--- #################################################################### # WARNING: These are designed specifically for Ansible tests # # and should not be used as examples of how to write Ansible roles # #################################################################### - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: '{{ role_name }}' - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: '{{ role_path|basename }}' - import_tasks: setup.yml - include_vars: "{{ lookup('first_found', search) }}" vars: search: files: - '{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version }}.yml' - 'default.yml' paths: - '../vars/' - include_tasks: create_device.yml vars: image_file: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/img' fstype: '{{ item.0.key }}' fssize: '{{ item.0.value.fssize }}' grow: '{{ item.0.value.grow }}' action: '{{ item.1 }}' when: # FreeBSD limited support # Not available: btrfs, lvm, f2fs, ocfs2 # All BSD systems use swap fs, but only Linux needs mkswap # Supported: ext2/3/4 (e2fsprogs), xfs (xfsprogs), reiserfs (progsreiserfs), vfat - 'not (ansible_system == "FreeBSD" and item.0.key in ["btrfs", "f2fs", "swap", "lvm", "ocfs2"])' # Available on FreeBSD but not on testbed (util-linux conflicts with e2fsprogs): wipefs, mkfs.minix - 'not (ansible_system == "FreeBSD" and item.1 in ["overwrite_another_fs", "remove_fs"])' # Linux limited support # Not available: ufs (this is FreeBSD's native fs) - 'not (ansible_system == "Linux" and item.0.key == "ufs")' # Other limitations and corner cases # f2fs-tools and reiserfs-utils packages not available with RHEL/CentOS on CI - 'not (ansible_distribution in ["CentOS", "RedHat"] and item.0.key in ["f2fs", "reiserfs"])' - 'not (ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_major_version is version("8", ">=") and item.0.key == "btrfs")' # reiserfs-utils package not available with Fedora 35 on CI - 'not (ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and (ansible_facts.distribution_major_version | int >= 35) and item.0.key == "reiserfs")' # reiserfs packages apparently not available with Alpine - 'not (ansible_distribution == "Alpine" and item.0.key == "reiserfs")' # ocfs2 only available on Debian based distributions - 'not (item.0.key == "ocfs2" and ansible_os_family != "Debian")' # Tests use losetup which can not be used inside unprivileged container - 'not (item.0.key == "lvm" and ansible_virtualization_type in ["docker", "container", "containerd"])' # vfat resizing fails on Debian (but not Ubuntu) - 'not (item.0.key == "vfat" and ansible_distribution == "Debian")' # TODO: figure out why it fails, fix it! # vfat resizing fails on ArchLinux - 'not (item.0.key == "vfat" and ansible_distribution == "Archlinux")' # TODO: figure out why it fails, fix it! # vfat resizing fails on Ubuntu 22.04 - 'not (item.0.key == "vfat" and ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" and (ansible_facts.distribution_major_version | int == 22))' # TODO: figure out why it fails, fix it! # btrfs-progs cannot be installed on ArchLinux - 'not (item.0.key == "btrfs" and ansible_distribution == "Archlinux")' # TODO: figure out why it fails, fix it! # On CentOS 6 shippable containers, wipefs seems unable to remove vfat signatures - 'not (ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_version is version("7.0", "<") and item.1 == "remove_fs" and item.0.key == "vfat")' # On same systems, mkfs.minix (unhandled by the module) can't find the device/file - 'not (ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_version is version("7.0", "<") and item.1 == "overwrite_another_fs")' # The xfsprogs package on newer versions of OpenSUSE (15+) require Python 3, we skip this on our Python 2 container # OpenSUSE 42.3 Python2 and the other py3 containers are not affected so we will continue to run that - 'not (ansible_os_family == "Suse" and ansible_distribution_major_version|int != 42 and item.0.key == "xfs" and ansible_python.version.major == 2)' # TODO: something seems to be broken on Alpine - 'not (ansible_distribution == "Alpine")' loop: "{{ query('dict', tested_filesystems)|product(['create_fs', 'overwrite_another_fs', 'remove_fs'])|list }}" # With FreeBSD extended support (util-linux is not available before 12.2) - include_tasks: freebsd_setup.yml when: - 'ansible_system == "FreeBSD"' - 'ansible_distribution_version is version("12.2", ">=")' - include_tasks: create_device.yml vars: image_file: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/img' fstype: '{{ item.0.key }}' fssize: '{{ item.0.value.fssize }}' grow: '{{ item.0.value.grow }}' action: '{{ item.1 }}' when: - 'ansible_system == "FreeBSD"' - 'ansible_distribution_version is version("12.2", ">=")' - 'item.0.key in ["xfs", "vfat"]' loop: "{{ query('dict', tested_filesystems)|product(['create_fs', 'overwrite_another_fs', 'remove_fs'])|list }}"