#!/usr/bin/env python """ fleetctl base external inventory script. Automatically finds the IPs of the booted coreos instances and returns it under the host group 'coreos' """ # Copyright (C) 2014 Andrew Rothstein <andrew.rothstein at gmail.com> # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type # # Thanks to the vagrant.py inventory script for giving me the basic structure # of this. # import sys import subprocess import re import string from optparse import OptionParser import json # Options # ------------------------------ parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] --list | --host <machine>") parser.add_option('--list', default=False, dest="list", action="store_true", help="Produce a JSON consumable grouping of servers in your fleet") parser.add_option('--host', default=None, dest="host", help="Generate additional host specific details for given host for Ansible") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # # helper functions # def get_ssh_config(): configs = [] for box in list_running_boxes(): config = get_a_ssh_config(box) configs.append(config) return configs # list all the running instances in the fleet def list_running_boxes(): boxes = [] for line in subprocess.check_output(["fleetctl", "list-machines"]).split('\n'): matcher = re.search(r"[^\s]+[\s]+([^\s]+).+", line) if matcher and matcher.group(1) != "IP": boxes.append(matcher.group(1)) return boxes def get_a_ssh_config(box_name): config = {} config['Host'] = box_name config['ansible_ssh_user'] = 'core' config['ansible_python_interpreter'] = '/opt/bin/python' return config # List out servers that vagrant has running # ------------------------------ if options.list: ssh_config = get_ssh_config() hosts = {'coreos': []} for data in ssh_config: hosts['coreos'].append(data['Host']) print(json.dumps(hosts)) sys.exit(1) # Get out the host details # ------------------------------ elif options.host: result = {} ssh_config = get_ssh_config() details = filter(lambda x: (x['Host'] == options.host), ssh_config) if len(details) > 0: # pass through the port, in case it's non standard. result = details[0] print(json.dumps(result)) sys.exit(1) # Print out help # ------------------------------ else: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1)