\s*([\w\- ]+)", output, re.MULTILINE) if not status_val: self.exit_fail("Unable to find process status", stdout=output, stderr=err) status_val = status_val[0].strip().upper() if ' | ' in status_val: status_val = status_val.split(' | ')[0] if ' - ' not in status_val: status_val = status_val.replace(' ', '_') return getattr(Status, status_val) else: status_val, substatus = status_val.split(' - ') action, state = substatus.split() if action in ['START', 'INITIALIZING', 'RESTART', 'MONITOR']: status = Status.OK else: status = Status.NOT_MONITORED if state == 'pending': status = status.pending() return status def is_process_present(self): command = [self.monit_bin_path, 'summary'] + self.command_args rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(command, check_rc=True) return bool(re.findall(r'\b%s\b' % self.process_name, out)) def is_process_running(self): return self.get_status().is_ok def run_command(self, command): """Runs a monit command, and returns the new status.""" return self.module.run_command([self.monit_bin_path, command, self.process_name], check_rc=True) def wait_for_status_change(self, current_status): running_status = self.get_status() if running_status.value != current_status.value or current_status.value == StatusValue.EXECUTION_FAILED: return running_status loop_count = 0 while running_status.value == current_status.value: if loop_count >= self._status_change_retry_count: self.exit_fail('waited too long for monit to change state', running_status) loop_count += 1 time.sleep(0.5) validate = loop_count % 2 == 0 # force recheck of status every second try running_status = self.get_status(validate) return running_status def wait_for_monit_to_stop_pending(self, current_status=None): """Fails this run if there is no status or it's pending/initializing for timeout""" timeout_time = time.time() + self.timeout if not current_status: current_status = self.get_status() waiting_status = [ StatusValue.MISSING, StatusValue.INITIALIZING, StatusValue.DOES_NOT_EXIST, ] while current_status.is_pending or (current_status.value in waiting_status): if time.time() >= timeout_time: self.exit_fail('waited too long for "pending", or "initiating" status to go away', current_status) time.sleep(5) current_status = self.get_status(validate=True) return current_status def reload(self): rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([self.monit_bin_path, 'reload']) if rc != 0: self.exit_fail('monit reload failed', stdout=out, stderr=err) self.exit_success(state='reloaded') def present(self): self.run_command('reload') timeout_time = time.time() + self.timeout while not self.is_process_present(): if time.time() >= timeout_time: self.exit_fail('waited too long for process to become "present"') time.sleep(5) self.exit_success(state='present') def change_state(self, state, expected_status, invert_expected=None): current_status = self.get_status() self.run_command(STATE_COMMAND_MAP[state]) status = self.wait_for_status_change(current_status) status = self.wait_for_monit_to_stop_pending(status) status_match = status.value == expected_status.value if invert_expected: status_match = not status_match if status_match: self.exit_success(state=state) self.exit_fail('%s process not %s' % (self.process_name, state), status) def stop(self): self.change_state('stopped', Status.NOT_MONITORED) def unmonitor(self): self.change_state('unmonitored', Status.NOT_MONITORED) def restart(self): self.change_state('restarted', Status.OK) def start(self): self.change_state('started', Status.OK) def monitor(self): self.change_state('monitored', Status.NOT_MONITORED, invert_expected=True) def main(): arg_spec = dict( name=dict(required=True), timeout=dict(default=300, type='int'), state=dict(required=True, choices=['present', 'started', 'restarted', 'stopped', 'monitored', 'unmonitored', 'reloaded']) ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=arg_spec, supports_check_mode=True) name = module.params['name'] state = module.params['state'] timeout = module.params['timeout'] monit = Monit(module, module.get_bin_path('monit', True), name, timeout) def exit_if_check_mode(): if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) if state == 'reloaded': exit_if_check_mode() monit.reload() present = monit.is_process_present() if not present and not state == 'present': module.fail_json(msg='%s process not presently configured with monit' % name, name=name) if state == 'present': if present: module.exit_json(changed=False, name=name, state=state) exit_if_check_mode() monit.present() monit.wait_for_monit_to_stop_pending() running = monit.is_process_running() if running and state in ['started', 'monitored']: module.exit_json(changed=False, name=name, state=state) if running and state == 'stopped': exit_if_check_mode() monit.stop() if running and state == 'unmonitored': exit_if_check_mode() monit.unmonitor() elif state == 'restarted': exit_if_check_mode() monit.restart() elif not running and state == 'started': exit_if_check_mode() monit.start() elif not running and state == 'monitored': exit_if_check_mode() monit.monitor() module.exit_json(changed=False, name=name, state=state) if __name__ == '__main__': main()